Lost Property (5 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Lost Property
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The en suite was spacious and the shower cabinet was as well. Kath relaxed as the hot water cascaded over her, she let it hit the back of her neck and felt herself relax under its massage. She was in no doubt that Mostyn would want to play and she was reasonably happy with that idea, he had shown himself to be an adept dominant in his office, progressing her from spanking to light flogging and then to belting and beating with a tawse in three self-controlled sessions. Kath had been a submissive long enough to know that were plenty of doms who betrayed themselves by their haste to get into a submissive’s knickers or who were simply vicious instead of excitingly in control. She had thought she was a straight submissive until she had met Angie and experienced true, calm authoritative domination from a woman for the first time. And she could still recall the first time she had tasted another woman’s breasts and cunt juice……..Kath realised with a start that her thoughts had been rambling and taken her hand with them. It was now just starting to delve between her lips and rouse her clitoris. Suddenly she heard someone moving about in the bedroom and the door to the bathroom opened to reveal Mostyn, who was in the process of removing his shirt.

“Don’t go away!” he told her with a smile and disappeared for a second, only to re-appear stark naked.

Kath looked at him with genuine interest as he pulled open the shower cabinet door and joined her. Mistress knew she still found men attractive and played on it for her own amusement so Kath knew she was at liberty to find Mostyn’s body appealing. He was barrel chested and with a mat of slightly greying hair across it, his belly still had a six pack reasonably visible and his thighs were every bit as thick and muscular as her glimpses of them before had suggested.

Even though the cabinet was a reasonable size, with him in it, Kath was pushed against the tiles at the back of it. Without any preamble he reached between her legs and she opened for him, feeling his thick fingers find their way up into her vagina. She arched her back a little and felt her nipples graze his chest hair. His fingers found their way deeper inside her and began to stretch her and stimulate her in earnest. He pressed himself even harder against her and she could feel the growing hardness at his groin. Her hand slid down between their wet bodies and closed around the smooth, bulbous head of his cock which grew harder and bigger in response.

He took his hand out of her and then used both of them to grasp her waist and slide her up the tiled wall, Kath kept hold of his cock and as he lowered her she expertly fed him into her vagina, groaning as she felt herself spread wide and filled to the neck. The water continued to drum across them, plastering her wet hair across her face.

As this almost complete stranger began to thrust up into her and she tried her hardest to grip him with her pelvic floor, she threw her arms round his neck, buried her face in his shoulder and wrapped her legs around him. For some reason she could never fathom she always found the most basely physical of sexual contacts the most fulfilling – especially those with her Mistress – the simplicity of being enjoyed with a minimum of foreplay - being penetrated, giving pleasure with her body and only her body, always excited her and made her feel at her most feminine. And it was Angie who had given her the context in which she could indulge this. Angie decided who and how she would serve, Angie took responsibility and permitted her to be the submissive slut she so enjoyed being. It was part of why Kath worshipped her.

Inside her now, she could feel Mostyn begin to thrust for his climax, she could do no more than ride him however as her feet slid off his wet back when she tried to push herself up. She tried grinding and wriggling against him and managed a reasonable climax of her own by the time he froze against her and made small rapid pushes as his spunk jetted out into her.

When he let her down, panting but smiling, she slid further down until she was squatting and took his softening cock into her mouth, licking the final drops of his spend off him. He allowed her to soap him and in the curt way she was becoming used to he told her to wash and dress in her own time. He would meet her downstairs in the bar.

“I will expect stockings – with suspenders if you’ve brought them. There is absolutely no point in wearing knickers of course. And unpack everything you find in the portfolio case and leave what you find on the bed.”

A shower was always better for being enjoyed with post orgasm lethargy and Kath took her time. If she was later than he wanted, then he would punish her, it didn’t matter. And anyway, the more he enjoyed himself with her, the more he might let his guard down and mention something about Proteus.

She dressed carefully as Mistress had taught her to when preparing herself for use. Over the stockings and suspenders she slipped a halter neck dress in dark blue whose skirt finished two inches above the knee, her breasts were good enough to be left bra-less on these occasions. She and Mistress had chosen the dress to be attractive without being too tarty. It also left most of her back naked and her nipples did rather peak the material at the front, but it was a woman’s dress, not a girl’s or a tart’s.

“If I’ve had to deprive myself of the pleasure of marking that,” Mistress had observed, stroking her back, “let’s at least see if beating it’ll persuade him to let slip something useful.”

When she was presentable she went over to the tall plastic tube that Mostyn had carried up from the car and unscrewed the lid. Inside she was not entirely surprised to see a variety of implements for sadistic pleasure.

Calmly she laid them on the bed. There was a riding crop, the leather tailed whip he had used on her in the second session, a leather belt and a type of whip she had not come across before. It consisted of a metre long, slender rod with a length of whipcord knotted at its end, attached to it. She ran the whipcord through her fingers and felt herself begin to heat at the prospect of being subjected to it; it looked interesting. There were also cuffs and a collar and a length of rope with a pocket knife – for cutting shorter lengths of rope, she assumed. There was also lube, a butt plug and a dildo. Plenty to keep him busy, she thought, and while he was busy working on her, there might be time for indiscretions. When she had laid the implements out tidily on the bed, she checked her appearance once more and then went downstairs.

If she had been too long, Mostyn didn’t seem inclined to make an issue of it. She just had time to examine the menu and have a glass of wine before they moved into the dining room.

The meal was adequate and the house wine good. The staff clearly recognised Mostyn but were not overly obsequious or intrusive and he was able to relax. To Kath’s delight the talk revolved around the goings-on at the office. Who did Kath like and dislike; who did she think was good at their job and who wasn’t……careful on that one, she told herself!

Once they had reached the coffee stage, Kath felt his shoe brush against her left calf and she gave him her best ‘come on’ smile and was rewarded by a rare smile in return.

“Kath, you’ve done very well in the sessions we’ve had to date,” he told her.

She hadn’t realised she was being examined – unless job interviews had changed out of all recognition! – she was suddenly aware she had had a glass too much of wine and concentrated sternly on keeping Mostyn under close scrutiny.

“Thank you, Sir. I do like to please.”

“Good, and as a result, I think I’m going to be able to offer you a place on a course that could make you for life.”

“Really, Sir? I’d love that!” she tried to suck her mint in as suggestive a fashion as she could.

Mostyn leaned across the table and fixed her with his blue eyes.

“When we go back to our room, I’m going to tie you and whip you with a carriage whip,” his voice was low and fervent. He clearly wanted to do what he was describing right here and now, but was putting off the pleasure to savour it all the more. “Then I’ll stuff a butt plug up your arse and fuck you in the front door.” He sat back. “What do you say to that?”

“It sounds wonderful!” she managed, leaving out the ‘Sir’ as a waitress came to clear the table. It did sound pretty good and she hoped Mistress would make her tell her everything so she could get punished severely and assuage the guilt she felt at looking forward to the rest of the evening.

“I think Proteus could be just the place for you!” he said as he stood and offered her his arm.

Kath struggled to keep her cool. Proteus at last! She managed a smile and linked her arm with his as he led her towards the bedroom and the whip. As it turned out he was in too much of a hurry to bother with the butt plug once he had finished whipping her. He just fucked her.

Kath had to admit that he did inflict a highly satisfactory beating however. Once she was naked apart from suspenders, stockings and heels, her feet were tied apart as she stood facing the mirror on the dressing table. Mostyn ran the rope around one of the feet of the bed on one side and around the TV unit on the other. Then he clipped her wrists to the ring at the back of her collar and she was able to watch herself being whipped.

The carriage whip stung in a way that she found she enjoyed instantly. It was a light sting and one that faded quickly, only to be replaced by the next, and the next and Mostyn was able to vary his target lash by lash so that her whole body soon sang to its tune.

She especially enjoyed seeing her reactions, in the mirror, as the lash landed. There was a flicker in the air as the tail sped towards her and then a soft thump as the knot bit, followed by the sting. And she loved the narrow, dusky pink welts it left behind it, criss crossing and overlapping on her breasts, making them tremble in their wake. Then steadily he began to increase the force of the blows and to wrap them further around her, making the knot land on her stomach with a strange, hollow thump, then aiming it down so that the knot bit at her delta, making her bend and twist her legs and try to shelter her womanhood. But it found that too and Kath orgasmed after a succession of sensual impacts. Mostyn kept lashing her until the spasms passed and then he was onto her.

He freed her wrists and pushed her roughly forwards so that she was able to support herself on the dressing table, able to see him standing directly behind her and to feel his hard cock pressing urgently against her anus. But he wasn’t after that entrance, he bent his legs slightly and thrust straight into her burning and stinging vagina. Then, as she watched in the mirror, he leaned forwards and took a handful of her hair with one hand and raised the other. She saw he held a doubled over belt in it.

He beat her in time with his thrusts and despite her recent orgasm, Kath watched her mouth open in ecstasy as behind her Mostyn slammed his pelvis against her and smacked the belt down across her shoulders, sending shards of bright fire right through her until she broke.

For a long time she remained motionless, gasping for breath as she returned to earth but slowly her brain cleared and she realised she was still half lying across the dressing table.

“Come here,” Mostyn said and she turned, discovering that her feet had been freed. He was lying back on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows, his powerful thighs were parted and his thick cock languished across one of them, still partly tumescent and glistening with discharge. She went to him and gently ran her hands up his rough, hairy thighs, feeling the muscles beneath the skin, until they encountered the soft wrinkled skin of the ball sac. Then she dropped her head forward and licked at it, fetching an appreciative groan from him. She tucked her hair behind one ear and licked again, more eagerly, letting her tongue run up the length of him, savouring the delicious mixture of essences that slicked it. As she reached the helm she felt it break free of the foreskin and one light touch from her hand completed the job.

She bent further and took him into her mouth.


“After that he told me a bit more about Proteus. Ow! Mmph!”

Kath was tied down on her Mistress’ bed. She was on her back and her cuffs were linked through the wrought iron bars of the bedhead. Her legs were widely parted and tied with a rope that ran right under the bed, back up onto its top and was knotted in the middle of the duvet. Angie was kneeling astride her face, her thigh boots either side of Kath’s breasts. She was naked otherwise and all Kath could see of her was her vulva and her anus and her glorious buttocks. She was also slowly adding to the tally of clothes pegs sprouting from Kath’s breasts and labia. She added another one as Kath finished telling her about how she had swallowed every morsel of spunk that Mostyn had bestowed on her eager tongue. Then she had sat on her slave’s face.

Angie wriggled a bit and chuckled as she felt Kath’s tongue tickle her bottom.

“Alright you slut. What did he say?” She eased herself forwards enough to clear Kath’s face and picked up another peg.

“He said it was a course I’d be going on. Oh!” The peg added its spite to the other five adorning Kath’s left labium. “He….he said it would be good for me…..for my….Ow!”

Angie sat back on her slave’s face again. “I didn’t tell you to make stupid noises, girl! I want to know what he said!”

“Sorry, Mistress! He…um…..he said it would be soon…..oh not my clit, pleeease! Aaah! Mmmph!”

Angie relaxed and let Kath wriggle, gripping her hands in the jolly, multi-coloured, porcupine-like mounds of her breasts, making her arch her back and allowing her tongue to do beautiful things to her anus. But eventually she relented.

“Oh thank you, Mistress!” Kath panted as she was allowed to surface. “He said I’d passed the practical exam with flying colours, so he wouldn’t bother with a theoretical exam.”


“I don’t know, Mistress.”

“Hmm.” Angie climbed off the bed. “Well it’s enough to buy us a bit more time with the big boss. So we know it’s got to be something to do with you being a good lay. Are they training up some kind of civil service elite band of whores?”

Kath craned her head up and surveyed her throbbing tits. “Don’t know, Mistress.”

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