Love, Eternally (15 page)

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Authors: Morgan O'Neill

BOOK: Love, Eternally
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What was he talking about? Did he suspect … did Gigi let something slip?

Honorius sat up and looked at him evenly, yet Magnus could sense malice just beneath the surface.

Magnus decided to ignore any insinuations and feign utter loyalty. “O Great Emperor Honorius,” he clasped a hand to his chest, “I have only ever done your bidding. The slave means nothing to me, nothing at all. I vow to kill her with my own hands, if that is your desire.”

He watched as Honorius sneered.
Better to change the subject now
, he decided.

, I arrived only now with news from Noricum. We parleyed much with King Alaric, and perhaps we may yet reach an agreement, but time is short. An attack may be imminent by way of the sea, for the king has commandeered many ships. My fellow senators and General Constantius will be here shortly. We must weigh our options and plan accordingly.”

Honorius just stared at him. The press of his lips spoke of lingering anger, but otherwise he gave no hint of his thoughts. Magnus stared back, unwavering, hoping he looked anxious about the war, instead of the unknown fate the next few minutes held for him.

The emperor removed the poultice from his crotch, tossed it aside, and stuck his arm out. “Help us up.”

The swelling and bruising were obvious and ugly, but Magnus kept his eyes averted as he clasped the outstretched arm. He stood and pulled Honorius to his feet, but the emperor didn’t let go. Instead, he held Magnus with a fixed stare.

“Tell no one what you saw here today, or lose your head in so doing,” he growled. “We are done wallowing in shame.”

Magnus felt shocked to hear this admission, but he had no admiration for the wretch’s attempt at sincerity. He fought his distain as he said, “Of course not,

Honorius jerked him closer, their faces almost touching, and Magnus could feel the spray of his words. “Give us two hours, then return with those who accompanied you to Noricum.” He looked Magnus over from head to toe and wrinkled his nose. “Go to the baths and clean yourself, man. You stink of the road and you’re hairy as a fucking Visigoth.”

Magnus forced himself to nod and bow.

“Afterward, we will hear you out. And after that, we shall expect the return of the miserable bitch, so make sure you find her, or send someone who will, but you may not lay a hand on her — that is our prerogative.”

“Your will be done, O most excellent Honorius.” Magnus chose his next words carefully. “I shall make sure she is found.”

Honorius glowered. “Indeed, you will.”

Chapter 9

Gigi gazed from the balcony to the garden below. Nervous, she watched torches blazing in the dark, illuminating scores of people hurrying to and fro. The commotion had started the day before, just hours after she’d arrived at Placidia’s villa.

She tried to figure out what was happening, but nothing made sense and no one would talk to her. She hadn’t seen Placidia since their meeting, and it was obvious the princess planned to escape. Gigi couldn’t shake the feeling that she was to blame. Had she compromised Placidia’s safety by coming here?

She’ll take me with her, won’t she?

A shiver rippled down her spine as she slipped past the curtain and back inside the room given to her. Grabbing her
, she wrapped herself in it, forcing herself to remain calm.

The oil lamp by the bed flickered low, and she realized she would need more oil soon. Did she dare ask someone? Gigi shook her head, deciding she should wait. Only a few of Placidia’s servants knew she was here. The woman who brought her meals, Persis, was due soon. Gigi would ask then.

Sitting on the couch, Gigi watched the door, restless, hungry, and scared, trying not to panic. She felt for her mesh bag and took out the Roman ring. Sighing, she rubbed the carving of Victoria with her thumb. Three months in Ravenna — three whole months — and still she had no answers about how she’d gotten here, or any clue as to the ring’s equally bizarre journey.

First Grand-père’s, now hers, yet it actually belonged to Magnus. Was it a coincidence that the ring had come to her after 1,600 years, or that once she had it she’d traveled through time to meet its original owner?

She couldn’t imagine what had happened or why. She touched the ring again and then tucked it away in her bag. She wished she had Magnus to confide in, but even if he were here, she wouldn’t dare. She couldn’t risk it.

The light flickered out and Gigi started, her jumpiness a reflection of her sorry state of mind. She took a deep breath, then another, staring at shadows, the deepening night. The symbolism seemed so fitting, because she
in the dark. Nothing made sense. Nothing at all.

Someone tapped on the door, then pushed it open. Persis? Food. Only now, she wasn’t the least bit hungry.

A man cleared his throat, and Gigi’s stomach twisted. A dark figure loomed in the doorway, backlit by the hall’s candlelight.

“Gigi, are you asleep — ?”

“Magnus!” she cried as she leapt up.

“I came as quickly as I could.”

Overjoyed to hear his voice, Gigi swept aside all caution and ran across the room, flinging herself into his outstretched arms. “Thank you for Placidia. Thank you. Oh, I’m so glad you’re back!” She could feel his heart pounding as they clung to one another. His scent was just as she remembered: incense and wine, exotic, intoxicating. “I missed you so much.”

“And I, you … ”

He didn’t even finish his sentence before his mouth lowered to hers. His kiss began tenderly, then deepened, her lips yielding to him, hot waves rippling to her core. The world dissolved, reality swept away. Wrapped in his arms, she knew only him, her heart hammering back to his in longing.

“Gigi,” he groaned her name, and she was brought back, her blood rushing wild with the risks they were taking, the danger of being found out. She was his without question, and, from the power of his kiss, she knew he was equally at her mercy.

“Gigi, look at me.” His gaze was hidden by shadow, dark depths within his face. “I thought I had lost you,” he said gruffly.

“You will never lose me.”

His arms tightened in response and she could feel every inch of him, hard with intention. She kissed his neck, tasting the salt of his skin, and then reached to touch him. Her desires raged, each vying for fulfillment. She wanted him physically, certainly, but she also had a deep need for tenderness, and she yearned to recall what it was like to trust a man so much she could abandon caution and care.

“Magnus,” she whispered, caressing him, wanting him naked, “make love to me.”

Devouring her with kisses, he took her by the wrists and pressed her against the wall. His breath was warm as his lips roamed over her throat and she shivered with pleasure. She closed her eyes, feeling the iron strength in his arms. He kissed her again, pressing his length against her. Her body molded to his, desire pulsing between her legs.

“Take me to bed. We’ve waited long enough.”

Magnus paused. “No,” he said reluctantly, then swore under his breath and drew back, forcing a separation between them. “We cannot. I forget myself. The princess … she will be here shortly.”

Even as he spoke, Gigi could hear the conversation of women drifting in from down the hall, a bubbly chatter. Magnus let go of her just as Placidia entered.

The princess took in the scene without comment. Elpidia and Persis followed closely behind with food, drink, and several oil lamps.

If Placidia was surprised to find them alone in the dark, she didn’t let on. Pulse racing, Gigi glanced at Magnus, who gave the outward appearance of calm. His gaze held hers for a moment, then fell to her lips, and she saw him draw a deep breath. She felt as if she were floating, still tingling with the memory of his embrace.

“Good evening,” Placidia said evenly.

Gigi remembered to curtsy and Magnus bowed, hand over his heart.

The attendants set down their trays of food and positioned the lamps, then stole away, leaving the chamber glowing with a soft, warm light. Gigi noticed they’d turned down the covers on the bed.

The princess cleared her throat. “I hope all is well, Gigi, and that my people are seeing to your needs.”

Gigi fought a smile and studiously avoided looking at Magnus. “Indeed, my lady. I am forever in your debt.” She hesitated. “I couldn’t help but notice the activity outside. Are you leaving?”

Nodding, Placidia’s gaze grew sober as she exchanged a look with Magnus. “The situation with my brother has become untenable, even before his aggression against you, Gigi. You deserve to know what is happening, for it involves you, too, seeing how Magnus has intertwined our destinies.” She smiled at him. “I spoke with Honorius’s ministers, but he will not see reason and insists I marry. I resist at my peril. He would have me wed to that, that,” she took a deep breath, “to General Constantius, within the fortnight. As a royal princess, I realize certain duties and sacrifices are expected of me, but I … ” Placidia paused, holding her head high, her body unmoving, yet her eyes blazed. “I have acquiesced to his choice of a husband.”

“By the gods, no — ”

“Magnus, please hear me out,” Placidia said, raising her hand to silence him. “I did not give in to his proposed date. My brother isn’t the only one with a talent for deceit. You see, I insisted the wedding cannot take place before next spring, for a royal bride needs time to prepare. Also, I explained to his ministers that it would be unseemly to rush into anything. People would talk. Furthermore, I told them Alaric’s advance has terrified me, and I wish to depart for Rome immediately, to stay behind the city’s walls until the Visigoth king is defeated.” Her smile was bleak. “I also reminded them my brother would need Constantius’s undivided attention in dealing with the Visigoths, at least until next spring, suggesting that if we were married now, well … ”

Placidia’s face grew red, and she frowned, clearly annoyed with herself. Gigi watched her carefully, sensing her bravery, her untapped reserve of courage.

“I shall not dwell on such unpleasantness, except to say Honorius has granted my request,” Placidia went on. “I plan to tarry in Rome a while — having gowns made, perhaps adding to my jewels — so as to persuade my brother I am sincere, but then I don’t know what I’ll do. However, for now, we must turn our thoughts to Gigi’s safety.”

“But I can go with you, can’t I?” Gigi asked.

Placidia’s smile was genuine. “Perhaps, if we can find a way to smuggle you out, for my caravan will be enormous. But once we are well away, I think it safest if you split off and go elsewhere. Magnus and I shall think of a good hiding spot for you, beyond the reach of my brother. Then, with God’s help, we will someday meet again.” She turned to Magnus. “I’ll await you in my study.”

He bowed. “I will be but a moment, Placidia.”

“Good. Worry not. Magnus and I shall find a solution.” The princess nodded to Gigi and took her leave.

Gigi stared at the closed door. She wasn’t going to Rome with Placidia. She couldn’t stay here. What then? She looked at Magnus, hesitant, wanting to hold him, wanting another kiss, wanting his protective arms around her, wanting …

“Magnus, don’t go. Not yet.”

“I cannot stay.” He took her hands and raised them for a kiss. “How did you get these injuries?”

“It’s nothing. I had to slide down a pine tree to escape Honorius.”

Magnus shook his head and kissed each palm. “You will be safe now, wherever you go. I will make certain of it.”

She leaned against him, resting her cheek on his chest. “But what about you? Will you be safe?”

“Ah, I am never safe, but for the moment I would guess I’m still more valuable to Honorius alive.”

“Please be careful.”

Magnus’s lips grazed her cheek. “I shall do my utmost, and you must promise me, also, to take care.”

“I promise, Magnus,” she said, her arms twining about him, wanting to give him a reason to cherish this night. “Come back when Placidia is done with you. Stay with me.”

Magnus bent to kiss her again, and Gigi felt his hand touch and linger on the small of her back, then sweep down. The softness of his caress beguiled, stirring her depths.

“Blast the Fates,” he said, drawing apart from her. “I must go. Would that I could stay with you, my sweet, but Honorius watches my every move, and he would grow curious if I stayed too long … would see me dead should I spend the night at his sister’s home. I will return in the morning before you depart.”

He looked into her eyes and then glanced over her shoulder, and she knew he was staring at the bed.

Magnus shook his head. “I dare not kiss you again, Gigi, I dare not.”

Their eyes met and he held her with his gaze, so intense and devastatingly blue. A pang of pure pleasure shot through her. Gigi opened her mouth to speak, to plead for another kiss, but he broke his gaze and bowed.

,” he said gruffly, clearly at war with himself. With that he was gone, the door shutting behind him.

Her mind was in upheaval, her body trembling, hot with desire. Another moment passed, and she moved to the balcony, seeking cooler air. Gazing at the night sky, Gigi tried to think about what lay ahead, but she didn’t care, didn’t want to think about anything. Anything but Magnus.

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She felt him kissing her once more, holding her, his raw physical strength imposing, captivating. Her feelings for him were more than a transient need, not something just anyone might fulfill. No, she wanted Magnus with her whole being.

When at last she looked up, her eyes welled, the stars blurring, wheeling, as if her heart’s turmoil were reflected in the sky. How could she risk falling in love with him? Only yesterday, she’d wanted to go back home. If she had gotten inside the baptistery, she would have played her flute and then, if it had worked … no, she couldn’t let herself think about that anymore.

She stirred. The stars were clearer now and so bright. She loved him. He was her world.

But did he love her? Remembering the feel of his body, his heartfelt words, she smiled, knowing he did.

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