Love in a Nutshell (21 page)

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Authors: Janet Evanovich,Dorien Kelly

BOOK: Love in a Nutshell
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Kate sighed again. “I’m sure they can.”

Stella whimpered from the backseat.

“Do you mind if I get her out?” Kate asked.

“No problem.”

Matt kept his eyes on the road as Kate violated a couple of traffic laws while freeing her poodle.

“I can’t believe how tired I am,” Kate said once she and the dog were safely in front. “I think I’ll just close my eyes and…” She yawned, and Matt filled in the rest of her words for himself.

Somewhere just east of Lansing, a slight whistling sound drew Matt’s attention from the road. Kate was curled up with Stella. Both woman and dog were out cold. A louder whistling came his way. The dog was snoring.





On Thursday morning Kate woke to a poodle nestled next to her head. And, as had been true every morning since the workweek had started, her phone was ringing. Kate’s. Not Stella’s. Kate had spoiled her baby with long beach walks, but the dog would not be getting a phone.

“Hello?” Kate said, feeling rested and ridiculously content.

“Let me guess,” Matt said. “You overslept.”

Kate sat upright, and Stella grunted her disapproval of the change in her sleeping arrangements.

“No way. Again? I set my alarm. Really.”

She couldn’t stop smiling, though. Several nights in a row of more than eight consecutive hours of sleep. She might not have any walls or a master bathroom or a living room floor, but at least the mold and most of the bees were gone. She felt human again.

“If you could amble on in here before I take any more guff about giving you special treatment, I just might forgive you,” Matt said.

He sounded amused, and Kate’s smile grew into a grin.

“Let me take a shower and give Stella her morning walk, and then I’ll be right there.”

Matt laughed. “So, like noon, right?”

“No later than ten, I promise.”

“Hey, and find Bart when you get here, okay? Laila’s ready to come back, so you’re going to be assistant to the assistant brewers.”

“Sounds filled with responsibility,” Kate said. But really, she didn’t care what Matt had her doing so long as she was earning and snooping … and getting to see him. She had fallen for him, and the ginger poodle had sealed the deal.

*   *   *


ten o’clock, Kate found Bart the brewmaster by a large wipe-off board where he was scribbling dates and other random things. Floyd, his assistant, stood to his right. The older man possessed a rather impressively sized beer belly. Kate had to appreciate a guy who showed that much love for his chosen career.

Next to Floyd was Nan O’Brien, assistant brewer number two. Nan was an Amazon of a woman, at least six feet tall, and fit. A hunter, triathlete, and seasoned sailor, Nan could whip any television survival show dude with one arm tied behind her back.

“Hey, Bart,” Kate said. “Sorry I’m late.”

“Let’s talk before we get started,” he said. He waved off his assistants, telling them they’d finish later.

Kate joined him at the whiteboard. “So tell me what you’re going to be doing back here today.”

“I’m going to be getting another batch of Dog Day ready to boil, which means that
are going to be cleaning the brewhouse for me.”

She looked around. “The whole place?”

He laughed. “It looks like you’re in need of a little more training, eh?”

Bart led her across the room and patted a big, almost bullet-shaped, tank that stood seven or so feet tall. “This is the brewhouse. A thirty-barrel brewhouse, to be exact. And those other tanks attached to it are the fermenters. After the boil, the wort is sent through the pipes to its left, and into those fermenters, where the yeast is added.”

Really, the brewhouse was kind of pretty, all copper and stainless and shiny. And it looked very clean already, which she pointed out to Bart.

“It’s not the same picture on the inside, and that’s what you’re going to be concerned with,” he said.

“Hang on. You mean I have to get in there?”

“Yes. And believe me, it’s a much easier fit for someone your size than it is for me or Nan or Floyd.” He hitched his thumb toward the two assistant brewers who were now in conversation by the door to the large keg cooler room.

Great, Kate thought. She’d panicked in the walk-in a few weeks ago, and that room had nothing on this bomb-like capsule.

“I’m not a huge fan of dark, enclosed spaces,” she told Bart.

“Who is, other than bats and mushrooms? You’ll have a flashlight. And you won’t be in there long. It’s just a matter of doing a wipe-down to get rid of any leftover debris from the last batch before we quick-flush the system.”

“Right, then,” she said over the scared slamming of her heart.

“You’ll be fine. I promise. I’ve got to get a couple of things lined up for a meeting with Matt, but Floyd and Nan will get you set up and keep a good eye on you.”

He called them over, and Kate began to reconcile herself to this process. All the same, she was no longer impressed by the brewhouse’s shiny rivets and copper accents. And its pressure gauges, valves, and pipes freaked her out.

“It’s not as bad as it looks,” Nan said. “We’ll help you get in through that hatch at the top and then hand the supplies to you.”

“How about I just watch you this time and I do it the next?” she asked Nan.

The other woman grinned. “Let me think about it.

It had been worth a shot.

“I’ll be right back with water, towels, and a flashlight,” Nan said. “Floyd, why don’t you grab the ladder?”

Floyd returned with the ladder, set it up, and climbed a couple of steps until he could reach the hatch at the top of the brewhouse. Once it was open, he scrambled back down.

“I’ve got it secured. Your turn now,” he said.


Nan returned and handed her the flashlight. Kate jammed it into the back of her jeans, for lack of another secure location that would also keep her hands free.

“You’re a big, strong dog who can jump high,” she said to herself.

“What?” Nan asked.

“It works on my dog when she’s scared, so I thought I’d give it a try on me,” Kate said as she climbed the ladder. But the affirmation hadn’t helped. She peered into the darkness and then back at the assistant brewers. “So I just…”

“Climb in,” Nan said.

Kate took a deep breath and tried to maneuver her body down the hole. Coordination and grace were not going to be part of the equation. She slid through the hatch in the top of the brewhouse, dropping herself into the darkness.

Once there, she sat and assessed the situation. Except for the lingering, evil smell of hops, it could have been worse. Light shone in through the open hatch like a big, fat ray of hope, and the confines weren’t as tight as she’d thought they would be. She pulled the flashlight from the back of her jeans and switched it on. Nothing happened.

“Hey, the flashlight batteries are dead,” she called to Nan.

Nan’s face appeared in the hatchway. “I could look for more, but by the time I find them, you’ll be done.” She threw a roll of paper towels down to Kate, quickly followed by a spray bottle.

“Nan, Floyd, come on into my office. It’s time to meet with Matt,” Kate heard Bart saying.

Nan stuck her head in the hatch again. “Sounds like I have to take off.”

“Couldn’t you hang on a minute?” Kate asked. She liked knowing there was a lifeline outside her copper kettle.

“Don’t worry about it. You’re going to do great,” Nan said. “Be sure to pay attention to all the seams and outlets. That’s where the grunge sticks. Just throw the used paper towels out the top.”

“Okay,” Kate said. There was no answer. Nan had disappeared.

And the sooner Kate finished, the sooner she could stop being brave. She ripped a couple of paper towels off the roll and reached for the spray bottle. Taking a top-down approach, she began to wipe the tank’s interior and hum a little vintage Eric Carmen, which she knew courtesy of her parents’ ancient stereo. When she reached the chorus, she burst into full song.

All by myyyyy-self

The tank’s hatch fell shut with a clang.

“Hey, I wasn’t even off-key,” she said.

And then reality hit her. She was trapped. Sweat popped out on her palms and, she was pretty sure, the soles of her feet.

“You’re a big, strong dog who can jump high,” she said.

Kate braced herself on the sides of the tank and pushed at the hatch. It didn’t give. She might be a big, strong dog, but she couldn’t sit alone in a metal coffin.

“Come on! Open the hatch!” she shouted.

The only answer was the rattle of the ladder being removed. And then water began flowing into the tank. It crept its way up her ankles and to her calves, and panic set in, big-time.

come get me!”

Kate kicked at the side of the tank. She knew what was going to happen next. Wort was boiled. She was about to be boiled alive.

*   *   *


in his discussions with his brewing staff.

“Did you hear something?” he asked Bart.

“Just you being too damn stubborn about the winter ale recipe,” Bart said.

“No, from out there.”

Nan shook her head. “I don’t hear any—”

Matt raised his hand to silence her. A dull thud sounded again. “That!”

Matt shot from Bart’s office and back into the brewery. The ladder to the brewhouse lay on its side, the hatch was closed, and Kate was nowhere to be seen. He caught the sound of running water and a muffled shout.

Matt grabbed the ladder and was at the top hatch in an instant. Someone had locked the unit, and the only ones who could do that had been with him. He flung open the metal door.

Kate stood down in the darkness.

“Are you okay?” Matt called to her.

“I think I need a raise.”

Matt reached in an arm. “Can you make it up here?”

She grabbed his hand, scrambled out, and pinned herself against his body. She was soaked from the waist down.

Kate was gasping so much she could barely get her words out. “That sucked. That really, really sucked. I know you’re supposed to face your fears, but seriously, never again.”

Whoever did this to her would pay, Matt thought. He’d find them and then it would get ugly.

“Come on, let’s get you dried off,” he said.

By the time they’d reached the ground, Bart had dragged over a chair and Floyd had shut down the brewhouse.

Matt led Kate to the chair. “Bart, could you call the police?”

Bart looked shaken. “Sure thing.”

Kate settled into Bart’s chair, bent over, and untied her soggy sneakers. “Why would someone do that to me?”

Matt had his guesses, and they had to do with what—and who—he held of value.

“I don’t know,” he said. Now wasn’t the time to point out the obvious.

She pulled off her shoes and socks. Matt noted that one sock was light blue and the other gray with little yellow ducks on it. Despite his tension, he smiled at the mismatch.

“Do you have any other clothes here?” he asked.


He did a mental inventory of his office, then said, “Hang on.”

“Believe me, I’m not going anywhere.”

And he didn’t want her to, either. But for her own safety, she would be. After today, Matt was going to make sure Kate was far from Depot Brewing Company.

*   *   *


jeans were in style, but boss-or-whatever-more-he-was-to-her sweatpants weren’t. Kate rolled the waist over as many times as possible and still she swam in the fabric. She paired the sweatpants with a T-shirt from the brewery store and did a small grimace. Okay, she thought, so she looked like a goofus, but at least she was a dry goofus.

Matt was waiting for her by the brewhouse with Chief Erikson.

“Do you feel up to answering some questions, Kate?” the police chief asked.


Matt glanced toward the latest in a stream of sympathetic Depot employees who’d been checking on Kate since her big swim. “How about in my office?” Matt suggested.

Clete closed the office door behind them. “Kate, did you see your attacker?”

“I was at the bottom of a tank, Chief Erikson. It was just me and a whole lot of dark.”

The chief scribbled some notes, then turned to Matt, who’d taken a seat behind his desk. “You were close enough to be the first to Kate, Matt. Did you see anything unusual?”

“No. Bart, Floyd, Nan, and I were in Bart’s office. We’d been having a pretty intense discussion, so I didn’t hear or see anything at first.” He picked up a pen and started jotting on a legal pad. When he was done, he tore off a piece and slid it across his desk to Clete. “These are the names of the people who were here this morning at ten. The taproom was still closed, so there were no customers in the house.”

“Not paying, at least,” Clete said. “But could an outsider have gotten into the brewery?”

“It’s possible, I suppose,” Matt said. “Except it’s unlikely an outsider would have known that someone was in the tank.”

“Not so true,” Kate said. “I was singing ‘All By Myself.’ Kind of loudly, too.”

Clete smiled. “Good song. Other than the brewers, does anyone else touch the brewing tank?”

“No,” Matt replied. “The only exception would be if Bart has given any private tours. You’ll have to ask him about that.”

Clete nodded. “Matt, I don’t know what you had planned for that unit today, but I need to call in my fingerprint team. We’ll need to fingerprint your staff and you, Matt, though I suppose we already have your prints on file.”

Matt showed a flash of a smile at that. “Yeah, I suppose you do from way back when. The file might be a little dusty.”

The police chief rose from his chair. “Remember, no one near the brewhouse.”

Clete left, and Matt’s face grew somber.

“Kate, we have to talk,” he said.

She knew what that meant. She’d last heard those words from Harley Bagger. Would she never hold a job in this town for longer than a month?

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