Authors: Barry Miles
Blitz Club
Block, Judge
Blomfield, John
Board, Ian
Bockris, Victor
Bogart, Humphrey
Bolan, Marc
Bond, Graham
Borges, Jorge Luis
Borkowski, Mark
Bosch, Hieronymus
Boshier, Derek
Boty, Pauline
Bowen, Karl
Bowery, Leigh
Bowie, Angela
Bowie, David
Bowie Nights
Bowles, Paul
Boy George
Boyd, Joe
Boyd, Patti
Boyle, Mark
Boyt, Suzy
Bracelin, Jack
Braine, John
Brakhage, Stan
Branson, Richard
Brausen, Erica
Breton, André
Breton, Michèle
Brett, Guy
Bridger, Mark
Brien, Alan
British Museum
British Union of Fascists
Bromley Contingent
Brooks, Peter
Brown, Arthur
Brown, Charlie
Brown, Joel and Toni
Brown, Louie
Brown, Pete
Bruce, Lenny
Bryant, Bill
Bukowski, Charles
Bunting, Basil
Burdon, Eric
Burgin, Victor
Burne-Jones, Edward
Burns, Robert
Burroughs, William
and B2 Gallery
and Beatles studio
The Cut Ups
and deconditioning
and Dialectic of Liberation conference,
The Invisible Generation
Naked Lunch
and Open Space Theatre
and Scientology
Towers Open Fire
Burton, Peter
Burwell, Paul
Butler, Bill
Byrne, Johnny
Caborn-Waterfield, Michael ‘Kim’
Cadbury, Joel
Cage, John
Caine, Michael
Calder, John
Calder, Liz
Callaghan, James
Callil, Carmen
Calvert, Reg
Camberwell School of Art
Camden Town
Cammell, David
Cammell, Donald
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Campbell, Allan
Campbell, Nell
Campbell, Roy
Camus, Albert
Captain Sensible
Carbonnel, J.
Cardew, Cornelius
Carey, Joyce
Caribbean Club
Carmichael, Stokely
Carnell, E. J.
Carnera, Primo
Carra, Ron
Carrington, Susan
Carson, Anthony
Carson, Liam
Carter, Chris
Cash, Dave
Cass, Betty
ChaCha’s club
Chadwick, Helen
Chadwick, Lynn
Chai, Yuan
Chain, Professor
Chandler, Chas
Chandler, Terry
Channel Four
Chapman Brothers
Chapman, Michael
Chaps, The
Charteris, Leslie
Chassay, Tchaik
Chimes, Terry
Christie, Julie
Christmas on Earth Revisited
Christodolous, Jimmy
Christoforou, John
Christopherson, Peter ‘Sleazy’
Churchill, Claire
City Ramblers
Clapton, Eric
Clark, Michael
Clarke, John
Clarke, Ossie
Clarkson, Wensley
Cleverdon, Douglas
Club Eleven
Cobbing, Bob
Cochrane, Eddie
Coffee Spoon café
Cohen, Al
Cohen, Henry
Cohen, Sheila
Cohn, Nik
Collishaw, Matt
Colony Room club
Colquhoun, Robert
Colyer, Bill
Colyer, Ken
Compendium Books
Connell, John
Connolly, Cyril
Cook, Angus
Cook, Paul,
Cook, Peter
Coon, Caroline
Cooper, David
Cooper, Douglas
Copeland, Stewart
Corbishley, Father Thomas
Cordell, Magda
Cordet, Hélène
Cork, Richard
Corso, Gregory
Cosey Fanni Tutti
COUM Transmissions
Council, Floyd ‘Dipper Boy’
County, Wayne
Coutts-Smith, Kenneth
Coverley, Bernardine
Cox, Tony
Craig-Martin, Michael
Cramer, Nicky
Creamcheese, Suzy
Crewe, John St John
Crisp, Quentin
Crittal, Mary
Crombie, Tony
Cronenberg, David
Cronin, Anthony
Crosby, Theo
Crowley, Aleister
Cruikshank, Jo
Crumb, Robert
Currie, Billy
Curtis, David
Curtis, Jackie
Curtis, Tony
Cutler, Ivor
Cvitanovich, Frank
Czezowski, Andrew
Dagger, Steve
Daisy Chain club
Dallesandro, Joe
Dalton, Detective Sergeant
Dammers, Jerry
Darke, Johnny
Darling, John Dod
Darnton, Lynn
Darwin, Robin
Davies, Hunter
Davin, Dan,
Davis, Mel
Davis, Michael
Dawson, David
Day, Doris
de Freitas, Michael
de Gaulle, Charles
De Kooning, Willem
De Santo, Sugar Pie
Deakin, John
Dean, James
Dean, Mal
Dean, Paul
Debay, Larry
Debord, Guy
Décharné, Max
Dee, Simon
Deighton, Len
del Renzio, Toni
Delaney, Shelagh
Demoriane, Hermine
Dempsey, Jack
Dene, Terry
Dennis, Felix
Denton, Spike
Depeche Mode
Derry, Carol
Destruction in Art Symposium (DIAS)
Deutsch, André
Devine, George
Dewey, Ken
Dexter, Jeff
Dialectics of Liberation Congress
Diamanda Galás
Diaz, Pro
Dicks, Ted
Dine, Jim
Dingwalls Dance Hall
Disch, Thomas
Dixon, Deborah
d’Offay, Anthony
Donegan, Lonnie
Dorn, Ed
Dors, Diana
Dr Alimantado
Driberg, Tom
and 14 Hour Technicolor Dream
and Albert Hall poetry reading
Alexander Trocchi and
Beatles and
Brion Gysin and
mods and
police raids
Rolling Stones drugs raid
and UFO
Drummond, Fred
Dubuffet, Jean
Duchamp, Marcel
Dufferin, Lady
Dugger, John
Dunbar, John
Dundy, Elaine
Dunn, Anne
Duran Duran
Durgnat, Raymond
Durrant, Robert
Durrell, Lawrence
Dury, Ian
Dwoskin, Steve
Dyer, George
Dylan, Bob
Earp, Tommy
East End
Eastman, Linda
Eccleston, Danny
Traverse Theatre
Edward, Prince
Edwards, John
Egan, Rusty
Eitzinger, Eileen
El Sombrero club
Elephant and Castle
Eliot, T. S.
Elizabeth, Princess
Ellington, Ray
Elms, Robert
Ely, Roger
Emin, Tracey
English, Michael
English Stage Company
Epstein, Brian
Epstein, Jacob
Ernst, Max
Esam, John,
Establishment Club
Etchingham, Cathy
Evans, Mal
Evans, Rudi
Everett, Lee
Exploding Galaxy
Fabian, Jenny
Facetti, Germano
Fainlight, Harry
Fairbairn, Nicholas
Fairhurst, Angus
Faith, Adam
Faithfull, Marianne
Fallowell, Duncan
Fame, Georgie
Fancher, Ed
Fantoni, Barry
Farlowe, Chris
Farren, Mick
Farson, Daniel
and John Deakin
Fassolas, John
Fearon, George
Feilding, Amanda
Feldman, Marty
Feldman, Morton
Felix, Julie
Fergar, Feyyaz
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
Ferrier, Louise
Ferry, Bryan
Field, Marcus and Sally
Fields, Duggie
Filliou, Robert
Finch, Barry
Fisher, Detective Sergeant Peter
Fitzgerald, Gerald
Fitzgibbon, Theodora
Fitzroy Tavern
Wheatsheaf pub
Flamingo Club
Flanagan, Barry
Fontana, Lucio
Fool, The
Ford, Simon
Foreman, Freddie
Forster, Noel
Fothergill, Stephen
Fouts, Denham
Fowler, Harry
Fox, Charles
Fox, James,
Fox, Robin
Franco, General Francisco
Frankau, Lady
Frankie, Angela
Fraser, Robert
Free Cinema movement
Freeman, Stan
Freud, Ernst
Freud, Lucian
and Francis Bacon
and Leigh Bowery
and School of London
Freud, Matthew
Freud, Sigmund
Frost, David
Fruin, John
Fry, Roger
Fry, Stephen
Fryer, Peter
Fuck, Reverend Father
Fuller, Bill
Fuller, R. Buckminster
Fury, Billy
Gallacio, Anya
Gallagher, Liam
Galliano, John
Gannon, Joey
Gannon, Mr
Gardiner, Wrey
Gare, Lou
Gargoyle Club
Garman, Kitty
Gascoyne, David
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri
gay clubs,
Gay News
Generation X
Gerassi, John
Giant Sun Trolley
Gibb, Bill
Gibbs, Christopher
Gibson, William
Gilbert, Laura
Gilbert, Richard
Gilbert and George
Ginsberg, Allen
Godbolt, Jim
Godwin, Tony,
Goodman, Lord
Goodwin, Clive,
Goon Show
Gordon, Tony
Gormanstone, Nicholas
Gothard, Tony
Gould, Tony
Grafton, Jimmy
Graham, Bill
Graham, Billy
Graham, Davy
Graham, W. S.
Grant, Peter
Gravill, Diana
Gray, Tony and Dougie
Green, Felicity
Green, Jonathon
Green, Maureen
Green, Paul A.
Greenberg, Clement
Greer, Germaine
Gregg, Brian
Gregory, Dick
Gregory, Peter
Griffiths, Gaz
Grogan, Emmett
Groucho Club
Groupe de la recherche d’art visuel
Grundy, Bill
Guggenheim McKinley Hazel
Guggenheim, Peggy
Guinness, Lindy
Gunnell, Rik and John
Gyre and Gimble coffee bar
Gysin, Brion
Halasz, Piri
Halifax, Michael
Hall, Robin
Hambro, Rupert
Hamilton, Gerald
Hamilton, Richard
Hamlyn, Paul
Hamnett, Nina
Hapshash and the Coloured Coat
Harewood, Lord
Harlech, Lord
Harlow, Jean
Harris, E. Vincent
Harris, Jet
Harris, Rufus
Harris, Wee Willie
Harrison, George
Harrison, M. John
Harrod, Rod
Harry, Debbie
Harry, Prince
Hartnett, Peter-Paul
Hartog, Simon
Harvey, Dermot
Harvey, Marcus
Harwood, Lee
Haslam, Nicky
Hasted, John
Hastings, Michael
Hawkins, Spike
Haworth, Jann
Haynes, Jim
Heaven club
Hebdige, Dick
Heckstall-Smith, Dick
Heliczer, Kate
Hell, Richard
Henderson, Fergus
Henderson, Nigel
Hendrix, Jimi
Henri, Adrian
Henshaw, Michael
Hepburn, Katharine
Hepworth, Barbara
Herbert, Victor
Hernton, Calvin
Heron, Patrick
Hewison, Robert
Higgins, Dick
Hill, Benny
Hills, Joan
Hindley, Myra
Hinton, Geoffrey
Hipgnosis design
and Neo-Naturists
and punks
Hirst, Damien
Hitchens, Ivon
Hobsbawm, Eric
Hockney, David
Holah, David
Hollar, David
Hollingshead, Michael
Hollo, Anselm
Holmes, James
Holmstrom, John
Holtom, Gerald
Home, Stewart
Hopkins, Bill
Hopkins, John (‘Hoppy’)
and 14 Hour Technicolor Dream
and London Free School
and New Arts Lab
and UFO
Hornick, Freddie
Hornsey College of Art
Horovitz, Michael
Hortense, Mme
Houédard, Dom Sylvester
Howard, Brian
Howe, Darcus
Howson, Dave
Huddle, Roger
Huges, Bart
Hughes, Langston
Hughes, Robert
Hughes, Stevie
Hull, Tristram
Human Family
Hume, Gary
Humfress, Paul
Hunt, Andrew
Hunter, Rebel Ray
Hurding, B. P.
Huston, Anjelica
Huston, John
Hutchinson, Roger
Huxley, Aldous
Hyde Park
Serpentine Gallery
Hynde, Chrissie
Idol, Billy
Iggy Pop
Incredible String Band
Independent Group
Indica Books and Gallery
Ingrams, Richard,
Institute of Contemporary
Arts ( ICA )
Clash gig,
International Broadcasting Corporation
International Socialists