Life in Death (12 page)

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Authors: Harlow Drake

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers

BOOK: Life in Death
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“I’m going with you,” Cobb said.

Kari didn’t protest. She couldn’t think.

“I don’t know why I didn’t see through his bullshit before now. I just thought people that went to those fancy schmansy schools acted like he did.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “He’s dangerous and I think he’s crazy.”

Kari’s head felt like it had been split in two. The EMTs said she might have a concussion. Too bad. She’d deal with her own health issues later. She needed to get Erik back safe.

“What are we going to do?” she asked.

“Go to the church,” Cobb said.

“What if he sees you?” she asked.

“He won’t.”


Kari drove a rental car with Cobb hunched down in the back seat. She pulled up at St. Michael’s and parked.

“Okay, go on in. I’ll be right behind you. Keep his attention.”

Kari got out of the car and entered the church.


Erik sat in the front pew. Nicolet stood wide-legged in front of him with his gun at his side.

“Come here.” Nicolet looked past her. “Are you alone?”

“Do you think I’d risk my son’s life?”

She approached him, easing her way down the aisle. “Why are you doing this?”

“I told you why.”

Kari sat next to Erik and put her arms around him. He trembled.

“It’ll be okay,” she whispered to him.

Somehow they’d make it through this.


Cobb entered the church from the rear and followed the sound of the voices until he came to a black velvet curtain. He could see Kari seated next to Erik through the slit. Nicolet stood with his back to the curtain. Cobb dug in his pocket for a coin and tossed it to the far right of Nicolet. He rushed out while Nicolet was distracted by the noise.

“Nicolet, drop it.” Cobb called out, with his gun on him.

Nicolet snatched Erik up and put his arm around his neck with the gun to his head.

No!" Kari screamed and rushed toward them. “Use me instead. Let him go.”

Kari locked eyes with Erik. She hoped he could read what she tried to communicate with her gaze. Erik elbowed Nicolet in the stomach and ran down the aisle way.

Nicolet took aim on him.

“No,” Kari yelled and slapped at Nicolet’s arms and face, so he couldn’t get a shot off.

Nicolet grabbed her and shook her like a rag doll.

“Do that again and you’ll regret it. Do you hear me?”

She didn’t respond.

He yanked her head back. “Answer me.”

“Yes, yes,” she said through the pain.

A door slammed.

Erik had gotten out. That’s all that mattered to her.

Nicolet put Kari in front of him like a shield.

“Cobb, walk away. I got what I want.”

“You know I can’t do that. You’re a murderer,” Cobb said.

“That’s not very nice, partner. I haven’t called you any names.” Nicolet laughed.

“Let’s end this before more people get hurt.”

“She comes with me. If you try to stop me, I’ll kill you.”

Nicolet edged his way to the door with Kari in his grasp.

Cobb followed them. Nicolet spun, took aim on Cobb and fired. Kari screamed. He hit Cobb in the shoulder. Cobb fell to the ground. Nicolet walked over to him with Kari firmly in his grasp and kicked Cobb’s gun away from him.

Cobb held his shoulder as blood oozed on to the floor and stained the carpet

“God damn you,” Cobb spat out. “You’d better kill me now. I’ll hunt your ass to the ends of the earth for what you did to those kids.”

“Now, that’s the Cobb I know and love. Be glad I’m not going to take your miserable life. Come after me, and I’ll go after your sweet little Charly Rose.” He turned and walked to the exit with Kari still in his vicious grasp. Nicolet stopped right before they reached the door.

“I know what you did.” He placed a wet kiss on her lips. “We belong together.”

She turned away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Edvard, what is this?” a female voice asked from the entrance.

Edvard? Who the hell was Edvard?

“Why are you here?” Nicolet asked.

Kari couldn’t see Nicolet’s face, but she felt a shift in the tension of his body.

“You first.”

“Tying up some loose ends, Saura, my love.”

Saura? What the hell?
“Oh, really.”

A shot rang out and hit Nicolet in the chest. He fell to the ground. Kari screamed. She looked in the direction the bullet came from and gasped.

Mina stepped out of the shadows with a gun in her hand.

“I know him better than I know myself.” Mina said as she walked toward Kari. “He liked you a bit too much. I won’t tolerate that. I’m a jealous girl.” She laughed.

“Do you want to tell me what’s going on here?” Kari asked.

“Absolutely,” Mina said.

Kari marveled at how well Mina hid her true self all these years. How could Kari not have seen through this façade?

Kari saw Cobb move ever so slightly.
Thank God, he wasn’t dead.

“Jefferson, your old beau, drew up the papers to get the parents and kids over here. We even got them jobs. They just had to pay us. When they couldn’t, we let the kids work off their debt. Patience wouldn’t go along with it and ran away. I had to make an example out of her. Those kids played a role too, so they’re not as innocent as you might think.”

“Oh, my God.” Bile rose in Kari’s throat.

“Actually, I’m thankful to Patience. We offered her organs in sacrifice and were blessed with a child in return.” Mina rubbed her stomach. “April got the kids placed with the Frosts, who worked for us, then April grew a conscience. You got involved and it all went to hell after that.”

“How did Nicolet fit into this?

“He took care of any outliers like April, Luke, and Veta.”

Kari locked eyes with Cobb. He nodded at her.

“You’ve ruined everything.” Mina took aim on Kari. A shot rang out. Mina fell to the ground. Cobb was propped up against one of the pews, his gun in his hand.

“Those two were seriously fucked up,” Cobb said.

It was over.


Kari arrived at the gravesite around midnight. She parked and retrieved what she needed from the trunk, slamming it closed. The sound reverberated in the cemetery’s eerie silence. The rain pelted her umbrella as she looked for the headstone.


Jefferson Parker Winton

Born April 28, 1957

Died October 20, 2010

Earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.


She knelt down, withdrew the garden hoe, and dug. Satisfied, she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out the small bundle wrapped in a handkerchief. She unraveled the cloth for one last look at what was inside—her father’s 1975 Walther. She wrapped it back up and placed it in the hole, covered it with dirt, then sod. She stood, stamped the disturbed earth back into the ground, and then picked up the hoe and flashlight. She smiled as she made her way back to her car.


She was glad she’d killed him.

About the Author


Author Harlow Coban was born in Kansas City, MO, but grew up in Denver, CO. She relocated to North Carolina five years ago with her husband, two dogs, and 16-year old twins.


She shares a birthday with the notorious Napoleon Bonaparte. In keeping with his legacy, she is currently working on taking over the world. Harlow’s positive attitude and fresh take on life are her tools and conquest is certain.


She spends her free time writing, dancing, traveling and defending mailboxes from her 16-year-old twins’ driving.


Her debut novel, LIFE IN DEATH (February 2012), is a murder mystery which pulls from real-life situations from her own family history. She felt compelled to share her story with the world while offering a thrilling and entertaining escape for readers.


In keeping with her commitment to improving the lives of children, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of her book will be donated to the Boys and Girls Club in her home state of North Carolina.


She loves to connect with her readers and can be found on
and her website (

Table of Contents

Title Page






















About the Author

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