Life After Wife (26 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Brown

BOOK: Life After Wife
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When they arrived at the Double Bar M, Elijah picked her up like a bride and carried her over the threshold. He didn’t stop in the living room but kept going until they reached his bedroom.

“Welcome home, Mrs. Jones,” he whispered, and then kissed her hard before setting her on the floor inside his bedroom.

She pulled his face to hers for another kiss. “Yes, we
home, aren’t we?”

“And today begins the first day of your life after wife, darlin’.” He kicked the bedroom door shut with his boot heel.

The End


Dear Readers,

It’s never easy to end a trilogy or a series. Saying good-bye to characters is like leaving a family reunion and knowing you won’t see all the cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends for a long time. But the Three Magic Words trilogy comes to an end with Sophie and Elijah’s story. I hope that you’ve enjoyed visiting that part of Texas and getting to know Fancy, Kate, and Sophie, and all the folks that played a part in their stories.

During the writing of this trilogy, I made several trips to that part of Texas. I ate at the café in Albany, slept at the Ridge Motel, and walked on the courthouse lawn in Breckinridge. My husband and I drove through Baird and waved back at several ranchers who lifted their hands to us in greeting as our trucks passed along the back roads. Folks were friendly and helpful and proved again that small towns have a heartbeat and pulse of their own.

Thanks goes to everyone that has had a hand in making this book possible, especially the warm and supportive staff at Montlake Romance. Also to my husband, who is always ready at the drop of a hat to go with me on research trips so I get the details just right.

Most of all, thank you to all my readers. Thank you for reading my books, for buying them, for sharing them with your neighbors, for talking about them in your book clubs. and for the notes that you send to me after you’ve read them. Until next time,

Carolyn Brown


Photo by Charles Brown, 2012

Carolyn Brown lives in southern Oklahoma with her husband, three grown children, and enough grandchildren to keep her young. When she’s not scrambling to meet writing deadlines, she enjoys walking through her husband’s flower gardens. Her novel
Love Drunk Cowboy
is a
New York Times
USA Today
Getting Lucky
was a Romance Studio CAPA nominee, and
The Ladies’ Room
was a RITA finalist.

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