Lion of Liberty (47 page)

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Authors: Harlow Giles Unger

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(New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954).
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The War of American Independence: Military Attitudes, Policies, and Practice, 1763-1789
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The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution
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George Clinton: Yeoman Politician of the New Republic
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The Founders on the Founders: Word Portraits from the American Revolutionary Era
(Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2008).
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The Quotable Jefferson
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006).
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Federalists and Antifederalists: The Debate Over the Ratification of the Constitution
(Madison, WI: Madison House Publishers, Inc., 1998).
Bernhard Knollenberg,
Growth of the American Revolution, 1766-1775
(New York: The Free Press, 1975).
Leonard W. Labaree, et al.,
Papers of Benjamin Franklin
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959-[in progress], 38 vols. to date).
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James Madison and the Struggle for the Bill of Rights
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2006).
George-Washington Lafayette [Gilbert Motier, Marquis de Lafayette]
, Mémoires, Correspondence et Manuscrits du Général Lafayette, publiés par sa famille
(Bruxelles: Société Belge de Librairie, Etc., Hauman, Cattoir et Compagnie, 2 vols., 1837).
James Madison,
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(New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1987).
, The Papers of James Madison
, Robert R. Rutland, ed. (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1984-1989, 16 vols.).
Dumas Malone,
Jefferson and His Time
(Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1948- 1977, 6 vols.). Individual titles:
Vol. 1.
Jefferson the Virginian
Vol. 2.
Jefferson and the Rights of Man
Vol. 3.
Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty
Vol. 4.
Jefferson the President: First Terms, 1901-1805
Vol. 5.
Jefferson the President: Second Term, 1805-1809
Vol. 6.
Jefferson, the Sage of Monticello
Ann Maury,
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(New York, 1872).
Bernard Mayo,
Myths and Men: Patrick Henry, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson
(Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1959).
John J. McCusker,
How Much Is That in Real Money? A Historical Commodity Price Index for Use as a Deflator of Money Values in the Economy of the United States
(Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian Society, 2001, 2d ed.).
Robert Douthat Meade,
Patrick Henry: Patriot in the Making
(Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1957).
, Patrick Henry: Practical Revolutionary
(Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1969).
James Monroe,
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(Syracuse, NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1926).
The Writings of James Monroe: Including a Collection of His Public and Private Papers and Correspondence Now for the First Time Printed
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George Morgan,
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Richard B. Morris,
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(New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985).
Daniel Preston, ed.,
The Papers of James Monroe
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003-2006, 2 vols. [in progress]).
Edmund Randolph,
History of Virginia
. Edited by Arthur H. Shaffer. (Charlottesville: Published for The Virginia Historical Society, The University Press of Virginia, 1970).
Robert R. Rutland, ed.,
The Papers of James Madison
(Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1984-1989, 16 vols.).
Carl Sandburg,
The American Songbag
(New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1927).
Jean Edward Smith,
John Marshall: Definer of a Nation
(New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1996).
Moses Coit Tyler,
Patrick Henry
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1887).
Harlow Giles Unger,
America's Second Revolution
(Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2007).
John Hancock: Merchant King and American Patriot
(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000).
(Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2002).
The Last Founding Father: James Monroe and a Nation's Call to Greatness
(Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, Perseus Books Group, 2009).
The Unexpected George Washington: His Private Life
(Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006).
Carl Van Doren,
The Great Rehearsal: The Story of the Making and Ratifying of the Constitution of the United States
(New York: The Viking Press, 1948).
William Wirt,
The Life of Patrick Henry
(New York: Derby & Jackson, 1860).
Reference Works
John Bartlett, Justin Kaplan, eds.,
Familiar Quotations
(Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 16th ed., 1992).
Richard B. Morris,
Encyclopedia of American History
(New York: Harper & Brothers, 1953).
The New Encyclopedia Britannica
(Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 15th ed., 1985).
Ploetz' Dictionary of Dates
(New York: Halcyon House, 1925).
Harlow G. Unger,
Encyclopedia of American Education
(New York: Facts On File, Inc., 3rd ed., 2007, 3 vols.).
Webster's American Biographies,
Charles Van Doren, ed. (Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster Inc., 1984).
Adams, Abigail
Adams, John
Boston Massacre and
on Henry as orator
independence movement and
Jefferson letter to
portrait of
as president
Thoughts on Government
as vice president
Adams, Samuel
Boston Massacre and
charge of traitor and
at Continental Congress
flight from Boston
mob and
opposition to Galloway proposal
propaganda and
on Virginia's unity with colonies
Alexander, Archibald
Alien Enemies Act
American Historical Association
Anglican Church
parish taxes
popular resentment against clergy
See also
Church of England
Annapolis Convention
Apollo Room, at Raleigh Tavern
Arnold, Benedict
portrait of
The Articles of Compact
Articles of Confederation
Annapolis Convention
see also
Constitutional Convention)
Aylett, Elizabeth Henry
Aylett, Philip
Battle of Long Island
Berkeley, Norborne (Baron de Botetourt)
Bernard, Francis
“Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom” (Jefferson)
Bill of Rights
The Articles of Compact
calls for
Henry and
Madison and
states' rights and
Blackstone, William
Blair, John
Bland, Richard
Bland, Theodore
Board of War
Bohun, William
boycott of British goods and
martial law in
rebellion against Stamp Act
resistance to British rules
during Revolutionary War
See also
Boston Evening Post
Boston Gazette
Boston Independent Chronicle
Boston Massacre
Boston Port Bill
Boston Tea Party
Botetourt (Lord)
Boucher, Jonathan
Bowdoin, James
Boycotts of British goods
Breed's Hill
British Board of Trade
British colonies, map of (1763)
British Debts Case
Bunker's Hill
Burgoyne, John
Burke, Edmund
Burr, Aaron
Byron, Lord
Cabell, Dr. George
Canal-building projects
Capitol (Williamsburg, Virginia)
Carlisle, Lord
Carpenters' Hall
Carrington, Edward
Chapelle, Alonzo
Charleston, British capture of
Cherokees, war with
Christian, Anne Henry
Christian, John Henry
Christian, William
Church and state, separation of
Church of England
Anglican Church
Clark, George Rogers
Clinton, George
Coercive Acts
Continental Congress and resolves against
Coke, Edward
College of William and Mary
1763 map of
protests against Townshend Acts
trade with Britain
travel between
See also individual colonies
boycotts of British goods
opposition to British-imposed taxes
Commentaries on the Laws of England
Committee of Safety
Committee on Privileges and Elections
“Committee on Stile,”
Committees of correspondence
The Compleat Chancery-Practiser
Concord, battle at
Confederation Congress
final draft
Henry and Antifederalist objections to
ratification of
Constitutional Convention
Continental Army
establishment of
Henry's efforts to aid
shortages and
at Valley Forge
Continental Association
Continental Congress
See also
Intercolonial congresses
Conway, Thomas
Corbin, Francis
Cornwallis, Charles
Creek Indians
Culpeper Minutemen
Custis, Martha Dandridge
Dandridge, Bartholomew
Dandridge, Dorothea.
See also
Henry, Dorothea Dandridge
Dandridge, Nathaniel West
Dandridge, Nathaniel West, II,
Dartmouth, Lord
Davis, Jefferson
American government
British government
Declaration of Independence
“Declaration of Rights and Grievances of the Colonists in America,”
“Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Up Arms,”
Declarations and Pleadings
Declaratory Act
d'Estaing, Charles-Henri Comte
Dickinson, John
Digest of Virginia Acts
Don't Tread on Me motto
Le Droit des gens (The Law of Nations)
(von Vattel)
Dunmore, (Lord) John M.
Earl of Shelburne
East India Company
Economic troubles after Revolution
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Ellsworth, Oliver
Fairfax Independent Company
Continental Army and
flooding and
Parsons' Cause case and
protests after Revolution
Whiskey Rebellion and
Fauquier, Francis

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