London Calling: BWWM New Adult Romance (Chase Brothers Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: London Calling: BWWM New Adult Romance (Chase Brothers Book 2)
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ander hitched
his camera bag over his shoulder. “I’m telling you, she’s deliberately trying to drive me crazy.” Even though the two of them had settled into a routine over the last four days, it was hardly comfortable. He certainly wasn’t getting much sleep. He’d called Lex for support, but somehow his brother was not backing him up.

“Xan, I doubt that. I mean, what’s she doing?” Lex asked.

“For starters, she’s employing some kind of female guerrilla warfare tactics because the whole place smells like her. Everywhere I go, it’s coconut and hibiscus.” Just like his beanie cap from their first night together. It was so bad he was in a state of permanent erection with her around.

“Nefarious. She should be drawn and quartered.” Lex was no help.

“I see you don’t understand my pain. I’m telling you she’s trying to drive me slowly mad and you make jokes. You’re not here, you don’t see the bras she leaves hanging on the drying rack in the washroom. The way she walks around here half dressed, in shorts so tiny she might as well only be wearing panties.” The bras were the worst because every time he went in there to wash his workout gear, all he could think about were her C-cups.

One more thing he’d learned about her was she hated for anyone to do anything for her. She insisted on washing her own laundry instead of letting the laundry service handle it. When he left dishes in the sink, knowing that housekeeping would handle it, she went ahead and washed them. When he complained she rolled her eyes and told him it was a simple thing to do on her own. She didn’t need help for that. Even something so simple as grocery bags she insisted on carrying her fair share.

Lex’s booming laugh rang clear on the phone. “Have you tried asking her to wear more clothing when she’s walking around?”

Why would he do that? “What, are you insane? I’m not a fool. I’m just saying she’s doing it deliberately. But I can certainly enjoy the view.”

“Here’s a thought. You could try scratching the itch. You’ll certainly be more relaxed that way.”

Hell yes.
“With her? Not going to happen. I need to stay focused.“

Lex merely laughed. “If you say so. Speaking of focus. Any word from LeClerc?”

“Not yet, but I should hear something soon.“

“Okay, I’ve made the final stock purchases, so I’m just waiting on your signal.”

“Cheers.” He leaned against the elevator door as he rode to the penthouse. He wondered if she’d be home already, sitting around in her shorts again showing off her lean legs and perfect behind. Rehearsals hadn’t officially started, but she’d gone in several times for wardrobe measurements. And each time she’d taken the car without too much complaint.

“Either way, this will all be over soon. And then maybe you can focus on you for a change.”

“Yeah, focus on me. Whatever that means.” The elevator bell dinged on the top floor and the doors slid open. The lights in the living room and kitchen were on, but there was no sign of her. “Oh, honey, I’m home.” He sniggered as he dropped his camera bag on the coffee table next to her script. He might complain to Lex, but he kind of liked the noise she brought to his environment. She was tidy, but she did have the tendency to spread. A script here, a book there. The laundry detergent in the washroom. Her scent…everywhere.

“Lex, I’m hopping off.”

“Yeah, you do that. And do try to play nice with your houseguest.”

Easier said than done.


There was no way Imani would get used to sleeping in the total silence of Xander's flat. His sound-proofed windows completely cancelled any street noise and it was too eerie. She also didn't want to waste electricity by sleeping with the television on. It wasn't her place, so she was trying to be a good guest. Unfortunately it meant she couldn't sleep.

Standing on tiptoe, she opened the cupboard looking for the hot cocoa. Was it this one? Maybe the one over the stove. She should have paid closer attention when he was showing her around. And she certainly wasn’t going to go and wake him up to ask.

When she finally found the damn cocoa, it was on the topmost shelf. "Fantastic."

With the tips of her fingers, she groaned as she tried to inch it off the shelf.

“Here, let me get that."

Xander’s low voice directly behind her startled her and she jumped back into his chest, sending the cocoa tipping over—spilling it over the both of them and the counter.

"Shit. Sorry." Exasperated, Imani shook her head. "I'm so sorry. I was totally trying to not wake you and now I've made a fucking mess."

He dusted cocoa out of his hair. "Relax. It's okay."

"I was really trying not to wake you up. I swear."

"It's fine, Imani. Believe me, I wasn't asleep." He gestured upward. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have startled you."

Except it wasn't fine. She was wide awake. And he was standing right in front of her, practically pressing that gorgeous, shirtless body into her. Without thinking, she reached out and dusted some of the cocoa of his pecs. It should be criminal for the man to ever put on a shirt. It took her several seconds to realize she was brushing her fingertips over his flesh and that he hadn’t moved a muscle.

Stop touching him. Stop. Fingers off. Hands down.
Her brain gave the command, but it was like the signal was blocked.

He licked his bottom lip and her world went into slow motion. Underneath her fingertips, she could feel his heartbeat thudding in time with hers. She didn't think anything could match the thundering heartbeat in her chest.

“Imani.” He whispered her name and toyed with a coil of her hair. “You have cocoa in your hair.”

In that breath of silence, she knew he was going to kiss her. And she had no idea how she felt about it. She
his body pressed into hers. Wanted that wild need that he sparked in her every time he was around her. Wanted to feel that free-fall feeling he’d sparked that first night.

But it didn't matter how she felt right now. If she went there with him, she’d be changed forever. She’d had sex since that awful night two years ago. Decent sex. Nothing earth-shattering, but nice all the same. Even managed to have a couple of orgasms. But mostly, she wondered what all the fuss was about.

After everything with Ryan, she’d gone to talk to someone. It was the one right thing she’d done. The one thing she’d clung to in the complete chaos following. It had helped. Enough so that she recognized that sleeping with Xander properly would be different.

She was self-aware enough to know if she actually slept with Xander it would break something inside of her. She wouldn’t recover. Something inside her would bond to him and ‘decent sex’ would never do again.

She cleared her throat. “I’m just going to go back to bed.”

“I should let you.”

He should. But he didn't move out of the way. And her body didn’t want that. The heat pooling between her thighs and the throbbing need inside her rooted her to the spot. She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted his hands on her body. She wanted him to make love to her. Wanted him to make her come. She wanted to have him teach her how to break free. That elusive feeling only he could pull from her, she wanted to experience that again. Even if it wasn’t real. Even if it didn't last.

“Imani, you’re not going.”

“You haven’t let me out.” She didn’t want to be let out.

He shook his head. “I don’t think I can.” He sucked in a deep breath then cupped her cheek. “I’m going to break my promise.”

Yes, please.
“Okay,” she whispered.


Xander inhaled deeply before pressing his lips to hers. When he teased his tongue between her lips, she sighed as he licked into her mouth, stroking deep, turning up the temperature. He was so fucked.

She was very quickly becoming an addiction. With every taste he was falling further and further into the abyss. He’d heard her rustling out here, trying to be quiet, and he knew she couldn’t sleep either.

Taking over the kiss, he angled her head so he could slide his tongue in deeper, tasting her more fully. Her lips were so soft. So perfect. He could kiss her for hours and never get bored. When she made this happy purring sound in the back of her throat, his blood hummed.

As he kissed her, he pressed his body into hers, needing to be in contact with as much of her as possible. He wanted to bury his cock deep inside her tight walls. For over a week, every night, all he’d dreamed about was pulling orgasm after orgasm out of her.

Muffling a curse, he lifted her and sat her on the countertop, stepping between her legs. A charge of electricity ran through him the moment his pajama-clad cock came into contact with her sweet center. All that separated them was the cotton of her shorts and his pajama bottoms.

She lifted her hips, bringing her core closer to him and he groaned, not daring to stop. This was what he wanted. This was what he needed. He
her. And it scared the shit out of him. But he didn’t dare stop. Wouldn’t stop.

When Imani rolled her hips into his, his hips jerked. She was so responsive. He snuck his hands under her tank top and she sucked in a shuddering breath.

God, she was so bloody soft. Over the last week, it was easy to imagine that he’d fabricated how soft she was, but he hadn’t.

His thumbs skimmed up her ribcage and he could feel her holding her breath as he traversed each of her ribs. When he reached the underside of her breasts, a shudder rolled through her body.

Xander wanted her to need him as much as he needed her. Gently, he palmed her breasts. Her breathing shallowed and she threw her head back. “Xander.”

Jesus, fuck
. Her breasts spilled out of his palms as he nuzzled her neck, seeking out his favorite spot, just behind her ear. Her thread pulse jumped under his fingertips and he wanted to make her feel like this forever. He inhaled deeply before tracing his thumbs over her nipples. Groaning low, Imani locked her legs around his waist and cried out.

The words slid off his tongue in a whisper. “Angel, you are so goddamned beautiful.” Her scent completely intoxicated him, making him shake. “I can’t get you out of my head.”

When she dug her hands into his hair, he growled against her throat. The devil on his shoulder pushed him to take.
Take her. Have her. Forget her.
But he knew he wouldn’t be forgetting this girl. Not if he touched her again.

Slowly, he drew back and struggled to get his breathing under control. “Go to bed, Imani.” It hurt, but he let go of her and stepped back.

She blinked up at him confused, dropping her hands. “I don’t understand.”

“I’m not the bloke you take out for kicks, Imani. I’ve been a bad boy.” He scrubbed both hands down his face.

She hopped off the counter and readjusted her clothes. “For the record, I’m not looking for kicks. You kissed
. Stop dicking with me if you don’t have the balls to do anything about it.”

“I’m not dicking with you. You just don't know what you’re dealing with.”

“And God forbid you treat me like an adult and tell me instead of being so guarded.” When she brushed past him, he didn't follow.


ander was
in the doghouse and he knew it. And he also knew Imani was right for putting him there. After that kiss, it was plain to him that he was cracking. They’d been back for just over a week, but he needed out of the house pronto. She would be home soon from rehearsal and he couldn’t spend another night cooped up with her in the house. If he did, there was no way he was stopping at just kissing. He would fuck her on every single flat surface of this place.

But worse than the complete nutter routine he played out; he didn’t know why he'd done it.
Yes you do. You want to know if that night was a fluke. But you also like her.
Fluke or not, it didn’t matter. It's not like he wanted to be with her.
. He wanted her, yes. She was the first woman he'd had an orgasm with in years. Yes. But he didn't
to be with
. Let alone a girl who sang show tunes in the shower, who cleaned to de-stress, and who could recite every single line from
Sex and the City
ever written, verbatim.

He rubbed at his temple and tried to focus on the images on his laptop. He was supposed to be sorting the best candidates from the RADA shoot, but of course it meant doing nothing but thinking about Imani as she was staring at him with those haunting hazel eyes.

He slid his gaze to the clock. Seven p.m. She'd be home soon.
. He was waiting for her like a nervous father. Sitting back, he rubbed at his eyes. He had problems, real problems. Problems that weren’t going to go away and instead on focusing on his solutions, he was thinking of ways he could complicate his life. Too late for that.

One picture in particular caught his attention. It was a cast shot with Imani and Ryan at the forefront. Everyone was laughing and smiling, including Imani, but she was the only one where the humor didn't reach her eyes. Ryan had his arm wrapped around her. At first glance, it looked like all the others. But when he looked closer, she was pulling away from him. Like she actively wanted to be as far away from him as possible.

He’d been giving her shit about Ryan being her boyfriend and she hadn't corrected him. Had he read what he he’d seen in the courtyard the wrong way? He forced his mind to remember what exactly he he’d seen that day. Ryan had his hands on her upper arms and her head was tilted up toward him. Xander had assumed for a kiss. But maybe he’d been wrong about that? At the time he’d been livid with irrational thoughts that Imani was Ryan’s.

With some clarity of distance, Xander recalled the way she’d flinched when he’d said “boyfriend.” He assumed she was worried about him saying something about Notting Hill. But with the number of times he’d mentioned Ryan since then, why hadn't she said more? Yeah, she’d said he wasn’t her boyfriend, but she hadn't said anything about actively disliking him.

But his gut told him it was more than that. Something deeper. The first thought that ran through his head was to talk to her about it.
None of your business.
Yeah, she probably wouldn’t appreciate that.

If he could just get away from Imani for a night. Stop obsessing about the way her tits fit in his hands or the way she sucked on his tongue. Or his favorite torture memory of how her wet cunt pulled at his fingers.

Jesus fucking Christ
. He was going out. Tonight, he’d go to the club with Lex and the boys. Work off a little steam. Everything would be fine. He just had to hang on a little longer…and not bend her over the armrest of the couch in the process.

Just as he picked up the phone to call his brother, Imani opened the door. Her eyes were red and her face was devoid of makeup. It wasn’t unusual for her to take the natural route on her face. The only reason he even noticed was she'd been wearing some when she left. "All right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, just a tough rehearsal."

"You look like you've been crying."

She shrugged and plopped into the couch. "That's because I have been. I talked to Ebony today too. Dad’s in a mood. Then it was a tough set of scenes today. Involved a lot of work with Ryan. So all in all a shit day."

He tried to tread carefully. "I was actually going through your pictures today."

"Oh yeah? Anything usable? I'm usually horrid in photos. I feel awkward and usually make some insane face."

"I don't know about that, you looked great to me."

"That's because you’re some kind of photography savant or something and managed to make me look good in a picture."

"Probably," he said with a smile and a smirk. But she barely cracked a smile, so he continued. "Look. I know I fucked up last night. You're right, I was a total prat. I went by this morning to apologize." He deliberately didn’t apologize for the kiss. He wasn’t sorry at all.

Her brows shot up. "Really? I didn’t think Xander Chase did apologies."

It might only have been a few days, but she knew him well. He didn’t normally do them. At least not before meeting her. "Yeah. Well, you asked me to."

Her mouth opened as if she wanted to say something, but then she shut it again. “Uh, thanks. That means a lot.”

Nodding, he pressed forward. "Listen, I'm going on my gut here, but is there something going on with Ryan?"

She pushed to her feet. "I’ve told you a million times. No. He’s not my fucking boyfriend, okay? I really wish you would stop jibing at me with that."

"Not like that." He sighed. Life was infinitely easier when he didn’t give a fuck about someone else's feelings. "In one of the pictures, you just looked like you didn’t want him touching you. Like you were really distressed by it." When her eyes misted over, he shifted in his seat. Was holding permissible?

"How about we say I’m not a fan and call it a day? The last thing I want is to spend any more of my brain power thinking about him."

Every instinct inside him said to push, but she looked bone weary so he dropped it. And, to be honest, feelings just weren’t his thing. "Okay, then. I know you're knackered, but maybe you'll feel like going out? I think maybe we’ve been a bit cooped up, on top of each other." That was an understatement. He was losing his bloody mind.
Why are you fighting it?
Maybe it wasn’t the end of the world if he touched her.

“I don’t know, Xander. I’m wrung out.”

He cocked his head. He could leave her, but he didn't want her sitting here with those red eyes. He wanted to make her smile. If only for a little bit. “Come on. You’ve been working insane hours and researching and rehearsing. Just come out. Let off a little steam. I think we’ve both been a little tense.”

She rolled her head to look at him. “Maybe you’re right. If nothing else, I could certainly use a drink."


If this was how clubbing was done properly, then Imani had never been. That first night with Abbie and her friends was nothing compared to this. From the moment she'd walked in with Xander, everything had been VIP. No line, no cover, drinks appearing as if out of nowhere.

And Xander’s friends? Completely unreal. She thought his brother, Lex, was gorgeous. His friends were drool-worthy. Considering half of them were actual models it was no wonder, but still. One after another, he’d introduced them to her using the word “fiancée” as if it were a brand. “This is my fiancée, Imani.” She was certainly some kind of fool, because those little words gave her a thrill.

He even had an in with the DJ. His friend Jasper was Marc Ronson-worthy. He’d been the only one of the group who stared at her incredulously, then glared at Xander. “Fiancée? What’s with you and Lex stealing all the beautiful girls?”

Imani recognized a flirt when she saw one. And he didn’t help his cause when he took her hand and kissed it. And despite herself, out of everything, the part she enjoyed the most was Xander’s attention. She was supposed to be tough like Teflon. But one smile from him and she was toast. Luckily this would only be for another couple of weeks. He’d assured her that once he was on the board they could stop and go back to their normal lives.

Abbie plopped onto the seat next to her. “Enjoying yourself?”

“Oh my God, yeah. This is crazy. This is so not my crowd, but it's really fun."

Abbie laughed. "Not my crowd either. It takes a little getting used to, honestly. When I first got here, Sophie was determined to fill my nights with nothing but club-hopping, table service and private clubs and fill the days with sleep and hot men prancing around."

Imani scanned the exclusive VIP section. There wasn't a dud in the crowd. "I see she succeeded."

Her friend laughed. “Yeah, in some senses, but this is only a rare occasion now. Lex and I would much rather be cozied up on the couch watching a movie or something. We go out once in a while, but that kind of pace can skew your reality."

"Tell me about it. The whole free drinks and zero responsibility could get very addicting."

"It is. Sophie, Tamsin and I have been friends for nearly ten years. I could just as easily sit in the living room with them watching
East Enders
as I could goout. And half the time we have school and life. But when we do go out”—she spread her arms—"this is how the other half does it."

Imani had just assumed that Abbie was just as used to the elite clubbing lifestyle as her friend Sophie seemed. Granted, Sophie was stunning. She and Abbie honestly could be sisters they were so similar in looks with their dark skin and features, but somehow Abbie projected a down-to-earth quality while Sophie—she slid a glance at the beautiful girl sporting a sparkly mini dress—Sophie was all glamour. "You mean this isn’t your speed?"

"Nah. Before I got to London, I was paying the twenty-dollar covers and praying a bouncer would spot me and pull me into VIP. I met this lot and everything changed. Very surreal."

"I guess that’s what happens when you start dating one of the Chase brothers."

"Yeah, you could say that."

"How did you and Lex get together anyway?"

"We literally ran into each other on the street."

Imani shook her head. ""Oh my God, you’re living a romantic comedy."

"A little, yeah. We bumped into each other again at a party and we pretty much haven’t been able to stay away from each other since."

That much Imani understood. The gravitational pull even when you weren't quite sure if what you wanted was any good for you. She wanted to ask the one question that had been bugging her since they'd met. But she didn’t know how to broach it. "Tell me to fuck off if this is way out of line or anything…"

Abbie finished her drink and slanted her a grin. "You want to know about Xander, don’t you?"

"That obvious, was I? It's just that sometimes it seems like the two of you maybe…"

Abbie cut her off. "We weren’t. Never have been."

She'd have bet money that they had dated or something, but maybe she had them pegged all wrong. "I'm sorry. None of my business."

Abbie shrugged. "I'm not offended. And it’s a little bit your business. You obviously have feelings for him."

Imani flushed. "I'm not sure exactly what I feel. He's pretty guarded.”

“It seems he’s well matched.”

Imani ducked her head. “I guess I play it a little close to the vest. I keep my circle small. It’s safer that way.”

“Well, just so you know, I’m forcing my way into that circle, so get used to me. And where I go, so do Tams and Sophie, and now Lex. So you’re sort of stuck with us no matter what happens with Xander.”

Imani laughed. “No getting rid of you is what you’re saying then?”

“Nope. And for the record, you don’t have to worry about me. When I got here, Xander
he might have feelings for me. But once I met Alexi, he was all I could see. I mean, look, I’m not immune. The man is beautiful and, let's face it, a shameless flirt, and let’s not forget extremely sexy. But it’s never been him for me. It’s always been Alexi.”

A laugh bubbled out of Imani. "You're really not helping me with the keeping-my-wits-about-me-when-I’m-around-him plan."

"It’ll be hard to do. Xander Chase is seduction personified. But he's also a man. Flesh and blood, and underneath that swagger and sex appeal, he's hurting most of the time. I didn't start to see it until I got to know him better. If you give him a little time and leeway, he can surprise you."

"Yeah, I'm getting that."

"And he loves Alexi. Brotherly love isn’t even good enough to describe how tight they are. Since Lex proposed, I think Xander has put me in the ‘little sister’ category. You don’t have anything to worry about."

Except all his other demons
. "Thanks. I'm just trying to understand him better. Sometimes I feel like we’re vibing and other times, he shuts me out. I mean, I recognize I barely know the guy. But there are times he can be so sweet. Then, quick as a flash, it's like we've taken three steps back." She immediately thought of how he’d stayed with her in Paris talking to her until she fell asleep.

"He's a hard nut, but once you crack him, he's solid. I hope you guys work it out. I think he's been alone a long time and I know Alexi worries about him."

Imani scanned the bar area, not that she was looking for Xander, exactly. Except that she was totally subconsciously seeking him out. Most of the night he'd done his own thing with the boys, checking in on her every now and again.

But she'd be lying if she said she didn't get a little thrill every time she felt his gaze on her. Or when those beautiful, stormy-gray eyes would meet hers and he'd mouth,
All right?
just to check on her.
Maybe not all guys are assholes or will disappoint you

In the few days she'd spent with Xander, she’d already learned that he was nothing like Ryan, or her father, for that matter. And while he exuded sexual energy, he had already proven that he'd never force her to do anything. Heat pulsed low in her belly as she thought of that night in Paris. She’d wanted him to kiss her so badly. And she could see it on his face, he'd wanted to. She'd seen the inner battle he fought with himself to back away.

"You know what, I think I could use something to cool me off."

Abbie nodded. "Want me to come with you?"

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