Lex (Unconventional Hearts) (46 page)

BOOK: Lex (Unconventional Hearts)
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“They’re good, had my first date with Gage
last night.” I smile, big. I can’t help it; just the thought of
last night makes me smile. I haven’t stopped smiling since. We
literally talked until the sun came up this morning. We sat,
cuddled; our legs tangled together and ate chocolate covered
strawberries, wrapped in a mountain of blankets as we watched the
sunrise. Without an ounce of sleep, we left afterward. He drove me
home, escorted me to the door like a gentleman and kissed me
goodbye. Like in all those romantic movies where you see the man
leave the woman at the door after they share a steamy kiss. That
was Gage and I. It was unbelievably perfect. I couldn’t have
imagined a better night.

After I got inside my house, I met a groggy
up-too-early, Roni, in the kitchen fixing tea. Pregnancy has
apparently taken its toll already and she was up half the night
throwing up. Night sickness, is what she referred to it as. Bob was
nowhere to be found. He’d went home to get away from Sassy Britches
and her puking. We ended up snacking on biscotti and sipping herbal
tea. Then I took a quick shower, which I rarely do. And I headed
off to catch a few hours of rest. Surprisingly, I slept until
three. Longer than I expected, and as soon as I woke up, I skipped
my usual routine and headed straight here to see my mom.

I feel freer today than I have in probably
all of my life. Less stressed, less clouded by my past. I couldn’t
wait to come and tell my mom all about it. It’s been years of
trials and tribulation to become the woman I am today. With Gage, I
feel like the woman I always wanted to be; sexy, confident, strong,
sexually enthusiastic, smart, accepted, happy, loved, and most of
all safe and protected.

“So you say you had your first date? How’d
that go?” My mom asks, breaking me from my thoughts to realize that
I haven’t cut a single flower in the past five minutes. My mind is
working overtime. Submerged in daydreams of the man I somehow

Not sure how much I can or should divulge to
my mom about last night. So I’ll go the safest route with the

“Went great, mom. Rooftop dinner with flowers
and candlelight. Talked until sunrise. I really think I might be in

There it is. I’ve laid it out there. I’ve
admitted it to my mother. Watching the expression on her beautiful
face change from work mode to sheer happiness warms me from the
inside out.

Dropping her sheers and the rose that’s in
her hands onto the counter. She turns and hugs me.

“It’s about time. I’m so happy for you, Lex.
And he knows about you. And you know?”

I nod into my mother’s neck, as I inhale her
floral scent. My arms hooked around her neck.

The front door to her shop chimes.

“Lex! Faith!” I hear the voice of a princess
excitedly screech. I break away from my mother’s embrace and turn
to see Gage with an ‘I’m Sorry’ expression marking his face, while
he quietly stands right inside the door.

Emma, in a bouncy lavender dress, comes
dancing around the back of the counter. Grabs her personal
stepladder and carries it to the workbench. She’s ready to work. I
love her enthusiasm.

“Hi” I wink at him and he sort of half

My mom and Emma start immediately chatting. I
walk around the counter in my plain blue summer dress and white
heeled sandals. Gage has on gray track pants and fitted white
t-shirt today. Looks like he’s just about to work out or he just
did. I’m guessing the former. Although he sure looks extra hot in
those low-slung pants and the shirt that shows off every outline of
his hot body.

Stopping in front of my lover, I give him a
genuine smile. “Hey honey, what brings you by?”

Reaching out he grabs my hand, tugging me
into a big hug. Stuffing his face into my hair, I hear him smell
me. One of his hands loving caresses by back as the other combs
through my long black hair. I love when he does this. Last night he
combed through my hair with his fingers for hours. It’s sweet and
so romantic.

“I missed you. But that’s not why I’m here.
Emma wanted to see Faith, since it’s Sunday. And I figured I’d hit
Jimbo’s while she does.” He explains into my hair.

Jimbo’s is the only gym in Heartfair.

Leaning out of the hug slightly, so I can
peer into his eyes. I peck him quickly on the lips and hear two
nosey spectators “Awe” us.

Gage and I laugh and turn our heads to see my
mom and Emma staring with massive smiles adorning their faces.

“Daddy, is Lex really your girlfriend?” Emma
innocently asks, holding one of the red roses without the thorns in
her hand.

“Yes, Emma. Lex is daddy’s girlfriend.”

“Does that make Faith my grandma?”

Gage looks to me. What am I supposed to do?
Tell Emma that yes, Faith is your grandma? Although I can never
marry your daddy because in the state we live in, even if I had a
sex change I couldn’t. But, I do want to spend the rest of my life
with him, if I’m lucky enough. Guess that does mean Emma has a
grandma. I’m not leaving, Gage isn’t leaving, and I know my mother
would want nothing more than to call Emma hers. Sure, why not?

I give him a firm nod with eye contact,
voicing my silent approval.

“Yes, baby. Faith is your grandma.”

What I never expected to happen next, does.
My mother begins to bawl, folding Emma into her arms.

“Don’t cry grandma.” Emma says standing still
as my mom hugs her.

Tears sting my eyes just watching the two.
Gage kisses my cheek and whispers. “See, I knew she wanted this.
Thank you for being okay with it. Emma doesn’t have a grandma that
she really knows.”

I face him and peck him on the mouth. “Gage,
I’m planning on staying with you. Emma and my mom both need this. I
can’t have children. Remember?”

“We will, someday.”


“What? You do realize that I might be a woman
but I don’t have all the equipment?”

Shaking his amused head, he laughs at me.
Pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead, repeatedly.

“Yes, Lex. I’m aware what you have and if you
say another word about it, I’m going to have to take you with me
when I leave. I’ve been keeping a semi down since I walked in. Now
all this talk about what is between your legs has me getting harder
by the second. If you don’t want me to end up fucking the shit out
of you in the back of my truck, then I suggest we stop this right
now. I do want children with you someday. Surrogates, they work

Oh my God. He’s turned on and now I’m right
there with him. How in the hell does he do this to me? Smelling his
cologne is enough to set me into a frenzied state of high arousal.
Now, talking to me about it has made
hard, rock-hard.
Damn him and his perfect sexiness. Then he goes off and talking
about having kids together? I’m not sure which emotion to tackle

“You’ve thought about this haven’t you?” I
ask, my head pressed to his chest, his fingers back to stroking my

“Yes, a lot. I’ve had a lot more years to
dream about it than you have.”

Tilting my head up, I kiss his stubbly chin.
“Yes you have. We will discuss this at some point. I never thought
about being a mom. Emma is enough for me. I hope you know that.
Eventually if we decide to have more, we will. Right now, though,
you’ve turned me on and if you don’t leave. I’ve going to take you
up on that enticing offer. Now go.”

We kiss once more, longer this time, closed
mouth, goosing me as we break our embrace, he waves goodbye to the
group and leaves to work out. Hopefully, he’ll cool down that
overactive libido of his. God knows I need a cold shower. I wonder
if his raw sexual magnetism will always have this effect on me?
Part of me hopes so. The other part, prays that’s not the case. I
don’t think I could handle walking around with a lady boner every
day when I’m around him. It makes it hard to get anything done.

“Nighty night, Emma.” I kiss her head and
tuck her into bed, leaving Gage to say his goodnight.

Walking to the open door, I rest my shoulder
in the frame and watch the most loving father on the planet, kiss
his daughter goodnight. “I love you, baby girl. Sleep well. Daddy
and Lex will see you in the morning. Hope you had fun at grandma
Faith’s today.”

“Night daddy, I love you too. You sleep well
too.” Emma sleepily whispers, throwing her tiny arms around Gage’s
neck, as he looms over her, his lips pressed to her forehead.

Gage finishes tucking her into bed, snug as a
bug in a rug. We both exit Emma’s new bedroom, leaving the door
open just a crack. Tonight after Gage went to work out, Emma, my
mom and I, made some floral arrangements. Once he came back to the
shop he was freshly dressed in a white button down dress shirt,
rolled up his forearms and faded designer jeans. Said he was taking
all of his girls out to dinner, which included my mom. So we went
to Vino’s for dinner. It felt like we’d been doing this for years.
Emma talked about girl stuff; Gage interacted with her, acting like
he knew all about whatever it is she was gabbing about at the time.
It felt like a family outing, which to be honest, made me feel
lucky. I never knew life could be this way. Never really dreamed it
could be possible. If I had dreamed about it, and it hadn’t come to
fruition, I would have lived my life incomplete. I’ve never been
one to dream bigger than I see logical. Now that I’ve experienced
this kind of surreal happiness, I can never let it go.

We dropped my mom back at her store after
dinner and came to my house, where I helped give Emma a bath, while
Gage went home to grab her a change of clothes and her backpack for
school tomorrow. About an hour ago, we started to watch
Little Mermaid
on the couch in the living room. Emma’s head was
on my lap, her feet on Gage’s as we watched and I stroked her hair.
When Emma was almost asleep, Gage carried her upstairs to her

I walk into my bedroom and he follows behind,
shutting the door in his wake. Stripping off my blue dress, I toss
it into the hamper. I need a bath and some sleep. I’ve got a long
week of work starting tomorrow.

“I have an idea.” Gage says, in a naughty
tone. A tone I’m very familiar with.

Arms wrap around me from behind, cupping my
naked breasts. A bare, large, fully erect cock presses against my
butt. Hot lips kiss my ear lobe, sending a rampant shiver to roll
down my spine.

“I want you to suck me tonight. I want my
dick in your mouth. I want us to do it in

Sucking him in our bedroom? Hum… I really
like the sound of that. My mouth is already watering.

“What if I don’t want your cock in my mouth?
What if I want you inside of me again?”

Gage deeply growls, firming his grip on my
breasts, and aggressively grinding his massive length on my ass. “I
need both. At the gym, I couldn’t stop thinking about you, couldn’t
keep my stupid dick from staying hard. I ended up masturbating in
the bathroom, like a damn teenager. What are you doing to me,
Angel?” Hungry lips latch onto my neck and I tilt my head back,
offering him more.

“Oh, Gage.” I whimper, revealing in the
succulent heat of his mouth that lavishes my neck.

Circling my hips, I push back onto his dick.
Feral growls snarl from between his lips as he devours my sensitive
flesh. I close my eyes, falling into a maddening state of
desire-laden euphoria. Deft fingers pluck my nipples, tweaking them
into hard peeks. My breathing becomes labored, as he drives me
further into a level of pleasure that only can he evoke.

“I…Gage, your… I need it….mouth… my

“My dick?” he questions, nibbling across my
shoulder, pulling my nipples hard. A sharp pain stings and I bite
my lip, to keep from crying out in pleasure. The little shocks of
pain feel incredibly good. I never thought I’d love them, but I do.
From Gage, I need them, almost as much as I need his dick in my

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