Love in the Falls (10 page)

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Authors: Rachel Hanna

BOOK: Love in the Falls
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    “We all have problems, though.”


    “True, but these women take the cake. He’s a romantic, sweet guy. I don’t like to see women walk all over him. After our parents died, Sam took a lot on him. Even though I am older, he has always looked after me, the farm and everyone else. I want him to have a nice life, ya know? Without all of the worries being on his shoulders alone. He has been alone for so long. And now this. I can’t believe I have to go home…” Rebecca had a look of despair in her eyes. Camden could tell she was fighting within herself.


    “Rebecca, I know I am not family, but I promise I will take good care of him. I trained for years to care for patients, and I need to use my skills.”


    “I really appreciate your help, so please don’t take this the wrong way… But, I can tell Sam really likes you. He is starting to depend on you being here. I know you have a situation back home… All I am saying is please don’t hurt Sam. His sweet heart can’t take it…”


    Camden could tell this whole conversation was uncomfortable for Rebecca. She wanted Sam and Camden to have a future, but she didn’t want him to get hurt either. And now she had to leave, which made things even worse.


    “When are you leaving for New Orleans?” Camden asked, changing the subject.


    “I have to leave in two days… on Thursday.”


    “Great. I am going to go home and get my things so that I can be back before you leave,” Camden said.


    “Are you sure you can do this? I mean, with your fiance…”


    “Rebecca, I gave you my word. I will be back in two days, and I will be ready to help Sam get back to his normal life.”


     With that, Camden and Rebecca went back to see Sam. Camden’s stomach was already in a knot at the thought of facing Preston again. When he found out that she was packing to leave for awhile, she knew he was going to blow a gasket. And, when he learned of her intention to stop the wedding, he was going to hit the roof.



Chapter 15


On Tuesday afternoon, Camden finally had a moment alone with Sam to tell him the plans that she had made with Rebecca. He was sleeping when she walked into the room, so she sat down next to the bed for a moment. As the afternoon sunlight filtered through the mini blinds, she looked closely at his rugged face.


His forehead was high and strong with creases from squinting in the sun. His square jawline was lined with touches of stubble, and his normally tanned face was starting to get lighter as the days went on. She knew that such an outdoors-man must be itching to get back to the farm.


Sam’s therapist was starting to talk to him about using a cane. He wasn’t happy about it, but if it meant that he could get around better then he would do it. Camden had no doubt that he would one day toss the cane across the field at the farm and start walking well again. He had that kind of determination which made the last name Steele perfect for him.


Camden had never watched Preston like this. When he slept, he didn’t look handsome or rugged or masculine. Just watching the rising and falling of Sam’s chest sent chills up and down her spine. It was then that Camden realized that she had always known that something, or someone perhaps, was missing from her life. That was one of the reasons why she could not move forward with Preston. She knew he wasn’t right for her. She knew that she was just a suitable stand-in for a wife in Preston’s eyes. Two families with money marrying and taking over the city - that was the plan.


“Hi there,” Sam said in a whisper as his eyes fluttered open.


“Hi, Sam. Have a good nap?” she asked smiling down at him.


“Yes, ma’m. And good dreams too,” he said with a wink.


“Oh really?”


“Yep. One day I might even tell you about it,” he said as he pushed to sit up with his right arm.


“I see. So you are keeping it a secret for now?”


“I think I better keep this one a secret for now, yes…” Sam had a wicked sense of humor that Camden loved.


“Listen, I have some news for you. Rebecca’s husband has been transferred…”


“I know. She was by here earlier when you went to lunch. She told me your plans, Camden. You don’t have to do this…”


“What other option do you have, Sam?”


“Well, I can hire a caretaker,” he said.


“So you would rather a stranger take care of you than me?” Camden was shocked and a little hurt.


“No, I would rather you be there with me. But, Camden, let’s face it. I don’t have much to offer you. It’s a working farm, and a store. Back home, you have a rich family and a rich fiance and probably a very nice life. I can’t take that from you,” he said with a solemn look.


“I am a grown woman, Sam. I make my own decisions…”


“I know about your trust fund, Camden.”


The words cut through her like a knife. Drake had told him, and she was angry about that.


“What about it?” she asked.


“I know your family is not happy. And don’t you get mad at Drake for telling me. He did the right thing.”


“I am mad because you don’t need the stress of feeling guilty over something you had nothing to do with, Sam,” she said.


“I have everything to do with this, Camden. You have given up so much for me - a perfect stranger just a couple of weeks ago. You don’t have to feel sorry for me. You’ve done enough…”


“I don’t feel sorry for you!” Camden said angrily.


“I think you do. But, I am going to be fine. I am a strong man, and I will get through this. I just don’t want to feel like you gave up your great future for me. I’m not worth all that,” he said looking away.


Camden shot up out of her chair and closed the door to Sam’s room. When she came back to the bed, she sat on it straddling across Sam’s lap while holding both of his hands by his sides. Stunned, he sat up and looked at her square in the eyes.


“What on Earth are you doing, Camden?” he asked laughing. “Someone could come in here, you crazy woman!”


“I want your full attention,” she said gritting her teeth and looking down at him.


“Well, darlin’, you’ve got my attention…” he said grinning.


“I want you to look me in the eye, Sam Steele. Do you see me? Do you see how serious I am?” she asked putting her nose on his.


“Yes, ma’m, I do…”


“Now, listen up. I have made my decision, and it’s final. I am only going home for two reasons. One, I need to pack my things up. And two, I need to tell my fiance that we are no longer engaged. Then I am coming back, got it?”


“Got it. But why are you breaking your engagement?” he asked as his warm breath moved past her lips. A lightning bolt zapped through her body, lingering a little longer in places down below.


“Because I am confused right now. And a person should not make big life decisions when they are confused.”


“Confused about what?”


“You… And me…” she said softly.


“Do you love him?” he asked looking deep into her eyes.


Camden sat back and thought for a moment. She hadn’t anticipated him asking that question.


“No, I don’t. I thought I did, but I don’t.” Her words surprised even her.


“Well, alright then,” he said with a smile. “Now, can I ask you a favor?”




“Can you get off of me because I am still a man with urges and needs and desires, and you are killing me with this teasing right now…” he said smiling wryly.


Camden was suddenly very aware of how much of a man he was. She could feel him beneath her, rock hard and apparently ready to go. It hadn’t dawned on her that he would react that way to her straddling him in a hospital bed. She let go of his hands, but before she could climb off, he reached up with his right hand and pulled her down on top of him.


“Sam, I…” she started to say, but her speech was interrupted by the most passionate kiss she had ever experienced. Like a hungry animal, he kissed her. His tongue moved about in her mouth like it was on a scavenger hunt, and she could feel throbbing sensations throughout her body. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything, and she knew she had to go home and end her old life to create a new one.


As she pulled away for a breath a few moments later, Sam was grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.


“What are you smiling about?” she asked with a chuckle.


“You weren’t expecting that, were you?” he asked, snickering at his surprise attack.


“No, I wasn’t. Why did you do that?”


“Just wanted to kiss a beautiful girl goodbye…”


“It’s not goodbye, Sam. It’s see you in two days. I promise…” she said stroking his hair away from his dimpled cheek.


“I’m counting on it. You will be missed,” he said as he put her hand on his chest near his heart. “You will be missed right here…”


Right then and there, Camden melted. She couldn’t get to her car fast enough because every moment away from Sam would feel like a lifetime.



Chapter 16


As Camden drove up to her home, she could feel the waves of anxiety churning through her body. Like massive migrations of butterflies, she could feel a sense of foreboding. Turning her key in the lock, she prepared herself for the onslaught of Preston’s words. Although she had called to warn him that she was coming home, she knew he would have lots to say about it.


Camden was surprised to find the apartment empty. All of her things were where she left them, but Preston was nowhere in sight. Maybe he had made it easy for her to come and go without a scene, she thought. Unfortunately, that thought was soon interrupted by footsteps behind her.


She turned around to see her mother and Preston standing in the doorway.


“Camden, darling, welcome home,” her mother said walking toward her with arms outstretched.


“Mother, I am not staying home. I told Preston this on the phone, but as usual, he only hears what he wants to hear.”


“Why do you have to be so difficult? That mouth of yours has always gotten you into trouble,” her mother said.


Camden laughed under her breath and shook her head at the absurdity of the situation. She turned and went into the bedroom to start packing her things. She wasn’t sure how she would get them all into her car, but she was determined to get as much as she could and leave the rest behind.


She could hear the clicking of Preston’s expensive shoes on the hardwood floor behind her. Turning around slowly, she looked at him square in the eyes.


“What?” she asked softly.


“Why are you doing this, Camden? You are giving up everything you had in your life just a few weeks ago. Your family. Me. Your trust fund,” he said. Dressed in a suit and his white lab coat, he looked as sterile as the hospital.


“Because I want to live my life now. All of these years, I’ve tried to live the life that everyone else wanted me to live. It never felt right to me. I loved you Preston, but not for the right reasons. Not as a man I could live with for the rest of my life. You simply fulfilled a need that my family had of me. I thought I could do it. I really did. But, I can’t. If nothing else, these last few weeks have taught me that life is short. You have to live it on your own terms while you can.”


“Are you saying that you’re in love with this man?” Preston’s eyebrows inched up as a condescending smirk appeared on his face.


“I don’t know. Maybe…” Camden refused to return his gaze.

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