Love Heals All (22 page)

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Authors: Addie McKenna

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Eighteen Years Later . . .


ke, come here,”
I yelled from downstairs.

Cooking breakfast for all five of us is crazy, especially with all of the little ones awake.

“What, Mommy?” the seven-year-old standing in front of me said innocently.

His emerald green eyes peered into mine. His blond hair is platinum, much as Skylynn's was at his age. I don't know where he gets it from, but he's our special one.

“Do you want to help me cook or go get your daddy?”

“I'll go get Daddy!” He smiled and ran to get his dad.


“Yes, Laney?” I laughed when I saw the five-year-old with marker all over her face.

“Where's Kyle?”

“I think he's in his room playing a video game. Why?” I now had Laney on my hip, still mixing the pancake batter.

“I want him to play horsies with me!”

“Honey, you are exactly like your aunt Skylynn was when she was your age.” I laughed.

“Aunt Skylynn's my favorite aunt.”

“What about Aunt Ellie?” I gave her a sideways smile.

“Her, too,” she said with a giggle.

“Go play horsies. Breakfast is almost ready.” I put her down, and she ran off to the living room.

“Hello, beautiful.” Arms wrapped around my waist, and a scruffy chin tucked against my shoulder.

“Hayes! You really need to shave.” I playfully pushed his chin off my shoulder.

Yes, we are still as playful as we were eighteen years ago. Time really doesn't change things as much as you would think.

“Nah, you loooove it.”

“Okay, whatever.” I rolled my eyes. “Bailey and Nash are coming over later today,” I said.

“Okay, sounds good. I just talked to Tyler, he and Lana should be here soon.” My eyes went wide.

“Benjamin Hayes Grier. You couldn't have warned me that Lana was back from London?”
I turned toward my husband.

“I'm sorry! Ty said she got back last night!”

“Then why are they hanging out with us? They need alone time.” By then, the pancakes were finished.

“You know how both of them are. They always wanna be over here. We're the fun ones.” He smirked.

“Okay. Sure.” I rolled my eyes, smiling this time.

“Kids, breakfast is ready!” Hayes called, running around the house. He was still as childish as ever.

“Kyle, get downstairs.” I'll tell ya . . . thirteen-year-old boys these days? Their lives revolve around video games.

“Okay, Mom,” he huffed.

“Oh, and Kelsey is coming over today.” I smiled cheekily.

“What? Really?”

I nodded.

“Is Brantley going to be here, too?”

“Yes, he is. You won't be alone, buddy.” I wrapped my arm around my son's shoulders as we walked down the stairs.



“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Ky.” I kissed the top of his head.

My thirteen-year-old son was an exact replica of me. He has light brown hair, slicked back, and green eyes with yellow specks. He was not too short but not too tall, and he has a great sense of style, if I do say so myself. Yet he was so much like Hayes, skinny but with some muscle, always had his shirt off. He's just like Hayes was at his age. Actually, Hayes is still the same as he was at thirteen, just a bit taller and more muscular.

“Go get some breakfast, babe.” He walked off, and I went over toward Hayes and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I'm still a little stick with long hair, just a bit taller than I used to be, but not much. Although, I can say that I actually brush my hair now. Not much, but way more than I used to.

“I still can't believe we have kids, and that it's been thirteen years since the first.” I smiled, admiring all three kids at the table.

“We've come very far, sweetheart.” Hayes kissed my temple.

We finished breakfast and went out to swim, waiting for Lana, Tyler, and their daughter, Kelsey, plus Bailey, Nash, and their two kids, Aleah and Brantley.

“Kyle, don't let your little sister get hurt,” I warned Kyle, who was swimming with Laney in the deep end.

“Yes, ma'am.”

About twenty minutes later, Nash, Bailey, Aleah, and Brantley arrived.

Kyle jumped out of the swimming pool and ran up to his best friend.

You could hear Aleah's little voice from the back porch.

Aleah and Laney are the same age, and Brantley and Kyle are the same age. Little Jake was that awkward middle child.

“C'mere, Jakey, Mommy will play with you.” Jake and I were throwing the football while Hayes and Nash were talking. I didn't know where Bailey was, though.

“Nash, where's Bra—” I started, then got trampled by my best friend.

“Never mind,” I breathed. All the kids were laughing with their dads while I was getting crushed by the thirty-four-year-old woman on top of me.

“You can get off now, you fat lard.” We both stood up, and I hugged her.

“How was Cali, missy?” I asked as we walked up the porch, Jake trailing behind us, his hand in mine. Yes, he's a huge momma's boy, though he plays just as much sports as his dad used to.

“It was beautiful. Even though I was up there for studies, I still had some fun.”

“You know, we could've watched the kids for you so that you and Nash could've had the week off.” I smiled.

“No, no, no! You have three kids—you can't take two more of my rowdy ones.”

“Not three kids anymore,” I said, lowering my voice.

“You're pr—”
I quickly clamped my hand over her mouth.

We're thinking about adopting, dumb nut.” She nodded in understanding, and I took my hand away from her mouth.

“What do the kids think about it?” She looked over at the little ones playing.

“They love the idea, especially Kyle. Surprisingly, he wants another sibling to look after.”

She smiled at that. “I told ya. He's a good one. You taught him right, love.”

“Aww, Bails! I've missed you.”

“This is why we can't move back to California. I'd go crazy without you.” She laughed.

“I'd go crazy without you, Aunt B,” Jake said, smiling his cute little smile, his two front teeth missing.

“I'd go crazy without you, too, Jakey.” Bailey pulled him onto her lap and held him close. They've had such a close bond since the day that child was born.

“Hayes!” I yelled to my husband.

“Hmm?” He looked toward me from the yard where he, Brantley, Kyle, and Nash were throwing the football.

“C'mere.” He headed over while the other guys continued throwing.

“Yeeees?” He sat down on my lap, crushing my thighs.

“Would you be the bestest Hayesie everrrr and maybe go get my phone from inside?” I pleaded.

“Sure, sweetheart.” He walked inside to grab my phone.

“You've still got him whipped.” Nash laughed.

“It's a gift.” I flicked my hair to the side.

Four Hours Later

“Mom, we're going
to watch a movie,” Kyle said, walking up beside the couch I was sitting on.

“Make a move, little rascal—she's so into you,” I whispered into his ear. He blushed and nodded.

“Okay, love you, baby boy.” I kissed his cheek and pushed him slightly toward the stairs.

It was only Laney, Bailey, Lana, and me downstairs. Aleah had fallen asleep, and all the other kids were upstairs watching the movie.


“Hmm.” I looked down at the little girl on my lap.

Her eyes were an icy blue mixed with an emerald green, and her hair was almost as dark as Hayes's. She had a petite little body with a button nose.

“How did you and Daddy meet?” she questioned.

“Oh, honey, it was a long time ago. We were next-door neighbors. I ran into your uncle Nash on the sidewalk, and we became friends. Then, that night, Nana, Poppy, and I got invited to your grandma and granddaddy's house for dinner.” I smiled at the thought. “I met your daddy that night, and it was love at first sight. We fell in love and started dating.”

“How long have you and Daddy been together?” Laney yawned.

“Eighteen, almost nineteen years, baby.”

“That's a loooooong time.” She closed her eyes and laid her head on my chest.

“You ready to go to sleep, hon?”

She nodded, not saying a word.

“I'll be right back.” Bailey and Lana nodded understandingly.

I stood up, holding the small girl in my arms, and walked up the stairs into her old-time-princess-themed room. Aleah was already on her bed, so I just scooted her over and laid Laney down next to her.

“Good night, sleep tight, and I'll be right here every night.” I kissed her forehead and turned off the light, barely shutting the door.

Walking over to Kyle's bedroom, I knocked then opened the door, and found Jake on his older brother's lap, sound asleep.

“Do you want me to take him, Ky?”

“No, it's fine. I'll go put him to bed.” Kyle stood up and took Jake down the hall to his room.

“Y'all better be behaving, or else.” I pointed at the other two sitting in Kyle's room.

“Aunt Autumn, we all know you don't mind if we get into a bit of trouble.” Brantley smirked.

“Oh, shut up, Brantley! I won't let anyone get into trouble, Mrs. Autumn.” Kelsey smiled.

“Brantley, you little devil.” I glared playfully at my only, and favorite, nephew. “Thank you, Kelsey. You've always been a sweetheart.” I winked at her, and she giggled.

I walked out of the room and over to Jake's, to find Kyle lying there with his little brother in his arms.

“I can't sleep, Momma,” Jake whispered.

I walked over to Jake's bed and bent down. “Go back to your room, Ky. I've got him.” Kyle kissed Jake's head and my cheek, and left the room.

“Come here, sweetie.” Jake crawled into my arms, curling up in a ball.

“Once upon a time there was a king named Hayes and a queen named Autumn, and they had a princess named Laney and two princes named Kyle and Jake. Jake was as strong and determined as any of his other siblings. Loved anyone and everyone.” I looked down to see Jake lulling to sleep.

“Then one day, Princess Laney went missing. Prince Jake searched every tree and every mountain for Princess Laney. Finally, Prince Jake found her and brought her back to the kingdom. Prince Jake was a hero and even got a day named after him—Prince Jake Day! Prince Jake and his family lived happily ever after.”

By then, Jake was fast asleep. Tucking him in and turning out the light, I walked back down the stairs.

“Life's been good,” I said to myself, thinking of all of our children upstairs in their rooms, asleep, healthy, and peaceful . . .

“Life's been great.” Hayes met me at the bottom of the stairs and wrapped both arms around my waist.

I gave him a small peck, resting my head on his chest. This is how life should be.

Even with all the obstacles we faced, my abusive parents, their disowning me after I had Kyle at only eighteen, my having three children, spending lots of time with our long-time best friends . . . Everything ends up the right way . . . The way it should end up . . . Love Heals All . . .

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