Lion's Heat (46 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

Tags: #Romance - Paranormal, #Romance - Shape Shifters, #Romance - Erotica

BOOK: Lion's Heat
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"How can I help you?" she managed.

"I'm possessed by a demon," he hissed into her ear. "And I want it out of me."

"A demon?" she repeated, trying to sound as if she believed him. "Is that what you think is making you kill people? The devil made you do it?"

She exchanged a fleeting look with Ben, who stood six feet in front of her. He'd be able to hear everything the freak was saying to her. The cop's expression was fierce but a distinct flicker of worry crossed his blue eyes. He was thinking what she was thinking. This guy was insane--even by serial killer standards.

"I can't concentrate." The killer shifted farther back with her. "Can't think with it in my head. I killed a homeless guy a couple weeks ago and the demon's been with me ever since."

"I'm warning you again," Ben snarled. "Let the woman go
right now

The guy tensed. "He's telling me to let you go."

"That's r-right," Eden said, her voice shaky. "Listen to the nice policeman. He wants to help you and so do I. Nobody has to get hurt here."

"No, not the cop, the
. He wants me to let you go."

"Well, then listen to the nice d-demon. I can help you. I
psychic. Very powerful. That's me. I'll be able to talk to your demon and convince him to leave your body and go back to--to
. . . and then everything will be fine."

"You don't believe me. I can hear it in your voice."

Her stomach clenched with fear. "No, I do. I totally believe."

"The world is full of strange things and strange beings. They're among us. Walking around, eating, drinking, living side by side with humans. I couldn't see them before but now I can. They're everywhere. Do you see them, too?"

"Of course I do." It sounded like a lie. Mostly because it was. She could be this bastard's next murder victim. Her life might be crappy at the moment, but that didn't mean she wanted it to end. Her legs weakened, and if he hadn't been holding her tightly she would have fallen straight down to the beige-carpeted floor.

She gasped as the knife pressed closer.

"Maybe if I slit your throat the demon will leave," the killer growled into her ear. "He'll see that he doesn't have any power over me."

Eden met Ben's steady but worried gaze. He had his gun aimed at the serial killer's chest, but at the moment she was blocking the way.

"This is your last warning," Ben snapped. "I
shoot you."

Suddenly the killer let go of Eden and she spun around to see that he looked extremely upset.

"Shut up!" he yelled, and brought his hands up to his head. "I'm not listening to you, demon. I'll kill her."

His gaze tracked to where Eden stood, his eyes wide and crazed. He raised his knife and lunged at her.

She screamed, staggered back, and tripped over the edge of the carpet, landing hard on her butt.

A shot rang out, then another, and the serial killer crumpled to the ground.

He didn't move again.

"Eden, are you okay?" Ben asked sharply.

? she thought, feeling stunned and shivery. Hell no, she wasn't okay. But at least she was still breathing.

"I'll be fine." Her hands shook so she clasped them in front of her. She decided to stay seated on the floor since she was sure her legs were too shaky to stand on. A line of perspiration sped down her spine. "You wanted me to help find the s-serial killer--" She took a shuddery breath. "Mission accomplished."

Her stomach churned and she was afraid she would be sick right then and there. She tried to focus on something, anything until she could calm down. Her gaze moved cautiously toward the prone body of the dead man she knew she'd have nightmares about for weeks--possibly
--to come.

She frowned. "Hey, do you see that?"

"See what?"

"That." She pointed at what looked like a thin, dark shadow emerging from the serial killer's gaping mouth and trailing along the floor like a black scarf.

That is
not normal
, she thought.

Ben shook his head. "All I see is a dead body. It's okay now, Eden. You're safe."

The shadow paused as it moved across the floor between her and Ben. Then, before she could do anything else or figure out what on earth it was, it shifted direction and, in a split second, flew through the air toward her. She shrieked and instinctively put her hands up to block whatever it was, but the moment the shadow touched her . . . it disappeared.

She looked at her hands.

What the hell just happened?

Had it only been her imagination?

Ben held out a hand to help her back up to her feet. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She swallowed hard. "I will be--you know--eventually."

He squeezed her hand in his. "Good."

She definitely needed a drink. A big one. Straight up.

She knew she should have stopped for some lunch earlier. A piece of toast and a glass of juice nine hours ago was not enough for proper mental alertness. She shook away the strange feeling and tried to relax while Ben got on his phone and called for backup.

Constable Santos ran in and swept the room with one look. "Eden! Damn, you sure work fast! You found the killer!"

That she did. And now the killer was killed.

But she still felt like she wanted to hurl. Missing dogs were much easier to deal with than serial killers. That was the lesson of the day.

At least it's over
, she thought wearily. She'd be very happy to go back to her regular life now.

No more traumatic experiences for her, thank you very much.

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Lora Leigh's





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Deep into a woman's wildest fantasies, deeper still into her most forbidden dreams ... a place only these bestselling authors would dare to ,go.





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does it ... in the lair of a strange Breed, part man, part wolf, on the hunt for the woman he craves--and needs--to fulfill a hunger clawing at him from within.


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