Linda Ford (5 page)

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Authors: The Cowboy's Surprise Bride

BOOK: Linda Ford
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A man of honor, just as she’d guessed from the first. Surely she stood a chance of finding favor in his eyes. She tried to signal her relief to Cassie. But the other woman only stared at Eddie.

“So you think if we do what is right, God will treat us fairly?”

“That’s my belief.”

“So what did I do wrong to lose a husband and two babies? They were born beautiful and whole but never drew breath.”

“I can’t say. That’s between you and God.”

“Oh, no,” Linette protested. His words sounded condemning, as if Cassie harbored secret sins. Linette found such reasoning to be flawed. “You can’t reduce God to human intelligence and emotions. There are circumstances we aren’t aware of. We don’t see the big picture, but God does. That’s where trust comes in.”

Cassie made a sound of raw disbelief. “When you’ve lost everything, then you can talk to me about trust. Until then, it’s only childish wishing.”

Linette ached for Cassie’s pain, but the woman was stronger than she realized to have survived such hardship. However, Linette couldn’t imagine enduring such tragedies without God’s help. “Whatever happens I will trust God.” She wondered what Eddie thought and met his gaze, felt a jolt in her lungs at the way he studied her.

“I hope you never have occasion to believe in anything but the goodness of God.” Did he sound just a little doubtful? As if he considered it possible? This situation was about as bad as things could get. And her faith had not faltered.

“‘He will never leave me nor forsake me.’ Now I’m going to make tea.” She clapped her hands to her knees, startling Grady, who whimpered and buried his face against her shoulder. She put the toys on the floor, took his hand and drew him after her toward the sack.

Eddie jumped to his feet and accompanied her. “Cookie wasn’t sure what you would want. She says if you need anything, just trot on over to the cookhouse.”

“There’s another woman on the place?”

Eddie chuckled at her delighted surprise. “Yup. Cookie.”

Linette stepped past the sack to peer out the window. “Which is the cookhouse?”

Eddie stood close to her, bending a little so he could see out the window. “Can’t miss it. It’s the two-story building right across the road. Cookie—Miz Liza McCormick—and her husband, Bertie, live on the upper floor, but mostly you’ll find both of them cooking and feeding the crew.”

“Liza? Pretty name. How many are in your crew?”

“During the summer, there’s twelve men, give or take, plus me and the McCormicks. Less once winter sets in. Six or eight men. Right now most of them are up in the hills, edging the cattle down. And best call her Cookie.”

“Another woman. Isn’t that nice, Cassie?”

Cassie showed marginal interest. But it didn’t dampen Linette’s relief. The place suddenly seemed a lot more civilized and friendly. She studied the building across the wide expanse Eddie had called a road. As soon as possible, she’d pay Liza—or Cookie, if she preferred—a visit. Eager to get on with this new life, Linette spun away from the window and almost pressed her cheek to his chest.

His eyes widened.

Something quivered in the pit of her stomach.

Their gazes held for a moment of nervous awareness at the realization they were going to be sharing these tight quarters for several months.

She ducked her head, lest he guess at the way her heart had come unsettled. She could expect such encounters throughout the winter. She must prepare herself. Learn how to keep her emotions under lock and key. She would not be controlled by feelings.

The winter...only a few months...but more than long enough for God to work a change in Eddie’s heart. In the meantime, she had to prove to him how nice it was to have her around.

* * *

“Let’s see what Cookie sent over.” He hadn’t meant to be drawn into questions about Linette’s personal life. What did it matter to him if her father had chosen a marriage partner she didn’t welcome? Yet the idea made his muscles tighten. He’d seen the way she held herself and knew she didn’t make up her fears. It couldn’t be pleasant to be controlled by a father who didn’t take her feelings into consideration.

He could only hope something would change on her behalf before spring when he’d send her back to her father.

Linette tried to extract herself from Grady’s clutches. “Look, Grady. Play with these things and I’ll make you something to eat, but I can’t work with you hanging from my arm.”

Grady poked his face around Linette enough to expose one eye. He saw Eddie and with a loud cry burrowed into Linette’s skirts.

Eddie backed off, carefully avoiding looking directly at the boy.

Grady waited until Eddie picked up the sack and carried it to the table before he untangled himself from Linette’s side and hurried back to the stove, where he squatted to examine the objects that would have to pass as toys until something better could be found or fashioned. Grady made sure to keep his face toward Eddie as if he had to know where the enemy stood.

Linette edged to Eddie’s side. “Thank you for being patient with him.”

He pulled flour and sugar from the sack as he considered her words. Why should she care, when she had no connection to this child? Yet it made him realize even more how generous his father had been in taking in himself and his mother and giving them his name. He redoubled his vow to live a life that would honor that gift. “He’s not a lot different than a scared animal. Here’s a slab of bacon and other things Cookie thought you could use. Lots of women wouldn’t give an orphaned child a second glance.” In his case, his father and mother had married. Eddie was part of the union. But Linette had no connection to this boy. “Why do you?” He kept his voice low so Grady wouldn’t hear.

She shifted the supplies around, examining them and lining them up. “We need a shelf for these.”

Just when he thought she intended to ignore his question, she faced him.

“I simply cannot walk by someone in need and pretend I don’t see them or can’t help them.” Her eyes flashed some kind of challenge as if she’d had to defend her views before.

“I’m guessing your feelings haven’t met with approval.”

Her sigh puffed out her cheeks. “According to my parents, ladies don’t soil their hands with such matters. They say there are people whose calling is to do such things. People of the church. Not regular people.” All the while she talked she held his gaze. Her compassion and conviction poured from her like hot tea.

“You’ve rescued an orphan boy and a widowed woman. I’d say you’ve done your share.”

Her eyes turned to cold amber. “Are you warning me?”

“Miss Edwards, sometimes practical matters must be considered. And propriety. This cabin won’t hold any more charity cases.”

“Propriety?” She kept her voice low, but still managed to make the word ring with distaste. “It will never stop me from following my heart and conscience.”

Eddie stopped removing items from the sack. “Are you informing me you will have no regard for how you conduct yourself? I warn you, so long as you are under my roof and living with the protection of my good name, I expect you to live in a way that will not bring dishonor to it.” Why couldn’t Margaret have chosen to follow through on their agreement? She had proven an agreeable companion. Was this all some colossal joke played by the universe? Until this moment, he would have said God had a hand in all the events of his life. Now he wasn’t sure. Seems Linette was a stubborn, headstrong woman. If people acted contrary to God’s directions, how could they still be under His control?

His jaw ached and he forced it to unlock. He would not let any of these people bring disgrace to the Gardiner name.

Linette regarded him, her face set in hard lines and flat disapproval. “I have always lived in an honorable fashion. I simply refuse to live by silly social expectations, especially if they require I go against the teaching of my Lord and Savior.”

He squeezed the back of his neck, feeling the muscles corded like thick rope. “I certainly wouldn’t ask that of you. Honoring God is first in life.” Right along with honoring his father and mother.

“Good. Then we are agreed.” She reached into the sack and pulled out a fry pan and pot. “I’ll soon have something for tea.”

Eddie didn’t feel nearly as satisfied that they understood each other. Somehow he expected she would agree to his terms only if they suited her. How was he going to make sure she didn’t turn this into a disaster for him and his family?

She smiled across the table. “Mr. Gardiner, you have nothing to fear from me. I promise I will do all in my power to make this a most pleasant winter. In fact, you might decide you want us to stay.”

“Only until it’s safe for you to travel.”

She ducked her head, but not before he glimpsed the self-assured satisfaction in her expression.

What did she have in mind? Whatever it was, he could tell her she could do nothing to make him change his decision.

Besides, Margaret would reconsider becoming his wife when she heard about the fine house.

He glanced at Cassie, who sat staring at the stove. She had the look of someone lost in her thoughts. The woman was supposed to be Linette’s chaperone. As such, shouldn’t she be the one preparing the meal? Seems Linette couldn’t see when she was being taken advantage of. Allowing a father to thrust a child into her care, allowing a widow woman to sit idle while she did the chores.

If Cassie had been one of the cowboys, he would have whistled and tipped his head toward the work.

How did one order a woman to do her share?

Linette stood at the table, turning the hunk of bacon over and over. He watched her, wondering what her problem was.

She set aside the meat and lifted the towel from the bowl of cooked potatoes Cookie had sent over. She poked them with one finger. Her brow furrowed. Was she unfamiliar with basic cooking? His stomach growled at the thought.

Thanks to Cookie’s generosity, there were baking powder biscuits and some cold roast beef. Linette set the latter two out on a plate and put out butter and syrup, along with the tea she had made. She set the table carefully, arranging each piece of silverware as exactly as if she used a ruler. “It’s ready,” she said, indicating they should sit at the table.

Eddie pulled himself from the wall where he’d been alternately observing the newly arrived occupants of his house and studying the darkening sky out the window. He should be with the men, bringing the cows down from the hills, but the unexpected guests had delayed him and now the sun dipped toward the horizon. It would soon disappear behind the distant mountains.

Heavy clouds hung from the sky. It would be good if the snow held off a few more days
A few more weeks would be even better, but he didn’t like to sound greedy.

At Linette’s call, Cassie sighed and pushed heavily to her feet. She wasn’t as old as Eddie first judged. Life had been hard on her. He suspected a strong woman lay beneath the sharp exterior. Only a fighter would have survived what she’d been through.

The first step Eddie took had Grady scuttling toward the wall. Eddie stopped.

“I’ll feed him later,” Linette said.

It grated on Eddie’s nerves that his presence was unwelcome in his own home. But not nearly as much as it bothered him to be the cause of Grady’s fear. “We might as well start out the way we intend to continue. I eat my meals in a civilized fashion. I expect the same from my guests.” He made no threatening moves as he squatted to Grady’s level. “Grady, this is my house. You’re welcome here, but when we eat, we sit together at the table. Think you can do that?”

Grady shook his head and whimpered. His gaze brushed past Eddie, not quite connecting but allowing Eddie to see something in the boy’s eyes. Hurt. Insecurity. Rejection. He didn’t understand how he knew and recognized it, but he did as surely as he knew his name. This boy was filled with consuming fear and loneliness. He had every reason to feel that way. His own father had turned his back on him.

Eddie’s insides trembled and a pain shot through his jaw as he struggled to keep his expression from revealing what he thought of such a man. The boy did not deserve the hurt heaped on him by his father. No one did.

He ached to promise the boy he was safe now. But hurting and fearful animals—and little boys—needed lots of reassurance. “Aren’t you hungry?”

Grady glanced toward the table then he studied Eddie hard and solemnly.

Eddie didn’t move. Didn’t smile. He just waited, letting the child see he meant him no harm. Finally Grady edged away, keeping as much distance between himself and Eddie as possible. He hurried to Linette’s side and buried his face in her skirts.

Eddie pushed to his feet. “Grady, you will sit on a chair to eat.” Linette’s glare seared, while Cassie watched with indifference.

Grady climbed to a chair and sat, giving Eddie a look of defiance. Eddie could almost read his thoughts.
I’m sitting on the outside, but I’m doing what I want on the inside.

Eddie struggled to keep from laughing.

Linette sat down with a huff of exasperation.

Sobering instantly, he met her gaze. Did she find all rules and conventions to her dislike? “A man is ruler in his own house. Is that not from the scriptures?” At the flash in her eyes he wondered if she would defy the word of God.

The winter looked longer and colder with every passing hour.

Chapter Three

hy had God made woman to be subject to a man?

Linette knew the verse he referred to. It had mocked her on many occasions. She would never dispute God’s word, but some of it was hard to swallow. It made marriage most unappealing. She would avoid it altogether except it provided her only hope of escaping her father’s plans.

Eddie waited until she was settled. “I’ll say the blessing.”

She bowed her head. Although Eddie had insisted on Grady’s obedience, he’d at least been gentle with the boy. It wouldn’t be hard to be wife to a man who treated her with such kindness and respected her heart’s yearnings. But she feared she wanted more than she could hope for. More and more it looked as if she would not find freedom here any more than she had in England. Still, anything was better than marrying a lumpy, lecherous old man.

She waited until everyone had taken a biscuit or several. “I’m afraid I’m not much of a cook,” she murmured. “We had a cook at home who refused to let me in the kitchen.”

“This is fine.”

She’d done nothing but put stuff on the table. If she expected to prove her worth she would have to do much better. “I’m sure I’ll manage.” If only someone would explain what to do with the supplies. Surely Cassie knew. She sent the woman an imploring look. They had to learn to enjoy each other’s company. “This is your second winter on the ranch, isn’t it?”

Eddie looked relieved to have something to talk about. “It is.”

“Tell us what it’s like.”


She laughed at his tone—half regretful, half admiring. “How so?”

“It can snow four feet. The temperature can drop out of sight. Then we get a Chinook that melts the snow and makes us all foolishly think the worst is over.”

Cassie perked up. “A Chinook? What’s that?”

“A warm wind that blasts over the mountains. We can go from shivering under a heavy coat to working in our shirtsleeves all within an hour or less.”

“It’s a legend then?” Cassie said, sarcasm dripping from each word.

Linette silently prayed Eddie wouldn’t be offended. Was she destined to spend her days interceding on Cassie’s behalf?

Thankfully Eddie chuckled. “Part legend in that the Indians have all sorts of stories about what it is, but there’s nothing remotely imaginary about what happens.”

“I can hardly wait,” Linette said. “It’s going to be exciting to experience a wild Canadian winter.”

Eddie’s look challenged her before he pushed his plate away to indicate he was done. Did he think she had undertaken this trip solely for the sake of an adventure? She willingly admitted she enjoyed seeing new and exciting things. But no, the impetus behind her bold venture was twofold—escape the specter of a marriage with a man who made her skin crawl, and hopefully, God willing, find a place where she could obey the dictates of her conscience without regard to foolish social expectations.

The kettle steamed again and Linette prepared to do the washing up with the hot water. Cassie turned her chair and pushed it closer to the stove.

Eddie stood and piled up the dirty dishes. “Everyone does his share here.” He glanced toward Cassie.

Linette’s hands remained suspended over the washbasin. She could manage on her own and didn’t mind doing the work, but Eddie gave her a warning look. She ducked her head. Seems he was intent on establishing his rules and she was helpless to do anything but cooperate. Not that she didn’t think Cassie should help, but she didn’t know how far he meant this rule making to go. She kept her head down as she studied him, measuring him, wondering what would happen if she refused to obey one of his directives. His expression remained patient. On the other hand, how pleasurable to share goals and dreams with such a man.

Slowly it dawned on Cassie that Eddie expected her to help. She pushed her chair back so hard it banged into the table. “Don’t see how much help it will be for me to be stuck under Linette’s elbow. There’s not enough room for one, let alone two.”

Linette pulled the basin closer and handed Cassie a towel. She took it silently and dried the few dishes.

Eddie strode outside.

“He’s lord and master here, that’s for sure,” Cassie grumbled. “I’m sick of men controlling everything. Why don’t we pack up and leave?”

“Cassie, where would we go?” She’d gladly leave if she could find an alternative that wouldn’t bring her father’s wrath about her head. Except—an errant thought surfaced—this was where she wanted to be. She’d dreamed of it for weeks as she prepared to leave home and as she crossed the ocean and the country. She pictured herself sharing life with a man who honored her heart’s desire, and the dream refused to die in spite of Eddie’s insistence that she go back home. She forced her mind back to Cassie’s question. “It’s not like there are hundreds of homes around here that would welcome us.”

“What about that ranch where those men were going? They seemed like nice gentlemen.”

“They were very polite but no doubt would expect to rule their home as well.”

“I’m sure we could throw ourselves on their mercy.”

Linette grabbed Cassie by the shoulders. “I don’t intend to beg any man to keep me.” She’d prove her worth to Eddie. She’d make him want her to stay. “Wherever I go, whatever happens, I will do my share. In return, I will expect freedom to make a few decisions on my own.”

Cassie shook Linette’s hands off. “Mr. Gardiner told you he expects obedience.”

“Surely a woman can please a man and still be allowed to express her opinion and choices.”

Cassie rocked her head back and forth. “He could make life miserable for us.”

“I pray it won’t be so.”

“You were prepared to marry him.”

“I thought I knew a bit about him from Margaret’s letters.” Now she wasn’t so sure. In fact, nothing seemed so simple anymore.

Cassie plucked at her sleeve. “He could take advantage of us if he wants. Both of us. Look at how small this place is. We have no hope of escaping him.”

Linette smiled. “The closeness is our protection. If you feel threatened, you only have to call out. But I think we have nothing to fear from him. Does he not strike you as a man of strong morals?” He seemed intent on doing things the right way. Just how far that went, they would no doubt see in the following weeks as they shared this tiny cabin.

Eddie strode through the door with a length of lumber and a hammer in hand.

Cassie watched with undisguised wariness as he fastened a shelf across one side of the room.

“This should serve as a pantry for now.”

“Thank you.” Linette truly appreciated his efforts. She hoped it meant he intended to make the best of the situation—a thought that buoyed her heart.

Now that she’d finished the clean-up, Linette called Grady to her and washed him in preparation for the night. “Cassie, do you want to put Grady to bed?”

Cassie jerked her gaze away from studying Eddie, relief filling her eyes. “I’ll lie down with him.” Linette understood she was grateful for escape from the close quarters.

Linette soon had the shelf neatly organized with their kitchen supplies. Cassie and Grady were only a few steps away in the bedroom, but suddenly she was alone with Eddie. Neither of them spoke and the quietness crowded every corner of the room.

“Tell me about Grady.”

His question shattered the stillness and made her nerves twitch. Then she drew in a deep breath, grateful he had initiated conversation. “You mean besides the fact he is an orphan?”

“He has a father, so technically he is not an orphan. No other relatives?”

Was he hoping he could send the child away? “Apparently not.”

“And what if the father changes his mind and wants him back?”

“It would be wonderful if he did. I pray he will.”

“In the meantime, you have his care, but who is his legal guardian?”

“I am.”

“By whose authority?”

“His father signed the papers naming me such.”

Eddie quirked an eyebrow, perhaps in disbelief. “It surprises me he cared enough to do so.”

“He didn’t. I asked him to do it.”

Both his eyebrows rose and Linette allowed herself a little smugness at having surprised him.

“You seem to have thought this through.”

“You might be surprised at how carefully I consider my choices.”

His pause filled the air with quivering tension. “And yet you still do them.”

She ignored the slight sarcasm.

“Cassie has no family she could appeal to?”

“What is this? Trying to find alternate arrangements for your guests?”

He looked at her with annoyance. “No need to be rude. I’m only trying to learn as much as I can.”

For a moment she silently challenged him. But he was right. The man deserved to be treated better. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. To answer your question, Cassie has no family she’s willing to admit to. I know she complains a lot and Grady is still afraid of everything, but I promise I will do my best to—”

“I’m not trying to get rid of you. I said you’re welcome until spring. Rest assured, I won’t withdraw my word.”

She wondered when the deadline had shifted from improved weather to spring but wasn’t about to question God’s good favor. “It’s good to know I can count on it.” There was so much more she wanted to say. How much she’d enjoyed seeing the vast plains of the Northwest. How she’d felt free for the first time in her life. How she didn’t mind the crowded conditions of the cabin because it felt cozy. How she couldn’t keep from wanting to help those in distress. Instead, she turned the conversation to less controversial topics. “You said you met Kootenai Brown. He sounds like an interesting man. Tell me about him.”

Eddie relaxed, stretching his legs out and angling back in the chair. “Kootenai Brown has been in the western territories for twenty years or more. In that time, he has established quite a reputation, if one were to believe all the stories told about him. Soldier, gold miner, police constable, wolfer, whiskey trader. Tales say that he was captured by Sitting Bull and escaped. Another says he murdered a man in Fort Benton. Still another claims he was shot in the back by a Blackfoot arrow, pulled it out himself and treated the wound with turpentine.”

Linette watched Eddie as he spun tale after tale of a man larger than life. Some of the stories were undoubtedly exaggerated. Eddie’s eyes flashed with humor as he talked. His mouth gentled and his voice carried a rich timbre. And as she listened, she came to a firm conviction. “I can’t go back.”

Eddie blinked and seemed to pull his thoughts toward her words. “Are you really Linette Edwards?”

Her chin came up and her eyes stung with defiant challenge. “Of course I am Linette Edwards. Why would you doubt it? Who do you think I am?”

He took his time answering. “You aren’t dressed like the daughter of wealthy man.”

She laughed. She’d managed to confound him and it pleased her to no end. “I traded my fine dresses for practical ones at Fort Benton.”

He didn’t seem to care that his eyes revealed doubt.

She smiled. “I’m grateful for the few months I’ll be able to enjoy this vast country.”

The door rattled as if a person sought entrance.

She turned. “Is someone there?”

Eddie chuckled. “You might have cause to hate the country before the winter is out. That, Miss Edwards, is the wind knocking at the door.”

He looked a totally different man when he relaxed and smiled. Handsome, kindly and appealing. She caught her thoughts and pushed them into submission. Yet one lingered long enough to be heard. Sharing his company throughout the winter might be pleasant enough.

His smile deepened and his eyes darkened.

She ducked away, pretending to examine an imaginary spot on her skirt.

“Hear the snow against the window?” he asked.

Glad to leave the awkward moment, she turned toward the window. Wet white flakes plopped against the glass with a definite

“Come have a look.” Eddie pulled himself into action with the grace of a young kitten.

She followed him to the door. When he slipped a coat over his shoulders, she did the same. As they stepped out into the night air, she was glad she’d traded her gold locket for the heavy coat even though it was too large. She pulled it tight around her neck and waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Large flakes of snow, driven by the wind, stuck to the side of the cabin. She lifted her face and let flakes land on her cheeks. Cold and refreshing. She put out her tongue and laughed at how the snow tasted.

Eddie chuckled.

She closed her mouth and swallowed. “It’s so clean and fresh.”

“If it keeps up all night, it will be deep and dangerous.”

“But we are safe and warm.”

“My cattle aren’t.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be selfish. What will happen to them?”

“The wind will drive them, hopefully, into a place of shelter. Then we’ll have to find them and push them out.”

“Why can’t you leave them there?”

“We can if the snow isn’t deep, but if it is, cattle can’t dig through it. They’ll starve. We’ve been moving them down, but this snow is earlier than expected.”

“Then I will pray you’ll be able to get your cows to a safe place.”

“I will pray the same.”

It made her feel as if he valued her offer. It made her feel as if they were partners in some small way. Linette wished she could see him better and gauge if he felt even a fraction of the same connection.

“It’s cold. We better go inside.”

His words were her answer. He obviously did not wish to prolong the moment.

* * *

Eddie rolled up in his buffalo robe and got comfortable on the floor. He’d slept on the ground many times, often out in the cold. In comparison, this was warm and pleasant. If the temperature dropped too low, he would put more wood on the fire during the night.

He lay on his back listening to the women murmur. He could make out enough to follow their conversation.

“Where did you go?” Cassie’s voice carried its perennial sharpness.

“Just outside the door.”

“What for? You two got secrets?”

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