Little Black Break (Little Black Book #2) (8 page)

Read Little Black Break (Little Black Book #2) Online

Authors: Tabatha Vargo,Melissa Andrea

BOOK: Little Black Break (Little Black Book #2)
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“Ah-ah, sweetheart.” His voice sent chills down my spine, but I didn’t move a muscle. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep looking straight ahead.”

I watched as the man who had scared me earlier drove past my car. My mind raced quickly. If I were fast enough, maybe I could get out of the car before the man in the backseat could comprehend what I was doing. I could run toward the car, wave him down for help or I could, at least, run back to the gym.

“Whatever you’re thinking in that pretty little head of yours, you can forget it.” His voice was low, unrecognizable. “Put your hands on the steering wheel,” he demanded. “Slowly.”

I lifted my hands, letting him see they were empty, before wrapping my fingers around the leather wheel.

His body shifted, and I could feel his legs pushing against the back of my seat. He was tall enough that he barely fit in my small backseat.

“What do you want?” I was surprised at how calm my voice was.

“That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?”

“Money? You want money?”

“Do you have money to give me?”

He was playing with me.

I could tell by his tone.

So I didn’t answer.

“I didn’t think so. So I guess we’re back to the question- what do I want?”

I gasped, unable to help it when I felt cold, sharp metal moving down my arm.

A knife.

I didn’t have to look to know what it was, and I hated that I gave him a reaction. My stomach turned, nausea burning my chest as I fought to hold back giving him any further reaction.

“I’m not a mind reader,” I snapped. “Are you going to tell me?”

I felt the tip of the blade move through my hair, pushing it to the side. I didn’t make a sound.

“You’re so feisty. I can see why he likes you so much.”

His words made me swallow hard and my heart skip a beat.

“He who?”

“Whoever is keeping your bed warm at night, sweetheart.”

I slowly let out the breath I’d been holding. He was still playing with me, trying to unnerve me, and I was stupidly letting him.

“Do you plan to use that on me?”

He shifted the knife through my hair again, sending chills along my skin.

“Is that something you’re into?”

“No. You?”

If I could keep him distracted long enough, I could figure out how I was going to get out of my car alive.

My mind went over a plan.

If only I could get to my gun, then maybe I’d have a chance. But that wasn’t going to work. My gun was in my purse, and my purse was in my gym bag, which was in the backseat somewhere with him. The thought made me want to throw up, but I was
going to die tonight. I just needed to keep him talking until someone else walked through the parking garage.

“I think you’d be terrified if you knew the things I was into, sweetheart.”

“Like sneaking into an unsuspecting woman’s car while she’s in the gym?”

“Yes. Exactly like that.”

I didn’t know how I had expected him to answer, but I wasn’t surprised by the fact that it didn’t give me any comfort. I couldn’t read this man. I tried to tell myself that if he were going to kill me, he probably would have already, but I didn’t quite believe that.

“I’ll fight you,” I whispered. “I won’t make whatever you’re going to do to me easy.”

He was quiet for a second. “It wouldn’t be any fun if you just gave me what I wanted.”

“My boyfriend is going to come looking for me. I’m already late.”

That wasn’t a complete lie.

I was late.

But Sebastian would have no idea where to look for me, and that was my fault.

I wanted to see his face more than anything. I should have been honest. I shouldn’t have lied to the man I love. No job was worth it.

“Will he?”

“Yes, and I promise you, he’ll kill you if he finds you.”

He chuckled. “What man wouldn’t kill for the woman he loves?”

I ignored that.

“If you leave now, there’s no harm done. All you’ve managed to do is scare me a little.”

I didn’t want to admit that to him, but maybe if he knew he’d done what he’d set out to do, he’d leave.

“I’ve scared you?”

“Yes. Isn’t that what you’re trying to do?”

“Maybe. Maybe I’m not finish scaring you.”

“I won’t tell anyone. There’s nothing to tell. I don’t know who you are, and I haven’t seen your face.”

“Would you like to know how our paths crossed? How our fates collided?”

“No,” I whispered.

I could feel the tears beginning to burn the back of my eyelids, but I forced myself not to cry. He was talking like a crazy person, and it was starting to seem like a real possibility that this man could kill me.

“Wouldn’t you, at least, like to know who I am? I’m here holding a blade to you, which could kill you at any second. Wouldn’t it be nice to at least know your killer?”

“No. Please. Just go.” A single tear escaped and rushed down my cheek.

Again, he chuckled. “Well, I’ll tell you anyway.” He leaned closer, his hot breath moving the wisps of hair beside my ear. “They call me the boogeyman, sweetheart, and I’m your worst nightmare.”

And then there was silence.

The only sounds were my breathing, my pounding heartbeat in my ears, and the sounds of night surrounding me, calming me.

I pressed my palm to my chest to try to slow my racing heart. It felt as if it were seconds away from jumping out of my chest.

I looked in the rearview mirror, but I only saw darkness. I was afraid to move, so I sat as still as I could for the next few minutes. Cool air swept across my arm prompting me to finally brave the unknown.

I turned in my seat, my eyes finding my empty back seat.

He was gone, leaving my back door wide open and letting the darkness of the night hide his existence.

I’d been held up with a knife, yet he didn’t take anything or hurt me.

It didn’t make any sense.

But I knew one thing … Sebastian could never know.




THE NEXT DAY, I WAS jumpy. Gasping and twitching at every noise. Stopping by my favorite café, I ordered a coffee and sat on a bench out front to collect my thoughts. Looking off into the distance, I sipped the sweet brew as I watched the people of New York go about their daily routines.


I jumped at the sound of a male voice, and my head snapped up. I wiped at my tears feeling ridiculous for being caught crying.

“Kevin,” I said with relief. “Fancy meeting you here.” I smiled, trying to hide the fact that I was a mess.

It wasn’t professional to be on a first-name basis with your clients, but over the last few meetings, we’d grown as friends—socializing and talking about all the things he could do to better himself.

It was weird seeing him outside my office, but I couldn’t lie to myself; I needed the distraction.

His brows pulled down in sadness as his eyes scanned my face.

“Everything okay?”

I waved away his question and smiled.

“I’m sorry. My mind is a million miles away right now.”

“I can see that. Are you okay?”

I sighed and rubbed at my forehead in embarrassment. “Not really.”

“Want to talk about it?”

He was such a nice guy—understanding and friendly. What could it hurt to open up to someone other than Sebastian or Trish?

I nodded and sipped at my coffee again.

“Mind if I sit?” he asked as he motioned to the empty space on the bench next to me.

“Of course,” I said, sliding down the bench and making room for his large form.

“Rough day?”

I laughed, but it was humorless. “It’s actually been a rough twenty-four hours.”

“It might help to talk about it. I’m no therapist, and I’m not entirely sure I’m a very good listener, but I’m the only one here.”

He laughed, and while his words weren’t meant to comfort me, they did. I even managed to laugh a little.

I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. “I was attacked last night.”

His eyes widened, and his mouth popped open in surprise.

“What? Oh my God, are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I assured him. “He didn’t actually hurt me. He just scared me. I don’t think he had any intention of hurting me really.”

“Did you get a good look at the guy?”

I shook my head. “No. He was waiting for me in my car. He was in the backseat.”

“What did he say?”

I didn’t want to repeat it. “Just a bunch of nonsense. He was just trying to scare me.”

“It sounds like it.” He rested his hands on his knees and shook his head in disbelief. “Have you gone to the police?”

“No, and I don’t intend to.”

If I went to the police, then Sebastian would find out. That was the last thing I wanted. So no, there would be no police involvement.

I doubted it would happen again, but I made sure I was more prepared when I entered the garage now. I held my gun in my hand inside my purse. I’d learned my lesson. No one would ever catch me by surprise like that again.

“Why not?”

“Well, because he didn’t do anything to me.” I made excuses. “And plus … well, it’s kind of complicated.”


“Yes, complicated.”

I didn’t elaborate.

I didn’t know Kevin well enough to get into a discussion about my relationship with Sebastian or the lie and secrets I was keeping.

“I know I don’t know you very well, but it takes a tough person to do a job like yours.” He bumped his shoulder against mine in encouragement. “I think if you can handle working with criminals every day, you can handle this.”

I smiled at him.

His words were kind and encouraging and honestly, exactly what I needed to hear. I knew if I had gotten up the courage to tell Sebastian about the attack, his reaction would have been the exact opposite. And I couldn’t handle that at the moment.

“Thank you, Kevin. Believe it or not, that’s exactly what I needed to hear right now.”

He smiled. “Good. I’m glad I could help.”

“You did, very much. Thank you.”

“Anytime. No more crying, okay?”

I nodded. “No more crying.”

And for the rest of the day, I didn’t shed another tear.






I WATCHED HER FROM OUR bed as she readied herself for our night out. She had no idea how sexy she was being just doing something as simple as getting dressed. She’d taken extra care with her makeup since we were going to a special charity event hosted by one of the foundations she’d volunteered for a few months back.

I wasn’t sure how she’d talked me into attending, but looking at her now as she slowly dressed, clueless that I was watching, I knew she could ask me to go to hell for her and I would.

Every day.

Every night.

Only for her.

She lifted her bare arms, twisting her hair to the top of her head, and my eyes followed the long line of her spine. Little wisps of red fell from her twist, landing softly on her slender neck. She pulled pins from her mouth and pushed them through her hair in what were probably strategic positions to her.

My eyes moved down the curve of her neck, down the dip of her chest. I memorized each breath she took—the slow, measured in and outs—like waves of sensuality rushing over me. Her flushed skin looked pink beneath the lighting, and when she looked at herself in the mirror, her green eyes glittered.

She had already put on a bra, so I wasn’t able to see the pink tips of her nipples, but I could see they were hard and pressing against the lace containing them. I knew exactly how they felt against my tongue—exactly how they tasted. My mouth watered and my jaws ached with how badly I craved her.

When she placed the last pin in the flames of her red hair, her slender arms dropped and she studied herself in the mirror.

She was stunning.

She was classic perfection, exotic in her own right, soft and gentle, and best of all … she was mine. My appetite for her never went away. It was always there, burning just beneath the surface until I couldn’t think about anything but being wrapped inside her.

She held my attention and my cock thickened as she slowly and methodically moved her palms over her flesh. Her hands moved over her slim waist and down onto her hips before her fingertips lingered over the black lace that trimmed her thigh-highs. Slipping her fingers beneath her garters, she tugged to adjust them, pulling the edge of her lacy panties down a bit.

I wasn’t sure if she knew what she was doing to me until her hands disappeared between her creamy thighs and she began to run her nails over the lacy fabric that hid what I knew was the sweetest part of her body.

My blood boiled.

My eyes found hers in the vanity mirror in front of her and a sultry smile lifted her glossy lips.

“See anything you like, Mr. Black?”

She’d been teasing me—tempting me—making me a slave to her sweet seduction. She’d grown so much in her sexuality since the first time I’d laid eyes on her. I’d like to think I was responsible for her newfound knowledge of seduction, but I knew deep down that she was a natural. It was there in her everyday life. Simple things like the way she ate her lunch or the way she used a pen—her sex appeal was intoxicating.

“A dangerous game you’ve started, Rosslyn.”

Tilting her head, she lifted a suggestive brow. “That’s Mrs. Black to you.”

I swallowed the thickness in my throat. Hearing her refer to herself as Mrs. Black was a high I wasn’t prepared for.

The bed squeaked when I stood and went to stand behind her. Her skin warmed my roughened fingertips when I traced a path from her shoulder down to her elbow. I silently celebrated when a set of goosebumps chased my finger.

“That mouth of yours.” I shook my head as if I was disappointed.

“What about it?” She backed into me, her ass pressing into my slacks and making my cock go even harder.

“It needs to be tamed.” I captured her chin and forced her head back giving myself the perfect view of her lean body from the neck down in the mirror.

She liked it.


She loved it.

She trusted me enough to know that I’d die before I hurt her, but that didn’t mean she didn’t appreciate a good manhandling on occasion.

She was into it.

I could see the excitement in her eyes and the quickening of her breaths.

“And how will you go about taming my mouth?”

I contained the grin that begged the side of my mouth. She was so playful.

I fucking loved it.

“I suppose I could always stuff something in it.”

My balls tightened just thinking about her mouth wrapped around my cock. Her glossy red lipstick smeared all over my shaft as I pumped into her mouth until I sprayed the back of her throat.

“True. That’s always an option.” She grinned. “Of course, the question still remains of what you’d stuff in my mouth. It needs to be something that fills it completely. Think you can find something that meets that description?”


She was such a smartass.

Running my fingers up the back of her hairline, I tugged at her hair. I knew it was going mess up her pinned hairstyle, but I didn’t give a fuck.

“I think I have just the thing. It’s thick and hard, and it’s sure to tame that smart mouth of yours.”

She hissed as I tugged again then pressed wet kisses down the side of her neck. When I felt her back begin to melt into my front, I bit her shoulder, making her jump and grind her teeth together in pleasured pain.

“Then do it.” She moved to turn and face me, but I held her in place.

“Not so fast. Filling your mouth doesn’t feel like enough punishment. I think you deserve much worse.”

“Oh, really? What exactly are you punishing me for? Other than my smart mouth, of course.”

My hands moved down her sides, and when I reached her panties, I let my fingers skim the inside of the lace. The rough texture next to her soft skin was erotic.

“Well, for one, I have to wear this suit for you tonight. You know how much I
wearing these monkey suits.”

Her grin deepened. “That is terrible. Although it’s a crime considering how sexy you look in that monkey suit.”

“Still,” I said as I began to push her panties down over her hips, exposing her round ass to my palms. “It’s a major inconvenience to my comfort. For that, you should be punished.”

“You’re right. How dare I make you uncomfortable?” She rolled her hips, forcing her naked ass into me. “Do your worst,” she challenged.

“You think you can handle my worst?”

I walked her forward until her thighs were brushing the vanity top.

Her eyes met mine in the mirror in front of us, and she nodded. “Absolutely,” she said, breathlessly.

The back of her earring dug into my tongue when I sucked her earlobe. “We’ll see about that.”

Pressing my palm to the center of her back, I flattened her chest to the vanity top. Her creamy ass cheeks were unflawed, prompting me to palm one and squeeze it before I gave it a good smack.

She tensed beneath me and hissed.

“Stop prolonging this and fuck me, Sebastian.”

Rosslyn rarely used vulgar language, which made it all the more sinful. Her words pushed me over the edge. I unbuttoned my slacks and shoved them down over my hips. My cock popped out, the tip glistening and ready.

Using my knee, I spread her thighs before reaching down and pushing two fingers into her soaking center.

“Yes,” she moaned.

“Fuck. You’re so ready for me, baby.”

Pulling my fingers from her body, I sucked her sweetness from them with closed eyes. Her sweet flavor rolled over my tongue sending my senses into high gear.

Without waiting for another second, I lined the tip of my cock up with her center and thrust myself into her heat. My balls tightened at the sudden spike of pleasure.

“Your pussy is perfect. Do you have any idea how fucking amazing you feel?”

She backed onto my shaft when I pulled out, her body begging to be fucked, and I gave her exactly what she deserved. I thrust so hard and fast that I became dizzy. Instead of closing my eyes, I kept them pinned on her reflection, taking in the pleasure on her face and enhancing my own.

She closed her eyes and rested the side of her face against the counter, but I wouldn’t go for that. I needed her eyes on me. I needed to see how good I was making her feel.

Reaching forward, I tugged at her hair and forced her face up.

“Look at yourself. Look how sexy you are when you take my cock like a good girl.”

Her eyes skimmed over our reflection and her mouth fell open. She was close to coming. I could feel it in the tightening around my cock and the tenseness of her spine.

“That’s it, baby. Come all over my cock. Drown me, baby. Cover me in it.” I pounded into her hard and faster. Perfume bottles shook and lipstick tubes fell over and rolled to the floor. “I want to wear you all night—walk around with your scent on my skin.”

And then she broke.

Her cries echoed in the room around us, bouncing off the expensive marble and playing a melody I’d learned to love more than anything. Her body tightened around me so hard I thought for sure she’d break me.

It was rough.

It was fast.

And it was fucking hot.

“I’m going to come. Fuck. I’m going to come deep in your pussy.”

She pulled me over the edge with her, my body tensing with a shocking release that stole my breath.

Afterward, I folded over her body and let go. A thin layer of sweat coated her flushed skin making any exposed skin of mine slide across her.

“Oh, my God, that was amazing,” she breathed. “I’d say I’ve been thoroughly punished.” She was panting as she tried to catch her breath.

“Well, you took your punishment beautifully,” I responded.

She giggled and it shook my chest.

Finally, once I caught my breath, I peeled my body from hers and righted my clothes.

“We’re going to be late.”

She was trying to salvage what she could of her hair, but all I could do was think about bending her over the vanity for a second time.

“Do you expect me to care considering the reason we’re going to be late?”

I leaned over, my lips finding the curve of her neck. She laughed and her fingers combed through my hair. When her fingers tightened into a fist and pulled, I growled, biting her soft flesh without leaving a mark.

“Sebastian!” She laughed, pushing me away so she could freshen up. “I’m getting dressed and we’re leaving in ten,” she called, disappearing into the walk-in closet.

Movement inside the closet sounded as I leaned against the vanity with a relaxed smile. It was good with Rosslyn. Always was.

“Geez. I feel like I’ve spent the last hour riding a horse,” she muttered from inside the closet.

I laughed.

“Just call me Clydesdale, baby,” I called out.

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