Liability (5 page)

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Authors: C.A Rose

BOOK: Liability
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“How are you feeling?” I ask through gritted teeth as she wiggles below me.

“Full,” she whispers, even though I feel her trying to get more of me.

“So greedy,” I rumble as I push through the thin obstacle, sliding in until I’m balls-deep inside of her.

Watching her face, I wait until her eyes open and she looks at me. “Carter,” she moans, circling her hips.

“I’m here, baby,” I murmur, kissing her slowly as I slide out an inch then back in. Leaning back, I watch her eyes darken as I bump her cervix on each downward stroke. I’m so close to coming that I know I won’t last. This is the sweetest torture I have ever felt, and knowing it’s mine only makes it that much better.

“I think...” She moans, pressing her head back into the pillow as her pussy squeezes me like a vise.

“Let it go. I want to feel it,” I groan, feeling her orgasm begin to pull me over with her as she pulses around me hard.

I roar, planting myself deep inside her as my cum shoots all over her womb.

Coming back to myself, I feel her arms and legs are wrapped tightly around me, and feel wetness on my chest, where her face is buried. “Did I hurt you?” I ask, pulling away from her so I can see her face.

“No. It was was so beautiful,” she cries.

“No crying, baby,” I hush her, rolling to my back and pulling her to lay on top of me, both of us falling asleep with me still deep inside her.

Chapter 8

eeling something licking over my clit, I moan and squeeze my eyes closed tighter, not wanting to ruin the moment by waking up.

“Morning, beautiful.” Peeking one eye open then the other, I look down my body, realizing I’m now naked, or maybe I never even put anything on last night before I went to sleep. “Play with your nipples,” Carter demands in a tone that has me wanting to do anything to please him.

Raising my hands to my breasts, I roll my fingers over my nipples, lifting my pussy higher into his mouth and circling my hips until he rewards me with two fingers plunging deep inside me. I’m still a little sore from losing my virginity a couple days ago, but I love the way he feels inside me, so I would never deny him.

Flipping me to my belly and bending one of my knees, his big body blankets mine as his fingers run over my sides before he straightens my arms. He locks his fingers with my own as he slides inside me, this position hitting something different as he moves slowly, whispering into my ear, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

“Carter,” is all I can manage to whimper.

“You have the sweetest pussy, baby. I love knowing how close my cock is to your womb on each thrust. I can’t wait until my seed fills you and takes root,” he groans in my ear, which causes my pussy to tighten around him. “You want that, baby? You want my cum in your womb?”

“I want all of it,” I whisper, feeling him bump my cervix.

“It’s yours, Fern. All of it belongs to you,” he says, fucking me harder then pulling me up onto my hands and knees, every thrust causing his balls to slap against my clit.

“I’m coming!” I scream as wave after wave of a breathtaking orgasm slides over me suddenly, so quickly I don’t even have a chance to prepare for the moment as I’m pulled under. 

“Fuck, you made me come,” he growls, pulling me out from under the tide by spanking my ass over and over until my body is bent double and I’m coming again, this time harder than the first. Each time my core contracts, I feel him shoot deep inside me until I’m so full of his cum it’s dripping down my inner thighs.

“I need to teach you how to hold off your orgasm,” he grunts against my ear.

Turning to look at him, I whisper, “Why?” through panted breaths.

“Control, baby.” He smiles. “The longer you can hold it, the bigger it will be.” He kisses my brow.

“I came hard,” I tell him, feeling my cheeks get red, which is dumb, because he’s still inside of me and probably knows my body better than I do.

“You can come harder.” He grins, making my heart beat harder.

“Okay,” I whisper, liking the look on his face. His eyes go soft and he rolls me to my back then slides back inside me, showing me how holding off my orgasm can make it that much bigger and better.


ulling out my cell phone when it buzzes, I’m surprised to see a text from Cathy. We haven’t really spoken since I left my grandmother’s house two months ago.

Really, I think the only reason she was even friendly to me was because of who my family is, and because her mother and my grandmother are good friends.

Can you meet me in the bathroom over on E-hall?

I’ll be there in two minutes.

I type back quickly, slamming my locker closed.

Making it to E-hall takes me a few minutes, because the bell announcing school is being let out chimes in the halls when I’m halfway there, causing the halls to overflow with people.

Pushing open the door to the restroom, I hear someone sobbing inside and move toward the sound of distress, finding Cathy sitting on one of the toilets with her face in her hands. 

“What happened?” I ask, and her head lifts and her eyes meet mine.

“I found out Byron was sleeping with Trisha. Can you believe that?” she asks on a sob.

I actually
believe it, since they had been dating before Cathy decided to go after him, stealing him away from Trisha. But I’m not going to say that to her, seeing the hurt in her eyes. Instead, I pull some tissue off the roll next to her and place it in her hand.

“It will be okay, Cathy,” I tell her softly. I hate seeing people cry. Even if we have never been very good friends, I wouldn’t wish her situation on anyone.

I would be heartbroken if Carter did something like this to me. I have no idea how it happened, or when exactly, but I have fallen in love with a man who had always seemed unattainable. The craziest part is I know he loves me. I feel it in every touch, hear it in every soft word. I know it down to my very being that he’s meant for me.

I also know, because he gave me the exact amount of money I would have gotten if I had followed the stipulations of my grandfather’s will, only his gift to me didn’t come with any kind of rules or requirements on my part. I could walk away from him tomorrow and start a life somewhere else if I wanted to.

Not that I want to. For once in my life, I’m happy.

Our age difference scares me to death, but like last night, when I mentioned to him that he’s ten years older than me, he just shook his head and pulled me into his lap, telling me that in a few years it wouldn’t even matter. The only reason it seems taboo now is because I’m still in school.

He’s so sure about us that he’s constantly making love to me without any kind of protection, even knowing I’m not on any form of birth control and have told him over and over I may get pregnant. Really, I think that eggs him on. He wants me to have his child. Placing my hand on my stomach, I wonder if I’m already carrying his baby.

“Are you even listening to me?” Cathy cries, tugging on my hand.

I shake my head and murmur, “Sorry, I have a lot on my mind right now.”

“I don’t want to be alone. Do you think you can come home with me? We can order pizza and eat ice cream, like old times?” she pleas. 

Feeling guilty, I nod without thinking, and her face transforms in front of my eyes, her tears drying up as she stands.

“Great, I’ll call a town car to take us,” she says happily. “Can I use your phone?” she asks, seeing me pull the phone that Carter bought me out of my pocket so I can send a message to him, telling him what’s going on so he isn’t worried about me.

“Um...sure,” I mutter as she takes the phone from my grasp, and then I watch as she fumbles with it, right before it falls into the toilet.

“Oh no,” she breathes, covering her mouth, looking at the phone that is now in the water.

“Don’t worry; I have mine,” she says, moving from the stall, putting the phone to her ear, and requesting a cab.

Pulling my phone out of the toilet with two fingers, I take it to the sink and wrap it in a paper towel then wash my hands. I have no idea if Carter is going to be mad about the phone. I doubt it, but I know he will be worried if I don’t call him.

“Can I use your phone?” I ask her, shoving my now waterlogged cell phone into my backpack.

“Sure, when we get in the cab. It should be here now,” she says easily, walking out of the bathroom.

Following behind her down the hall and out the front door of the school, I see there is a black town car out front with the windows tinted. Walking to the cab, Cathy opens the door and slides across the seat. Following her in, as I get into the backseat, I notice a familiar smell as my eyes adjust to the darkness of the interior of the vehicle, and I see my grandmother and a large man wearing a dark suit sitting across from me.

“Thank you for your assistance, Cathy,” my grandmother says from the seat across from me, pulling an envelope out of her purse.

“You’re welcome,” Cathy says happily, taking the envelope from my grandmother before opening the door to the car and getting out.

Realizing what’s happening, I scurry across the seat in an attempt to follow her out of the car, but large arms wrap around my waist, stopping me before I can make it.

“Please don’t!” I scream, feeling the tips of my fingers run over the door handle.

“I have to get the devil out of you,” I hear my grandmother say right before something sharp stabs me in the side of the neck and everything goes black.

Chapter 9

ooking at my cell phone when it rings, I’m surprised to see Max, Fern’s bodyguard, calling. Since the moment I hired him after the funeral, things have been quiet. I was worried for a while that Fern’s grandmother would do something to try and get back at her, but as far as I know, she has been keeping a low profile. It may have helped that I explained to my father what went down, and he went and had a chat of his own with Mrs. McCauley, explaining to her that now that Fern was mine, she had a huge family at her back, and if she thought about doing anything else to cause Fern distress, her lifestyle would be changing drastically.

My parents both love Fern. My mom was a little worried at first, but once my father reminded her that he too is ten years older than her, she settled. Yesterday, she had my grandmother’s ring delivered to my office. I think she was trying to hint I need to stop fucking around and put a ring on Fern’s finger, and that is my plan.

Picking up the phone, I step out of the meeting I’m in and walk toward the large wall of windows in the hall, shoving my hand in my pocket.

“Max,” I greet then feel my body go tight when I hear the sound of his voice.

“Fern just got in a town car with a girl named Cathy.”

“And?” I growl.

“The young lady got into the car, Fern followed her in, and then Cathy got out the other side a couple moments later before the cab pulled away with Fern still inside,” he says, and I feel like my heart was just ripped out of my chest.

“Are you still following them?” I ask, jogging across the building to my office and grabbing my keys.

“Yes, we’re on the Westside Highway now.”

“Do not let them out of your sight. I’m getting in my car now,” I roar.

“I won’t,” he says firmly, and I hear his car’s engine rev in the background.

Rushing down to my Bugatti, I get in and speed out of the parking garage then head uptown through traffic until I hit the Westside Highway. Pressing call on my phone, I grit my teeth when I hit a red light.

“Where are you?” I ask.

“We’re heading toward the Bronx. How far out are you?” Max asks.

“If the fucking light would change, I would be there,” I spit out then say fuck it and swing my car around the two cars in front of me, pressing the gas and switching lanes until I’m out of the congestion of the city and halfway to the Bronx.

“We’re pulling up to a building at two-fifty Sixth Street,” he tells me, and my heart starts to pound in my chest.

“Do not let them take her inside. I’ll be there in two minutes,” I tell him, cutting through traffic as I exit the highway.

“They won’t,” he assures me, hanging up.

Speeding through the narrow side streets, I put my car in park across from the building and run across the street, seeing Max is out of his car with a gun pointed at a large man holding Fern in his arms. Her face is pale, her body is completely limp, and her head is rolled to the side at an awkward angle. Without thinking, I walk directly toward them.

“Give me my fucking woman now,” I thunder as I get close to him.

“This is just a job, man,” the guy holding Fern says, looking between Max and me.

“You’re going to die for your job in a second,” I tell him honestly.

“The lady took off,” he says, looking across the roof of the car to the open door.

“That’s my woman in your arms. I don’t give a fuck if you were doing a job or not. If you don’t give her to me, I will order my man to take you out,” I promise.

“Tell him to lower his gun,” he says, nodding toward Max.

“Give her to me and I will,” I assure him, watching the way Fern seems to be fighting for each breath she’s taking.

“Please, don’t shoot me,” he says to Max over my shoulder as he hands Fern to me, whose body feels cold to the touch.

“What did you give her?” I ask, feeling Max come up to my side.

“I don’t know what it was,” he confesses.

“Max, I need you to stay with him until the cops get here. I’m going to take Fern to the hospital,” I say as I start off toward my car.

“You can’t call the cops!” the guy shouts.

“Cops are on their way, and Max, if he moves, shoot him,” I toss over my shoulder as I quickly cross the street with Fern in my arms. Once I have her in the passenger seat, I rush around the car and get in behind the wheel.

Picking up my cell, I ask Siri where the nearest hospital is and, thankfully, it’s only seven minutes away. When we pull up to the emergency entrance, I get out and move around to get Fern out of the car while ignoring the guy who is yelling at me that I can’t park here.

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