Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles (45 page)

Read Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles Online

Authors: Audra Hart

Tags: #vampires, #reincarnation, #curses, #spell weavers, #magical immortal beings

BOOK: Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles
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She sits open mouthed for a moment. And then
she says, “Brian and Bronwyn are mated. They have two children.
Micah and Elias, our godsons.” She smiles fondly at the memory of
the boys growing up.

Luca sits up as soon as she does. When she
pauses again, he says, “What else do you remember?”

“Memories are just rushing in like water down
a hill. Let me see, Enya and Carrick are mated, no children, that I
know of.”

Then her facial expression changes again, to
one of great sadness, “And we had another baby before Aideen. We
called him Kylor, he died at two months of age.” She sobs harshly.
“Every healer in the Guild tried to save him with every spell they
could weave, but it was no use.” He takes her into his arms and she
weeps the tears of the deepest loss. She kisses his face and feels
the deep loss they share. And it forges their bond even stronger.
The load is made bearable by the sharing of it with someone who
also shares your love.

When her tears finally stop, he lies back on
the bed and brings her with him. He holds her tightly against his
hard, cold body. If he still had a heart it would be breaking again
with remembered loss and at the pain he knows she is having to
experience as though it were fresh, as though it just happened. He
holds her this way for over twenty minutes when she says, “Love me,
Luca. I need you. I need us to share ourselves right now. Does that
make sense?”

“Yes it does, I feel exactly the same way,”
he assures her. He shifts to hover over her. He kisses her gently,
trails kisses down her neck, through the valley between her
breasts. He continues to rain kisses down her belly until his hands
find the tops of her panties, he slowly, gently pulls them down and
off. He kisses her pubic mound, the moves up to kiss her tummy. She
grasps his head between her hands and draws him up to kiss her
mouth as she tries to scoot under him so he can enter her. He
grasps her left leg with his right hand and hitches her thigh up
onto his hip to gain easier access. He slowly, gently enters her.
They quickly find a perfect rhythm and harmony that true lovers
have. She moves one hand to his shoulder, and one behind his back,
trying to pull him to her even closer, wanting to become one flesh
with him. They whisper to each other of their deep abiding love,
and profound joy they find in each other. They share the bitter
loss, they heal each other’s wounds. They each suckle together at
the fount of peace they find in each other’s embrace. Their bodies
come together in the deepest ecstasy that only true lovers can

They lie joined and still for over an hour
after their bodies find release. Finally, Luca rises up to look
into her face. He can tell by her breathing that she is awake,
though her eyes are closed. When she feels him draw away, she opens
her eyes and smiles a gentle smile. “Are you comfortable?” he

“Beyond comfortable, thank you,” she
whispers. Her right hand begins to slowly tracing gentle patterns
on his back. “I don’t think I have ever felt closer to you,” she
admits. “It just couldn’t be possible to be any closer to someone
and not become the same person.”

“Morna, I too have never felt closer to you
than I do at this moment. I love you. My beloved. My Morna,” he
whispers in her ear, then trails kisses down her neck. It is
obvious that neither of them want to move, but he’s concerned she
needs to eat, so he says, “Love, you should eat something. Why
don‘t you get dressed and let me take you out to dinner?” The both
laugh softly when her stomach grumbles quietly in agreement.

She reaches up with her left hand to stroke
the back of his neck. “I don’t want to break this mood, or whatever
it is. I don’t want to move,” she admits. “But I will call room
service and get a burger or something if you promise we will come
right back to this after I eat.”

“Of course,” he assures her, he is just as
reluctant as she is to move. He reaches out and grabs the phone
from the bedside table, when the desk clerk answers he asks for
room service. When the room service clerk answers, he tells her
what room they are in and asks for a hamburger, medium well with
mushrooms and Swiss cheese. And an ice cold coke in a can and a
half a dozen bottles of cold water. Then he thanks the clerk and
hangs the phone up. He returns his arm to previous position holding
her face. “Love I don’t want you to start hurting from being the
same position too long, so I am going to shift us on to our sides,”
he warns her before moving.

She kisses him passionately, celebrating his
kindness and consideration for her in all things. She is staggered
by the depth of her feeling for him and she knows that his feeling
for her meets or probably exceeds her own. “I think I may be broken
hearted when the food arrives and we have to move,” she admits.

He laughs joyously and agrees, “Me too love,
me too.” He kisses her gently, and asks, “How is the head

“What head?” she laughs, then adds more
seriously. “It aches a little. Hardly noticeable. I wouldn’t have
noticed had you not asked.” She giggles softly and kisses him
again. She nuzzles into his chest and closes her eyes. She has
never in her life, probably in all of her lives, felt more secure,
safe and loved than she does at this moment. Her hand comes up and
caresses the perfect, icy planes and contours of his chest. She
breathes deeply of his scent. He plants a silent kiss on her neck,
then moves up and nips her ear lobe with his hard, cold lips. She
moans softly. She reaches down with her other hand and strokes his
rock hard abdomen, slowly trailing her fingers lower, then
teasingly moves them back up wards at his sharp intake of

Just then room service knocks on their door.
They both laugh softly. He kisses her and flies out of bed into the
bathroom to grab a robe, then comes back to the bed and says, “Stay
put” and kisses her again, then flies to door to sign for her
supper. He thanks the attendant, adds a generous tip to the ticket
and walks quickly to the bed.

He sets the tray on the bedside table and
says, “Stay put, for just a moment longer.” He kisses her lightly
on the lips, then peels out of the robe and sits on the bed against
the headboard and gently scoots her up until she is sitting between
his splayed legs with her back leaned against his naked, ice cold
chest and rock hard belly, and her rump is against his granite
hard, equally cold manhood. She moans softly as she melts back into
him, reaching up with her right arm to encircle his neck. He kisses
her neck and then her cheek in response.

He moves the tray off the bedside table onto
her lap. She groans softly, “How am I supposed to eat right now,”
she asks mildly perturbed.

He encircles her waist with both of his arms
and says, “One bite at a time.”

Then they laugh together. His hand darts out
on the tray and he snags her napkin spreads it out over her lap.
Then he opens her coke single handedly, and says, “Eat! We have
something much more rewarding to do as soon as you finish.”

She picks up her burger and takes the first
bite. It is absolutely delicious. She picks that moment to gently
grind her butt into him, and they moan in unison. Then they both
laugh uproariously. She takes another bite of the burger and then a
big drink of the coke. She picks up the napkin to wipe her mouth
and then leans back into him and sighs slightly.

“No way lady, finish it,” he rumbles.

“Oh I intend to,” she smirks. And takes
another bite. Then asks, “Does this remind you of anything?”

He laughs and says, “I was wondering if you
would remember, but which one do you remember?”

“The picnic in Wyoming and as well as the one
in glen under that ancient oak tree I loved so much. I taught you
the levitating spell.” She reaches out with her left hand, and
raises it a quarter of an inch and her plate levitates off the tray
six inches.

“Brava!” encourages Luca. She lowers her hand
gently and the plate returns to the tray without a sound. “Very
good indeed, my dear,” he beams proudly.

She takes another drink of the coke, and
follows it with another bite of the burger. She wipes her mouth
with the napkin and says, “Honestly, if I finish it I won’t be up
to loving you for another half hour or longer. And we both know I
will need the necessary before then. Either way I am afraid we are
going to have to move.”

“I know, and you will want to wash your hands
and brush your teeth. Oh well, it was nice thought,” He sighs

She giggles because she knows he is playing
her, but she is going to go along. She rises up and sets the tray
on the bed side table and quickly twists around to straddle his

“Brava, again” he says with a bit of a

She laughs, “Yeah right, I know you played me
baby.” She leans back and winks mischievously.

And then she leans in and kisses him, and he
murmurs, “Yummy, burger breath.” And places his hands behind her
head and draws her closer to him.

She sighs and says, “Don’t push it, I am
really self-conscious about that stuff.” Luca’s only response is to
smile gently and kiss the tip of her nose.

Morna smiles back before she kisses him again
as she raises up and positions herself over his erection and slides
down easily taking his fullness into her. They both moan loudly and
in unison. She locks her hands around his neck and he plants his
hands on her hips, as she rises and falls in an unhurried, and
completely joyful ride to a mutual climax.

When she finally collapses onto him she is
glad she ate the burger after all, because she really doesn’t know
how she would have had the strength to get up after that without
the sustenance. As her breathing slows she is kissing his chest and
stroking his perfectly formed shoulders.

He still has his hands on her hips and is now
swirling his hands in slow circles. He inhales deeply of her scent,
and slight tremor goes through his body. He wonders if she would be
upset if he drove out into the country to hunt.

She lifts her head so that she can look into
his face. She is thoughtful for a second and then says, “I think
someone else needs some sustenance.”

He laughs heartily and accuses her of being a
mind reader. “Sorry darling,” she says, “that’s not one of my
talents. But I am a talented body reader, well, when it’s your body
anyway. You need to hunt,” she states matter of factly.

“Maybe,” He says, “But I really need this
more.” He gently rolls her over onto her back and starts kissing
her passionately and kneading her breasts as he starts moving in
her again. She moans loudly, and clutches at his shoulders before
he grasps her hands and pins them above her head. He hovers over
her, watching her closely for signs of distress.

“Good girl,” he growls as he slowly caresses
her legs from her ankles up her strong calves. “I love your long,
strong legs, Morna.”

She chuckles. “Scars and all?”

“Scars and all.” He grins as he runs his
hands up her thighs onto her hips. “You are so supple.” He digs his
fingers into her ample hips and growls; “I love the way your body
feels under my hands. I love the way you respond to me, Morna.” He
kisses his beloved before driving fiercely into her ready body. She
raises both of her knees and pins them to his sides to open herself
more to receive him more fully. Their tempo increases dramatically,
as he’s kissing her frantically and pounds into her over and over.
She hangs onto him desperately as she reaches yet another orgasm.
Screaming his name in her jubilation. He joins her in her climax
and whispers her name over and over as she slowly catches her
breath and her heartbeat calms to a more normal rate. When he
starts to move off of her, she wraps her legs around his to prevent
him from moving, pulling him back to her. But her scent hits him
again and he almost growls in his thirst.

“Okay, so I definitely should hunt!” She nods
and reaches over on to the bedside table to grab her cell phone.
She finds Breena where he had saved her number to the contact list
for her, and hits send. Breena answers on the second ring, “Morna,
is everything alright?”

“Things are just dandy here, how about with
you sister?” Morna purrs.

Breena laughs and says, “I’m fine what’s up?
Have you been drinking?” she asks skeptically.

Morna laughs as she winds the fingers of one
hand in the hair at the back of his head as he gently nips at her
right breast with his icy lips, and she says, “No not drinking, but
I am intoxicated.” Morna chuckles again. “My daughter did give me a
shot of something several hours ago that was supposed to put me out
for over eight hours. It only lasted two hours. She informed her
daddy that her Mama must have the constitution of a Clydesdale. But
I really don’t think that is what accounts for my mood though.”

“Oh, and what might be causing that?” Breena

Morna chuckles, and says, “Breena, I just
rediscovered my one true love less than a week ago, what do you
think accounts for my mood?”

“Oh,” Breena says. “Well, Duh! Apparently, I
momentarily forgot who I was speaking to,” giggled Breena. “Still?
Seriously? Oh my!” she stammers. “Okay, so why are you calling, to
make me jealous?” she jokes.

“Well I am kicking my roommate out for the
night, and I could use some face time with my favorite First Order
weaver, you game?” asks Morna.

“Sounds great! What are we talking about? A
slumber party?” asks Breena.

“Yeah sis, that’s what I was thinking,”
confirms Morna.

Breena laughs and says, “Your hotel suite or

“Uhh...hmm... I don’t know, I guess yours,
maybe, whatever…” says Morna uncertainly.

“Please don’t tell me you guys broke the
furniture in your suite!” laughs Breena.

“No you First Order Goof! We did not break
any furniture, we did not break any bones. We didn’t break any
records. Good grief, knuckle-head! God, I have missed you my
sister. Hey Aideen and Brigid are coming over here tonight at 8:00
I think, were you coming with them?” asks Morna.

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