Loose Ends (8 page)

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Authors: Electa Rome Parks

BOOK: Loose Ends
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Kree was stunning in her sexy red dress with the plunging neck-line. I admired her for a few seconds. Stunning. She adorned it with a pair of slinky, strap-on red shoes and a simple pair of diamond-stud earrings that I’d given her for her birthday last year. Kree was beautiful, breathtaking. She has a way of looking at me, batting her long eyelashes, pouting her full lips a certain way, that made me weak at the knees. She knows how to turn me on, and I know how to turn her out.
I splashed on a little of my favorite cologne, checked out my hair one last time and headed out the door hand in hand with my lady.
On the ride over, Kree talked nonstop about what a great businessman I would make, how successful I was going to be and how proud she was of me. I must admit, Kree has always been supportive of my endeavors. She’s a good wife and loves to please and take care of her man. She’s mature for her age. I guess that comes from traveling abroad and being exposed to other cultures at such an early age. Sometimes I forget she’s only twenty-five.
After we left our car with the valet to be parked, Kree and I made our way to the entrance of Justin’s. The wait for a table wasn’t as long as I expected, but there was a huge after-hours crowd at the bar laughing and having a good time. The atmosphere was trendy, and the crowd consisted mostly of black professionals out for an enjoyable evening. There were many attractive black women in the place. It was amazing how many of them tried to make eye contact with me even with Kree on my arm.
After a twenty-minute wait, Kree and I were seated at an intimate corner table. She kept smiling at me, showing me her pearly whites. I leaned over, cupped her face and gave her a kiss that lasted for a few seconds.
She leaned over to wipe the red lipstick off of me. “What was that for?”
“Oh, I can’t kiss my wife now?” I asked in mock indignation.
“Anytime, anywhere, anyplace. You aren’t usually so affectionate in public, that’s all.”
“Well, you look so beautiful and sexy tonight that I can’t keep my hands off of you. Later, I can’t wait to show you how beautiful you are.”
Kree blushed and looked at me with love and devotion reflected in her eyes. We hadn’t been seated long when our waiter came over and took our dinner and drink orders. I chose for both of us.
We sat and sipped our white wine in a comfortable silence. I had purchased an entire bottle to start off our celebration. At one point she entwined her hand with mine. A warm, radiant feeling engulfed me. So many men searched high and low to find a woman who loved them unconditionally. I found that in Kree.
I know for a fact that she’d do almost anything, shy of murder, to keep me happy and satisfied. Sometimes I ask her to do things in bed that she doesn’t really want to do. Under different circumstances, she probably wouldn’t do them, but Kree loves me and lives to please me. Lately, I’ve had all these fantasies that I wanted to act out. I admit, sex is very important to me.
“Listen, baby, in all the excitement, I forgot to tell you I talked to Christian today.”
“And . . . ?”
“Well, we are meeting with them next Saturday at eight P.M.”
Kree didn’t say anything at first. She looked away so I couldn’t see the expression on her face.
“What, Brice?” she asked, slightly annoyed.
“Is that cool?”
“Do I have a choice? This is what you want, right? It’s all you’ve talked about since we moved here.”
“Baby, you have a choice. I don’t know why you’d think that,” I said a bit perturbed.
“Probably because you always get what you want, when you want it. But yeah, that’s cool. Okay, baby?”
“All right, now let’s celebrate.” I winked at her and put my left hand on her thigh. She smiled and discreetly parted her legs, and the split in her dress opened to reveal more of her thigh. My hand drifted a little higher and I felt heaven!
The rest of the evening was uneventful. Kree and I finished off the bottle of wine, feasted on Creole gumbo, talked and people-watched. At one point we spotted radio personality Frank Ski and members of his morning crew. They could barely make it to their table without people stopping them and shaking their hands.
When Kree started rubbing my back in small, then large circles, I knew it was time to go. Kree leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I want you to take me home now and fuck the living daylights out of me.” Then she reached under the table and squeezed the merchandise. Alcohol always has that effect on her. With a smile on my face, I left a generous tip and grabbed her hand, “I’ll be happy to oblige.”
Needless to say, the remainder of the night was spent dancing between the sheets. As I entered the condo, I put on a couple of smooth CDs, grabbed another bottle of wine from the refrigerator and had Kree undressed before twenty minutes passed. After another glass of wine, Kree was ready. She was all over me, trying to get me to do her. Kree was begging for it. I love to mess with her when she is like this. I told her before I’d give her any, she had to do something for me.
In no time at all I was standing in the middle of our bedroom floor, naked, while Kree got down on her knees, opened her mouth wide, and sucked my dick like a pro. Afterward, Kree got her wish, two times. We both fell asleep with smiles on our faces, entangled in each other’s arms.
“Mother, don’t you think I’ve asked myself that same question over and over again? I don’t know why Brice has this obsession with meeting them,” I said as Mother ranted and raved relentlessly.
“What’s the point? It doesn’t make sense. There has to be some motivating factor.”
“Brice claims he wants to make right some wrongs he caused in the past. Plus, he misses the brotherhood he and Christian shared. They literally grew up together!”
“Well, I don’t like it one bit. And I’m going to go on record as saying so. You are just asking for trouble, girl.”
“What am I supposed to do? If I don’t go, he’ll just go by himself.”
“What do you mean, what are you supposed to do? Haven’t I taught you anything? Child, use your womanly wiles. You always underestimate yourself. Do what you gotta do to get your way.”
“Mother, my ass. Don’t give him any. Keep your legs closed. Don’t even let him get a feel. It works wonders.”
I didn’t say anything in response to her solution. I quietly bit my fingernail.
“Kree, did you hear me? I can’t believe you haven’t learned anything from me. I had your daddy trained until the day he died, God bless his soul.”
“Well, it doesn’t work that way around here. Anyway, I’m somewhat curious about his ex.”
“Well, be curious from a distance. Don’t go up into her home, on her turf. Remember, she used to lie down with your husband, and Brice used to make love to her. If he’s as good as you tend to make him out to be, then she hasn’t forgotten either. You know women don’t forget the ones who made them call out the name of Jesus and come at the same time. I know I haven’t. I wish I could find old Freddy again now that your daddy is gone on. He’s probably dead and buried, though.”
I had to laugh at that. “Mother, you’re a mess.”
“No, I just tell it like I see it, and you’d better open up your eyes before it’s too late.”
“Mother, please! She’s happily married to Christian.”
Mother and I talked awhile longer as we always did, at least once, sometimes twice a week. My mother is a certified trip. She’s off the chain. In fact, some of the things she says to me were more like a girlfriend talking to another girlfriend instead of mother to daughter. We’ve always been like that. She’s like a best girlfriend. Maybe her being in her early fifties makes a difference.
When Daddy was alive, Mother kept him on his toes. My mother doesn’t mince words or feelings; she keeps it real, too real at times. When Daddy passed away two years ago from colon cancer, I thought she would be lonely. I think she grieved for a minute, but it didn’t take long for her to get back into the swing of dating. I wasn’t surprised. Mother is a classy, cultured and beautiful lady. I was shocked at how many younger men tried to step to her.
When Brice and I returned to the States, we stopped by for a week’s visit. Much to my surprise, Mother had a lover. I was thoroughly embarrassed when I woke up one night, walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water and heard them getting it on. Talk about loud; you would have thought the man was killing her. Miss Drama Queen. Yeah, my mother’s a mess, but I love her to death!
I think she regrets that I’m not as aggressive as she’d like me to be. She says I let people walk all over me. Maybe she’s right; maybe I do. Sometimes I wonder if I’m truly her daughter. However, I’m not about to cut my husband off from sex. If anything, our active sex life is bringing him home each night. I don’t like some of the stuff he wants me to do in bed, but I do it anyway to please him. I’m not a fool. I see how women check him out from head to toe when we go out. Brice is fine! Women are bold! Some still won’t turn away even when I catch them looking at my husband!
I got shudders from thinking about last night. It was so good, too good. Brice had me calling out to God, Jehovah and Sweet Mary, Mother of Jesus. It felt so wonderful that I started to cry on his shoulder, and shortly afterward we were at it again.
I hung up with promises to Mother that I’d be cautious and not go into this entire situation blindly. I’m not exactly thrilled about it either. I have a nagging feeling that these two people whom I have never met are going to change my world.
It’s hard to believe it’s already mid-April. The school year has flown by. It’s going to be a typical hot summer in Atlanta, because the temperatures are already breaking record highs for spring. Each evening, after school, I changed into shorts to cook dinner. Christian calls them my Daisy Dukes. During the summer I live in shorts, halter tops and sandals. Anyone who knows me knows I’m definitely a no-frills type of person. My motto is, Less is better.
I never wear a lot of jewelry either. Usually I wear my wedding set, my diamond-stud earrings or my gold hoops and a cross pendant that Christian had given me years ago. The cross pendant is still my most cherished piece of jewelry because it belonged to his moms before she passed away. Christian is so sweet and thoughtful and always makes occasions special and memorable.
To say the last few weeks had been very hectic is an understatement. Preparing my students for final exams, report cards and end-of-school matters was keeping me too occupied to focus on our upcoming meeting with
. Christian seemed to be happy and wasn’t dwelling on it either. Yet the date was fast approaching. He was still working crazy, long hours. So our hours together were cherished and few and far between. It still
me that we can talk for hours and hours on end about anything and everything and nothing at all. Lyric is growing more adorable each and every day. Yes, I’m biased. Our baby is our heart. Lyric has already learned how to manipulate her daddy to get her way. There is no doubt Christian loves her to no end. She is definitely Daddy’s little girl.
Every evening he makes a special effort, no matter how tired he is, to play with her or read to her. It’s their time together. On the nights Christian got in too late, I’d found him on several occasions, simply staring at her as she slept. That always warms my heart to no end.
The other evening I had gone out to happy hour—which is something I rarely ever do—with another coworker, a fellow teacher, whom I considered a good friend. Sharon had been bugging me for months about going with her to Taboo. Since Christian was working late and Mama had agreed to keep Lyric for the evening, I decided to hang out and do the club thing. Sharon was pleased! The woman is a complete party animal. Talk about wild. Look in the dictionary under the word
and you’ll see a photo of Sharon.

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