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Letters to Penthouse V (3 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse V
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I took off my shorts and lowered my aching pussy onto his cock. As I fucked him I told him that his sweet wife was coming by shortly, and that soon she would also be my prisoner. Soon Ned shot his load deep into my pussy. “I wonder what your beloved Erica will say when she finds your come inside me,” I teased.

“Please don’t say anything,” Ned asked. I just laughed. Then I took one of my dildos, greased it up and stuck it deep inside Ned’s tight ass. “That better be there when I get back,” I warned, “or your wife will get a good whipping.”

I took a bandanna and gagged his mouth with it. “See you soon, big boy,” I said as I headed upstairs. I put on a robe, hid a pair of handcuffs under a sofa cushion and waited for Erica. She showed up shortly after six.

Her skilled hands and fingers gave my scalp a good massage as she washed and conditioned my hair. When she admired my beautiful red hair, I said, “It’s all natural. Here, see for yourself.” With that I opened my robe and let her gaze at my flaming-red pussy. “Very nice,” Erica cooed.

After Erica was through styling my hair, I told her to have a seat on the couch. “I really need to get home,” she said, looking at her watch.

“Just a few minutes,” I begged.

We both sat down and made small talk. After a few minutes I told her that I’ve always wondered which of us had the biggest tits. “Let me check yours out,” I said.

Erica was more than willing. She unbuttoned her shirt and removed her bra. I pulled her close and gave her a wet kiss on the lips, then bent down and sucked her sweet nipples. “Let me show you something, baby,” I cooed as I took her hand and slipped one of her fingers up my cunt. I said, “Your dear husband was kind enough to give me just what I needed.”

“That bastard!” she yelled, getting up. “Just wait until I get home!”

“Not so fast,” I said, pulling her hands behind her back and handcuffing her. “I’ve got Ned tied up downstairs, and now you too are going to be taught a lesson,” I said as I marched her downstairs.

Once in the basement, I had Erica suck her husband’s cock. “Get it hard, baby. I want to fuck him again,” I whispered. Erica quickly bobbed up and down on Ned’s cock. I could tell by the look on his face that he was about to come. “Enough,” I said, pulling Erica away. Then I noticed that the dildo had slipped out of Ned’s ass. “Bad boy!” I yelled at him. “You know what this means.”

He just nodded. I went over and removed the gag. “Yes, Nicole,” he said.

I grabbed his balls and barked, “That’s Mistress Nicole—to both of you. Erica, get over here and bend over. I’m going to whip your ass.”

I grabbed a belt and whacked her ass until it turned beet red. “Please,” she begged, “I’ll service your every desire, my beautiful mistress.”

“Good girl,” I said as I licked her tingling ass. Because you have been so good, I have a special treat for you.”

I called out to my gardener, Derek, who is over six feet tall and very well-hung. Derek took his big black monster and rammed it deep into Erica’s cunt. He gave her a savage fucking before filling her with his juice.

I untied Ned and had him fuck me up my ass while Derek made him suck his dick. “Get it hard so I can fuck your wife’s delicious ass,” Derek screamed.

After Ned had made Derek’s cock as hard as a flagpole, I coated it with petroleum jelly and guided him into Erica’s tight ass. The two of them fucked like animals in heat. Finally he exploded deep inside her asshole.

I am now divorcing my husband and moving in with Ned and Erica. Not only do I keep them in line, but Ned has a foxy secretary who’s in need of a little discipline. She’s next.—
N.G., Battle Creek, Michigan


I’m a thirty-eight-year-old woman who was divorced a few years back. I’m about one hundred fifty pounds, five feet six inches tall, and I have large tits that always get plenty of attention.

I live in a small apartment building near a university, close to my job. Recently, a young black guy named Stephen moved into the complex. He is very handsome, and I found myself fantasizing about him. This embarrassed me, as I hardly knew him and I was sure he could read it on my face.

One day when I was coming home I bumped into Stephen. He’s only twenty-three years old, and a part-time student. He smiled and started making small talk. After a few minutes I asked him in for a drink. I don’t know where I got the courage. He immediately accepted my offer.

After several drinks it was obvious that he knew what was on my mind. He suddenly said, “You’d really like some black cock, wouldn’t you, bitch?” I was shocked, because he had been so kind and quiet before, but I found myself also wildly excited at his change of manner. Still, I didn’t know how to respond. He sneered a little, and said, “You need me to tell you what to do, don’t you?”

I had to look down before I could answer. “Yes, please. It’s been a long time for me. I’m not sure I’ll know what to do anymore.”

He didn’t hesitate. “To start off, you need your fat ass spanked, just to let you know who’s in charge. So get that nasty bubble-butt over here now!” I looked at him while I considered. He looked at me with a softer expression, and added, “You don’t have to, you know. We could play a different game.”

That made up my mind, and I slowly walked over to him. He became stern again, and told me that if I wanted my plump bottom reddened I was to take off my skirt and panty hose and get on his lap fast or he’d leave. I trembled a little as I dropped my skirt and slithered my panty hose down to the floor. I bit my lip and climbed onto his lap.

Stephen started spanking, slowly at first, watching my reaction, then faster and harder when I didn’t complain. After only a few swats the tears were streaming down my face, and I felt really turned on. After fifteen or twenty blows he stopped. My butt was really tingling, and it hurt—but it also felt wonderful. To say that I was confused is an understatement. Stephen started roughly kneading my flesh. Soon he was fingering my cunt, still slapping my ass from time to time with his other hand. I was so wet and worked up! I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the pleasure and the pain that were coursing through my body.

Stephen stopped before I could come. He turned to me and said, “You like having a big, black buck dominate you, don’t you? Don’t just look ashamed—if it’s true, tell me!”

I turned to look Stephen straight in the face and see if I could still find the gentle part of him in his eyes. I couldn’t see it anymore, but I said, “Yes. I want you to dominate me.” He smiled and told me to get off his lap and finish undressing so he could see my fat tits. I did. I stood naked before him. He didn’t touch me at first, just continued staring, a wicked grin on his face. It sent shivers down my spine. I was his emotional hostage.

He finally spoke. “I think you like being degraded and pushed around, and you want to serve me in any way I want—is that right?” The words shook me to my very core. I didn’t speak. He yelled, “Fuck you! I guess I’ll just leave.”

Through the mist of my indecision I heard myself say, “No, Stephen, please don’t go. You’re right.”

“Right about what?” Stephen drawled. He wanted me to say it myself.

I answered, “I want to please you, and I’ll do exactly as you say.” The cold smile came back to his face. He told me to get on the floor on my hands and knees and crawl over to him. I did. He undressed, and I was face to face with his half-hard prick. I knew what he wanted, so I started sucking.

When his cock was hard, he pulled away from my mouth, walked behind me and started to fuck me. I was dripping cunt juice down my legs by this time, but it wouldn’t have mattered how wet I was. He rammed into me so suddenly and so hard that it felt like he’d cut me. After a few strokes, though, I was pushing back at him fiercely every time he drove his dick into my pussy.

Stephen didn’t want me enjoying myself quite so much, though. After a short time he pulled out and leered, “Now I’m gonna ream your ass.”

I hadn’t counted on anything like that, and yelled, “No, it’ll hurt, it won’t fit.”

Stephen smacked me on the ass and said, “Of course, it’ll hurt—but I’ll make it fit.” I thought I’d die as he slowly pushed and wiggled his prick inside me. Tears of pain, humiliation and intense pleasure streamed down my cheeks. He rocked back and forth for what seemed like forever. From time to time Stephen smacked my ass. The intense feelings and emotions were incredible. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I didn’t even know I could feel like this. It wasn’t like having an orgasm, but the pleasure was almost as intense, and continued as long as he was in me, not rising and falling the way an orgasm does.

Finally Stephen came, and the two of us fell in a heap on the floor. As I lay there I realized that he’d never even kissed me. He got up, sat on the chair and asked me my name. I said, “Helen.” He turned to me and told me that for an older, fat, white slut I was “better than average.”

He ordered me to get dressed as slutty as possible right away, because he was going to show me off to some of his friends. He said that my need to be used, abused, degraded and dominated would be truly fulfilled. I got dressed and we went out.

His three friends spanked me, fucked me, shoved their dicks up my ass and slapped me while I gave them blowjobs. I loved it all. Stephen routinely has me gang-banged by five or six guys. Recently he tried charging for a bunch of these guys to fuck me. He only charged a dollar, because he said that’s all an old, fat, white slut is worth. I had reached my limit, and I told him that he’d gone too far and I was leaving.

To my amazement, he threw the guys out and spent the rest of the evening comforting me. He told me that anytime I didn’t want to do something, all I had to say was, “Enough!” and it would stop. Until any scene reached that point, though, he would never give a sign that his disdain was anything but real. I spent most of the night crying tears of relief, and we went to sleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning his smiles were gone, and everything was back to normal. Stephen called me a bitch and a whore and threw me out of his apartment, knowing I’d be back at sunset. I don’t know how this will end, but right now I have exactly what I want.—
H. W., Dallas, Texas


My name is Sue. I’m a thirty-eight-year-old black woman with a pretty face and a once-sexy figure. I played varsity sports while growing up, but have since become extremely overweight. I’m five feet nine inches and two hundred seventy-five pounds.

I’ve been dating a fellow named Harlan who is white, twenty-eight years old, five feet ten inches tall and about a hundred fifty-five pounds. After dating Harlan for a short while I revealed to him that I was bisexual, which didn’t go over very well. I should have known his reaction wouldn’t be great, because he has made taunting comments concerning some of my male friends who are openly gay. Harlan had also made fun of my weight, but it was his taunting of gays that made me decide that he needed to be taught a lesson.

Harlan is very shy and conservative in his lovemaking. Believe it or not, he insists on covering himself up when undressing near me. I have often fantasized about having him masturbate and then eat his come in front of me or, better yet, watching him suck a cock. I knew he would never do either of these things for me voluntarily.

I decided that the best way to punish him would be to humiliate him. I came up with an idea that I was pretty confident would work. If it did I would finally get to see him masturbate, suck cock and eat come. The thought of watching him eat a man’s come gave me chills up and down my spine.

Harlan, among other shallow notions, thinks a woman’s place is in the home. He has always resented woman being allowed in the military. Discussing this always gets him fired up. Even though we had never wrestled, I knew that I could tie him up in knots. Well, it was easy to get him up on his high horse. All I had to do was say that women have served in combat all over the world for thousands of years. When he said that woman were physically weak, I told him that I could whip his ass.

Harlan laughed and said, “I could pin you and make you say uncle in about twenty seconds.” That’s when I knew I had him.

I sneered, “Oh really? Do you want to bet on it?”

He laughed again. I was going to enjoy this more than I had thought. Harlan said, “I’ll bet as much as you like.”

“Oh, I didn’t have money in mind.” It was the Friday evening of a long weekend. I told him that the loser had to do whatever the winner wanted for the next three days. The loser had to be completely obedient. Harlan began to look doubtful at that, but I called him a chickenshit and a welcher. He couldn’t take that and agreed to the bet.

I told him, “Honey, you’re gonna lose this bet. And when you do, I’m going to make you masturbate in front of me, and I’m going to make you dress in women’s clothing. Then we’re heading for a black gay bar I know, and you’re going to learn to suck cock.” I asked him if he had ever eaten a man’s come before, and of course he said no. I replied that I was going to make him eat a lot of come. “It’s an acquired taste. Pretty soon you’ll be begging for it.” The thought of him eating come made me laugh out loud, which really got to him.

Harlan said, “No way.”

I said, “A bet is a bet. It sounds like you’re afraid you’re going to lose.”

He growled, “Okay, the bet’s on. I’m not concerned because I’m going to win anyway. I just can’t believe you’d sink low enough to imagine those things. Of course, it gives me some ideas about how to treat you when I win.”

We faced off in the middle of the living room, and I had Harlan pinned before he knew what happened. It was so easy that I decided to have some more fun by wrestling around on the floor with him, putting him in one uncomfortable hold after another. After about fifteen minutes of being thrown around the room he was beaten, but hadn’t yet said uncle, to end the bet. I thought it was time he did, so I threw him down on his back, jumped on him and stripped him naked. I moved behind him, put his arms behind his back, put my legs around his and spread his legs wide open while pulling up on his arms.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse V
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