Love in the Fortress (10 page)

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Authors: Caris Roane

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Teen & Young Adult, #Fantasy, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Love in the Fortress
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She held Yvonne’s hand as together they fixed their gazes to the sky.

Yvonne whispered. “We did it, didn’t we? We got the key to the Ruby Fae.”

She squeezed Yvonne’s hand. “Yes, we did. And my senses tell me she got away.”

Now, with a little luck, she and Yvonne could make their own escape, along with Griffin. But what remained unknown was how they were to break through Margetta’s spell.

As Sandra continued to watch the dark night sky, she began to see the containment spell, like a wall of fog forming a massive shield above the fortress, as well as the camp and the surrounding forest. Doubts rose in a heavy swell through her heart. How were they supposed to escape now?

The door to the entrance hall opened and Griffin appeared. Shutting the door behind him, he started to move in their direction, when a man’s voice called out, “So you’ve been hiding behind the skirts of a couple of stupid women.”

Sandra whirled and watched Fulton appear at the hedge entrance to the garden, a dagger in one hand and his red battle energy glowing in his right palm. And he wasn’t alone. Two more vampires, each a mastyr, moved into the space to flank him.

Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around Yvonne, shielding her. And without giving it a second thought, she levitated them swiftly down the gravel path to the west, getting them both to safety. One glance at Griffin told her he was ready to battle the vampire who had made his life hell for the past year.


Griffin had seen Fulton beat slaves to death then hide their bodies from Margetta. He was a mean sonofabitch. And he wasn’t even bonded to a wraith yet.

The men who flanked him weren’t much better. Griffin had been at the receiving end of their fists as well as a variety of weapons over the past twelve months. If Margetta hadn’t insisted on keeping Griffin alive, he would have been long dead, something he’d craved the first months of his captivity.

He knew what Fulton wanted and Griffin was ready.

He slowly moved in the bastard’s direction, stepping down from the front stone step and along the gravel path. The rose bushes gave way to a broad stretch of grass, thirty feet to the hedge where Fulton and his men stood. He stopped at the edge of the lawn and waited.

Griffin’s battle energy flowed in hot waves across his shoulders, down his arms and into both hands. The vibrations were more powerful than anything he’d previously experienced. At the same time, he felt his connection to Sandra and that so much of his new strength came from their shared bond.

I’m with you, Griffin. Whatever you need, I’m here. Just take him down. He’s hurt so many of the slaves in the fortress.

That’s the plan.

Griffin fixed his gaze on Fulton. “How about we finish this?”

Fulton glanced at Sandra then back to Griffin. “You think I don’t know what’s going on here? The moment Sandra showed up in the housekeeper’s room, I could smell the nature of her blood and that she’d become something new. But I also felt the bond and since you’d already admitted to fucking the bitch, I figured out the rest. She’s a blood rose, isn’t she? And right now, you think you’re going to leave the fortress alive.” He shook his head with a cruel smile on his lips. “But I have other plans. I’m going to end your sorry life, then take Sandra for myself. And I won’t be gentle.”

Having bonded with Sandra, Griffin’s life had shifted completely and dying was no longer on his priority list. The opposite was true. Love had changed everything for him.

What he hadn’t figured out was how to defeat all three men and do it fast. Despite his increase in power, he knew he couldn’t battle all of them by himself.

What lived inside him now, however, because he was bonded to a blood rose, went far beyond the nature of power. As he opened himself up to that bond, he finally realized he was connected to something greater than himself.

Sandra, I need you to access the blood rose bond. There’s something here we can achieve together. My gut tells me your expanding fae abilities can enhance the situation.

I’m on it.

~ ~ ~

Sandra held Yvonne’s hand. The troll was trembling, yet kept her chin high. She’d tangled with Fulton more than once herself.

“Yvonne, I’m going to concentrate on my faeness, but I’ll need to release your hand.”

Yvonne nodded, letting go of Sandra’s hand. To Sandra’s surprise, Yvonne then placed her hand on Sandra’s shoulder. It was such a gentle supportive gesture, that somehow it sparked her fae power. Suddenly, the future flew around her once more in the same odd pieces, like a torn up photo.

Now, however, her fae instincts told her the collected picture would be important. She realized in that moment, because she was a blood rose bonded to a mastyr vampire, she was no longer a simple fae. She’d become something more, much more.

Hearing Fulton’s vile threats also spurred her on.

Griffin would battle with all his might. She knew that and she could feel his battle energy vibrating heavily in the air. He wasn’t the kind of man to hold back and he would do everything within his power to save her as well as Yvonne.

Yet it wouldn’t be enough, not to vanquish all three vampires. She quickly began gathering the images into a cohesive portrait. Once it was complete, it became a steady flow beginning right where Griffin was standing and moving through what looked like a video of the battle start to finish.

If Griffin had that information, he’d know what to do and when to do it.

The next moment, just like the rolling vision, Griffin erected a heavy blue shield in front of him, extending it to cover both Sandra and Yvonne. But it wouldn’t last, not when all three vampires began pummeling his shield with their corresponding red power.

Griffin. I’ve seen the battle, each of their moves.

What do you mean?

I’ve seen how the battle progresses. The bond has strengthened my blood rose ability and my power to access the future. I’ve seen how the battle can unfold in a way for you to defeat them. And I think I can send it to you.

She felt Griffin deliberate, but only for a moment.
Send it. Send it now. I know this is the way. And while I’m doing it, gather another image of our escape, or at least try. From the beginning, I sensed an escape route through Margetta’s spelled mist. I have a gut feeling we need to find that pathway for all of us to survive and it will require split-second timing.

I think you’re right. So, here goes.
While watching him, she held her telepathic channel wide open and brought the strange sequence of images forward, sending it swiftly into his mind.

His body jerked and at the same moment, Fulton gave the orders to burn down his shield. All three vampires let loose with even greater streams of their battle energies.

~ ~ ~

Griffin understood right away exactly what the images meant and how he could use them. There had been so many rumors about the blood rose bond that it was hard to know what to believe or not to believe.

But one of the accounts spoke exactly of this, the rise of new shared powers and the ability of the mastyr and his blood rose to work together to fight the enemy.

Whatever the case, with his battle shield still in place, he let the vision roll. It would slow as needed until he got a full picture of what he had to do. The battle would begin the moment he withdrew his shield.

He was fully aware that the activity overhead had died down and that soon he, Sandra and Yvonne would come under scrutiny. He had only a couple of minutes, if that, to get the women out of the fortress and past Margetta’s spell-shield.

Yet, more than at any other time in his life, he was ready.

In a fast streak of movement, he transferred his full-shield energy into pulses from each hand. Following the vision now playing through his mind, he sent hard swift streaks from each of his palms, directing them at the enemy’s red battle streams. He couldn’t believe how fast he’d made this happen. Explosions erupted and one of the vampires flew backward into the hedge screaming. One down.

Fulton threw an axe, which Griffin dodged with a quick lateral levitation because of the telepathic video. A split second later, the remaining vampire, Brayer, sent a pulse of battle power at Griffin. He met it with one of his own, sending a shower of combined blue and red sparks high into the air.

Fulton then ran at him, dagger in hand. At the same time, Brayer sent another series of battle energy pulses at Griffin.

Griffin fired back at Brayer and because of the images in his head he knew what Fulton meant to do. With precision timing and still holding his battle stream steady at Brayer, Griffin levitated and came down with a scissors grip around Fulton’s neck. Brayer withdrew his battle energy at the same time, otherwise he’d hit Fulton.

Griffin then somersaulted, flinging Fulton onto his back on the grass. Fulton’s dagger fell several feet away.

The images flowed, showing Griffin the angle of Brayer’s next attack. Griffin levitated swiftly and grabbed Fulton’s dagger. He whirled and arced in another levitation, meeting Brayer midair.

Griffin swiped the dagger across Brayer’s abdomen, gutting him. Brayer screamed and fell on his side.

Griffin knew Fulton was already rising to his feet, his battle energy vibrating heavily.

Levitating and shifting to a horizontal position again, Fulton’s battle energy pulsed harmlessly into the rose bushes. At the same moment, Griffin moved like a shot in Fulton’s direction then dragged the blade over his throat.

Fulton clutched at his neck, dropped to his knees, then collapsed on the grass, blood spewing between his fingers.

All three vampires were down.

Griffin didn’t hang around to make sure each made it to the afterlife. He had a tougher job to do right now, and his gut told him he only had a matter of seconds to escape the mist overhead.

At almost the same moment, Sandra’s new vision, of their escape path through Margetta’s mist, flowed into his head. In it, he saw wraith-pairs coming toward him in the garden. He didn’t look back to see if they were actually there; he felt it in his bones.

He levitated away from them and swept in Sandra and Yvonne’s direction. They were both ready and waiting for him, each with an arm extended high.

While still in flight, he caught Sandra with his right arm and Yvonne with his left, pulling them tight to his sides, grateful for his natural Guardsman strength. Neither woman uttered a sound as he carried them into the air at a phenomenal speed.

He pathed to both at the same time.
I’ve got you. Stay calm if you can. We’re in Margetta’s spell now.

He had to slow to navigate the spell, but the pathway out of the mist was as clear to him as if he’d built it himself.

~ ~ ~

The mist clung to Sandra, a fae itch on her skin. She could feel Margetta’s magic tugging at them from all sides. But the vision held true of the exact path Griffin needed to take. He flew slowly right now, easing left, then right, then back, always in motion.

Do you feel that, Griffin? The pull of the spell?

I do, but we’re almost there.

Suddenly, Griffin burst past the mist and into the night sky. He went fast once more, flying like a rocket, arcing northeast.

They’d made it.

Griffin had used the path her blood rose ability had forged, and they’d made it out.

“We’re free!” she shouted.

Yvonne, to Sandra’s surprise, let out a loud whoop as well, that resounded over the Dauphaire Mountains below.

“I’m going to ease each of you onto one of my boots, give us all a little more stability. Yvonne, you first.”

Sandra felt the slight shift sideways as Griffin adjusted the troll’s feet.

“Your turn, Sandra.”

He hefted her up with his extraordinary vampire strength until she was able to settle her feet on his right boot. She began to relax.

Griffin sustained his speed as they flew. The man was determined to get them to safety. Plus, they were running out of the cover of the night. It would be dawn in less than a half hour.

“Thank you, Sandra. Your timing was perfect. And the path you were able to detect through the spell was exactly what we needed to escape. We couldn’t have done this otherwise. You did this for us.”

She reached her arm over Griffin’s shoulders and settled her hand on Yvonne’s arm. “We’re free, Mistress. We’re free!”

“Yes, we are.” This time, Yvonne’s voice was much softer and Sandra was pretty sure she heard the former fortress housekeeper issuing a couple of solid sobs.

Sandra’s throat grew tight as well. She’d spent thirty years serving a monster, watching fellow-slaves tortured and killed, or those that survived, bonded to wraiths. Yvonne had been in the fortress twice as long.

Then Griffin had arrived and now she was flying above the snow peaks of the Dauphaires.

Yvonne asked, “Where are we headed?”

Griffin’s deep voice hit the air once more. “To Juniango to find your daughter, Eva, of course.”

Sandra smiled and her heart swelled. She had a good man and she knew it.

This time, Yvonne didn’t hold anything back and she wailed into the cool, early morning air. She was so lost in her emotions that her shaking caused all three of them to rattle around a bit. It was both poignant and amusing at the same time.

Griffin, you’ve done such an incredible thing tonight. And I hope more than anything we find Eva alive and well.

I know that you’re the fae in our partnership, but my instincts tell me we will. Maybe I got that from you.

Well, for heaven’s sakes don’t tell her. She might really start to sob and send all three of us catapulting into a series of aerial somersaults we’d never recover from.

Oh, we’d recover.

His strong, masculine voice in her head and his confidence in his physical ability, worked on Sandra in a very female way. She caressed his back and shoulders.
Thank you. For everything.

~ ~ ~

Griffin had a couple of bruises. That’s all. Nothing serious as he flew Sandra and the good-hearted housekeeper toward the mountain village of Juniango.

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