Louder Than Hell: The Definitive Oral History of Metal (5 page)

BOOK: Louder Than Hell: The Definitive Oral History of Metal
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[Zeppelin tour manager] Richard Cole ran into one of the air hostesses on the [Led Zeppelin private plane] the Starship, and she told him, “You know I made a lot of money off of you guys,” and Cole asked her how. “Well,” she explained, “when people on the plane used to sniff cocaine they’d roll up hundred-dollar bills to use as straws. Then after they were high or passed out, they’d forget about the money. So we would go around and grab all the money that was laying around.”
NEAL SMITH (ex-Alice Cooper):
I’d fuck a groupie and kick her on the floor. I had more groupies sleep on the floor than on my bed, I guarantee that.
The very first time the band went to Paris, we felt we had to buy prostitutes, because that was what you would do. We’re all from Phoenix, and here we are at the Hotel Arc de Triomphe, and French prostitutes seemed like the right thing to do. They showed up and they were all, like, forty-seven years old, and none of us wanted anything to do with them, but we couldn’t get rid of them. When I pictured prostitutes, I pictured something a lot better than that. But these girls were almost like World War II prostitutes. It was disgusting. Then we realized that we really didn’t
prostitutes. The Hotel Arc de Triomphe was the SS headquarters during the occupation of France. So this place was just as decadent as could be. But the traffic of girls coming in and out was a blur and I honestly don’t remember much of anything.
There were twins—a brunette and a blonde—in Zurich, who came up to Alice and my room at the Atlantis Hotel after our show in the fall of ’72. The blonde was knockout gorgeous. They follow us into our room, the blonde took my arm, the brunette took Alice’s. I was having great groupie sex, but even though I was in the next bed, I don’t know what Alice was doing because they disappeared under their covers. Not a word had been spoken by the girls. Eventually, Alice and I both emerged and these two gorgeous girls start speaking to each other in Swiss. They didn’t speak a word of English. So Alice and I look at each other and just start talking in English. It was the most bizarre, yet in some strange way, wonderful evening that we’d had on the road. But, of course, there were many. I was with two girls several times in the same room.
Making and playing music is very exciting but it’s not a goal in and of itself. Everyone who’s ever picked up a guitar did it to get laid. And if they say, “No, I did it just for the love of music,” they’re lying to your face.
I don’t care what people say. They’re in it for the pussy. The music’s important too, but it’s more about the pussy. Chasing women is my biggest hobby. Actually, no, that’s the career. The music is the hobby. I’ve always liked the strip club. Sure, having a lap dance is a tease, but you can sometimes talk them into it, you know? And you can only talk them into it if you have a lap dance. You can’t convince them to go home with you from the bar. I’ve been with five porn stars over the years. It sounds very glamorous and sexy, but they’re just the same when they fuck as anyone else. Then again, I’m not as good in bed as the people I usually fuck, so I suppose it evens out.
I toured for the girls. I mean, I toured for the music, but if it wasn’t for the sexual adventure you couldn’t have got me on the road with a gun to my head. I would have taken it away and shot you with it. If all I had to do was look at those unclean heathens in the front row with their lack of personal hygiene and stenchy leather blue jean material, I’d take up crocheting.
Sometimes there were these mother-daughter situations. The mother was probably my age at the time—thirty-five to thirty-eight—and the daughter was seventeen. It was the kind of thing where you get a vibe, like you’re in the room and you’re hanging out with the daughter, then you can see the mother acting weird, like she wanted to be there, so you just sort of play it. You play the cards and it just sort of happens. But in those days, there was no AIDS, so anything went.
One time a chick just climbed up onstage and blew me. I was singing—well, I couldn’t stop, could I? But that was in the seventies, when women were more liable to do that.
IAN GILLAN (ex-Deep Purple):
I had a fantastic experience in Lebanon. I was working in Beirut in a casino with a band for about three months. There was this dancer, Angelo Manchenia, who tried to kill me one night. We were staying at this house in the mountains. Sounds romantic, but it stunk to high heaven. After we finished at the casino we used to party every night. Manchenia would come home and kick the bottles off the table and start dancing. I was sharing a room with [bassist] Roger Glover, and Manchenia was with this super-tall dancer girl with long red hair. The bathroom was not usable, so we’d stand under the moonlight and do what we had to do. I was doing that one night, and Manchenia pulled a big knife out of his boot and said, “I kill you [because he thought I was having sex with his girl].” Then he realized I couldn’t be in the room doing what Roger was doing to his girlfriend and outside by the rocks at the same time. He said, “Ah, I’ve insulted you, now I have to kill myself.” I said, “Is there some way out of this?” He said, “Yeah, we can become blood brothers.” So we did. We slashed our hands and let the blood mingle, and we went back in and he forgot about his girlfriend being with Roger and we danced the night away and drank more wine.

Some proto-metal icons liked to push taboos even further than sex and drugs, dabbling in occult or Satanic rituals they viewed as a natural evolution of an uninhibited mind.

[Guitarist] Glen [Buxton’s] girlfriend was a friend of [guitarist] Robby Krieger and [drummer] John Densmore from the Doors, so we were going to have this séance. It ended up it was the five of us. This is a rental house, and we paint a pentagram on the floor and all sit around the pentagram. It was Glen, Alice, [guitarist] Mike [Bruce], [bassist] Dennis [Dunaway] and me, and [Doors producer] Paul Rothschild, Jim Morrison, and David Crosby. This chick is trying to conjure up spirits on the other side. Believe me, even though everyone had been drinking or smoking, it was embarrassing. She was screaming and moaning and groaning, and everyone was like, “What the fuck is with this woman? She needs some serious medication.” She’s probably still fucking crazy.
I don’t believe in any organized religion. But one of my main passions in life is in communication with entities and spirits. I hear from idiots in the business, who go, “Oh, he’s a Satanist. He lights candles in his dressing room.” I’m not a Satanist. The reason I used to light candles was to have a little bit of meditation before I went on stage, and I hate the lights that you have in those dressing rooms backstage at, say, Madison Square Garden. But people were convinced that I had an altar in there or something, and I was sacrificing chickens.
MICK WALL (author, journalist):
I think Zeppelin’s mystical interests were more earnest and sincere than most people’s. In the case of Black Sabbath, it was slightly more sci-fi. But for Jimmy Page, [who purchased English occultist and author Aleister Crowley’s house], magic was something to be taken seriously.
It’s unfortunate that my studies of mysticism and Eastern and Western traditions of magic and tantrism have all come under the umbrella of [Aleister] Crowley. Yeah, sure, I read a lot of Crowley and I was fascinated by his techniques and ideas. But I was reading across the board. It wasn’t unusual at that time to be interested in comparative religions and magic. It was quite a major part of my formative experience as much as anything else.
I was practicing all kinds of black arts and occult and Satanism, and I was a member of the Satanic church in the DC area. I did a lot of incantations and was in an actual coven. One night I was at my friend’s house. We always kept a couple of copies of Anton LaVey’s original
Satanic Bible
around, and books on witchcraft and spells and the occult. It was July 4, and we were completely sober. We were sitting in the basement and reading from the
Satanic Bible
, and all of a sudden I started to blow a little fog out of my mouth. I was into the reading and hadn’t noticed that the room had gotten ice cold. All the pipes in the entire basement formed droplets of water that became icicles. The basement windows were covered with frost and the entire room was about 25 degrees. And this was in a matter of 10 to 20 minutes. I got so scared. I’ll never forget it for the rest of my life. To me, it was a sign saying, “You’re fucking with the wrong thing, man.” It scared me so badly that I just dropped that idea and threw all the artifacts away that came along with the game.
JOE HASSELVANDER (ex-Pentagram, Raven):
Bobby conjured up something that scared him to death and he ran out of the house and never came back. Of course, you’re supposed to close those doors, but they never did. And I think that’s part of why he has had so many problems in his life with drug addiction and a lack of financial success. I really believe that, because something like that happened to me. I found these tarot cards dating back to the Salem witch trials that were at a house in New York where we lived with Raven, and they were coated in human blood. They were horrifying. I took about ten of them and they almost destroyed my life. A spirit was found in two of these cards, and the person who was bound to them had invoked demons and was probably responsible for the Salem witchcraft hysteria. He made people go nuts by sending his cursed objects out to them. It caused an incredible poltergeist outbreak in my house and I had to move. I was in Virginia, and that’s why I’m in Massachusetts today. The toilets flushed black, there was an infestation of flies. Objects were flying off the counters at us. The house smelled like Rosewater Lavender, which was an old cologne people used in the 1600s. We would tell the spirit to leave, [but] it would go to another room. I was someone who didn’t believe in any of this, and in two weeks I had to become an expert or it would have killed me and my son. Finally, I found out who it was, what it was, and I had to return it to Salem, which I did. Since then it’s still been a process getting rid of the residual effects. I had an exorcism done—a cleansing of my house—several times, and I was finally able to leave and put miles between me and it. I’m a very religious person because of it today. I won’t go into it any further, but I will say that Cliff Burton from Metallica had the other half of the artifacts that I had, and I really believe they killed him.
I was
Satanic. In fact, I’m a practicing Christian now. But when I was at the prime of my Alice Cooper notoriety and I was drinking, there was a big gray area where I started and where Alice ended. I had no idea. I was hanging out with Jim Morrison, Keith Moon, and Jimi Hendrix, and I thought I had to be Alice all the time. Those were times I was so drunk I don’t remember anything. One night I was in a Rolls Royce, I was driving, [Aerosmith singer] Steven Tyler was in the car and we had a gun. The next day I don’t remember if we knocked over a 7-Eleven. We could have done anything. There were many, many mornings that I woke up after parties with all the wrong people, where I went, “Please don’t let me read about something in the paper that I did.” Because when you’re drunk and you’re Alice, you feel like you have the license to do anything. There were times when people said, “You and Jim Morrison were hanging from a balcony to see which one could hang the longest.” I don’t remember any of that.
If the brain’s pickled with vodka and heroin it ain’t processing so well and you play for shit. Of course, that happened. And it got worse and worse. It reached a point where the show became something to get out of the way so I could get loaded. Then, it was
about getting loaded, and who cared about the show? I was very, very lucky. I can’t count the number of times I’d wake up in a pile of puke, someone calls 911 ’cause you stopped breathing. You wake up in an ambulance. You wake up with the EMS people standing around you.
I looked around and noticed [that] everyone I was trying to be like was dead. I went, “Okay, I get it. Alice has got to be one thing and I’ve got to be another thing. I can’t coexist with Alice; Alice has to be a character I play onstage.” When the curtain comes down he really doesn’t want to live my life and I don’t want to live his. He lives two hours a night onstage. He doesn’t want to play golf, he doesn’t want to be married, he doesn’t want children. He doesn’t like anything except what he’s doing onstage, and you leave him up there. To this day, we have a great relationship.
LESLIE WEST (Mountain):
I don’t remember if I had sex with that many girls. I was probably too busy trying to get high, and I didn’t care about the sex. One thing the girls were great for is they could go to the record stores and make sure your album was in the stores, and they knew where to eat really late at night, and a lot of them knew where to find drugs, which was useful back then.

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