Literary Rogues (31 page)

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Authors: Andrew Shaffer

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coffee, 110–11

Balzac and, 60

Kerouac and, 158

Colbert, Stephen, 236

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 15–20, 39, 41, 50, 76, 202, 207

De Quincey and, 24, 25, 26

Collins, Seward, 119

Collins, Wilkie, 27

Comédie humaine, La
(Balzac), 60, 63

Comic Convention, xiii–xiv

Communist Party, 124–25, 156

Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
(De Quincey), 26–27, 51, 60, 76, 229

Connolly, Cyril, 146–47

consciousness expansion, 182–83

copyrights, 17, 31

Corso, Gregory, 167

, 174

Coulmier, Abbé de, 13

creative writing programs, 208

Iowa Writers' Workshop, 172, 176, 207–11

(Balzac), 59

Crowninshield, Frank, 117–18

Curse of Lono, The
(Thompson), 204

Dallas Morning News
, 224

Dardis, Tom, 132, 133, 134

Darkness Visible
(Styron), 210

Daubrun, Marie, 70

Death in the Afternoon
(Hemingway), 131, 132

Deaths and Entrances
(Thomas), 148

Decadents, 82, 84, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96–97, 98–99, 104, 118, 154, 156, 167, 224

Deer Park, The
(Mailer), 188

Dell, Floyd, 109

Democratic National Convention, 185

Denham, Alice, 155–56, 189

Depp, Johnny, 203, 204

Depression, Great, 111

depression and melancholy, 228

Byron and, 30, 33

Kerouac and, 159

Millay and, 126

Parker and, 119–20

Poe and, 48, 50–51, 53, 54, 55

Wurtzel and, 224–25, 229

De Quincey, Thomas, 21–28, 51, 60, 76, 229, 232, 234

Descriptive Sketches
(Wordsworth), 16

Desolation Angels
(Kerouac), 160

Deveraux, Mary, 52

Devonshire, Duchess of, 32–33

Dickens, Charles, xv

Didion, Joan, 199

Don Juan
(Byron), 35

Dorval, Marie, 66

Douglas, Alfred, 96, 99

Downey, Robert, Jr., 217

Dowson, Ernest, 90, 91–94, 98, 99, 100–101

Dream Songs, The
(Berryman), 176

drugs, 154, 156, 212, 213, 215, 225–26, 244, 245

amphetamines, 158–60, 164

Burroughs and, 163–64, 168

cocaine, 103–4, 214, 215–16, 221, 226, 227

Ellis and, 220, 221

Frey and, 232–38

Ginsberg and, 182–83


heroin, 168, 215

Kerouac and, 158–60

Kesey and, 183, 184

laws against, 103–4, 184, 185, 213, 216

LSD, 182–83, 184, 215

marijuana, 182, 184, 188, 226

Millay and, 125–26, 127



Parker and, 127

psychiatric, 225–26

Sexton and, 174

sleeping pills, 174

Thompson and, 201–4

Wurtzel and, 225–26, 227

Dudevant, Casimir, 66

Duval, Jeanne, 71–72, 78

Dylan, Bob, 179

Eastman, Max, 132

Eggers, Dave, 234

Ehrmann, Eric, 162

18 Poems
(Thomas), 146

Ellis, Bret Easton, xiv, xv, 217–21, 224, 232, 236

Engle, Paul, 172

Enlightenment, 32, 41, 81

Enough Rope
(Parker), 120–21, 123

Entertainment Weekly
, 219

Epstein, Daniel Mark, 121

Epstein, Jason, 198

Erasmus, 2

, 115, 196, 199, 241

Evening News
, 94

Executioner's Song, The
(Mailer), 195

existentialism, 154–55

Faulkner, Jill, 141

Faulkner, William, 129, 139–43, 193

FBI, 124–25

Hemingway and, 136–37

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
(film), 204

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
(Thompson), 201

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
(Thompson), 201

Ferber, Edna, 122

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 157, 165–66

Festival of Life, 184–85

Ficke, Arthur, 126

Final Testament of the Holy Bible, The
(Frey), 241

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, xv, 103, 105–16, 120, 124, 129, 134, 157, 181, 195–96, 221

Hemingway and, 110, 112, 115, 131, 135

Parker and, 108, 115, 116, 122, 123

Thompson and, 200, 205

Fitzgerald, Zelda Sayre, 107–9, 111, 112, 113–15, 116, 123, 132

Parker and, 108, 123

flappers, 106, 115

Flaubert, Gustave, 57, 63–65, 67, 74, 92, 93, 127, 196, 235

Baudelaire and, 73

Sand and, 67

Fleshly School, The, 77

Fleurs du mal, Les
(Baudelaire), 73–75, 77, 79, 125

Flynn, Nora, 115

For Whom the Bell Tolls
(Hemingway), 133

Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus
(Shelley), 41

French Revolution, 32, 57

Freud, Sigmund, 215

Frey, James, xv, 231–42, 244

Frey, Lynne, 232–33

Friedman, Daniel, 29

Fugitive Pieces
(Byron), 31

Full Fathom Five, 238–40

Gallagher, Tess, 211

gambling, 49

Generation X, 223, 224, 225

“Genius and Madness Akin in the World of Art” (Thomas), 146

Gill, Charles, 98

Ginsberg, Allen, 156–57, 159–61, 165–67, 168, 179, 181–85, 202, 203

Ginsberg, Naomi Livergant, 156

Godwin, Fanny, 41

Godwin, William, 39

Goldsmith, James, 131

Goldwyn, Samuel, 108

Gospel According to the Son, The
(Mailer), 241

Graham, Sheilah, 115, 123

“Gravy” (Carver), 211

Great Depression, 111

Great Gatsby, The
(Fitzgerald), xv, 110, 115, 116, 131, 195–96, 200, 205

Griswold, Rufus, 56

grunge music, 224

Guardian, The
, 232, 241

guns, 244, 245

Burroughs and, 164–65, 168

Cobain and, 168–69

Thompson and, 201, 202, 205

Verlaine and, 87–88

Gurganus, Allan, 209

Gutenberg, Johannes, 1–2

Haight-Ashbury, 181

Halma, Harold, 193

ska, Ewelina, 62–63

Hardwick, Elizabeth, 149

Harper's Magazine
, 173, 199, 200

Harvard Crimson
, 224

hashish, 84

Balzac's use of, 60, 76

Baudelaire's use of, 60, 76–77

Haverty, Joan, 158, 159

Hawks, Howard, 142

Hemingway, Clarence, 137

Hemingway, Ernest, xv, 105, 129–38, 156, 160, 161, 181, 188, 191, 201, 204, 225, 235, 243

on Faulkner, 141

Fitzgerald and, 110, 112, 115, 131, 135

Parker and, 120, 121, 122

suicide of, 132, 137, 162, 177, 205

Hemingway, Leicester, 137

Hemingway, Marceline, 130

Hemingway, Margaux, 137

Hemingway, Ursula, 137

Henley, W. E., 98

Her Kind, 179

heroin, 168, 215

hippies, 181–82, 184, 185, 202, 224

Hitchcock, Alfred, 124

Holmes, John Clellon, 155, 160

homosexuality, 166

Capote and, 191–92, 193

Rimbaud and Verlaine's relationship, 84–89

Wilde and, 95–96, 97, 98, 99

Hoover, J. Edgar, 137, 156

Hotchner, A. E., 132, 135–37

Hours of Idleness
(Byron), 31

Howard, Jane, 175–76

“Howl” (Ginsberg), 160, 166

Howl and Other Poems
(Ginsberg), 166–67

Hugo, Victor, 82

Hunt, Leigh, 19, 42

Hutchinson, Sara, 25

In Cold Blood
(Capote), 194, 195

(Sand), 66

, 220

Iowa Writers' Workshop, 172, 176, 207–11

Izambard, Georges, 83

James, Henry, 66

Jarvis, Charles E., 161

Jazz Age, 105, 106, 115, 124

Johnson, Joyce, 160

Johnson, Samuel, 157

journalism, 199–201

Joyce, James, 108, 131, 134

(Burroughs), 163

Justine, or Good Conduct Well Chastised
(Sade), 11, 12–13, 35

Kansas City Star
, 130

Kazin, Alfred, 47

Kennedy, John F., 182, 188, 190

Kerouac, Jack, xv, 153, 155–62, 165, 183, 184, 196, 202, 232

Kesey, Ken, 181, 183–84, 185, 200, 202

Killick, Vera, 147

Killick, William, 147–48

King, Larry, 233, 235, 237

King, Stephen, 138, 183

ski, Jerzy, 162

“Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 18–19

Kurth, Peter, 228

Lady Windermere's Fan
(Wilde), 124

Lamb, Caroline, 34–35

Lamb, Charles, 18, 20

Lanahan, Eleanor, 116


Latour (manservant of Marquis de Sade), 7–8, 9

Lauris, Laure-Victoire de, 4, 5

Leary, Timothy, 159

Lee, Harper, 192–93, 194

Leigh, Augusta, 35

Lerner, Betsy, 226

Less Than Zero
(Ellis), xiv, 217, 219

Létinois, Lucien, 89

Liberal, The
, 42

Library Journal
, 193

, 136, 175–76

Listener, The
, 146

Liveright, Horace, 141

London Magazine
, 26

Lord, Sterling, 162

Los Angeles Times
, 218, 220

Lost Generation, 103, 105, 106, 111, 140, 148, 155, 160, 167, 189, 224, 237

Lowell, Robert, 172

LSD, 182–83, 184, 215

MacArthur, Charles, 119

Madame Bovary
(Flaubert), 64–65, 74

Maffei, Clara, 62

Magid, Marion, 190

Mailer, Adele, 189–90, 194–95, 198

Mailer, Norman, 135, 155, 168, 182, 184, 187–92, 198, 199, 203, 210–11, 216, 220

Capote and, 191–92, 195

Frey and, 232, 238

Parker and, 187–88

Maltin, Leonard, 202

Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The
(Wilson), 154

Map of Love, The
(Thomas), 147

marijuana, 182, 184, 188, 226

McClure, Michael, 166

McDonald, Sean, 233, 236

McGinniss, Joe, 217

McInerney, Jay, 111–12, 213–18, 221–22, 224, 239

meditation, 183

Merry Pranksters, 183–84, 185

Milbanke, Anne Isabella, 34–36

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 121–22, 125–27

Parker and, 121, 122, 125

Miller, Laura, 241

Million Little Pieces, A
(Frey), 233–38

Mok, Michel, 112, 115

Monroe, Marilyn, 149

Montreuil, Anne-Prospère de, 7, 8, 9

Montreuil, Renée-Pélagie de, 4–7, 8, 11, 13

(Dell), 109

Moore, Thomas, 45

More, Now, Again
(Wurtzel), 226, 227

morphine, 96, 118

Burroughs and, 163–64

Millay and, 125–26

Mosher, John Chapin, 111

Moveable Feast, A
(Hemingway), 135, 136

Murray, Bill, 203, 204

Murray, John, 19, 24

Musset, Alfred de, 66

Naked and the Dead, The
(Mailer), 187, 188

Naked Lunch
(Burroughs), 167–68

National Observer
, 98

“Necessity of Atheism, The” (Shelley), 38

Nembutal, 174

New English Weekly
, 146

, 218

New York City, 111, 155, 157, 213–16, 218

Mailer's run for mayor of, 195

New Yorker, The
, 117, 123, 173, 194, 199, 214, 224

New York Post
, 110, 112, 115, 166

New York Times, The
, 95, 121, 122, 160, 191, 195, 198, 219, 234–35

New York Times Book Review, The
, 227

Nicholson, Jack, 203

Nirvana, 168, 224

Nisard, Désiré, 83

Nixon, Richard, 185, 213

Notebook, The
(Sparks), 231

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