Light Switch (23 page)

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Authors: Lauren Gallagher

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Light Switch
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When the ice cube slid beneath my breast, it was more intense than I expected, and I jumped. My restraints rattled. Rattled, and held me firmly in place. My entire body remained still in spite of my instinctive—and futile—effort to move.

In an instant, fight or flight shoved blissful delirium aside. I clenched my fists and bit my lip, taking slow, deep breaths as my heart went into overdrive. My knees shook. My head spun. Cold water surged through my veins, and it had nothing to do with the ice on my skin.

Scott’s arm was suddenly around my waist, his body against mine, and though I couldn’t see him, I could tell by the way he leaned that he was reaching for the quick release.


He froze. “What?”

“Don’t.” I swallowed. “Don’t let me go.”

“Are you sure?”

I took a breath and nodded. “Yeah. I’m okay.”

His posture relaxed slightly. Then he put his other arm around my waist and kissed the back of my shoulder. “Krissy, if you’re scared—”

“I’m okay.” I exhaled. “I just needed to remind myself I can still get out. I’ll be fine.”

Scott didn’t speak for a moment. Then he stepped back, hesitantly releasing my waist. His hands weren’t far away, probably still hovering an inch or two away from my skin. I could neither see nor feel them, but I knew they were there.

“Okay,” he said finally, though he didn’t sound completely convinced. “If you’re sure.”

“I am.”

His hands lingered for another moment or two. Then he pulled away. He checked my hands, squeezing them gently and feeling my fingers.

“Are your hands cold? Tingling?”

“No, Sir.”

He released my hand and rested his on the side of my neck. “Your heart is still going a mile a minute. I can release your ankles if it’ll help you come down. We can always bind them again.”

“No.” I wetted my lips. “No, I don’t want you to.”

The hand on my neck slid to my shoulder and he squeezed gently. “Tell me your safe words again.”

“Red and yellow, Sir.”

He was silent again, neither moving nor speaking. Then he released my shoulder. Clothes rustled again. Ice clinked. I drew in a breath and waited.

I expected the sudden shock of cold contact, but I didn’t expect it on the inside of my calf. Instinctively, I tried to bend my knee and jerk away, but the cuff held me in place. The chain clanked and I went nowhere. My heart raced, my body tensed, and panic threatened to shatter the confidence I’d gained in overcoming my fear a moment ago.


I took a deep breath. Held it. Released it.

“Are you okay?” Scott asked, his voice gentle.

“Yes.” And I was. I was okay. I could do this.

“Do you want me to continue?”

“Yes, Sir.”

The ice continued its cold path up to the back of my knee. The startling chill on sensitive skin made my leg jerk again, but I was expecting the resistance this time, and when the cuff held me in place, I didn’t worry. I hadn’t really been trying to escape. It was simply a response to the cold.

There was no panic. No panic at all. At that realization, a rush of something like elation swept through me.

Yes, I
do this. I
handle this

Scott continued drawing the ice up my leg, this time along the inside of my thigh. The higher it moved, the less I could breathe.

Something changed. Nerves searched for an explanation, for a way to comprehend this alien…
. A new sensation. A foreign sensation. The absence of a sensation.

Absence. That was it: the ice no longer touched me. My skin tingled and my nerves sought cold. Or warmth. Or skin. Anything. Sudden cold was nothing compared to the jarring absence of it.

When the ice made contact again, it was with the cleft between my pussy lips. My whole body tensed and I gasped, but I was bound too securely to either pull away or press harder against the cold, and I didn’t know which I wanted to do more. I wanted it away from me. I wanted more of it. I wanted to breathe, but couldn’t remember how to exhale. I shivered, and it was as much from the cold on my skin as the heat beneath it.

The ice moved back and forth along my pussy lips, cooling my skin and melting my insides. He didn’t keep it in one place long enough to make anything go numb, and every motion was nearly as intense as the last. Every time he neared my clit, I gasped, and every time he drew away, I whimpered with frustration. Occasionally, he drew it down my thigh, pulling all the stimulation away from my pussy just long enough for me to catch my breath before he brought it back up.

Eventually, the ice melted, and all that remained was his hand. As his cold fingers slipped inside me, his warm breath and lips touched the side of my neck. In that instant, the bindings that had once terrified me became the only things keeping me from collapsing. With their support, I did the only thing I could do: stand there, completely bound, and let him slide his fingers deeper into my pussy.

His shirt brushed my back as he wrapped his other arm around me. “If I didn’t know any better,” he whispered. “I would think you were turned on by being tied and teased like this.” He slowly withdrew his fingers as he added, “Do you want me to fuck you, Kristen?”

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes
. I’d have given up the privilege of breathing just then if it meant my Master would fuck me. I opened my mouth to try to tell him so, but couldn’t, not while he subtly bent and flexed his fingers inside me.
You expect me to speak when you do that

“I asked you a question.” He withdrew his fingers, then slid them back in as he said, “
you want me to fuck you, Kristen?”

.” The word came out as a choked sob, the only thing I could get past the madness that tied my tongue in knots.
Wrong answer
, something in the back of my mind screamed. My fear of displeasing him convinced my mouth to work, and I managed, “Yes, if that’s…if that’s what you want, Sir.”

He kissed my neck. “Good girl.” His fingers withdrew and his arm lifted off my waist. He moved behind me, presumably kneeling. Then he tugged at one of my ankle restraints.

Hiss. Rattle. Jingle. One ankle was free.

Hiss. Rattle. Jingle. The other.

Relief washed over me. I’d made it to the other side of this. No real panic, no freaking out, and now I was almost free.

I did it. I handled it

When he released my hand from its cuff, I let it drop to my side. I opened and closed my other hand, expecting it to be freed at any moment as well, but then a metallic creak caught my attention.

Scott brought my free hand to rest on the small of my back. “You’ve done well, Kristen. Very well.”

“Thank you, Sir,” I whispered.

“But we’re not done yet.” Cold metal encircled my wrist. As the cuff closed, the vibration reverberated through me. He released my other hand, then cuffed it as well. He held the chain between the bracelets and pulled back slightly.

“Step back.”

I did, and like a prisoner, he led me out of the dungeon and across the hall. I guessed, from the distance and direction, we were going into the bedroom. He confirmed that guess when he guided me to the bed and had me sit.

He released one of the cuffs. “Lie back and put your hands up by the headboard.” Once I’d done as he ordered, he secured my hands to the headboard. “Is that too tight?”

“No, Sir.”

Without a word, he moved again. His clothes rustled and landed on the floor with muffled thuds. Then the sounds of getting, opening, and putting on a condom made my breath catch. My pulse soared when he got on top of me. Rose even higher as his hips warmed my inner thighs and he guided himself to me. When the head of his cock slipped between my pussy lips, I bit my lip to suppress a moan. He wasn’t even inside me yet, and I was about to lose my damned mind.

“Remember,” he said as he teased me with just the head of his cock, “you’re not to come until I allow it.”

As always, that was going to be nigh on impossible to obey. Just having him this close to me was enough to make my G-spot pulse as if he were already fucking me. Not having an orgasm in his presence was like not breaking a sweat while running a marathon. Obey him I would, though. Come hell, high water, or an eternity without an orgasm, my Master
be obeyed.

He pulled back a little, breaking contact with my pussy. “You understand, don’t you?” he growled.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.”

I bit my lip as he slid into me. With the blindfold on, I had no choice but to be completely aware of every place he touched me, of every inch of his thick cock, especially with as slowly as he moved.

Like no other man I’d ever known, Scott was capable of staying in control at
speed. He could fuck me so fast and hard it hurt, or he could take glacial strokes and draw it out for ages. Tonight, it was the latter, and I couldn’t even begin to imagine where he found that kind of control. I couldn’t comprehend that such slow, fluid movement existed in the same universe as the madness which consumed me a little more with every stroke.

Exist it did, though, and he made every stroke last an eternity. A blissful, torturous, perfect, agonizing eternity. In some other lifetime, I might have begged him not to stop in between pleading with him to fuck me harder and faster, but that wasn’t my place now. Not with him. I was at his mercy, under his command, and I would take whatever he saw fit to give me.

He pushed all the way into me and stopped.

“I’m going to release your hands,” he said. “And I want you to claw my back.”

I swallowed hard. “Sir?”

“Am I unclear?”

“No, Sir.”

“Good.” He reached up to free my hands. First one cuff fell open, then the other. I flexed my hands and wrists a few times before putting my arms around him. His skin was hot to my fingertips. Hot and soft, inviting a gentle touch, not the nails he’d demanded.

But Sir had spoken.

I dragged my nails down his back, probably hard enough to leave faint white trails, but no more. He pulled out, then thrust back in, fucking me faster as I scratched him again. I bit my lip. I was hellbent on obeying his order not to come, but I could barely focus on even that simple ask with the way he fucked me, the way he slammed his cock deep inside me, because it just felt too. Damned. Good.

“Scratch harder,” he said.

I dug my nails in a little more, applying just enough pressure to, I guessed, turn those white trails red.

,” he growled. “I said ‘claw,’ not tickle.”

“I’m—” I hesitated.

“What’s the problem?”

“I’m afraid of hurting you, Sir.”

“I’m ordering you to hurt me.”

“Sir, I—”

hurt me
, Kristen,” he snarled.

Obedience trumped fear, and I did as he ordered, raking my nails down either side of his back. He sucked in a hiss of breath, and like a cat, he arched his back and pushed against my nails, barely breaking his rhythm as he continued thrusting into me. When a deep, throaty growl emerged from him, my fingers curled in response. The harder I scratched him, the harder he fucked me. The harder he fucked me, the harder I scratched him.

“Yes, just like that,” he whispered breathlessly. “That’s perfect.”

There was no holding back the helpless cry that escaped my lips. His sharp breaths, his violent thrusts, his whispered praise; it all conspired to drive me toward that sweet abyss of forbidden delirium.

“Don’t come yet,” he said, panting against my neck. “I know you want to, but you’re not allowed to yet.”

I screwed my eyes shut behind the blindfold, digging my teeth into my lip as I dug my nails into his back and shoulders. The low groan he released did nothing to help me hold back.

“Sir, please let me come,” I moaned. “Please, Sir, you feel—” I cut myself off, both because speech was too complicated and because I wasn’t sure if I was at liberty to speak that way.

“Tell me,” he breathed.

“You…” I gasped for air. “You feel too good
to make me come.”

He kissed my neck and thrust harder. “All I have to do is give you the word, then?”

“Yes, Sir.
, Sir.”

“Oh, I would,” he whispered. “But the second you come, I’m going to come too.”

“Please…” I could barely speak through chattering teeth. My eyes rolled back as my orgasm tried to take over. Knowing he was so close, that he’d come the moment I did, I was a breath away from falling apart.

“Is that what you want, Kristen?” He was panting hard now, his skin slick with sweat and his arms shaking from exertion. “Do you want to come so you’ll make me come?”

“Yes, Sir, oh God,

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