Love in the City, an erotic romance novel (12 page)

BOOK: Love in the City, an erotic romance novel
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“Yeah, we have clients and business partners all over the world, but the folks in Chicago got really spooked by some of the things they had seen posted about me online.”

“Your anonymous mud-slinger.”

“Yup. I really didn’t expect people to put much stock in what an anonymous internet troll says about me, but there were enough pointed specifics to rattle their cages. I figured that I’d better nip things in the bud before it got out of control.” He let out a long sigh. “I think there’s no better way to convince someone of your sincerity and authenticity than by talking to them in person and letting them look you in the eyes. Gauge your demeanor, sense any lies, ask whatever questions they want and assess the answers.”

“A good strategy.”

“Yes, which is also why I had hoped to have this conversation with you in person.”

Anabelle wasn’t ready to forgive and forget just yet. “So,
were you successful? In Chicago?”

“I think so,” he said, letting out a deep breath. “But it worries me that this commenter was able to strike and do that much damage. It has to be a competitor, someone who really understands the intricacies of our type of business. I don’t know who else would want to take me down with such fervor.”

“What are you going to do next?”

“What can I do? Keep doing business like we always have. We have nothing to hide and we’re not doing anything wrong.
” He paused for a moment. “Just like I’m not with you either.” He waited for her response.

She wanted to be comforted by those words, but he was right, a phone call was too impersonal for something like this. She couldn’t read his expression, look him in the eye, to see for herself how sincere and genuine he was. She could be fooled by a voice over the phone. “I want to believe that, it’s just…”

“Can I see you? We can talk more in person. I want you to trust me, Anabelle.”

There were so many things she wanted to say, but she didn’t know what to say first.

“I meant what I said when I told you that I had a great time on our first date and that I wanted to spend more time with you.”

“It didn’t seem like it,” she said in a small voice.

“I know, but I haven’t stopped thinking about that night.” His voice went a bit deeper. “How you looked, how beautiful and funny you are, how it felt to kiss you, how you made me feel when you touched me…”

He was warming her up. “I’ve thought of that, too.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” he said. “So, can we get together? I promise, you can punish me however you see fit if you still wish, after we talk in person.”

She laughed at the suggestion
. “I like the sounds of that.”

“Uh oh,” he said. “Something tells me I could be in trouble here.”

“Oh, you’re definitely in trouble,” she said as her mood lightened. “Punishing you will be all I think about until then. I think I know exactly what you need to make you behave,” she purred.

“Mmmm,” he said, “I bet you do. So tell me
, your honor, when should I submit myself to your mercy?”

She bit her lip. The heat he was once again generating in her was going to make it impossible to wait too long. “How about tomorrow afternoon?” she suggested. She wasn’t going to come across as easy by suggesting an evening get-together. “We could meet in the park near my place, go for that walk we didn’t get a chance to do the other night.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea. I could come pick you up around 2 p.m., if that works for you?”

She hesitated for a moment. She wasn’t ready to have him come to her place, even to pick her up. She still felt skittish and somewhat vulnerable where he was concerned. “Could we just meet in the park? There’s a central fountain with benches all around it. It’s easy to find.”

He was disappointed. He could tell she was still keeping some distance. But he’d be patient. He’d regain the trust he had lost. “Sure, no problem. I’ll see you there at two.”

“Bye,” she said.

“Bye for now.”

Chapter 14


afternoon finally arrived. Anabelle felt very nervous. She wasn’t sure about trusting Giorgio or her defenses in the face of his undeniable charm and gorgeous looks. She didn’t want to get bamboozled by him and lose perspective or objectivity. She knew how much emotional pain that could lead to.

She headed to the park, which was only a ten-minute walk from her apartment. She was dressed casually in jeans, sneakers, and a light green long-sleeved sweate
r, which was slightly sheer with a black tank top underneath it. She wondered how this would go and where her life would be heading after this get-together. Alone? With Giorgio? Limbo-land? She just didn’t know. Heck, she wasn’t even sure if he’d actually show. He obviously had a lot going on in his life, though she wasn’t sure what, so what did he need her for?

She got to the park a few minutes late. She purposely wanted to be fashionably late, which wasn’t her usual style, but it seemed appropriate today. She held her breath as she entered the park. If he wasn’t there, she had no intention of waiting around. She headed in. There were lots of people enjoying the large area today. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and her stomach in knots. As she neared the fountain, she felt sick. She didn’t see him. Feeling like her shoes were made of lead weights, she trudged forward.

Just then, a man stepped into view. He had been pacing around the other side of the large fountain. It was him.

She stopped for a moment. It was really him. He had come all this way out of Manhattan. To see her. That had to mean something. Feeling her face grow hot, she continued on.

He spotted her. He waved. A big smiled crossed his face.

A wave of relief washed over her. At least he seemed happy to see her.

“Anabelle,” he said, walking up to her. “For a moment, I was wondering if you’d actually show.” He was dressed casually as well in dark grey denims, black casual shoes, and a light grey button up shirt, with the first few buttons undone and a dark grey cotton jacket. His clothes, though casual at first glance, were high-end designer duds that once again, fit his tall, masculine physique in a most flattering way, showing off his assets.

“Hi,” was all she would say.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” he said in a low voice. His hands moved to her shoulders. “Come here, beautiful girl,” he said as he pulled her close and just held her.

That powerful attraction she felt towards him instantly came rushing back. She breathed in his masculine scent, felt the strength of his body against her. It felt like being pulled into a magnetic field that promised wonders beyond compare.

He pulled away, his eyes searching her face, her hazel eyes, to see where her feelings were at with him. Anabelle looked up at him, hoping that her eyes wouldn’t betray the emotional rollercoaster ride she’d been on lately. She blinked, fighting back a well of emotion that threatened to spill over.

His blue eyes seemed to look de
ep into her soul. His full lips drew into a warm smile that evoked compassion. He knew. He could see the remnants of turmoil in her face. He tipped her chin up. “You have nothing to worry about, my beautiful girl.” He then bent his head down and pressed his lips against hers in a gentle, searching way.

She felt hesitant to his touch at first, but the sensual way he kissed her, the touch of h
is lips, the way he seemed to know just how to elicit a physical response with just a kiss, started to bring her walls down. It was as if he had a key to enter the places in her heart, herself, that she wanted to protect. She melted into him, her hands slipping inside his jacket to resting on his hips, pressing closer to him, so that just a hint of her bosom brushed against his chest.

He felt her, his body responding to her delicate feminine touch. It aroused the primal male sexual instincts in him. His growing feelings for her were closely tied to his intense sexual desire for her, they were intertwined, one fanning the hot flames of the other. His hands went up her back and pulled her into him, pressing her breasts against him. He wanted to press his hips against her, but stopped, realizing the public place they were in
and what would happen to his body if he did.

At the same time, Anabelle realized they could easily get carried away and suddenly felt very self-conscious about their passionate kiss. “I, um, think we should go walk or sit somewhere, or something.”

He looked at her curiously for a moment.


“Did you miss me, even a little?” he asked, raising an eyebrow, his blue eyes sparkling.

“After that kiss, what do you think?” she answered, playing coy.

He laughed, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “You’re a bit of a handful, you know, Ms. Parker.”

“But I’m worth it,” she said, nuzzling into his side.

“Oh, of that, I have no doubt.”


They headed into the park to take a slow, leisurely walk around the winding pathways, stopping to admire the flowers and trees and watch birds and butterflies going about their business. It was a picturesque day.

As they walked, Giorgio filled her
in on all of the details of his last-minute business trip to Chicago. He told her it was to meet with one of his company’s major partners, who were getting skittish enough about him to consult their lawyers. Losing their support and business dealings would have been a huge blow to his company, both financially and from a PR perspective. He had to pull out all of the stakes to prevent that. He put together presentations for them on Tsar’s recent activities and results. He shared pertinent, relevant financial data with them, and answered a seemingly endless series of pointed questions. He confessed that the whole thing had been incredibly stressful and unplanned, but that he thought he had managed to restore their confidence and trust in him for the most part.

As Anabelle listened to the details of his trip, she felt the heavy fog of her doubts and fear start to lift. Her heart began to peek out once a
gain from its protective shell.

He let her know that he had, in hindsight mistakenly, thought he was on more solid ground with her and hadn’t anticipated his actions would make her feel threatened.

She chose not to say anything about seeing him at lunch with the mysterious blonde woman the day he canceled their movie date. She still didn’t know what that was about, but she decided to leave it alone. At least for now. It was nice being back in a better place with Giorgio, she felt lighter and happier and she didn’t want to spoil their day. Their relationship was still in its earliest days. There were lots of things they needed to get to know about one another, if hopefully, things progressed.
All in good time,
she thought.
This is enough for now

He pointed to a bench overlooking a duck pond. “Would you like to sit for a bit?” he asked.

“Sure, that’s a nice spot. I love watching birds and wildlife.”

They walked over and sat down close to one another.

“I have something for you,” he said. “I brought it from Chicago.”

“Oh?” she replied. She hadn’t expected anything.

He pulled out a small rectangular box from inside his jacket pocket. He handed it to her.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Just a little gift to let you know I was thinking about you while I was away,” he said, smiling.

She felt a rush of excitement at the unexpected gesture, but she was happy he thought of her. She opened the box. She inhaled sharply. “Giorgio, it’s beautiful! You shouldn’t have.” It was a stainless steel ladies
’ watch. But not just any watch. A Versace Mystique Sunray Dial Diamond ladies’ watch. It had a white face, and a stainless steel link bracelet and casing with diamonds surrounding the bezel ring.

He smiled at her reaction. “I thought it was nice-looking, elegant, without being too flashy or in your face,” he said. “It has a timeless look to it, not trendy. Plus, it’s something you don’t just have to wear on special occasions, but you could.” He kissed her temple. “Just my guy thoughts on it,
anyway. I hope you like it.”

“Like it? I’m stunned. I’ve never had anything like this. It’s gorgeous…you really didn’t have to…”

He cut her off with a long, lingering kiss.  He then looked her in the eyes. “I wanted to. It’s just a small token of my affection for you. I was really sorry about not being able to make our second date. I was eager to see you again after how much fun the first one was.”

She nodded. “I was disappointed. I thought it was a sign you weren’t interested.”

“It wasn’t,” he assured her, stroking her shoulder. “Not at all.”

She looked at him, beaming with a sense of relief and happiness. She gazed at the watch. The diamonds sparkled in the sunlight. It was very lady-like. She couldn’t wait to wear it to work and show Sarah.

“Put it on,” he said.

She took her old Timex stainless steel two-tone watch off. She put the Versace on and stared at it on her wrist. This was definitely a big step up. “Wow,” she said.

“The diamonds are conflict-free,” he said, pointing at the bezel. “I try to be careful about that kind of thing.”

She looked up at him. “Thank you, this is an amazing gift. I love it.” She reached up, lacing her fingers through the back of his thick, soft, dark, wavy hair, and kissed him. She then rested her head on his shoulder. He felt so strong to her.

“I’m glad and I’m grateful you didn’t write me off. I enjoy being with you, my beautiful girl. I want to spend much more time with you.”

She smiled, feeling happy, and looked up at him. “Me too.”

He kissed her tenderly and then they sat for a time, with Anabelle snuggled into him, just watching the ducks swimming about as the sunlight sparkled on the water.


A little while later, they got up to resume strolling through the park, enjoying each other’s company.

As they rounded a bend, Giorgio stopped for a moment. “Do you smell that?”

Anabelle popped her head up and took a sniff. “Ahhh, yes, Joe’s famous hot dog stand. He must be setting up shop for the dinner hour.”

“I’m starving,” he said. “Want to check it out?”

“Sure,” she said. “He makes the best
dogs this side of the river.”

“I’m sold,” he said, grabbing her hand.

They found Joe’s stand a couple of minutes later.

Joe exclaimed when he saw her.

“Joe, my favorite hot dog guy!” S
he beamed. “We’re starving! The aroma drew us in.”

“That’s what it’s supposed to do,” he said, grinning from ear to ear. He was a man in his late fifties, with
a big belly and a New York Yankees ball cap that looked like it had been on his head for many years. His face was covered in a sheen of sweat due to operating a hot cooking stand on a warm summer day. “Your usual?” he asked.

“You betcha,” she said.

“And for your friend?” he asked, his tone one of curiosity.

“What are you having?
” Giorgio asked, eyeing the sandwich board menu.

“The big beef,” she said, a little saucily.

Giorgio raised his eyebrows. “Well, okay, then,” he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I guess I’ll have to live up to that. Make it two, please.”

Anabelle giggled.

Joe had a smirk on his face. He recognized young love when he saw it. Or at least young lust.

They watched him cook their dogs, while making small talk
about the weather and the park.

Joe handed the first cooked
hot dog to Anabelle.

“Thanks,” she said, “smells great.” She reached for the ketchup bottle. She opened it and gave it a hard squeeze.

“That’s new, careful…” Joe started to say.

Suddenly a big shot of ketchup sprayed out at a high velocity, hitting Giorgio in the stomach and spraying down the front of his pants.

Anabelle gasped. Her hands flew to her mouth. She held her breath. She looked up at him.

Giorgio was stunned. He looked down at the front of his clothes. Covered in ketchup. He looked
back at her. They burst out laughing.

Joe joined in, relieved that no one was going to get mad. “I wish I had a video of that. That was priceless.” He gave a big belly laugh. “You made my day!”

“I don’t believe I did that,” she said, wiping away tears she was laughing so hard. She was also very embarrassed.

“Is it the clothes that I wear?
They bother you or something?”

Anabelle quickly explained to Joe how they had met.

“Hmmm, food and beverage accidents,” he said. He looked at Giorgio. “I think it means she likes you.” He winked at him.

“I see,” he said, “so, you’re adding flavor and condiments to me, is that it?”

She giggled, and playfully swatted him.

“Now I’m being tenderized.” He looked to Joe.

“You know what that means,” Joe said.

“Stop it, you two,” she said. “I’m just a bit clumsy is all.”

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