Little Princes (35 page)

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Authors: Conor Grennan

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continuing search for, 266–67, 268–69

gifts to Conor from, 180, 185, 238

letters to/from, 195, 213, 238, 241

photographs of, 238

as reluctant to take children, 266–67

return of Little Princes children to, 277–79

reuniting children with, 266–67, 268

similarities between children and, 181

stipends for, 267

telephone call from, 241

visits to Dhaulagiri House and Umbrella homes by, 240–41

See also
specific child

Ait-Mansour, Farid

Farmyard Snap (game), 28–29, 33

father, Nuraj’s, 77–78, 84

Flanagan, Elizabeth “Liz”

and blanket-making e-mails, 144

children’s questions about, 272

children’s relationship with, 244–45, 249, 259, 260

as Christian, 128, 129, 160, 234, 247

and Conor’s departure from Nepal, 269

and Conor’s invitation to visit Nepal, 150–51

Conor’s proposal and marriage to, 263, 265–66

Conor’s relationship with, 129, 136–37, 140, 150, 160, 191, 199, 220, 224–25, 233, 236, 245–47, 259, 260–63

and Conor’s trip to Humla, 159–60

and descriptions of Conor’s apartment, 149–50

Dhaulagiri House visit of, 226–27

early e-mails to Conor from, 122–24

Emma (dog) of, 199, 265–66, 269

and finding NGN home, 140

and finding of Amita, 128

and finding of Kumar, 136–37, 138

and goodness of man, 191

India trip of, 122, 123, 150, 159, 234, 235, 242

lack of work in Nepal for, 269

legal career of, 123

Little Princes visits of, 272

as mother, 279

Nepal visits of, 150–51, 159–60, 199, 205, 208, 214, 219–20, 223–27, 228, 229, 233–36, 242–45, 260–61

and opening of Dhaulagiri House, 151

personal background of, 160

photograph of, 140

reactions to England of, 124

and rescue of seven children, 257

as University of Virginia graduate, 122

Vietnam trip of, 123

in Zambia, 122–23, 140


children’s questions about, 42–43

and Conor in the United States, 98

Conor’s questions about, 65–66

Farid’s interest in, 73, 74

at Hindu festivals, 65–66

in Humla district, 163, 165–66, 200, 203, 204, 209, 212, 214

in Kathmandu, 224

and Maoist rebels in Humla, 76

and Nepali treats, 66

poisoning, 196–97

and seven children with Nuraj’s mother, 84–85, 87, 89, 94

shortages of, 31

and WFP drops, 170

France, Farid’s return to, 93, 100, 274–75

fund-raising, 104, 106, 107, 109, 120, 138, 263, 269


and Conor’s arrival at Little Princes, 17

See also
specific game

Ganesh (house father), 271

garbage can explanation, 20–22

get-well cards, 134

goat market, 125

goats: in Humla, 172–73, 191, 203, 206

Godawari (village)

botanical gardens in, 24, 38

caste system in, 45

civil war fighting in, 70, 71

Conor’s feelings about, 54, 64

Conor’s return to, 63–64

description of, 72–73

and Golkka as child trafficker, 39–40

violence in, 31

See also
Little Princes Children’s Home

Golkka (child trafficker)

and Amita, 127, 183

arrest of, 91

Bahadur-Farid-Conor discussion about, 90–91

and Bishnu as domestic slave, 249

children threatened by, 80

Conor’s feelings about rescuing children from, 274

and Conor’s trip to Humla, 161, 165, 177, 178

and disappearance of seven children, 101–2

Howe’s information about, 108

and Humla district, 40, 41, 77–78, 156

and launching of NGN, 107

Little Princes visit of, 39–40, 41–42

and Maoist rebels interest in Little Princes, 71

power and influence of, 41–42, 91, 107, 156

Sandra gets children from, 40–41

Sandra threatened by, 41

and search for seven children, 116, 120, 125

and seven children with Nuraj’s mother, 84, 90–91, 101–2

Thangkot as base for, 125, 127

Govardhan (Nepalese boy), 12, 13

Grennan, Conor

brother of, 62

childhood of, 35, 128–29

father of (Eamon), 50, 63, 92

feelings of responsibility of, 54–55

gifts from parents for, 180, 185, 238

Howe as NGN replacement for, 269–71

knee pain of, 170–71, 173, 181, 185, 189–90, 192, 197, 198, 206, 207

mother of, 7, 35, 54, 55, 62, 97–98, 183

motives of, 6–7, 114

parenting feelings of, 55

personal and professional background of, 6

résumé and job hunt of, 99

son of (Finn), 279

See also
specific person or topic

Gyanendra (king of Nepal), 69–70, 81–82, 83, 99–100, 101, 103, 105

Hari (CERV Nepal employee)

and Bollywood movie incident, 121–22

and Conor’s e-mails, 99

and Conor’s first trip to Little Princes, 14, 15–16

Conor’s good-bye to, 272

and finding of Kumar, 137–38

and Golkka’s visit to Little Princes, 39, 41–42

Little Princes as responsibility of, 93

and Maoist interest in Little Princes, 71–72

and seven children with Nuraj’s mother, 94

toilet-miming by, 9

and visit by mother of Nuraj and Krish, 75–76, 79, 80

helicopter: and Conor’s return from Humla, 1, 2, 198, 199, 200–207

Hindu festivals, 64–67, 125

Howe, Anna, 107–8, 124–25, 156, 158, 171, 185, 200, 269–71

Hriteek (orphan)

Conor’s play with, 135

and Conor’s questions about food, 66

and Conor’s remembering names of children, 26

and Conor’s return to Nepal, 112

family of, 179

and garbage can explanation, 21–22

independence of, 68

photograph of, 87

Rohan’s stories about, 180–81

and supervision of children, 37

toys for, 38

Humla district

appearance of people in, 86

apples in, 157–58, 213, 230

bridges in, 169

child trafficking in, 39–40, 41, 42, 47, 76–81, 108

children’s memories of, 2, 67, 81, 156, 161

Conor’s studies about, 107–8

drought in, 163, 200

food in, 2, 163, 165–66, 200, 203, 204, 209, 212, 214

goats in, 172–73, 191, 203, 206

as home of Little Princes children, 39–40

Jagrit’s knowledge of, 132–33, 156–58

Maoist threats against people protecting children from, 71–72

Maoists in, 1, 40, 76–77, 166–68, 169, 185–87, 203–4, 210–12

photographs and information about children from, 2, 166, 188

poverty in, 170

return of Little Princes’ children to, 277–79

and story of children at Little Princes, 76–81

See also
Humla district, Conor’s trek to;
specific person or

Humla district, Conor’s trek to, 1–2, 161–219

and buffalo-induced panic attack, 181–82

Conor leaves team in, 1–2, 200

and Conor’s knee pain, 170–71, 173, 181, 185, 189–90, 192, 197, 198, 206, 207

Conor’s trauma from, 224–25

and D.B.-Conor meeting, 124, 270

and families’ visits to Dhaulagiri House and Umbrella homes, 240

helicopter as way to return from, 1, 2, 198, 199, 200–207

man in camouflage jacket in, 186–87

Maoist permission for, 166–68, 203

panic date for, 159, 208

photographs from, 179, 200, 230, 231, 232, 236, 237, 239

plans for, 105, 124, 156–60, 270

and postman from Jaira, 187–89

return trip from, 198–219

Scotsman (David) in, 211–13, 214

and shepherd, 214–15

and snow, 175–76, 197, 198, 204, 214, 216

See also
specific person or village

I Kick You (game), 17

Inca Trail, 62

India: Liz’s trip to, 122, 123, 150, 159, 234, 235, 242

Indonesia: Conor in, 62

Ishan (orphan), 172

ISIS Foundation, 108, 124, 161, 185, 270

Jablo incident, 141–42

Jagrit (orphan)

Bell’s finding of, 157

Conor first meets, 132–33

Conor’s relationship with, 156–58

and Conor’s trip to Humla, 156–58, 163, 230–33

and Dirgha and Navin’s arrival at Umbrella Foundation, 133–34

family of, 157, 187–95, 213, 230–33

father’s letter to, 195, 213

and finding NGN children’s home, 139–40

Jaira as Humla home of, 157, 187–95

knowledge about Humla of, 132–33, 156–58

photograph of, 193, 231, 232

and rescue of children at Dhaulagiri House, 228

story of, 194, 231

at Umbrella home, 133–34, 156–58

Jaira (Humla village)

Conor’s trip to, 189–92

as Jagrit’s home, 157, 187–95

postman from, 187–89, 190

shepherd from, 191, 192–95, 231, 232

Jenny (volunteer), 9, 18, 32

Jersey City, New Jersey: Conor in, 97–100

Kamala (orphan), 244

Karya (French NGN), 109

Kathmandu, Nepal

blackout in, 244

civil war in, 70, 100

Conor’s meeting with other volunteers in, 43–44

curfew in, 50, 82, 99–100, 101, 114

mayor of, 255–56

protests in, 82

Thamel district of, 7–8, 15

weather in, 73

See also
Ring Road;
specific person
or topic

kerosene: shortages of, 31

Khagendra (Jagrit’s brother), 192–93

Khumbu region: Farid’s trips to, 267–68

Krakauer, Jon, 14

Krish (orphan), 74–81, 83

Kumar (orphan)

and Bishnu’s rescue, 254

Conor’s good-bye to, 271

at Dhaulagiri House, 145–46

disappearance of, 102

family of, 241

finding of, 134–38

photographs of, 140

and saving a bed for Bishnu, 146

as servant, 134–35, 249

at Umbrella Foundation, 138, 140

Kunja (orphan), 268

Lali (Humla village), 195–96

Laos: Conor in, 60–61

laptop computer, Conor’s, 120–22, 237

laundry, doing, 26–27, 68

Le Petit Prince
(Saint-Exupéry), 14

Leena (orphan), 229, 244–45, 247, 248, 261

Little Princes Children’s Home

bedtime at, 22, 34–36, 42–43, 53–54

children’s arrival at, 39–41

children’s classes at, 32–34

cleaning of, 23–24

Conor leaves, 53–55, 92–93, 271–74

Conor’s arrival at, 16–22

and Conor’s e-mails, 99

Conor’s feelings about children at, 63, 67, 68, 89, 112–13, 218

Conor’s feelings about living in, 155

Conor’s first interaction with children at, 20–21, 123

Conor’s first trip to, 14, 15–16

Conor’s good-byes to children at, 52–55, 271–74

Conor’s identification of children at, 25

Conor’s introduction to children at, 19–20

and Conor’s laptop computer, 120–22

Conor’s prayers while at, 247

Conor’s promise to return to, 55

and Conor’s résumé, 99

and Conor’s return from Humla, 236–41

Conor’s returns to, 63–94, 111–12, 120–22

Conor’s visits to, 156, 236–41, 266

contributions to Karya from volunteers at, 109

description of, 17

exchange of stories by volunteers at, 36

Farid’s visits to, 156, 266, 271–74

impact of civil war on, 70, 71–72

and launching of NGN, 105–10

leaving ceremony at, 55, 92–93, 272–74

Liz’s visit to, 272

Maoist rebels interest in, 71–72

meals at, 20

responsibilities of children at, 93

and return of children to Humla, 277–79

roof of, 73

staff responsibility for, 93–94

stories of children at, 76–81

supervision of children at, 37–38

See also
specific person or child

Flanagan, Elizabeth “Liz”

Lukla (village), 15

Madan (orphan), 102, 120, 145, 179, 218, 240

Mahendra (orphan), 89


and child trafficking, 189

and children’s stories about Humla, 167

and Conor as American, 166–67

and Conor’s Humla trip, 166–68, 185–87, 189, 203–4, 210–12

drunken, 185–87, 210–12

and Everest Base Camp region, 15

expansion of, 46–47, 76–77

and Howe, 108

Humla as stronghold for, 40, 76–77

in Humla district, 40, 76–77, 167, 169, 185–87, 189, 203–4, 210–12

interest in Little Princes of, 71–72

kidnapping of children by, 70–71

as legitimate political party, 105

Sandra’s arrest by, 48–49

and Sandra’s trek in Mugu region, 46, 47

See also
; civil war, Nepal

Marley, Bob, 7


arranged, 113–14

children’s questions about Conor’s, 93, 113–14, 259–60, 265–66

and matrimonial ads, 45

and reuniting families and children, 266

Matatirtha orphage, 47

maternity ward, Patan Hospital: Conor in, 52–53

Monkey Temple (Kathmandu), 148–49, 233–34

mother, Nuraj and Krish’s

children’s visits with, 80, 81, 83

seven children with, 83–89, 90–91, 92, 93–94, 99, 100–102, 183, 184

visit to Little Princes by, 74–81

Mother Teresa, 103, 150

Moti (Dhaulagiri House cook/housekeeper), 271

Mount Everest, 14, 267

Mugu region: Sandra’s trek in, 46, 47–49

Mundi (Humla village), 182–83

Nanu (orphan), 68, 72, 93

Narda (guide), 48–49

Navin (orphan)

Conor first meets, 86, 87

at Dhaulagiri House, 145–46

disappearance of, 102

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