Lord of Capra (8 page)

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Authors: Jaylee Davis

BOOK: Lord of Capra
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“Yes,” Drake
admitted grudgingly. Politics and religion were always very touchy subjects. He
had his doubts if the planetoid Chiron was going to be big enough.

“However, I do not
think it prudent to implement this plan at this time. The wraith might
interfere. I think it is wiser to leave this system and return after we have
dealt with this intruder. Pilot, we will continue on to Taneth as if we suspect
nothing. During the journey, I will study the weaker gravitational anomalies
more closely.”

For now Drake
dismissed his concern over Nemesis’ threat to throw a gigantic boulder at
Earth. Instead, he looked over at Evana. “So we’re leaving?”

“Yes.” She
responded with a smile. “Nem, can you show Earth on the viewer?”

He turned his
attention to the wall as Evana moved close to his side. Drake put his arm around
her and drew her against him.

The view screen he’d
watched earlier came back to life. Earth as he’d seen only in pictures until
now was suspended in the middle of a black background. Night’s shadow slowly
crept toward what he recognized as the Asian continent on the far right side,
and Africa with blue ocean waters to each side, took up most of the globe that
was visible on the screen. Too swiftly, it seemed to him, the image shrank
until he could only detect a faint light.

“Our course will
take us close to the planet you know as Saturn. If you like I will decrease
speed. From our angle of departure, the rings will be quite spectacular.”

“Yes, Nem, I think
we’d like that very much.” Then Evana whispered to Drake. “You’ll learn she has
a fondness for planets with rings.”

Saturn slid into
view, showing off a multitude of her various sized rings and then faded more
swiftly than Earth had into the blackness of space. Drake had to agree.
Spectacular couldn’t even begin to describe what he’d just witnessed. And the
speed, it was impossible for him to grasp how fast they must be traveling. He
wished he’d paid more attention to his astronomy teacher in high school instead
of the football coach. Space science was infinitely more important to him now
than the hundred-yard dash.

Evana nudged him
with her elbow, getting his attention. Still a bit dazed by the reality of
where he was and how he’d gotten there, he just looked at her in bewilderment.
She motioned for him to sit on a couch-like structure that had apparently
molded itself into existence from the floor. Unable to speak, he gave her a
questioning stare.

“Nemesis can
manipulate the matter within her.”

Drake thought he
might be losing his mind, but he managed to sit. He tried to sort through all
the questions swirling about in his mind. He needed to find the one that made
the most sense at a time like this, the one of greatest priority. It wasn’t
coming to him.

He couldn’t tell
how long he’d been sitting and watching the view screen before he realized it’d
vanished. Only a blank multi-colored wall remained. He slowly became aware that
Evana was still seated next to him. Perhaps she sensed he was recovering from
his stupor, he decided, when she cleared her throat.

“It’s overwhelming
at first.”

Without looking at
her, he said, “I have so many questions, but I don’t know where to begin.”

“Then maybe if I
tell you a little about how it was for me some of your questions will have

At his nod, she

“As I told you
before, Nemesis found me as I was dying. There was a terrible plague that
struck the great city of Athens, and it spread to our small seaside village.
The year was 429 B.C. by your measurement of time. I’ve been with Nemesis since
then.” As Drake shook his head in disbelief, she continued. “It’s true. And I
haven’t been the only pilot. Others who weren’t human have come before me.”

Drake knew she told
him the truth. From somewhere deep inside his very being he knew her story wasn’t
a lie. He was just having a hard time wrapping his mind around it.

“How old is

She shrugged. “As
old as the universe, but you’ll have to ask her to tell you about the eons and
ages she’s lived through. It’s a very long story.”

“I’m sure it is,”
he muttered, not sure if she’d intended to make a joke or not. He hoped Nemesis
could manage a brief history, because he had every intention of asking.

“Evana, if you’re
the pilot, why aren’t you…” Drake broke off, not sure how to finish his
question. He looked toward the pilot bed.

Evana followed his
gaze, then looked back at him, apparently guessing his meaning. “Nemesis isn’t
in a hurry so I’m not needed right now. It’s only when we must go faster than
light. That’s when she needs me.”

“You do this often?”

“Of course.”

Of course, he
thought, stunned.

Evana spoke before
he could form another thought. “I believe she’s giving us, and you, some time
to adjust. When she first brought me here, Nemesis made changes to help me feel
more comfortable.”

“What kind of
changes do you mean?”

“Well, for
instance, she can provide living quarters if you desired.”

Drake chuckled. “Complete
with a waterbed? Maybe a bath?”

Evana nodded and
laughed along with him. “Absolutely. You should’ve seen the palace she provided
for me at first. It was very lavish.”

Drake jumped off
the makeshift couch. He offered her his hand and gallantly helped her to stand
before pulling her close. He tightened his arms around her.

“Your place or

Chapter Twelve


Evana was
astonished. He seemed to take things in stride, better than she’d dreamed
possible. His bravery impressed her also. Challenging a ghost ship wasn’t
something one did without being very courageous or extremely foolish. Her mate
was no fool.

Nemesis had told
her he’d be able to comprehend most things faster than she had. Evana
remembered how hard it’d been for her to understand the world in which Nemesis
existed. Drake was from Earth, just as she was, but his was further along in
its development. Yes, he adjusted quickly. Now, since he obviously tried to
lure her to have sex with him, she had to explain why that couldn’t happen just

She stroked his
face, feeling the roughness of a day’s stubble on his cheek. It gave her an
idea of how to stall him. “Perhaps you’d like to relax in my pools?”

“Pools? As in more
than one?” He dropped his hands to grope her butt while he tried to nibble her

Evana wriggled from
his grasp. Laughing playfully, she pulled him toward an opening that appeared
in the wall at her silent command. After entering the personal space Nemesis
had created for her, she stopped as Drake looked around in awe.

Much of it was
still Greek inspired, but over the years Evana had eliminated and added some
elements she liked from other civilizations she’d seen. Columns, statues,
fountains and stone flooring blended with sunken pools, a plush oversized
lounge slightly enclosed by wisps of iridescent sheer material and a musical
stream of water that swirled around a steadily burning flame of fire that
changed colors at random. There was even a slight breeze. In keeping with Earth
time at his previous location on the surface, it was night.

She led him to one
of her favorite pools. “Remove your clothes and relax. The water is warm and
very soothing. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She strolled down one of the
lighted stone paths.

“Where are you
going?” Drake called as he unbuttoned his jeans.

“To get us
something to drink.”

He was up to his
neck in relaxation when she returned, as was her intention. Evana had shed her
own clothes and carried two crystal goblets filled with red liquid. As she
knelt beside the edge of the pool to give him one of the glasses, he regarded
it suspiciously.

“Wine or blood?”

“Wine. From a
planet very far away.”

Since he continued
to look skeptical she took a large drink from her own glass and then offered, “I’ll
drink yours too if it’ll help.”

He took a couple
quick sips. After nodding his approval, he drank deeply.

“I’m glad you like

“I’d like it better
if you’d get in the water with me.”

Evana slipped into
the pool beside him. She splashed away before he could reach for her.

“We mustn’t be
together until you’re stronger.”

“So right now is a
bad time to tell you how great I think you look with nothing on.”

“Yes. Not a good

“Then when, Evana?”
Drake downed the rest of his wine. “Ever since I first saw you, I’ve wanted
you. I believe you feel the same way.”

“I do,” she
confessed. “I won’t risk losing you by acting in haste.”

“How much stronger
do I have to be?” Not waiting for her to answer, he suggested, “Then give me
more blood if that’s what I need to survive making love to you.”

“Are you hungry for
my blood right now?” Evana knew he wasn’t. She’d asked the question for the
single purpose of making him listen to his own body.

After a long pause,
he admitted, “No. I’m not hungry at all.” He had the look of someone who’d been
given a great revelation. “I feel…I’m still getting stronger.”

“Yes. You fed only
a few hours ago. Be patient. I’ll know when you’re ready to feed again.”

“Patience.” He
groaned and slipped beneath the water. He surfaced a moment later and shook the
excess water from his hair before realizing she’d stepped out of the pool.

“Evana, the first
time, how were you able to make love to me and not…you know?”

“I recall your bed
barely survived.” She motioned for him to follow her.

“Very funny.” He
grumbled unhappily while stepping out of the water.

Evana walked to the
lounge and sat, waiting for him to join her.

“Seriously, how did
you stop?” he asked again before taking a seat.

“If you’ll
remember, I was very attracted to you.”

Drake scooted closer.
“I do remember that.”

Evana sighed,
feigning annoyance. “You see, Nemesis chose you for me. And as much as I hate
to admit it, especially to her, she was right. I wanted you even before you
drank my blood. Everything about you called to me when I was near you. I wanted
to make love to you and to taste you.” She realized he drew dangerously close and
slid over to the opposite end of the lounge to put a safer distance between them.
He laughed at her retreat.

“You should really
try not to tempt me,” she cautioned.

“Sorry.” He sounded
apologetic. “You were saying something about tasting?”

Evana kept her
fangs firmly retracted and continued. “When you drank my blood the first time,
it healed you, but it also marked you. The presence of it in you makes me want
you even more. The more you feed the more I’m going to desire to feed from you.
So you see, this isn’t getting any easier for me.

“And to answer your
question of how I stopped myself from killing you, Nemesis sent me a warning
and I drew my own blood. That tactic won’t work a second time. I think I have
enough control to give you my blood once more. After that, I’m afraid I won’t
be able to resist the urge to complete our mating. There is danger involved. I’ve
never taken a mate before.”

Drake gazed at her
thoughtfully. To Evana, it seemed like ages before he spoke. “I’m not afraid to
make love to you, Evana. Even if you drain every ounce of blood from my body it’ll
be worth each second I have with you.”

Evana was
speechless. It took every bit of her control to remain on her end of the lounge
and devour him with just her eyes. Swallowing hard, she managed to speak.

“Nemesis assures me
it’s only a concern during first mating. Afterward, the hunger diminishes and
there’s only pleasure for us both.”




He’d meant every
word he’d said about letting her drain his blood. The only thing he regretted
was not adding that he was in love with her. He shoved the regret aside,
thinking it might be better to wait and see if he survived. That being the
case, there was no reason for him to worry about something he couldn’t control.
So he wouldn’t. Although he did wonder what she meant exactly about “first
mating.” Apparently, the one and only time they’d been together didn’t count
when it came to “mating” for her. Perhaps there was more to it than just her
feeding on his blood.

Before he could
ask, Nemesis broke their silence, “Pilot, if you are prepared?”

“I’m ready.” As he
started to object, she shook her head slightly. “I must go now. I’m pilot. It’s
something I must do alone.”

Drake didn’t want
her to leave—ever. It was crazy, but he couldn’t help feeling possessive. She
was his, and he was certain he belonged to her, body and soul.

“I suppose a
goodbye kiss is out of the question?” He had to try.

“Not a wise thing
to do right now, my love. Rest here for a while. Your time in the pool and the
wine should help you sleep. And later, down the path is a dwelling stocked with
many things you might require. Ask Nemesis if you should need anything more. I
believe she’s anxious to visit with you when you’re ready.”

Evana rose, walked
along the path they’d entered from and exited through the same opening that
appeared as before. In silence, Drake watched her the whole way.

Once the opening
closed behind her, he shook his head and muttered, “Naked.”

He considered his
own lack of clothing and chuckled as he sprawled on the lounge.
Uniform of
the day around here

comfortably into the cushion, he stretched and realized he actually felt
sleepy. Behind him, he heard a fountain gurgling somewhere in the darkness as
he gazed lazily at the dancing flame. It changed colors at whim. Listening
closer, he realized the little stream had even slowed its tempo to a soothing
melody. He yawned, closed his eyes, and feeling as if the breeze had covered
him with its own blanket, he fell asleep.


* * * *


Evana pushed ahead
with the power surging through her until she felt resistance from Nemesis’
energy barrier, indicating she’d gone too far. The ghost ship gradually reduced
the amount that channeled through them as she worked in unison with Evana to
maintain a more moderate speed.

Pilot, is there a
reason for your urgency to reach our destination? Does the beauty of the black
void not interest you anymore?

Sorry, Nem,
Evana thought
It’s easier to focus on speed than think of other things right now.

We are in no great
hurry to reach Taneth. Besides, I am scanning for gravitational anomalies to
determine if a wraith is pursuing us. At the speed you were approaching, we
will surely out distance them.


You are worried
about your mate.

Evana sighed
And the mating,
she admitted.

All will be as it
should be. Follow your instincts.

And if my instincts
force me to kill him? What then?

You will not.

But I might.

No. You will not.

Exasperated, Evana
fumed in silence.
I’ve never fed on anyone’s blood before. I had no desire
to until now. How can you be so certain?

That part of you
which is human has already taken him as your mate, has it not?


And now the part
that I gave you wishes to claim him also. Does it not feel natural to have this

Evana thought hard
before answering. While joined with Nemesis in the pilot bed, she was always
more in touch with her power, at least the part of it she thought of as being
non-destructive. She felt its yearning for completeness, its desire to join
with her mate. It was part of her, no different than her human nature.

she told Nemesis
I feel it’s natural.

You know I am not a
killer, Evana. You will not kill him. Trust your instincts.

I’ll try
, Evana thought,
even though she still wasn’t completely convinced.

That will do.
After a few moments
of silence, Nemesis spoke again.
“I am pleased you are no longer bored, pilot.

Evana gritted her
teeth in annoyance.

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