Little Lola (2 page)

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Authors: Ellen Dominick

Tags: #discipline, #babygirl, #billionaire, #Exhibitionism, #spanking, #Romance, #ddlg, #age play, #Bdsm, #regression, #bare bottom, #Sex, #abdl, #diaper

BOOK: Little Lola
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Lola paused for a moment. She was shocked.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s hard isn’t it? You get nervous, and your mother is trying to push you out of the house. Have to look for a job and act like a grown up, but you can’t even keep your hands out of your mouth.”

Lola’s cheeks burned and she looked away from Tobias. She knew her faults. Who was this guy to just lay them all out there like that?

“What I mean is I think I can help you. In a way that we can both benefit.”

She looked back at him with eyes open wide.

“Help me?” she asked.

“Give me your email, and I’ll explain everything.”

Lola started to rummage through her pockets when Tobias interrupted.

“Here,” he said. He held out a smart looking leather notebook and elegant pen. “I came prepared this time.”

When Lola finished scribbling her email address, Tobias tucked the notebook away into his pocket.

“Now, I think it’s rather late. You should go to bed.”

He took her hand, leading her outside to his sleek black car. Lola sat on the plush seats and was too shocked to say anything the whole ride home. She only kept looking at Tobias, the car, and feeling the warmth left behind from the touch of his hand.

When he dropped her home, Lola’s mother couldn’t believe it.

“Who was that?” she asked. Her voice was full of wonder as she watched the car drive off into the distance.

“Just a friend,” Lola said.

“A handsome friend,” her mom said.

As soon as Lola entered her room, she turned on the computer. She knew he probably wasn’t going to email her so soon,but she couldn’t help herself.

To her surprise, an email from “twhite” was already sitting in her inbox. She clicked on it, with her hands shaking a little.

It was a contract. Lola quickly read through the terms. According to it, she would agree to be completely obedient to Tobias at all times. Any disobedience would result in punishment as he deemed fit. In exchange, Tobias would help Lola improve her life. He would assist her in things including, but not limited to a healthier lifestyle, job hunting, and...

Dressing, bathing, and grooming? Lola had to read this part again to be sure she was right. She wasn’t a little girl. She was 23! Lola didn’t need any help taking a bath or getting dressed.

Lola was a little uneasy by now, but she kept reading. A driver would take her to a special hotel suite every afternoon. The arrangement would be for a one month trial period, and she could back out any time she wished. Also, Tobias would monitor her 24/7 via an electronic device.

When she was done reading, Lola’s heart nearly thumped out of her chest. What kind of contract was this? She almost deleted the email, but something stopped her. Okay, so it was a little strange. But Tobias said he wanted to help her. The way he looked at her, the way he asked about her before he talked about himself, how he touched her, all of that made her believe him.

Besides, it was only temporary, right? Who wouldn’t want a rich, handsome guy taking care of them for at least a little while?

So Lola printed out the contract and signed it before going to bed. But by the next afternoon, she was having second thoughts. Her heart jumped when the doorbell rang.

“Lola, someone is here for you,” her mother said. “Shouldn’t you come out?”

She reluctantly changed out of her yellow ducky pajamas she’d been in all day and went to meet the driver. Before she left, her mother whispered.

“Why is a driver here for you?”

“I’m going to meet my friend,” Lola said.

“The one from last night?”


Her mother smiled widely.

“Have fun,” she said, practically pushing Lola out of the door.

Throughout the whole car ride, Lola’s stomach was tying itself in knots. What was she getting herself into? Surveillance? Baths?

The driver took her to a tall hotel. It’s silhouette loomed over the rest of the city. Lola recognized it as the kind of place she’d normally never step foot in. They took an elevator all the way to the top floor, where the driver left her at the penthouse. Lola forgot her second thoughts for a moment when she saw the suite. She had never been in a hotel room that had more than one story before, and she just wanted to stare at the huge windows looking out over the city.

Tobias’ face brightened when he saw Lola arrive. He let her look around, marveling at the art on the walls, before saying anything.

“Do you like it?” he said.

Lola froze. She hadn’t realized he was watching her.

“Yes,” she said. “But why are we here?”

“I thought you’d be more comfortable here during our trial period. It might feel a little safer than if we were at my house,” he said. “Think of it as a neutral ground.”

When Tobias mentioned their trial, Lola remembered what she meant to say.

“About that, what was that contract about?”

“What do you mean?”

“With the bathing, the dressing, and the monitoring. I thought you were going to help me, not treat me like a little kid!”

“Lola, you don’t know it, but there are other people like you,” Tobias said. “People who have trouble being adults. People like you who are really meant to be someone’s baby girl.”

“Baby girl?”

“Yes, and I’ll be your Daddy. I’ll take care of you. You won’t have to worry about anything, as long as you are good.”

Lola thought about Tobias’ offer. Sure, it sounded a little strange. But if he was just trying to help her, what did she have to worry about? Maybe he was right, maybe she was supposed to be someone’s “baby girl.”

“And I would have to call you Daddy?”

“Isn’t that what little girls call their fathers?”

“And this is just a trial?”

“Yes,” Tobias said. “You can back out at any time. Just say the word.”

It felt strange, but something appealed to Lola about having the tall man in front of her take care of her needs. Maybe she wouldn’t mind calling him "Daddy.”

“Okay,” Lola said. She handed Tobias the signed contract. “Daddy.”

He took the contract, signed it, and put it away in the drawer of a desk. When he walked back to her, his smile was beaming. Lola blushed to think he looked so happy just because of her.

“All right, my little Lola, let’s get started,” Tobias said. “We don’t have a lot of time before your bedtime.”

Lola’s eyes widened when she heard that she had a bedtime, but she kept quiet. Tobias led her to a room that was full of fancy exercise equipment. Right in the middle was a treadmill, and the walls were lined with mirrors. She looked around, what were they doing here?

“You’re not overweight, baby girl, but just because you’re thin doesn’t mean you are healthy either. All those hours you spend in front of the computer and the candy you eat instead of meals could cause you to get very sick one day,” Tobias said. “So you’re going to exercise everyday from now on.”

“You want me to get on that?” Lola pointed at the treadmill. She pouted her lips and crossed her arms. “No way!”

“Lola.” Tobias’ voice became stern and low. “I’m going to warn you once. Remember that you’ll be punished if you disobey my rules. Do you want to be punished?”

Lola continued to pout, but she stepped up onto the treadmill and held on to the bars.

“That’s better,” Tobias said.

He set the machine for 15 minute. It gradually started up, increasing in speed. Lola hardly ever walked, let alone ran, so she couldn’t keep up with the pace.

“I think I’m going to fall off!” she yelled.

“Don’t worry, I have a way to make sure you won’t.”

He pulled out a long, flat, black paddle and stood behind the treadmill. Every time Lola slowed down, he smacked her bottom with it. The crack made her jump, stinging her skin until she was sure it was red.

Lola’s lungs burned. Sweat rolled down her face, drenching her clothes and making her even more uncomfortable. Her feet, unaccustomed to such a workout, stung with every step she took. On top of it all, she had to try her best to avoid Tobias’ paddle on the soft skin of her bottom. Just one more step and she was sure she’d collapse.

The machine turned off with a trumpet like sound and Tobias started to clap.

“There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he said.

Lola didn’t answer. She was too busy trying to catch her breath.

“Now that you’re all sweaty, it’s time to go get clean.”

He led her to a large bathroom. The floor was covered in blue-green tiles and the room smelled faintly of lavender. The shower head just stuck out of one wall, and wasn’t separated by a tub or glass divider.

Piece by piece, Tobias undressed Lola. She didn’t mind at all until she felt him reach for her bra clasp. Her checks blushed as he pulled it off, revealing her breasts and their pink nipples. She was almost too embarrassed when he pulled Sff her panties too, leaving her sweaty and completely in front of him.

Tobias guided Lola to the shower, turning it on so that the water cooled her skin. After she got wet, she reached for the shower gel, but he wouldn’t hand it to her.

“Come here,” he said. Tobias was standing right outside the range of the shower. He was fully dressed, with a poof and bottle of shampoo in his hands. In front of him was what looked like a small wooden bench. Was he really going to bathe her?

Lola walked over to Tobias and sat on the bench. At first, it was strange to be naked while this rich, handsome man lathered her hair, but soon Lola relaxed. Her body was so tired after the treadmill that the warmth of the shower and his touch were soothing. She loved the light rosy smell of the shampoo and the gentle press of his fingers against her skin. It wasn’t that bad after all, was it?

Tobias shampooed and conditioned Lola’s hair, taking care not to get the suds in her eyes. Then he took the poof and rubbed it all over her body. Lola melted into his arms as his fingers slid the fruity, slippery gel over her skin. He scrubbed until her skin was pink and tingling. Tobias’ fingers passed over her nipples, making them harden into little balls.

When he made Lola open her legs and bend over so that he could clean her, the blush crept back into Lola’s cheeks. His fingers prodded in her most private places, wiping them clean, and she was mortified. But the embarrassment was gone again when Tobias started to rub a luxurious sugar scrub over Lola’s skin. The sugar scratched a little, but the thick oil and the scent invaded her senses. She felt like she had bathed in perfume.

As Lola rinsed off, she felt cleaner than she had ever felt in her life. Her skin was soft, shining from all of Tobias’ scrubbing, and lightly scented. She just wanted to keep running her hands over her own body, but her Daddy wasn’t done with her yet.

He used a small cloth to wash her face, making sure not to forget the little crevices behind her ears. Then Tobias wrapped Lola in a big, warm, fluffy towel. She was about to use it to dry her hair when he stopped her. Instead, she sat on the bench while Tobias carefully combed through her hair, detangling each knot by hand.

Lola was nestled between Tobias’ legs and felt so comfortable there. He held her close to him as he worked, and she could feel the warmth of his body against her freshly washed skin. Even though it was a little embarrassing, no one had ever taken so much care of her before.

Finally, Tobias led Lola to the bedroom and mad her lie on the bed. He dried her off, even remembering to get the little spaces in between her toes that tickled so much she couldn’t help but laugh. The lotion that he used melted into Lola’s skin, leaving it supple and moist.

“Baby girl, turn around for me.”

Lola rolled over on her stomach. Tobias took a fluffy puff and dusted baby powder all over her bottom. The familiar smell filled the whole room.

“Turn over again, little girl.”

She rolled back onto her back, but when Tobias brought his next item, her eyes opened wide.

“What is that?”

“It’s a diaper, obviously.”

“You want me to wear that?”

“Little girls wear diapers, don’t they?”

“No, absolutely--”

The words stuck in Lola’s throat as she saw the expression on Tobias’ face. She didn’t want to find out what his punishment was for bad little girls.

“Okay Daddy.”

“That’s a good girl,” he said.

Tobias easily lifted Lola’s bottom to slide the diaper underneath. For a while he stood there, looking at her with her legs spread on top of the pouffy fabric. His dick swelled to see her like that, but he knew it wasn’t the time yet. When he tightened the straps, Lola sat up, testing the feel of her new diapers.

They crinkled as she moved and formed a pouffy padding under her bottom. Her legs were pushed apart by the thickness of the fabric and she couldn’t walk the same way as she could with her panties. Lola waddled a little as she made her way to Tobias and couldn’t help feeling even more like a little child. But she hadn’t expected to enjoy the feeling of the fabric rubbing up against her kitty as she walked, massaging her.

Tobias pulled out a little pink dress from a drawer, showing it to Lola before pulling it over her head. The hem came down to her upper thighs, barely covering the bulging diaper. Lola looked at herself in the mirror, but she didn’t smile.

“Don’t you like it, baby girl?” Tobias asked.

“I don’t wear dresses.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not pretty enough to wear dresses,” she said.

Tobias pulled Lola close to him, pressing her against his chest. He kissed her forehead and whispered to her.

“Little Lola, even when you are covered in sweat you are beautiful.”

Lola wanted to cry. No one, not even her mom had ever told her that she was beautiful. Not even as a joke. Tobias’ words seemed very serious as he held her. He thought she was beautiful? Even after seeing her covered in sweat? Even after washing every inch of her body?

Tobias squeezed her tight and then held Lola at arm’s length.

“Come on my beautiful baby girl, it’s time for dinner.”

He took her to another room, where it seemed that dinner had already been prepared. Lola’s eyes immediately jumped to the delicious looking chocolate cake that sat on the dessert stand. Her hands nearly reached for it, but she stopped herself. She looked at Tobias and then looked at the plate in front of her.

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