Read Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Erotica, #Western, #Contemporary

Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go (18 page)

BOOK: Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go
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something back, tell Bo how much he loved him, how he’d do anything for the man, but Max’s tongue seemed thick, his mouth and throat dry as pleasure suffused his body. A bite to the underside of his thigh where ass and leg met had Max arching, fireworks exploding in his vision.

“Uuungh!” Blood rushed to Max’s shaft, bringing him to full, aching hardness. There was a burning sensation as another finger was pushed into his hole. Before Max could focus on the burn, Bo found that magic spot again and all Max could do was pant and moan and shove his ass towards those fingers. Max lost himself in the sensation of being filled. He forgot to be scared, forgot about pride, instead thrusting and pleading for

Bo’s fingers slid out of Max’s ass and Max started to protest. “I’ve got you, baby,” Bo murmured. “Need to get ready to take you.”

Max craned his neck and watched as Bo plucked up a condom. He opened the package and sheathed his cock quickly then pumped his length a few times. Max snarled with impatience as Bo popped open the lube and poured a dollop into his hand. Bo gave him an amused, needy look. “Trust me, you’ll be glad I spared a few seconds for the lube.”

Max opened his mouth to argue the point then thought better of it. As aroused as he was, now Bo’s fingers were out of him, Max could actually think. That wasn’t necessarily a good thing, because while he agreed with Bo, he was now feeling a bit of apprehension. Bo’s dick was a hell of a lot thicker and longer than two or three fingers. His worry must have been evident because Bo picked up on it immediately.

“It’ll be fine, you’ll see,” Bo said. “Can you scoot to the middle of the bed? Or, it’d be easier for you if you lay on your stomach or—”

“I’ll move,” Max interrupted. Being on his stomach might be easier, but he wanted to be able to see Bo this first—and maybe only—time. He positioned himself in the centre of the bed. It was hard for Max to spread his legs, knowing what was about to happen, but the memory of Bo’s fingers filling him and brushing over that spot was all the encouragement he needed. Max stuffed down his fear and spread his legs as wide as he could make himself.


Bailey Bradford



Bo crawled onto the bed and sat on his heels between Max’s thighs. He leant forward and grabbed a pillow. “Lift your hips.” Max did and Bo slid the pillow underneath him.

“Now, where were we? Oh yeah.”

Bo sprawled on top of Max and sought his lips. Max opened for his lover, spearing his tongue into Bo’s mouth as he grabbed a double handful of Bo’s ass. Bo moaned and bit at Max’s lips. He ground down and rubbed his sheathed dick alongside Max’s. The feel of that thick length on his had Max’s hole fluttering and he was ready to beg all over again.

“I know,” Bo whispered against Max’s lips. “Makes you ache so good, doesn’t it?”

Max nodded and shifted his legs. “Please, Bo…”

Bo kissed him again, sweet and possessive, then rose and nudged Max’s legs. He

helped Max hook them over Bo’s shoulders, then Bo was spreading his own legs and guiding his dick to Max’s ass. The first press of Bo’s fat crown against Max’s opening had Max trying to clench his body shut even as he yearned to feel Bo take him. Bo murmured softly and stroked Max’s thighs even as he forged forward. Bo’s cockhead plunged into Max’s opening, stretching the guardian muscle wide.

It burned all the way up Max’s rectum and Max gasped, thinking maybe he couldn’t do this after all. His muscles clenched before Max could stop them and Bo’s cock slid in deeper, chasing away the first burst of pain and filling Max with a strange sensation of being filled near to bursting. It didn’t hurt, exactly, and Max thought he might even come to like the feeling.

“You doing okay now?” Bo’s worried voice had Max opening eyes he hadn’t even been aware he’d closed.

Max put his hands on Bo’s where they gripped his thighs. “Doesn’t hurt much now, just feels…kinda weird. But not bad,” he added to clarify.

Bo’s smile said he understood perfectly. “It’s fixing to go from not hurting much and weird to mind-blowing, I promise.”

“I—fuck!” Max couldn’t think any more, not with Bo steadily sliding in to the hilt.

Before Max could even draw a breath, Bo shifted his hips and his cock rubbed up against Max’s gland. Max wanted more of that ecstasy, more of his blood singing through his veins and his body flying with the feelings only Bo could give him. “Move! God, now, Bo!”

“Thought you’d never ask.” Bo dropped his chin to his chest and began pumping into Max, slow, small movements at first that made Max want to snarl with frustration. Right MILES TO GO

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before he was ready to snap, Bo started spearing hard and deep, his dick rubbing Max’s gland with every inward thrust. Max thought he was going to lose his mind, the pleasure was so intense. He started jerking his hips up, trying to get more of his lover’s length and get it in harder. Bo growled, the sound fuelling the tingling and tightening of Max’s balls, and Bo began slamming into him, plundering Max so perfectly Max wanted to weep for joy.

Bo nudged Max’s hand where it gripped his. “Gonna come, baby. Need to bring you

with me—”

“Don’t need a hand,” Max gasped. His body was sparking with pleasure, his nipples peaked and burning, his cock throbbing. “Gonna—
” Max howled as cum sprayed from his shaft. His vision dimmed as wet heat splattered onto his chest. Bo grunted and shoved his cock deep into Max’s ass. He froze as he moaned. Even in the stunned throes of his climax, Max felt Bo’s shaft swell and throb inside him. Bo shuddered and moaned again as he ground against Max’s ass. Max shot more cum onto his stomach, gasping as each subsequent shot of semen spewed out.

“I don’t want to pull out,” Bo muttered, his voice rough.

“Don’t want you to,” Max muttered once he could speak.

“Got to, I think I probably poured a gallon of cum into the rubber.” Bo stroked Max’s thighs before carefully pulling out of Max’s body. He removed the condom and tied it off then tossed it in the trash can beside the bed. “I’ll get a washcloth.”

Max shook his head and reached for his lover. Bo was trembling, shaking hard enough to make the bed vibrate. “Leave it, we can shower after we recover.” He pulled Bo to him. Bo sighed and snuggled up to Max’s side, swiping at some cum on Max’s chest.

“You’re a mess, and the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” Bo teased, then spoke with an eloquence that belied his trembling body. “And I love you, Max, with everything I am and hope to be, and I know it’s the truth when you say you love me, too. You’ve given me the strength to believe I deserve that.”

“I couldn’t ask for anything more,” Max said as his heart swelled with love. “Except for this.” He buried his fingers in Bo’s hair and tipped his head up for a kiss. “Now I’ve got everything.”



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Sixteen

It was another unusually warm winter day and Max swiped at the sweat on his

forehead then tucked the sopping bandana into his back pocket. He left the Stetson on a fence post as he crept towards the big house where Bo was ensconced in the small office Chance had set up for him. Once it’d been decided that Bo would be staying here, living with Max in the bunkhouse, Chance had offered Bo a job keeping the accounts for the ranch and putting to use the contacts Bo had accumulated when he’d been involved in the rodeo. Bo had a lot of contacts, but Max wasn’t worried about it. Bo loved him, and that was all that mattered.

He toed off his boots and set them on the porch once he’d quietly cleared the steps.

Hoping the screen door wouldn’t squeak and give away his game, Max pulled the door open. He breathed a sigh of relief, grateful the oil he’d coated the hinges with had done its job. Padding through the house towards Bo’s office, Max checked each room he passed. Rory and Chance were supposed to be out in the North pasture, but he wouldn’t have put it past them to sneak home for some lunch time nooky. Of course, they were probably just going at it in the pasture, traumatising the cattle.

The door to Bo’s office was open slightly, enough that Max could see a strip of blond hair streaked with grey and the sharp edge of a cheekbone. He heard Bo’s muttered curse and what sounded like something small striking the wooden desktop.

“Damn it, how the fuck did I do that?”

Max grinned and pressed one hand to the door, nudging it open. Bo sat at the desk, his normally smooth brow wrinkled as he glared down at a paper in his hand.

“You having a bad day?” Max asked, delighted when Bo jumped and yelped.

Bo dropped the paper and pointed at him, his eyes narrowing even as his full lips twitched. “You shit! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”

Max chuckled and stepped into the room, enjoying the heat that flared in those hazel eyes when he closed the door and locked it. “I promise, that wasn’t my intention.”

Bo leant back in his chair and rubbed his chest with one hand. The other dropped below the desk top to rub at something else. Max’s mouth watered as he took a few steps forward, gaze locked on the sight of Bo rubbing the bulge at his groin.


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“And what was your intention?” Bo asked, his voice silky and warm, slicking over Max’s cock and bringing him to achingly erect.

“I thought you might need a break,” Max said, still watching that hand. He set his own to unbuttoning his shirt and jeans. “Looks like I was right. That hard on you got can’t be comfortable.”

Bo snorted and unfastened his jeans, his cock bobbing out proof that he had foregone his briefs. “It isn’t, and it’s taking away the blood from up here.” Bo tapped his head. “No wonder I keep making stupid-ass mistakes.”

“No wonder.” Max shucked out of his clothes and strode over to his lover. He tapped the insides of Bo’s thighs, encouraging him to spread his lean legs wider. Bo huffed and obediently did so. Max knelt between Bo’s knees then reached for Bo’s wrists. “Up, stand up.”

Bo arched a brow but once again did as ordered. He started to lower his jeans more but Max stopped him. As much as he needed to taste Bo, he couldn’t wait for the man to strip any further.

Bo stroked his fingers through Max’s hair. He fisted his hands and pulled until Max was forced to look up at him instead of at the thickly veined dick bobbing in front of his face.

“You in a hurry?”

“Yep.” Admitting so wasn’t a problem, and Bo’s slit was already oozing pre-cum. Max wasn’t the only one who was eager. Max stared up into his lover’s eyes and gave him a wicked smile. “We only have an hour, and I want to bend you over the desk and bury my dick in that sweet ass, too.” Saying it was nearly enough to make him come. Max pressed the heel of one hand to his engorged shaft and fondled Bo’s rapidly drawing up balls with the other. Despite having balls of his own, those things just fascinated him. Or Bo’s did, anyway.

The texture of the wrinkled skin, the fuzz coating them, the way they did that—pulling up snug into hard nuts, Max loved playing with them, that was all there was to it. He scraped a nail over the tight sac and grinned when Bo moaned.

“Sounds perfect,” Bo rasped, his voice high and shaky. “Could you get on with it?”

“I could if you’d quit trying to pull my hair out.”

Bo grumbled but loosened his hold and Max dove for his lover’s balls, drawing in a deep breath. The musky scent excited him unbearably and he lapped and nipped at the drawn up balls, one hand fisting the base of Bo’s cock while the other clutched a firm ass MILES TO GO

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cheek. He wiggled his fingers deeper into Bo’s crack until his fingers brushed over Bo’s hole.

The shudder that rocked the man threatened to topple him so Max grudgingly left off teasing Bo’s balls and pucker, guiding him instead to lean back against the desk.

“Better hold on now,” Max warned then sealed his mouth around Bo’s crown and

sucked, hard. He delved the tip of his tongue into the slit and Bo cried out, his fingers once again fisting in Max’s hair, pulling painfully. Max ignored it, increasing the suction until he’d milked all the pre-cum he could from Bo’s dick. He backed off to swirl his tongue around the rim, teasing at the sensitive bundle of nerves on the underside. Bo’s steady stream of curses and the shout he gave when Max swooped and suddenly engulfed his whole rod suffused Max with a rush of love and wonder. He hadn’t ever thought to have this, to love and be loved in returned. That he did never failed to surprise and delight him, and he was determined to make sure Bo knew how much he was loved.

Swallowing around the swollen crown in his throat was a new trick he’d learned, and one that never failed to drive Bo over the edge. Bo howled and curled over him, pressing Max’s brow against his thatch of pubic hair. As he pulled back to catch Bo’s release on his tongue, Max kind of wished he’d had more restraint and had held off, sucked Bo’s cock longer because he dearly loved doing this. But he wanted to feel Bo’s tight ass clenching around his dick, soon. The feeling of those inner muscles massaging his length was exquisite.

Max would never get enough.

“Shit, Max, that was…” Bo sighed and slowly untangled his fingers, rubbing Max’s sore scalp. “You’re really, really good at that,” he purred as he unfolded himself until he was once more leaning against the desk.

Max lapped at the remaining cum leaking from Bo’s slit before looking up into blue eyes shining bright with all the love Max had once thought he’d never have. “Only for you,”

Max promised, smiling at the way Bo seemed to melt at the words. “Only for you.”



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Seventeen

The bunkhouse felt empty with everybody gone. It wasn’t often Bo found himself alone there anymore, and even though it was strange, he was glad. Tomorrow was Valentine’s Day and he had plans for Maxie and himself. Ones they’d both enjoy.

He was also nervous as hell. This was the first year he’d ever had someone to spend February fourteenth with—in a relationship kind of way. He’d had more than his share of one-night stands on past Valentine’s, other lonely men who didn’t have anyone important to be with. Or maybe those guys had just been horny; there’d been plenty of times when that had been the case for Bo.

BOOK: Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go
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