Letting Go of You (Anchored Hearts #2) (9 page)

BOOK: Letting Go of You (Anchored Hearts #2)
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“It’s late.  Come on.  If you hurry I can take you home before my meeting.”

“It’s Saturday.  Why do you have a meeting today?”  When I didn’t answer she looked at me and my look was stern.  “Okay, okay.”  She flung the pillow at me and dragged herself out of bed.  “You’re already dressed.  You suck.”

“Take a shower and get dressed.  I’ll whip you up some breakfast.”

“Thank you.”

I watched as she stumbled to the bathroom and then made my way downstairs.  I pulled out some fruit and ice and made her a shake and then popped a bagel in the toaster.  My phone chimed and I picked it up and scrolled through my email.  The meeting last night with Melissa, Smith and Annie had been informative, though Melissa didn’t make it easy.  She’d agreed to go undercover to help bring down Dan.  She confirmed that he only pursued Cassidy for fun and to torture her.  If she knew any other specifics she refused to share them.  I don’t think even Melissa knew how dangerous Dan was, which could possibly play in our favor. 

“Ready when you are.”  She walked into the kitchen with the blue cashmere sweater on that I’d given her for Christmas, skinny jeans and brown boots that went half way up her calves.  Her hair was wet and hanging loose down her back.  “This for me?”

I nodded as she took a drink of the shake and pulled the cream cheese out of the fridge.  Once she was done, we put on our coats and walked out the door.  When I pulled out of the parking garage she flipped the visor down. 

“Can you drop me off at the hospital?  I’d like to spend some time with Cal.”


She applied some makeup on the drive, though she didn’t need it.  I pulled into the hospital parking lot as she grabbed her shake and bagel from the center console.  Before she got out, she leaned in and kissed me.

“We need to talk about Melissa.”


She put her finger on my lips.  “I don’t want to argue now, but we’re going to discuss it like adults.  Thank you for breakfast and the ride.  I’ll talk to you soon.”  I huffed out a defeated breath and nodded as she hopped out of the truck.  “Love you.”

“Love you too.”  I watched her walk in to the hospital and knew she was right.  I had to fill her in on what Melissa was offering.  I knew Cassidy wouldn’t be happy about it, but at the current point in time, I had no other option but to take Melissa’s help.  Dan was going to pay for his crimes and so would Derek if I had anything to say about it.







On my way to work I got a phone call from the jeweler about Cassidy’s necklace.  Amid the chaos of the last week I hadn’t picked it up.  It was her Christmas gift and we had yet to exchange our gifts.  I decided I’d pick up the necklace later that day and plan a romantic night in for us. 

my meeting was uneventful.  Cassidy had texted asking about her car and when she’d be getting it back.  I never did tell her that someone had snipped some wires, which was why her car wouldn’t start that night.  I wasn’t comfortable with her being alone and wasn’t looking forward to discussing that with her.

I stopped by the jewelers and picked up her necklace
after leaving my meeting.  It was beautiful and I couldn’t wait to give it to her.  As I drove to her house I was listening to
by Godsmack
and the song ended just before she climbed into the passenger seat.  Her father had taken her home from the hospital earlier, but she wanted to go back up there.  I couldn’t blame her or deny her request.  Truth was that I wanted to see him for myself.

When we walked into his hospital room, Jane was curled up next to him in the tiny bed, fast asleep.  Calvin, however, was awake.  He motioned us over and put his finger to his mouth.  Jane had her scrubs on and I gathered she either never went home or was here early before her shift.

I shook his hand as he said, “Good to see you, man.”

“Same here.  You doing okay?”

“As good as can be expected.  I’ll be happy when I can get out of here.”

“Knock it off.  You’re not going anywhere until the doctor’s assure us you’re in the clear.”  Cassidy was fussing over him and it amused me.

“Have they said when they think you can go home?”  I remembered my time in the military hospital and I couldn’t blame Cal for wanting out of there.

“They said a couple weeks, but I’m determined for it to be sooner.”

Jane stirred then, waking up and joined in on the conversation.  “Let the doctors and nurses take care of you.  There’s no rush for you to get home.”

“Hush, woman.”  He
gave her a shit-eating grin before laying one on her.

“You hush!” 

Jane then asked to talk to me in the hall, insisting on giving Cassidy and Calvin some time alone.  I gathered that they hadn’t had a chance to truly talk since he woke up.  Seeing him awake and talking took a huge weight off my shoulders.  I knew if I had arrived any later on that horrible day he would’ve been dead.

When we said our goodbyes a while later, his words stopped me in my tracks.  “James, I owe you my life.  Thank you.”  I looked to him surprised.  His thanks wasn’t necessary.  “Jane told me what you did for us.  I can’t thank you enough.”

“It’s not necessary.  You’d do the same for me.”  I shook his hand again and told him to get some rest.  Cassidy’s smile was back on her face and I grabbed her hand as we walked out of the hospital.

When we got back to my truck I asked her where to, “Your place or mine?”

“Um, I need to feed Chessa, so my place if that’s cool with you.”

“Fine with me.”

“Actually, I need to run to the store.  I’m out of almost everything.”  I looked to her and smiled as I agreed to take her to the store.  “You sure the infamous JB3 can handle grocery shopping?”  She couldn’t get the words out of her mouth without laughing.

“I do bu
y my own groceries, Cassidy!” 

We shared a laugh before she asked about my birthday
which was just a couple days away.  I hated my birthday. 

“What do you want to do?  Cal will still be in the hospital.  Jane and I thought we could have a small gathering there to celebrate the New Year and your birthday.  Are you okay with that?”

“Sounds like a plan.  My parents are planning lunch for us all tomorrow at their place.  It’ll probably just be the four of us.”


We picked up some wine, something to make for dinner, the items she needed for Chessa, and some other odds and ends.  I insisted on paying which got a slight reaction from her, but she didn’t put up too much of a fight.

After we put everything away, she sat down and pulled her boots off and yawned profusely.  “Why don’t you go relax?  I’ll make dinner.”

“You sure?”

“Of course.  You look exhausted.”

“Have I told you how much I love you JB3?”

“You know I hate that name.”

“I know, but I kinda like it.  It’s either that or Jimmy.”

I groaned and swatted her ass as I pushed her from the kitchen as she snickered. 

An hour later I found her asleep in her bed.  I couldn’t resist snapping a photo of her with my phone as she slumbered.  I then took the opportunity to put her necklace under the tree before putting our dinner on a tray and then carried it up to her room.  When I sat on the bed next to her she rolled over and stretched her arms over her head.

“Smells good.”  She pulled herself to a sitting position as I pulled the satin scarf out of the nightstand. 

“Close your eyes.”  She did as I asked with a big smile on her face.  I pulled the tray onto the bed and gathered a bite for her once I made sure it wasn’t too hot.  “Open up.”

“I like when you talk dirty, Sir.”

“I think your mind is in the gutter more than mine is.”

“Probably.  Can I blame you?”

I laughed at that.  “I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You should.”

“Alright now, open wide, Cassidy.”  I couldn’t hide the humor in my voice as she opened wider than necessary.  I placed the tip of the fork in her mouth and watched with hungry eyes as her lips closed around the fork.

Mmm, that’s really good.  You made that?”

“Gee, thanks.”

“No, that’s not what I meant.  The sauce is really good.”

“Thank you.  It’s my mom’s recipe.”

“Well I’ll have to ask her for it tomorrow.  Now give me more!”

“As you wish.”

About halfway through our meal I removed the blind fold.  Once we were done we headed downstairs and I had her sit on the couch.  I left the dishes in the sink and then grabbed her gift from under the tree before making my way back over to her.

“What’s that?”  She couldn’t hide the excitement from her voice and I couldn’t help but smile.

“It’s your Christmas gift.  I’m sorry you’re just now getting it.”

“Well, g
rab yours.  It’s under the tree. ”

I handed her the box, grabbed my gift and then sat down next to her.  “Go ahead and open it.”

“You first.”

“Absolutely not.  Ladies first.”

“You may not think me a lady once you open yours.”

What was she talking about?  I had a feeling she was up to something and I had to admit, it excited me.  I watched as she pulled the paper off the small rectangular box.  Her eyes darted to me when she realized that another rectangular jewelry box lay inside.  She pulled the lid up and stared at it for a
moment.  Her hand traced the raven charm I had designed.  It was larger than most pendants and would certainly catch peoples’ eyes.  It was made of white gold and tiny black diamonds, with the exception of the blue topaz for the eye. 


“I hope you like it.  I had it designed for my Blackbird.”

“It’s beautiful.  I can’t believe you did this.”  She
moved closer as she wrapped her arms around my neck.  “Thank you.  It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“I think you’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”  She pulled back, rolling her eyes at me.  “Here, let me help you put it on.”  Once it was on she asked how it looked.  “It’s perfect.”

“Open yours.”

I grabbed the large box off the table and tore the paper off.  She seemed rather nervous as I popped the tape that kept the box shut.  When I opened it I was a little surprised to see a blue leather photo album.  I recognized the emblem on the cover
that belonged to Cole Meadows Photography.  I pulled the album out and discarded the box.  Flipping open the first page, I was convinced my eyes were playing tricks on me.

“Cassidy?”  I was in utter sh
ock.  When had she found the time?

“Is it okay?”

“I’m speechless.” 

I was staring at my Blackbird, wearing a t-shirt of mine, in front of a window.
  She looked so innocent in that picture.  Completely unaware of the beautiful creature she was.  Innocence, purity, grace were just a few of the things that radiated from her.  It was what caught my eye about her that first night I saw her at the Blue Horse.

“I want the contracts finalized.  Yes.  Okay.  Talk to you tomorrow.”  Dan knocked on the office door as he walked in
and I put my phone in my pocket.  God, I couldn’t stand that dude.  Why the hell did I agree to let his band play at my bar?  He was nothing but trouble.  Then I remembered that I was desperate to get a good band in here.  And his band was good, especially the singer, Sam.  He alone would bring a crowd of girls in here.  And where the girls went, the guys followed.

“Hey man.  I was hoping to introduce you to my girlfriend.”  I eyed him suspiciously wondering what piece of trash he brought with him.

“I’m really busy.”  Didn’t he have a gig to finish?”

“Oh, come on James.  She’s an event planner and might have some ideas for getting more people in here.”

An event planner?  I’m sure she was.  I mentally rolled my eyes as I walked toward the door saying, “Let’s make it quick.  I need you guys back on stage.”

As he led me down the hall, my eyes spotted her and I was immediately entranced.  She had gorgeous red hair and it looked natural.  Her skin was about as fair as you could get and if I wasn’t mistaken, her eyes were blue. 
I decided to find her once I was done meeting Dan’s ‘girlfriend’ and get her number.  I then realized Dan was headed straight for the table my redhead sat at.  There was no way this douchebag was dating her.  As I got closer, her eyes lifted and met mine.  They were a gorgeous shade of blue, almost icy.  She seemed to grow nervous as we approached.

Dan introduced me before patting my shoulder like we were the best of friends.  I wanted to stomp him under my foot and throw him out with the trash.  He introduced me to Holly, who was hanging all over Sam.  Holly had pink, blue and green stripes running through her blonde hair, but that was about all I noticed.  I was completely transfixed on the redhead.  Maybe she wasn’t with Dan.  Maybe she was just a friend of a friend.  I had to know.

“And you are?”  I reached my hand out to her and the energy that surged through me when her hand clasped mine was something completely foreign to me.  A slight flush crept up her cheeks as she stared into my eyes.  She was about to say something when Dan interrupted.

“This is my girl, Cassidy.”

FUCK.  A mild look of disappointment seemed to flash across her face, unless my eyes were deceiving me.


It was different and beautiful.  Our hands were still joined and I looked down to them and something caught my eye.  My hand almost swallowed her soft delicate one.  I tilted her wrist, slightly, and spotted a raven on her wrist.  Maybe it was a crow, a blackbird, I didn’t really care.  It fit her.  She needed to fly far away from Dan, probably me too, if she knew what was good for her. 

“Blackbird.  It suits you.”

She didn’t respond, just continued gazing in my eyes.  She was innocent, but not too innocent.  I suddenly had a craving that I hadn’t had in ages.  Her.  Specifically her tied to a bed, and under me as I had my way with her.  In the shower, bent over a table, her ass red from my crop; the scenarios ran rampant in my mind as my dick grew hard.  She seemed entranced, unable to look away from me and I knew I had her.  Hook.  Line.  Sinker.  But she wasn’t available.  One thing I didn’t have time for was a woman who wasn’t free.

“James?  Do you like them?”

I realized that I had been lost in thought.  “Cassidy, they’re amazing.  I can’t believe you did this for me.”

“Thank God.  I wasn’t sure how you’d react.  Cole said you’d like them.”

“He was right.  How’d you get his number?”


I nodded as I flipped through the pictures.  They were simply stunning, she was stunning.  As I got further into the album the photos became more seductive.  One of my favorites was taken from above her as she lay on the bed.  Her hands were cuffed to the bed above her and she wore one of the matching bra and panty sets I got her.  Her hair was positioned around her on the pillow and I could tell her back was arched.  Her eyes were closed and it resembled how she looked in the throes of sex. 

“Christ.”  I looked to her as she stared back at me.  “You’re amazing.”

“You already said that.”  She smiled as I closed the album and set it on the table.

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