Lone Rider (Motorcycle Club Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Lone Rider (Motorcycle Club Romance)
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“I’m sure there is other stuff that you could get a thrill from. How do they not get seriously injured? This is madness.”


Tom couldn’t help but stare at the bulls and their fearless riders. The man who was currently on his bull had managed to last the full eight seconds and had to jump from the angry animal a mere couple of seconds before they slammed metal gates around it. The rider pumped his hands in the air and let out a happy yell. Tom would never be able to understand why people would want to do this.


He was on the edge of his seat the entire duration of the rodeo and was glad to get out of there before he either broke the chair he was sitting on or his hands, since they were clenching around said chair.


“The only thing left now is the dance tonight, but we don’t have to go to that if you don’t want to.” Caroline retied her hair before turning and smiling at Tom.


“Oh, I want to take you. I may need to change my clothes though. I’m a bit sweaty.”


“I could do with the same.” The couple returned to the town and Tom stripped his clothes and jumped into the shower to wash away the stickiness that had accumulated during the day. He decided to dress in a black vest and another pair of dark jeans and boots. He didn’t want to get too hot if he was going to be dancing with Caroline. He didn’t think she’d appreciate him sweating all over her.


He was amazed at the connection they had managed to make over the past day. Throughout the day Tom had grown to learn more and more about her. Including how she managed to open the bar because her grandmother had given her the money to pursue her dreams. He’d also learned that she only liked her sandwiches cut into small squares.


He had never felt desire for anyone as strong as he felt for Caroline. He wanted to take her in his arms and lay her down on the bed before proceeding to show her just how much he wanted her. To show her that she was beautiful and amazing. He didn’t only want her body, but felt an overwhelming desire to wine and dine her, to treat her like the princess she deserved to be treated like.


He was just getting ready to leave the room again when his phone chirped at him.




“Hey, it’s John from the garage. Just calling to say your bike should be ready tomorrow. The part just arrived.”


“That’s great news, thank you.” Tom sat on the edge of the bed and frowned. It was a good thing that his bike was fixed, but why did it feel like now he had no reason to stay in this town?  He knew there was a reason he wanted to stay here, but he didn’t actually want to address that situation. He was going to have a good night with Caroline and think about leaving in the morning.




“It’s not going to be some small town dancing that I don’t know how to do is it?” Tom asked later that evening as people started milling onto the dance floor.


“Depends, can you line dance?”


“I guess we’ll just have to see.”  He jumped in surprise when someone placed a cowboy hat on his head and wandered off.


“Come on, let’s see your moves, cowboy.”


Tom had no choice but to follow her onto the dance floor and get in line with her. The music started and he slowly stepped to the side along with the other people. Once the music picked up speed some of the people stepped away and Tom winked at Caroline before letting himself go. He hadn’t danced in a long time and it was weird to get back into the swing of things.


Tom hooked his thumbs in his belt loops and twisted his body to the music and the other dancers beside him, winking again when Caroline shook her head at him. She stepped aside a few moments later to gather her breath and Tom slid into her place, surprised when he was grabbed by a small elderly lady.


“You’re very good!”


“Thank you. It’s a hobby.” Tom finished till the end of the song and leaned against one of the nearby tables, catching his breath as Caroline shook her head at him again.




“I didn’t know you could dance. You’re so amazing!” she clapped her hands together again and flung her arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek.


“It’s a hobby. I took it up in summer when I was about twelve and kept doing it. I hadn’t danced in a while though.” Tom wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him before bending his head down and once again kissing her gently.


“I know you’re not here long. I’ll probably never see you again so... follow me.” Caroline took his hand in hers and he allowed her to lead him to an empty stable. There were horses a few stalls down, but this one was empty and had fresh hay lain down recently.


“What are we doing here?”


“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Caroline smiled and reached up, pushing her blue summer dress off her shoulders and letting it pool to the floor in front of her so she was standing in just her underwear. Tom felt his mouth go dry and his lips part slightly at the vision in front of him.


“Oh, wow.”


“Did I make a mistake? I thought you liked me.” Caroline bit her lip and bent down to pick her dress up, but Tom kicked it out of the way and pulled her body to his, guiding her hand to the front of his tight jeans.


“Does this answer your question?”


“Very much so.”


Tom pushed her hand away before wrapping one hand around both of her wrists and pinning her against the wall of the stall, his mouth making a trail down her throat to her chest. Caroline let out a breathy moan.


“Keep your hands behind your back, baby.” Tom husked as he released Caroline’s hands and she rested them behind her back, her eyes heavy as she watch everything he was doing. Tom reached up and tugged the cups of her bra down enough so that he could get his mouth on one of her nipples as his other hand trailed down her stomach to dip into the front of her panties.


“Tom!” Caroline gasped and he couldn’t help but chuckle quietly, as he swirled his tongue around her nipple and pushed his fingers through her wet folds. He stopped playing with her breasts long enough to drop to his knees and tug her panties down, pushing her thighs apart but keeping her panties on to keep her slightly restrained.


He looked up to see Caroline’s pale face flushing pink at the sight of him on his knees in front of her. He smirked before bending his head forward and gently landing a kiss on her. She let out another one of those breathy moans and she tried to close her legs. Tom shook his head and placed both of his hands on the inside of her thighs, gently nudging them open again.


He reached behind her and grabbed her by the back of her thighs, lifting her up by the legs, causing Caroline to reach up and grab at the leather straps that were on the walls to stop from falling down. He rested her legs on both of his shoulders and bent his head down, his tongue flicking out gently to taste her. They both moaned at the skin on skin contact.


Pleasure tingled across her body at the first swipe of his tongue on her most private part, her thighs quivering in pleasure. Tom smirked up at her before dropping his head and getting fully involved with what he was doing. Caroline couldn’t help the moans that were pouring from her mouth as he worked his magic on her. She wanted to reach down and hold his head to her but she knew if she let go of the leather straps that she would fall, and she didn’t want to give up the pleasure that this amazing man was inflicting on her.


“Tom, please!” she cried out when he introduced a finger alongside his mouth. She so desperately wanted him inside of her, she wanted to feel him push his way inside and claim her like he wanted to.


“I love when you say my name, baby.”


Caroline could feel her orgasm building up inside of her, and leaned her head against the cool wall as she willed her body to give her the release she so desperately needed. Tom nudged a spot deep inside her and she was seconds away from exploding when he removed his mouth and yanked her panties all the way down. She wanted to complain, but she had a feeling there was something better coming her way.


Tom stood up and gently set her feet on the ground before he unzipped his jeans and pushed them to the floor, a condom already in his hand. He toed his boots off and soon enough he was naked from the waist down. He rolled the condom on and laid Caroline’s dress out for her to lie back on, settling between her thighs.


“Please, Tom.”


“Good girl.” Tom bent and kissed her on the neck as he reached down to grab her wrists in his hands once again, holding them above her head as he guided himself into her. Caroline arched her back and tried to tug her hands from Tom’s grip, but he didn’t want to release her just yet, as he moved his body in hers.


Each time Tom thrust his hips into hers Caroline cried out, her body arching off the floor. Tom bent his head down and kissed her neck, his teeth grazing lightly against the skin as one of his hands reached down to rub at the most sensitive part of her body. Tom used everything he had to help Caroline to her orgasm, and was rewarded when she stopped moving for a second and a long, loud moan erupted from her mouth as her body fluttered around him. He soon followed her and released her hands before tying the condom up and tossing it in a bin that was nearby.


“That must have been the best orgasm I have ever experienced.” Caroline gasped a few moments later.


“You’re welcome.” Tom chuckled, sitting upright as he heard footsteps in the stables. He quickly jumped into his jeans and helped Caroline put her dress back on and stuff her underwear in her purse, gently brushing her hair down and sneaking out of the stall.


“What are you two doing in here?” Mr Jenkins frowned at the two of them.


“I was showing Tom the horses. He hasn’t been around a horse since he was a young boy, you see, and I wanted to let him experience it all over again,” Caroline quickly inserted as she picked her shoes up, before dragging Tom out of the stables by his hand.


“That was close.”


“I thought they were closed for the night.” Caroline couldn’t stop the giggle that came from her mouth as she looked up at the sky at the sight of the moon.


“Well it’s a good thing that we weren’t an extra five minutes.” Tom laughed with her and kissed the side of her neck again gently, then leaned against a fence. “How about we head back to your place and continue this?”


“I would but I’m manning the beer tent tomorrow, so I’m up early. Sorry, sweetheart.” Caroline stuck her tongue out before wandering over to her car, leaving Tom to follow her. she pulled up in front of the B&B and Tom grabbed her by the back of the head and kissed her with all the passion he could put into one kiss. He didn’t want to leave her in this town without him; he wanted to take her on adventures. He wanted to be with her.


“Come with me.”


“What?” Caroline jerked away from him with a frown.


“Come with me. Just close the bar for a little while and come across the country with me.” Tom brushed away a stray hair on her beautiful face and waited for her think.


“I... I can’t do that. This town, this bar is my life.”


“I’ll bring you back, I promise. Just for a couple of weeks. I leave tomorrow afternoon so come and see me before then. If you come, then I’ll know you want to come with me; if not... well, yeah.” Tom shrugged before getting out the car and heading inside to leave Caroline reeling in her Jeep.


Could she actually pack up her life for a couple of weeks and go on a road trip with a guy she had only just met a few days ago? She leaned her head against the steering wheel and took a deep breath. She hadn’t felt like this about anyone since ever. She drove home in a daze and found herself sitting on the edge of her bed, a picture of her grandma in her hands.


“What do I do, Gran?”


Caroline flopped back onto the bed and sighed at her ceiling. She had been running the bar for almost three years, and she loved it, but it would be nice to have a break. She closed her eyes and hoped that by tomorrow afternoon she will have made a decision.



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