Lookin' For Luv (31 page)

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Authors: Carl Weber

BOOK: Lookin' For Luv
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“Yeah.” Denise laughed. “Now I just hope my period comes next week.”
“Excuse me. Denise, isn’t it?” Mama startled Denise as she sat in the chair across from her.
“Mrs. Brown! You scared me. Any word on your Whitney?” She hung the phone up on Liz without saying good-bye.
“She’s in the recovery room. Dr. Brand said the operation was a complete success. She’s not goin’ to be able to run any marathons, but she’ll lead a happy life. Thank God she already has two children.”
“That’s great, Mrs. Brown. I’m so happy for all of you.” Denise hugged her as she thought about how happy she was for herself too.
“I asked Kevin what you meant by callin’ Whitney your future sister-in-law.”
“Oh, I’m really sorry about that. I hope I didn’t embarrass you or Kevin. The lawyer in me gets out of control sometimes. I wanted them to know how serious I was about getting care for your daughter.”
“Is that so?” Mama raised an eyebrow. “Denise, what’s goin’ on with you and my boy?”
Denise was speechless for a second, so Mama continued.
“Look I’ma be honest. I appreciate what you did for Whitney, but I wanna know what you want with my Kevin?”
“I don’t want anything from him, we’re just friends,” Denise insisted.
Mama smiled.
Who this girl think she’s foolin’?
“Honey, do you want us to get along?”
“Yes, Mrs. Brown,” Denise said humbly.
“Then first of all, stop callin’ me Mrs. Brown. For as long as I can remember, people ‘round here been callin’ me Mama. You can too.” Mama sat back in her chair.
“Okay, Mama.” The words sounded awkward coming from Denise, and she smiled nervously. This was her moment of truth. If his mama accepted her, Kevin would have no reason to refuse a relationship with Denise.
“Now, I seen the way you looked at Kevin. Those aren’t looks of friendship. Those was looks of lust and love. Pretty white girl like you can get a black boy killed ‘round these parts, lookin’ at him like that.”
Denise was at a loss for words. She had no idea what to say to this woman without offending her.
“Mrs. Brown, I like Kevin, and one day I’d like to be his girlfriend. But right now we’re just friends. That’s Kevin’s choice, not mine.”
“Well, I think you should talk to Kevin, ’cause he just told Phyllis and me that you was his new girlfriend.”
“Really?” Denise couldn’t hold back an elated smile.
“That’s what he said.” Mama’s face was expressionless.
“You don’t look too happy about it,” Denise said as she tried to contain her own emotions.
“That’s y’alls decision. I just want Kevin to be happy.”
“I can make him happy.”
Before Mama could respond, Kevin entered the cafeteria and sat down next to Denise.
“What are you two talking about?” He smiled, placing his arm around Denise.
“Oh, nothin’, baby. I was just welcomin’ Denise to the family.” Mama looked across the table at Denise. She had a bad feeling about this girl.
It was warm for the middle of March. Keisha was sitting on the stoop in front of her building, rubbing Antoine’s back sympathetically as he recounted the events at the Men’s Club the night before. Although he had never actually seen Shawna dance, he was upset she spent so much of her time in such a raunchy place. Every time he had seen Billy grab a woman’s breasts, he imagined some other sleazy man doing the same to Shawna. It hurt him deeply that she would not leave her job, and he was pouring out his heart to Keisha in hopes that talking about it might make it hurt less.
“I appreciate you listening to me, Keisha. I really needed to get a woman’s perspective on this.”
“Like I told you before, Antoine, I’m always gonna be here for you. But I can’t believe that she’s that type. Are you sure?” Actually Keisha was thrilled by the news, because it gave her a better chance with Antoine.
“I was in the club last night And Kevin told me after I left the man said she was booked all night.”
“Damn, she sure fooled me.” Keisha shook her head. “I thought she was a schoolteacher like you.”
“She fooled a lot of people,” Antoine said angrily, “but I’m through letting her make a fool of me.”
“If you really mean that, here’s your chance.” She pointed to Shawna’s car, which was pulling up. “Antoine, please don’t be trippin’ outside the building.”
Antoine rolled his eyes. Keisha had made enough scenes of her own in front of this building. Besides, he intended to break up with Shawna calmly and rationally.
“I’m just gonna end things with her, that’s all. I’ll be cool.” He walked over to meet Shawna at her car, but she was already storming toward the stoop.
“Antoine, how come every time I come over here, this wench has her hands all over you?” She gestured wildly toward Keisha, who sat with an amused grin on her face. “Didn’t you tell her we’re getting married? You’d think she’d have some respect!”
“Calm down, Shawna!”
“That’s right, Antoine, you better shut her up before I put my foot in her ass!” Keisha shouted.
“Antoine. Are you going to let that bitch talk to me this way?” Shawna glared over at Keisha.
“She’s a grown woman, and she can say any damn thing she pleases.”
His reply sent Shawna into a state of total confusion. He had never defended Keisha in the past. The only thing she could think of was that Keisha had told him some more lies.
“You think you can take my man, bitch?” Shawna took off her earrings as she challenged Keisha. “I don’t know what the fuck’s going on here, but I’m gonna kick your ass before I figure it out!”
“You’re not going to kick anyone’s ass,” Antoine said sternly, stepping between the two women. He turned to Keisha. “Would you please stay out of this?” Keisha sat back down on the stoop so she could hear their conversation.
“Why are you acting like this, Antoine?” Shawna wailed. “What did I do?”
“It’s your night job, Shawna. I love you, but I can’t stand the fact that you don’t want to leave that sleazy damp. If you quit that job right now, I could forget you ever worked there, and we could still get married. But if you insist on working there, I can’t be with you.”
“I need that job to pay for my operation!” she pleaded.
“I don’t really care about your breast size. I love you for the person you are inside. If you really want the operation, Shawna, I’ll give you the money. Just leave that place.”
He wished he could make Shawna understand she was beautiful just the way she was, but she seemed obsessed with getting her breasts enlarged.
“Antoine, I’m not quitting my job. I love my job. My job makes me feel like a woman.”
“So, what are you trying to say, being a prostitute makes you feel like a woman?” His eyes got small with anger. Then he felt the sting of pain as Shawna smacked him across the face.
“Don’t you ever talk to me that way again! You hear me, Antoine?” She swung at him again.
Keisha jumped up, deciding she couldn’t watch anymore. She practically flew through the air as she tackled Shawna.
“You know he ain’t gonna fight a woman, bitch. But if you want a fight, you got one!” Keisha got in a few good swings, and Shawna fought back, scratching Keisha’s neck with her long fingernails. Antoine grabbed Keisha and pulled her off Shawna, shouting loudly.
“Shawna, I think you’d better go home.” He was still holding Keisha, who tried to lunge toward Shawna.
“But, Antoine, we need to talk,” she pleaded, trying to catch her breath, and straightening out her clothes.
“There’s nothing left to be said. It’s over.” He turned his back to her as he struggled to hold Keisha, who still wanted to continue the fight.
“Let me go, Antoine! That bitch scratched my neck!”
Shawna walked to her car, tears streaming down her face. She turned one last time to look at Antoine, who wasn’t even glancing in her direction. Sadly she got into her car and drove away.
Releasing Keisha, Antoine turned to watch Shawna’s car as it turned the corner. Keisha stood breathing heavily. She couldn’t resist one more insult, even though Shawna was already gone.
“You know, my grandmother always used to say something about girls like her.”
“What’s that?” Antoine was annoyed.
“You can make the housewife into a whore. But you can never make a whore into a housewife.”
“Do me a favor, Keisha. Don’t speak to me again. Ever. I’m just gonna put the rent check in your mailbox.” Antoine turned to leave.
“What did I do?” Keisha asked in amazement.
“You did everything. This whole thing would have gone a hell of a lot smoother if you had stayed out of it like I asked.” He stomped up the stairs to his apartment.
“I’m sorry . . .” she tried to tell him as the door slammed shut.
Keisha was at a loss for words as she returned to her beauty shop. She couldn’t understand why Antoine was upset with her. It was her personality to attack when she felt threatened, and Shawna had been a threat to her since the first day she showed up in front of the building. Shawna had something that Keisha had wanted for a long time.
But Keisha actually thought she had been pretty good until then, restraining herself every time the bitch said something to her. It was only when she saw her hit Antoine that she couldn’t hold herself back anymore. Why couldn’t he understand that she was only fighting for him?
Keisha was confused. She wanted Antoine to accept that she would fight when she had to. But she knew he never resorted to physical violence to solve his problems, and that was exactly what she liked about him. He was so refined compared to most of the men she knew. He wanted to solve his problems with his mind rather than his fists. She knew that she and Antoine could learn a lot from each other and their differences, and she was determined that someday she would make Antoine understand this.
Upstairs in his apartment Antoine grabbed a bottle of rum and nearly finished off the entire bottle in one gulp. For two weeks he stayed in a drunken stupor. He left his apartment only long enough to get more booze. His head was reeling from all the alcohol and from the rush of emotions that he still could not contain. He threw an empty bottle of rum at his telephone when its ring invaded the silent room. He missed.
“Who the fuck’s calling me?” he slurred, picking up a brandy bottle and trying to drink the remaining few drops.
“Antoine, pick up! Antoine, this is Kevin. Listen, I just got back from Virginia, and they say you haven’t been to work in over a week. I don’t know what’s going on over there, but I’m worried about you, bro, and so is Tyrone. Look, gimme a call when you get this message. It doesn’t matter what time.”
“Fuck you
Tyrone! You don’t give a shit about me. Nobody does,” Antoine screamed, throwing the brandy bottle at the answering machine. It hit the message button, which activated the machine.
“You have four messages,” the machine barked. “Message number one: ‘Yo, Antoine, this is Tyrone. Where you been, man? Kevin’s sister Whitney is in the hospita!.’”
“Message two: ‘Mr. Smith, this is Dr. Maurice Johnson. You haven’t called in sick or notified us about any personal time you needed. It is imperative that you give me a call at the school so we can make arrangements to cover your English Regents review class.’”
All that son of a bitch cares about is those fucking test scores. I could be dead for all he cares.
“Message three: ‘Hello, Mr. Smith, this is Mrs. Rogers, the school secretary. I was just calling to let you know that the staff and I were thinking about you. I hope whatever it is keeping you out is not serious. Have a blessed day.’”
Mrs. Rogers’s message sobered him slightly, just enough to realize how recklessly he had been acting. The breakup with Shawna had hurt him more deeply than anything he could remember, but he knew this was not like him to spend practically two weeks in an alcoholic fog. The more he thought about it, the more disgusted he became with his behavior. He had to get himself together.
He staggered over to his desk to find his rent check, which was a week late. Once he discovered it under a pile of unopened mail, he stumbled down the stairs to Keisha’s apartment. As he tried to open her mailbox, he tripped over his own feet and fell. Too drunk to get up, he soon passed out in front of her door.
Antoine awoke with blurred vision and a headache that felt as if an anvil had been dropped on his temples. Blinking several times to focus his eyes, he finally made out what appeared to be a naked woman. She was large but shapely and hummed softly as she toweled herself dry. Antoine was sure he must have been dreaming. As the woman turned around, he recognized her face. He was surprised that Keisha would be the woman in his dream, but she sure looked good. He laughed, thinking she would be flattered to know he was dreaming about her.

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