Love Inspired Historical March 2014 Bundle: Winning Over the Wrangler\Wolf Creek Homecoming\A Bride for the Baron\The Guardian's Promise (69 page)

BOOK: Love Inspired Historical March 2014 Bundle: Winning Over the Wrangler\Wolf Creek Homecoming\A Bride for the Baron\The Guardian's Promise
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“Did Gregory tell you that I was sweet on Lord Hedgcoe's son? I would have done anything to protect him.”

“He didn't have to. I know you, Vera. Where your heart leads you, you follow, no matter what the cost.”

“The cost was my brother's living.” She lowered her eyes as she told him how Nolan had been in love with a married woman and died in a duel. She could not bear to see the recriminations on his face. The same recriminations she felt in her heart. When she finished the explanation, she added, “I know you have wondered why I have been so eager to see the church rebuilt for Gregory. It's the best way I can repay him for ruining his previous living.”

“You didn't ruin it.”

“But Gregory lost this living there.”

He tipped her face back up so she could not avoid his eyes. “No, he
that living.”

She searched, but saw no accusal on his face. “Resigned?”

“He must have told you.”

She was ready to say that he had not, but then she thought back to the night when he had told her they were leaving Lord Hedgcoe's parish. He had told her that they could no longer stay because of what had happened. “He never said Lord Hedgcoe made him leave.”

“Your brother refused to stay there when Lord Hedgcoe tried to blame you for his son's mistakes.”

“But I assumed...” She blinked back more tears. “Oh, Edmund, all these years, I have felt horrifically guilty.”

“I know a lot about guilt, too, Vera. I have been guilty since I sent those men to their deaths. I don't know if I will ever get over it, but I know God knows that I honestly thought the men would be safe. He is not punishing me. I am punishing myself by pushing aside every chance for happiness.” He kissed her cheek. “Until I met you. Vera, say you will marry me. I need you to help me make decisions, in spite of my stupid frustration, and I need you in my arms. Say yes.”

“I have to make the decision?”

He nodded, grinning.

“But didn't you choose to ask me?”

“I didn't choose. My heart did, and I know I need to listen to my heart. I ask you to listen to yours, Vera. Marry me.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He swept her up against him, sprinkling kisses on her face as he told her again and again how he loved her.

“And I love you.” She caught his face between her hands and laughed. “I
to love you for the rest of my life.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her until she was so breathless her laughter faded into soft sighs of joy.


Six months later

tanding at the front of the new church, Gregory raised his hands to the sky. The walls were up, but the roof and the bell tower still needed to be finished.

“I can imagine no better place to celebrate this special day than here,” he said. “And I can imagine no better people to be celebrating it with than the ones who have worked hard to build the new church. In the midst of our great sorrow, God shone a light in our hearts, helping us hold on to faith and hope. As Paul wrote in his first letter to the Corinthians, faith, hope and love are treasured gifts that abide with us, but the greatest of these is love.”

He smiled at Vera. She smiled back through her veil, then glanced at Edmund, who stood beside her in front of the simple pulpit that had been finished a few days ago. The lacquer reeked, but nothing could ruin this perfect day.

She had hoped they would marry before this, but Edmund's obligations as a baron had intruded time after time. First, before the banns could be read even one time, he had been called to London to give testimony at Whitehall. Then there had been Sir Nigel's trial in North Yorkshire. The result had been as Edmund's aunt had predicted. Sir Nigel was found insane, though Edmund said he was not the only one who thought the baronet was faking being crazy to avoid being sentenced to death. Any man who had set up such a network of smugglers and even used his supposed love of painting to confer with them and give them orders must have a facile mind. His estate had been seized, and there were rumors throughout Sanctuary Bay about who might have purchased it, but nobody had come to claim it.

When Edmund had returned, he was kept busy with the group of excise officers who swarmed over the village. Seven or eight families had disappeared from the village within hours of Sir Nigel's arrest. Several others left before the excise officers arrived. A collective sigh of relief had come from the villagers when those neighbors left, because they had never fit into the close-knit village. All the cobles pulled up on the sand now were used only for fishing and bringing legal cargo to the village.

The tunnels' sole purpose was carrying the waters of beck tumbling down to the sea. No smugglers used them to avoid detection. The entrances from cellars had been sealed closed, including the one in the public house. An iron-barred gate at the entrance kept people out of the tunnels, a precaution taken after a trio of young boys became lost while exploring.

At the same time, work had continued on the church. Vera visited the site almost every day, often to escape what seemed like endless fittings with Mme. Dupont for her wedding dress. The work went more slowly than they had hoped, but the new building would be strong enough to stand up to the most powerful winds blowing in off the sea. It was a labor of love for everyone involved, which was why she and Edmund had decided to be married in the Sanctuary Bay church, even though it wasn't finished.

“The love of man for God,” Gregory continued, “the love of a congregation for its church, the love of a parent for a child or a brother for a sister, and the love of a man for a woman. All of these are gifts from God, gifts we share with one another.”

Vera snuck a glance over her shoulder as she savored her brother's words of all the ways love had come into her life. On the front bench, Lady Meriweather sat with Sophia and Charles, as Lord Northbridge had reminded her that she should call him now that they were going to be cousins-in-law, and their three children. The newest child, another daughter with her mother's green eyes, slept on Sophia's lap, and Gemma and Michael, the older two, were trying without much success to sit still. Near them Cat, her stomach already growing round with her first child, rested her head on Jonathan's shoulder. Lillian had arrived late, having come all the way from London where she had been feted by the
as a heroine in halting the smugglers. She sat near the back because the other benches had been claimed by villagers and residents of Meriweather Hall. Those who had not found room inside looked through the glassless windows. Several youngsters sat on the sills. All the guests were smiling broadly, except Lord Ashland who shared a bench with Edmund's Aunt Belinda. He was not smiling as she kept whispering to him.

Everyone she cared about was in the church on this special day. She wondered how much happiness her heart could hold.

She discovered it could hold even more when Edmund took her hand and offered her the special smile that was solely for her. Her brother turned to the wedding service and began, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today...”

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from THE GUARDIAN'S PROMISE by Christina Rich.

Dear Reader,

The Sanctuary Bay trilogy was inspired by both my own experiences in the military and by tales of smuggling in North Yorkshire. While visiting Robin Hood's Bay, we explored the tunnels that still are open beneath the village. The opening is tall enough for most people to walk in without ducking. The beck flowing over the stones would make for difficult walking, especially while sneaking in smuggled crates. We walked in only a short distance, because we didn't have a light other than the one on my camera. Even so, we could see what appeared to be doorways that had been sealed with concrete. It was easy to imagine my characters trying to avoid smugglers beneath the steep streets of Sanctuary Bay.

Check out the other books in this series at

Wishing you blessings,

Jo Ann Brown

Questions for Discussion

  1. Vera's friend's wedding is disrupted when
    bad news comes from Sanctuary Bay. What do you do when your plans are upset
    by events you can't control?
  2. Edmund finds making decisions impossible. Do
    you find certain decisions extra difficult? What do you do when faced with
    making that sort of decision?
  3. In the ruins of the church, Edmund is
    shocked to find what appear to be clues that the smugglers used the building
    for storage. What advice would you give him for his search for answers?
  4. When Vera asks Edmund for his help in
    rebuilding the church, he agrees...then wishes he hadn't. Most of us have
    agreed to volunteer and then wondered if we are up to the task. Has this
    happened to you, and how did you deal with it?
  5. Vera works behind the scenes to help her
    brother with his tasks as vicar, but she longs for recognition for her
    service. Do you think she is right or wrong to crave for others to know her
  6. Loyalty is considered a virtue, but
    sometimes, as in Vera's case with the young man she once loved, it can lead
    someone to make a big mistake. Are there examples in your life or the lives
    of your close friends/family where doing the right thing led you in what you
    came to realize was the wrong direction?
  7. Edmund trusted a woman who betrayed him.
    That makes him fearful of trusting again. What advice would you have for him
    in overcoming that fear?
  8. Both Edmund and Vera carry a heavy load of
    guilt. Why do you think it is so hard for them to confront that guilt?
  9. The vicar hands over the rebuilding of the
    church to Vera. Has anyone given you a job that you feel is a huge challenge
    because they believe you can do it, even if you aren't so sure? How did you
    deal with it?
  10. Vera believes that another woman would make
    Edmund a better wife than she would. Have you seen strengths in others that
    you think you would like to have? Do you think it's possible to incorporate
    those strengths into yourself? If so, how?

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Chapter One

Near En Gedi,
835 BC

ri's heart hammered in his chest as the horses thundered toward the groves. Instinct had him reaching for where his sword should have been, a sword he had discarded years ago when he'd traded his life of a warrior for that of a bond servant. He'd been a fool to leave his weapons hidden away when danger lurked close at hand, but he could not very well play the servant dressed as a soldier.

It would do no good to dwell on this lack of foresight, even if it had almost got him killed years ago. Instead, he picked up a curved lava stone and prepared for battle.

He peered around the corner. The queen's soldiers brought their mounts to a halt on the dusty pathway, their eyes trained in the distance. Ari followed their line of sight and inhaled a sharp breath.

Sh'mira, his master's daughter, stood at the edge of the grove. She cradled a white flower in her palm, her nose mere inches from the petals with her eyes closed. He knew she was lost in the fragrance as she was wont to do and completely unaware of her audience.

Hefting an empty pot onto his shoulders, he straightened to his full height. With the lava stone firm in his palm, he stepped out of the shadows and made as if he were about his everyday chores.

Perhaps his presence would discourage the warriors from their wicked intent, for their arrival could result in nothing but evil. Ever since Queen Athaliah had killed most of the royal family near seven years ago—her sons, daughters and grandchildren—the royal guards had terrorized all of Judah. Stories of their infamous conquests had reached even this remote village, putting fear into the hearts and minds of all. A fear that rivaled the fear of the fabled Leviathan and other sea monsters.

A horse snorted. Ari's feet wobbled on the pebbles as he worked his way toward the grove. He'd never feared a battle before and although his warrior instincts thrummed through his veins, his years out of service shook his confidence. Perhaps, it was the crude scar on his thigh, a reminder of his last encounter with the queen's men.

“You should not be here alone.”

Mira turned, her lips tight, gaze guarded. “Who are you to tell me such?”

He sat the clay pot to the ground and broke off a dying branch. “A servant looking after his master's interest.”

“I am a grown woman, able to care for myself.” She jerked a withered limb from its mooring. “Just because I am
” she bit, “does not mean I'm helpless.”

He dropped his hands to his sides. Her gaze a pool of desert water after a heavy rain. “I did not mean—”

This woman was far from helpless, he knew that.

“Did you not?” She tossed the branch into the pot. “You are forever following me around tending
duties. You would think Father bonded you to be my nurse.”

“I only think to repay your kindness for tending my wounds when I first arrived.”

“For seven years?” She let out a disgruntled sigh and walked farther down the lane.

“It has not been quite that long.” Ari grabbed her arm, turning her back to him. Her cheeks flushed and his warmed at the contact. He released her. Crossing his arms over his chest, he stepped back. He was nearing the end of his sixth year and beginning his seventh with her family, and he'd never touched her. The contact caught him off guard. “If not for you, I would have died. I would not have you meet the same fate.” He tilted his head toward the guards high on their mounts.

She leaned forward, peering around one of the trees, and then straightened. The length of her tresses brushed over his forearm like a feather. The flowery fragrance of henna blossoms tickled his nose. How had he not noticed this about her? Odd, one touch after all these years, and he was suddenly aware of how she smelled.

A whinny from the horse brought his head back to reality. He glanced over his shoulder and bit down on his tongue. The devastation left in the guards' wake, remained fresh in his mind even after all these years. The young king's mother had been badly used before they slit her throat. Fortunately, Jehosheba, the boy's aunt and Tama, Mira's cousin, who had been serving as a nurse in the palace, had the wits about them to take the babe from his dying mother, giving Judah hope for the future. A truth Mira did not know. “In their eyes, all women, young and old, are helpless.”

Mira's gaze shifted toward the riders once again. “I will not cower before them.”

Her lack of cowardice was worthy of any warrior. However, it was not courage that fueled her attitude. “Would your pride see your father brokenhearted?”

She sucked in a sharp breath. “I wonder how a man of your wisdom became destitute enough to become a servant.”

The horses' hooves came closer. “As you know, I repay a debt of kindness. Your father offered me refuge when I was wounded. Come.” He extended his hand toward the small village. “We must get you back within the walls of your home.”

The sound of the muffled clops halted, replaced by the creaking of leather as the men dismounted. Ari's muscles tensed. He faced the pair of guards and forced his life's blood to an even rhythm. The men standing before him were the queen's own personal guards, which meant they were on a mission much higher than destroying altars to God and keeping peace. Had they discovered the child survived?

“Looks like we've interrupted two lovers.”

She squeaked. “You dare—”

Ari pierced her with a dark look and shoved her behind his back. He bowed his head. “Forgive my mistress.”

* * *

Words clung to the tip of her tongue. Self-control had never been one of her gifts. The blame could be tossed at Ari's feet for causing her lack of speech. His humility had been replaced with an uncharacteristic bold protectiveness leaving her confused. Not to mention the touch on her arm had caused her knees to turn to honey and her toes to curl. Something Esha, the man seeking her hand in marriage, had never caused.

Who was this man who often offended her with his kindness? This man who insisted she was weak and helpless by his actions?

“She's distraught over the immature crop.” Ari picked a budding green fruit from the tree as if to prove his statement.

“Your mistress, you say?” The taller of the two soldiers stepped forward and pushed Ari aside. He lifted his fingers and touched her hair.

Bile churned in her stomach. It was squashed when Ari grasped the guard's wrist and stepped back in front of her. Protecting her like a shield. The shorter of the two soldiers placed his hand on the hilt of his sword even as he took a step back.

The man laughed. “You are bold, slave.”

“Servant. I am a servant.” He dropped the soldier's wrist. “It is my duty to protect my master's property. Including his daughter's virtue.” Ari seemed to grow ten feet taller and two feet wider. His bronzed skin gleamed in the hot sun. His stance and bearing caused both guards to shrink. How had she not noticed how strong and handsome he was?
Because he treats you like a crippled beggar.

“If this woman's virtue is a matter of importance to her father, why does he allow her to venture away from her home alone and without covering her head?”

Mira bit down on her tongue. Her virtue was hers alone, not her father's. Not any man's. However, the law said otherwise. A law the guard did not recognize. She arched onto her toes and tried to peer over Ari's shoulder. His silky black hair lifted on a breeze, tickling her nose and forcing her back to her feet.

Ari shifted, blocking more of her view. “Forgive me, we were under the belief God's Law no longer matters.”

Laughter erupted from both the guards. “You are correct, slave. God is dead. The queen's law rules this land, along with the wooden idols she worships.”

Hidden behind his back she couldn't see much, but she could see the tick in Ari's jaw, feel the heat emanating from his skin, the controlled anger exuding with each of his measured breaths. She knew he did not approve of Queen Athaliah's worship of idols made by men, knew he continued to worship God and keep His commands.

A low rumble vibrated from Ari. “Her—”

She fisted Ari's tunic in her hands, halting his words.

“Her father, my master is expecting us.”

Mira relaxed her hold on his garment but kept her fingers pressed against his back. His solid presence brought her comfort in the midst of danger, and for once she was thankful for his interference.

“Your master can wait.” The guard reached around Ari and grabbed ahold of her wrist.

Copyright © 2014 by Christina Rich

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