Letting Go of You (Anchored Hearts #2) (16 page)

BOOK: Letting Go of You (Anchored Hearts #2)
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“Jane didn’t do it.”  Everyone stopped and looked at me.  “I did it.  I killed Derek.”

“James!”  Cassidy and Jane both gasped out my name.  I couldn’t bear to look at my Blackbird. 

“Sir, we have evidence on the contrary.”

Jane went to speak and Cal told her to keep her mouth shut.  “You should do the same, James.  Wait for Annie.”

“Jane and Derek had an altercation.  I walked in and stopped it, but not before he scratched her arm.  I told Jane to go back to
work and then I finished him off.  I smothered him with a pillow, after knocking him out.” 

Before I could defend myself, I was being hit in the chest.  Cassidy had flung herself at me, beating her fists against my
upper torso.  “You liar.  You’re lying.”  I didn’t try to stop her.  I had a plan and I was praying it would work.  “Tell them the truth, right now.”

“I am telling the truth.  I’m sorry Cassidy.”

Smith came in at that time and pulled Cassidy off of me as the officers talked quietly to themselves.  “If that’s how you want to play this, that’s fine.  Jane Whitford and James Benedict, you’re both under arrest for the murder of Derek Hamilton.” 

They turned me, cuffed me and then Jane was next. 
They walked us out the door and put us in the back of the squad car.  Cassidy was on the porch staring after me.  What scared me was that she wasn’t crying.  Instead she looked ready to strike. 


I couldn’t look at her, but warned her, “Jane, shut your mouth.  Don’t say a word without Annie.  You understand.”


“Jane, do you understand?”

“Yes.”  The officers got in the car and pulled away with us in the back.

We were sitting in separate holding rooms as the cops tried to interrogate me.  They were going at me hard and I prayed Jane was able to hold strong.  The door opened and Annie walked in.

“I need time with my client.”  The detective got up and walked out as Annie sat down.  “What the hell are you doing?”

“Trying to keep Jane out of jail.”

“I’m charging you double for this.”

“You can charge me whatever you want.”  She was studying me, as I asked, “When can I get out of here?”

“You know as well as me that they can hold you for forty eight hours.  I’ll do what I can, but you need to spill it.  Tell me what’s going on right now.”





Cal followed Jane and James to the police station, offering to take me and I refused.  Smith and Delaney left at the same time as Cal.  I was left with Lena and Anthony, who didn’t dare say anything.  They helped me clean up before I told them it was okay to leave.  I was sitting in my sweats, flipping through Netflix aimlessly, when the doorbell rang.  I wasn’t in the mood and decided to ignore it.

“Cassidy, I know you’re in there.”  He knocked this time.  “I talked to Smith and Cal both.  Please let me in.”

“Go away.”  I shouted from my perch on the couch.

“I’m not leaving.”

“You’ll freeze out there.”

“Then I’ll freeze.”

Fucking hell.  I got up and walked to the door.  “Paul, I’m fine.  I don’t need a babysitter.”

“How about a drinking buddy?”

Now that sounded like a fucking fantastic idea.  I walked to the kitchen and pulled a beer out for him and poured myself a drink.  I opted for the cherry vodka and sprite, though it was mostly vodka.  I grabbed another slice of cold pizza and went and sat on the couch.  He stood against the wall, sipping his beer, watching me cautiously.

“How’d you know where I live?”

“Cal told me.”

“Oh.”  Taking another swig of my drink I asked, “So are you going to stand there all day or sit down?”

He sat down on the other end of the couch as I searched for a comedy.  Laughter was what I needed.  Forgetting Sarah Marshall is what I decided on.  It was one of my favorite movies and Paul approved. 
He refilled my glass a few times throughout the movie.  The numbness was setting in just like I wanted it to.  Why would he do this?  I just didn’t understand. 

We both drank until we were stumbling.  Well, maybe I was the only one stumbling.  I woke up on the couch and everything was dark.  I
t was the middle of the night.  My head was pounding and I felt nauseous.  There was a blanket covering me and when I went to stretch my legs out I hit another body.  Glancing up, I let my eyes adjust, and saw Paul passed out at the other end of the couch.  He was sitting up with his head dropped back.  He looked terribly uncomfortable. 

Carefully, I thought, I got up and put the blanket over him.  We both drank a lot.  I tripped over his shoes and he woke up.  “Sorry.  Go back to sleep.  I’m heading upstairs.”  He just groaned and laid down as I made my way up.

The more I walked the more my stomach churned.  I was going to lose it.  Rushing to the bathroom, I made it just in time.  I wretched for what felt like hours.  It wasn’t my finest moment.  Clutching the bowl. I enjoyed the coolness of it against my cheek.  The water turned on and I looked up to see Paul wetting a rag.  Mortified didn’t begin to describe how I felt.

“Here.”  He crouched d
own while handing me the rag.  I could barely move.  Mumbling, I thanked him for the rag and tried apologizing.  “Come on.  Let’s get you to bed.”  He helped me stand up and put his arm around me.

When we reached my bed, he pulled back the covers and I plopped down in bed.  My head started throbbing once again, causing me to groan.  I heard the sink running again and he came back with a glass of water and the rag.  Insisting I drink some of the water, I did as I was bid before laying back down with the rag on my face.

“I’m sorry.  I’m sure this wasn’t how you intended to spend your evening.”

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.  You’re not the first girl I’ve seen throw up after drinking too much.”  I felt his fingertips graze my cheek as he swiped the rag from me.  “You should get some rest.”

“Why’d he do it?”  I don’t know if I was asking Paul or asking myself.

“James?”  He let out a big breath.  “I don’t know what to tell you Cass.  I don’t know if he did it or not.  I can’t blame him if he did, but if he didn’t do it…”

“He didn’t do it.  I mean, I don’t think, I don’t know.”  I started crying, the anger and frustration finally reaching a torrid point.  “He’s trying to be all noble and I’m over here like, ‘what about me?’” 

He sat down next to me and handed me the rag, not say anything. 
He just listened to me cry and ramble like the stupid girl I was.  When I was out of tears, my head pounding, my throat raw, and my chest tight, he laid me down and pulled the covers tight around me.

“Have faith Cass.  It’ll all work out.”

“Will you stay?”  Why did I ask him to stay?  What the fuck was wrong with me?

“Cass, I’ll be on the couch, but you need to rest.”  He was still a good guy.







The next morning I woke and Paul was gone.  He left a note saying he left in the morning after checking on me.  I texted Cal for an update, but there really wasn’t one.  I got a crazy idea in my head and I wasn’t going to let it go.  After taking a shower, I got dressed and drove down to the station.

“I have information about the Derek Hamilton case.”  The receptionist looked at me and I saw recognition in her eyes. 

“One moment.  Someone will be right with you.”  I sat down and waited, nervously playing with my phone.  Anything to occupy my time.

“Miss Charles?”  I looked up to see a man who appeared to be in his forties
observing me.  “If you’ll follow me.” 

Standing, I followed him down a hallway and into an interrogation room.  I knew enough from my brother to know where I was and that I was being watched and listened too by others outside the room.

“So, you have information about Derek Hamilton’s murder.  We appreciate you coming down here.”

“Yes, of course.  James Benedict didn’t do it.” 

“And what makes you so certain of that?  It’s no secret who you are to him.”  He scrutinized me with his eyes before saying, “If you’re lying to protect him, you could get in serious trouble.  Does he know you’re here, does your brother.”

“No!  Neither of them know I’m here.  I’m telling the truth.  He was in bed with me all night.”

Sighing, “I’ll be right back.”  He got up and left the room.  I tried to remain calm, leaving my phone in my purse.  I should’ve thought it through more.  Breathe Cassidy, breathe.

He walked back in and sat on the edge of the desk, clearly trying to intimidate me.  “So, he was with you
night.  You didn’t sleep, giving him the opportunity to sneak out.”

“Officer Flores.  We don’t
.”  I tried putting on an innocent, yet sarcastic smile, hoping he’d get the point.

Okay.  You’re free to go.  We’ll be in touch if we have any further questions.”

“But, I’d like to see James.”

“Sorry.  That’s not going to happen.”  He escorted me out of the room and walked me back to the lobby.

I was getting ready to leave when I heard
Annie, “Cassidy?”  I turned as she came out a separate door.  “What are you doing here?” 

“I need to talk to you.”

She pulled me to a corner where we could be alone.  “Why do I have a feeling I’m not going to like this?

“I just got through telling Detective Flores that James was with me all night.”  She angled her head at me as I continued.  “
James told me that he didn’t talk to anyone at the hospital.  He didn’t do this and I won’t let him sacrifice himself.”

“Cassidy.  I underestimated you.  James is going to be furious with you.”  She looked around for a moment, processing things before she said, “Stay here.”  She walked back through the door she came from.  Shortly after I heard some yelling, but I couldn’t make out what was going on.  Annie burst back through the doors with a big grin on her face.  “He should be out in a few minutes.”

“They’re releasing him?”

“He’s still a person of interest, but he’s willingly agreed to surrender his passport.  With you giving him an alibi they don’t have proof
, currently, to charge him.”

“Thank God!”  My shoulders felt lighter already as I heaved a relieved breath.  “Wait, what about Jane?”

“She’s still being held.  They have her DNA and a witness confirming she went in his room before he was found.”

“James is going to be pissed.”  She simply nodded. 

Once James came out, he looked to me and Annie perplexed.  “What’s going on?”

“Let’s go.  We need to talk.  All three of us.” 

We walked to Annie’s car, got in and pulled to a secluded parking lot down the road.  James had insisted I sit in front, while Annie drove. 

“Someone better tell me what’s going on.”

“Would you like to start?”  She looked to me, throwing me under the proverbial bus.

“What did you do?”  Yup, he was pissed and he didn’t even know yet.

“I told Detective Flores that you were with me the night of Derek’s murder.”

“You what?!  God dammit Cassidy.”  He ripped his hands through his hair.  “You know that’s not true.”

“But they don’t.  You said you didn’t talk to anyone and that no one saw you.”

“Cassidy, they have cameras.  All they have to do is spot me in the footage to know you’re lying.”

Now I was pissed.  I was trying to help.  He wasn’t the only one willing to sacrifice himself.  “What did you expect me to do?  Let you sacrifice yourself.”

“For Jane, YES!  She’s like a sister to me and she didn’t do this.”

“It’s not your job to protect everyone.”

“Yes it is!  You just don’t understand.”

“Maybe I would if you ever talked to me.”  We were both screaming and Annie was checking her nails.  We must have made for good entertainment.

“They have her DNA, Cassidy and if they find out you’re lying…”

“Guys.  I have an easy solution.”  We both looked to her like she was speaking in tongues.  “Well, okay not an easy solution, but it’ll stop you two from having to testify against the other.”

Oh, shit.  Did she mean what I thought she meant?

“What are you talking about?”  James voice was still raised.

“Take a deep breath and calm yourself.  Good grief.”  She turned back around from glaring at him and said, “You need to get married.  Preferably today.”  I couldn’t look at either of them.  “I have a judge who owes me a favor.

“You’re out of your damned mind.  We’re NOT getting married.”

“James, you need to think rationally.  It’s the only way to protect both of you.”

“And who’s protecting Jane?”

“Jesus Christ, James.  Let my brother, the police and Annie do their jobs.”  I finally turned to look at him.  Annie twisted around to look at him
as well.

“You’re both fucking nuts.  I’m out of here.”

He climbed out of the backseat and started walking in the snow.  To where, I didn’t know.  I looked at Annie as she said, “Told you.  Got yourself in quite the little pickle.”

“I was just trying to protect him.  I didn’t mean to cause more grief.”

“I know.  He’s not used to having a woman stand up and protect him.  You need to talk to him.  I really do believe this is the only way to protect you both.”

Sighing, I rubbed my hands over my face.  “How did we end up here?”  I dropped my head back on the headrest and watched him getting further and further away.  “I’ll go talk to him.  Call the judge.  Where should we meet you?”

“I’ll text you both the address.”


I climbed out of her car and started chasing after James.  He was a couple blocks away and I almost lost sight of him through the snow that was falling.  Calling his name, but he didn’t seem to hear me.  Finally, he stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me.  I slowed my pace as the cold pierced my lungs. 





Married?  Annie must have thought that was pretty
damn funny.  God dammit!  I was so mad.  How could Cassidy do that?  I had a plan and it was a good one.  At least I thought it was, until Annie popped my balloon about it.  I didn’t care.  I was going to protect Jane come hell or high water. 

“You’re both fucking nuts.  I’m out of here.”

I was walking and immediately the cold pierced my skin.  The snow was falling heavy around me as everything became blurry.  How could I marry her?  Not like this.  We were supposed to have more time together to enjoy our freedom, explore our relationship further. Remembering a conversation with my dad, I knew it came down to two things my dad had asked me.

“Can you live without her?”


“Do you want to?”


“Better ‘
Put a ring on it,’ as they say.”  He winked at me as he grinned from ear to ear.

“Back off dad!”

I didn’t want to live life without her.  But I wanted it on MY terms.  This wasn’t it.  She’d already pressured me to move in with her and I hadn’t even told her everything about the house.  I wanted it to be
house.  I was vaguely aware of her voice trailing after me.  Stopping, I turned and could barely make out her figure running toward me.  When her face came into view, she slowed down to a brisk walk.

“James.  Please wait.”  I’d wait for her for as long as she needed.  But I wasn’t sure she’d wait for me.  She stood a few feet away from me.  “James.  I’m sorry, I really am.  I was just trying to help.”

“I know.”  We stared at each other for a while.  Her hair went from lightly dusted with snow, to white, to a wet mess.  “Cassidy.  You’ve left me with no choice.”

“I, but.  Please don’t do this.”

“Do what?”

“Well, I don’t’ know.”  She stepped closer.  “I love you and I know this isn’t what either of us expected…”

“You deserve a real wedding.”

She shrugged her shoulders.  “I plan them for work.  The novelty is a little worn on me.” 

“Promise me something.”  I put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her closer.

“What’s that?”  She was smiling and her eyes searched my face.

“Promise that we’ll have a real celebration.  When all this chaos is over.”  She started to speak, stopping her I said, “Looks like a good day to get married.  What do you say?”

She beamed as she replied, “I promise.  Yes.”  Pulling her close, I kissed her slow and deep.  We lost ourselves, momentarily, when our phones chimed almost simultaneously.  I groaned as she pulled away.  “That’s Annie.  She’s waiting for us.”

“What am I going to do with you?”

“Marry me, I pres

Squinting at me, “It’s the only thing that’ll keep us out of jail.”

“Gee, you say all the right things to make my heart go pitter-patter for you.”

“I love you, Cassidy.  Please don’t doubt it.” 
I took her hand in mine and started walking back toward the station.  “Where’d you park?”  She pointed as we made our way through the snow. 

We made it to
her car and got in after she threw me the keys.  Pulling out my cell for the address from Annie, I pulled up the GPS in my phone and we drove away.  I don’t think the full realization of what we were about to do had hit either one of us.  I loved her, I knew that, but I wasn’t expecting to get married, ever, at least not that way.  I didn’t think it would ever happen for me. 

Briefly, I thought about my family.  They wouldn’t be happy to not be included, but this had to get done ASAP. 
I pulled into a strip mall and she asked me, “What are you doing?”

“Getting you a ring.” 
I looked at her like she should know.

“James, I don’t need a ring.  There isn’t time.” 
She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.  “It’s just a formality.”

looked out the window and then back to her.  “My mother is going to wring my neck.”

“James, we don’t have to tell anyone.  We’re doing this to keep you safe.  It can be our little secret that we can tell everyone about when the time is right.” 
I didn’t want to believe her.  “Really, it’s okay.”

She wanted to keep it a secret. 
“It won’t be easy.  The press will probably find out.”

“If you don’t want to do this.”

“No, we have to.”  I circled the lot and pulled back out onto the street.  “Let’s get this over with.”

I couldn’t make heads or tails of
her.  One second I thought she was okay with this and the next I felt like a huge burden; her dirty little secret.  I had a lot I was dealing with and she knew that. 

“Once the charges are dropped against Jane, and the real murderer found we can have it annulled if you want.”

“Cassidy.”  She didn’t want to stay married?

“It’s okay.  I know this isn’t what we planned.  Let’s just take it one day at a time.  Deal?”

I nodded my head.  Soon we were pulling up to a house in the same vicinity as my parents’ home.  I recognized the home as Judge Mathis’ place.  We walked inside, hand in hand, after spotting Annie opening the door.  She guided us to a study in the back of the home.  The man standing behind his desk was in his sixties or seventies, I couldn’t recall, and wearing slacks and a long sleeved polo. 

“James, I’m a little surprised.  Didn’t think you were the marrying type?”

We shook hands as I responded, “Judge Mathis, nice to see you again.  It certainly wasn’t on my bucket list.”

was suddenly overcome with nerves.  I could feel it radiating off of her.  Why did I say that?  Not on my bucket list.  What the fuck?  Was this a mistake?  What were we doing? 

BOOK: Letting Go of You (Anchored Hearts #2)
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