Liv's Journey (13 page)

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Authors: Patricia Green

BOOK: Liv's Journey
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"No, thanks. I want this goddamned exchange over with."

"Your loss. I might have one, though. After lunch. Wanna beer?"


After the beer and Ace's food arrived, Trey looked at his watch and wondered where the photographer was; it was nearly 13:30.

Ace didn't miss the gesture. "He wants his money. He'll be here."

Finally, a man approached them. He was nondescript except for the sneer on his lips; it made him ugly and mean-looking.

"Trey Journey?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"I'm Jerry Wazneusky."

"Sit down."

The man sat and a waitress came by to take his order. After she'd gone off, he reached into his shirt pocket and withdrew a micro-SD card. "Your photo is on there. I didn't keep any copies, though you'll just have to take my word for that."

Trey snorted. "Your word isn't worth shit in my book. But, like you said, there's no proof you can offer me." He pulled out his smart phone and stuck the SD card in its slot. A few taps of the screen and the picture came up. The quality was excellent. It would have been devastating had it been released to the public.

"That's part one," he told Wazneusky. "Part two is the contract." He slid a manila envelope out of the backpack at his feet. "It's filled out with your name and the terms you agreed on." He offered it to the photographer along with a pen.

Wazneusky picked up the contract and carefully read it over, adding his signature with a flourish.

Trey began to reach for the backpack. "The money-"

"Yeah, yeah. I got it. It went into my account a few minutes before I got here. That's why I was late. I was waiting for the wire transfer to go through."

Ace started to open his mouth, but Wazneusky interrupted. "And you can tell that bitch, Gabriella Appleby, to quit bugging me. She's pissing me off. This is a simple sale, not some kind of vendetta against Liv Aune."

Trey frowned and put his hands back on the table slowly, trying not to draw attention to the money-filled pack. "Vendetta?"

"Yeah. Gabriella is the one who tipped me off that Liv would be in Sonora with you that night. Gave me a perfect opportunity to get a few shots. She wanted a percentage of the royalties if the pics were published." He pushed hair off his forehead. "She's been nagging at me to sell the photo to a tabloid ever since I told her what I got. I don't know what her Jones is, but you tell her to stay outta my hair." His drink arrived and he downed it in two gulps then licked his lips. "She'd better not ask me for a share of the money, either. I did the work on it." He pushed away from the table. "Liv's got a fine ass. I'll bet you enter through the back door a lot."

Trey saw red. He stood up abruptly and menaced the smaller man. "You’re within your legal rights with regard to this picture business, Wazneusky, but make no mistake; you take pictures for a living, and I kill people. If you get into my business again, Mister, be best if your insurance is all paid up. "

Ace pulled his brother back. "Hold on. The bouncer has his eye on you. Just let the shithead go."

The photographer chortled, but was clearly shaken. "Nothin’ personal, man."

"Get the fuck away from me, Wazneusky." Trey's shoulders felt like every sinew was strained almost to breaking.

The photographer moved to another end of the club. A few moments later, a woman began to do a lap dance for him.

Trey was still frowning.

"Drink your beer," Ace advised.

Trey sat back down and took a swig. "I'd like to take him out and shoot him."

"I'll bet you would. But there'd just be another one after him, and another. You can't date a supermodel and stay out of the spotlight, bro."

That was probably true, but it was too late to let that be a consideration in his relationship with Liv.

Ace finished his beer and ordered another. "What do you make of the money thing? Who paid him?"

Trey's level of irritation returned. "Liv or her agent. But her agent wouldn't do it without Liv's go ahead. That little girl is gonna have mucho explainin' to do."

"Hmm. Trouble in paradise."

Trey snorted. "Nothin' I can't handle."

"What are you goin' to do about this Gabriella chick?"

"I dunno. She's barely out of her teens, so she must be desperate to get ahead. The modelin' business seems pretty cutthroat."

"You shouldn’t let her get away with it, though."

"No. It could have been a disaster for Liv."

"Let me handle it."

Trey's brows arched. "You? You don't even know her."

"Introduce me to her. Make it clear to her that either she cooperates or you'll let her scheme be known to anyone who'll listen."

"Where's the punishment come in?"

"Is she as pretty as Liv?"

Trey found it hard to think of Gabriella that way. Ace might like her, though. "She's got that whole youth thing goin' and she's lush, so I guess I'd say yes. But she's way young for you, Ace. You're almost twenty years older than she is."

"I have my charms," he replied with a smile. "Just introduce me."

"You have somethin’ in mind, don't you?"

Ace nodded. "I'm gonna take a page from Dad's book."

"You're gonna
her? Shit, Ace, she'll never agree to that."

"She will, or she'll find herself outta work, right?"

"You are a rude bastard."

The older man laughed.

* * *

Trey called Liv from the road after the deal was done. He wasn't willing to give her details, saying that he'd answer all her questions when he made it back onto the ranch. It was a three hour drive, and the waiting seemed endless.

 It didn't help that the shoot was cancelled for the day because the ground was too muddy. They did a little planning and fitting in the trailers, but the minutes ticked by as though they were counted in geologic time.

Liv saw them arrive and hurried out to greet them.

"Trey!" She ran over, splashing through a mud puddle. He was solid and warm as she threw her arms around him.

"Hello, darlin'. Miss me?'

"No." She thunked him on the shoulder. "So, how did it go?"

"It had its ups and downs," Trey answered, adjusting his hat on his head. "Ace got a lap dance. We had a couple'a beers. You know, same ol', same ol'."

"Argh! Stop teasing! What happened?"

"We met with Wazneusky and got him to sign the contract. Got a chip with the photo on it." Trey patted his breast pocket.

"Did you see it?"

"Yeah. It was pretty incriminatin'."

Relief washed over her. Disaster had been averted. "Thank you both for taking care of it."

"My pleasure," Ace told her, tipping his gray felt hat. "I got a lap dance out of it, after all."

Liv's face split with a smile. She couldn't help but be elated that it had gone so well.

"Don't let Ace's calm fool you. There were a couple'a little hitches."


"Yeah. Is Gabriella around today?"

Liv frowned at the mystery. "She's in the trailer getting fitted. What does she have to do with this?"

"Seems she's the one that told Wazneusky where to find you."

"Gabriella wouldn't do that. She knows better."

Ace spoke up. "Apparently not."

"I can't believe it."

"Believe it," Trey said. "The guy said she wanted a cut of the profit from publication, and that was
he took the photo."

"How could they know they'd have such a shocking photo to work with?"

"They didn't," Ace said. "We figure they were goin’ for some ordinary location photos. Those have some value, too, don't they?"

"Some, yes. Especially if they make a person look foolish in some way. Like their hair is a mess or their clothes are mismatched."

"Well, darlin', when they got more than mismatched clothes, Gabriella upped the ante some. She insisted on gettin' the picture published."

Liv's anger heated her cheeks. "What could she have been thinking? That little bitch!" She turned and started moving toward the trailer where fittings were taking place. "I'm gonna give her a piece of my-" She stopped as Trey grabbed her by the arm. "Hey, let me go! I owe her a good slap at least!"

Trey pulled her into his arms and held her still. "Calm down. She'll get hers."

Liv struggled, more furious than she'd ever been in her life. What had Liv ever done to Gabby to deserve being set up like that? "Trey! Let. Me. Go."

"Nope. You're stayin’ where I can keep you outta trouble until you get your temper under control."

Liv twisted so she could look up into his face. His jaw was tight, but he met her gaze. "But she-"

"Think, Liv. Imagine the headlines: Cat Fight At Supermodel Photo Shoot!"

Liv's stomach did a lurch. She hadn't thought of that, but Trey was absolutely right. If Gabriella was willing to set Liv up with a picture, imagine what she could do if Liv gave her a black eye. She deflated a little in Trey's arms and he loosened his hold. "Okay. You're right. I don't want to smack her." Liv's eyes narrowed. "But I'm going to make sure she never works as a model again. I have enough markers in this business. No other model will be willing to work with her."

Trey ran his hands up and down her bare arms. "She's young, Liv. She probably didn't think it through."


"We think she needs punishin’ but usin' unemployment as a last resort," Ace said.

"What do you mean?"

"Ace is goin' to deal with her."

"Ace? But…"

"Remember that punishment spankin' we talked about this mornin'?"

Liv thought she'd never been so embarrassed. To discuss it in front of Ace was too humiliating. Bad enough he'd likely seen that photo. "But I apologized for that. Why would you spank me over it now?"

Trey sighed. "Not you, woman. Gabriella."

"Oh." She thought about it for a moment. "Oh!" It seemed rather fitting. "Can I watch?"

The men laughed. "No," Trey told her. "You wouldn't like it much if you were in that position."

Liv thought about the photo. "The whole world nearly got to watch us." Trey let go of her. "I guess I should turn the other cheek. So to speak."

Another laugh. "I'll make sure she doesn't do it again," Ace said.

Liv looked from one brother to the other. "Do all the men in the Journey family spank women?"

There was an exchange of looks between the men. "Isn't that what women's butts are for?" Trey asked, his eyes wide with mock-innocence.

"Brutes," Liv declared, though her mouth turned up at the corners.

"Go get her, darlin'."

"Okay." Liv took a big breath and let it out slowly as she navigated around mud puddles. When she got back to the trailer, she was in control of herself. She managed to calmly ask Gabby to come outside. She even forced a smile.

Gabby had been being fitted with a nightgown, a frilly white one with lace at the neck and cuffs. She looked like a bride on her wedding night, with chestnut curls springy on her shoulders. Only the sneakers on her feet were modern-looking. She held up the hem of the gown daintily as she trod the soggy ground.

"Trey! I didn't think we'd see you today."

He smiled. Liv noticed that it didn't reach his eyes. "Hi, Gabriella. Why wouldn't I come by?"

"Ropin' and ridin' maybe?" Her giggle was young and charming.

Liv tamped down a fresh surge of anger.

Gabriella's smile ratcheted up a notch as she turned toward Ace. "Who's your friend, Trey? I see a family resemblance."

Trey's voice was genial and calm. Liv wondered how he could be so casual. "This is my brother, Ace. Gabriella, Ace. Ace, Gabriella Appleby."

Ace tipped his hat. "A pleasure to meet you, Gabriella. I hope to get to know you better."

"You do? Well, I'd like that, too."

Liv watched the interplay as though she was taking in a movie. Each person had their lines to speak and it was leading up to something. Something that would make the bad guy suffer and the good guys win.

Trey spoke up. "I think you two will hit it off. But, Gabriella, you might find it uncomfortable at first."

"Uncomfortable?" She wore a little perplexed frown. "Why?" She grinned at Ace flirtatiously. "Are you married?" It was obvious that she was both joking and probing at the same time. Liv found her so unsubtle.

"No, sweetheart, but I am a believer in justice."

"Okay, I'm confused," Gabby replied. She shifted her feet and fussed with the cuffs of the nightgown. "What has justice got to do with it?"

Trey answered. "Well, you see it's like this: we know about you and the photographer who took the photo of Liv in Sonora the other day. We know that you tipped him off."

"Oh!" The young woman blushed bright red, and her eyes got wide. She turned to Liv. "I'm sorry, Liv. There was money involved and I really needed it. You know I have a sick mother."

Liv knew Gabriella had family issues, but she no longer trusted her to tell the truth. "That's no excuse, Gabby. It was underhanded."

Gabriella was a fine actress. She managed to look contrite. "It didn't work out. He said he couldn't get any photos anyway. I truly am sorry."

Liv exchanged looks with Trey and Ace. "Your lies are digging you deeper and deeper, Gabriella."

"Lies? I said I was sorry."

Trey nodded. "Right after another lie. You said that there were no photos, but we all know there was one, a very harmful one."

"There was? I don't know anything about it."

Liv stomped her foot, splashing a little mud on Gabriella's hem. "Stop it! Stop lying! We've seen the photo. You know what it was!"

Trey put his hand on Liv's shoulder, encouraging her to calm down, then he turned to Gabriella. "It was a spankin’ photo, and we were told that you wanted it published immediately in order to sabotage Liv's career."

"I…uh…Jerry lied. I didn't know."

"Come on, Gabriella. Why would he lie?" Ace said.

"You don't know me," she responded, her voice shrill. "I wouldn't do something like that!"

"You've been trying to undermine me for months. You're not fooling anyone, Gabby."

Trey looked at Gabriella, his face set in stern planes. "You're mighty naughty, li'l girl."

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