Leticia (20 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romantic, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Leticia
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” she laughed

I’ve told you this
he used to be one of the nicest people you could ever
asked to meet. He would have done anything for anyone. He was so good natured and warm hearted, so loving and affectionate. He could make anyone laugh you know, could cheer up the saddest person on earth in less than five minutes. Then he met


doesn’t matter, it make’s my blood bubble, you’ll have to ask him

“I doubt he’ll tell me

“He will, just ask who Clara was
” she told me

“He said you’re all going out tonight

“Yeah, are you

“I don’t know yet

“It would be
you may even get to talk things out with Jackson
Tristan and I
sit at the side of the water, and he normally walks off. I think he feels left out – alone

“He’s a good looking
maybe if he didn't spoil himself by being a
he would get himself a girl

“I’m hoping he gets

“What?” I choked

“Don’t be like that, he’s
as bad
you think he is he just needs.... well, I’ll let you work that one out for yourself

We sat down to dinner together but nobody really spoke
. There
wasn’t a weird atmosphere or
it was
just that Nancy’s cooking was so nice that nobody wanted to do anything but eat. However, when
I would
look up I
catch Jackson staring at me. I said I’d wash up since they were letting me stay there until Nancy pointed out the dishwasher. So I just helped her load it
went up to my room for a while. I put my new clothes away, then fell back on the bed, staring out of the window at nothing in particular.

There was a knock at my door and a moment later Nancy popped her head around.

“We’re going soon, are you coming?” she asked

“No thanks, I’m just going to stay here
. Sorry

” she said sadly
“Well if you change your mind, we’ll be leaving in about five minutes

She tried to smile at me before leaving the room. I wanted to go, but at the same time, I knew I’d only end up getting annoyed with Jackson.
again, he
promised he’d tell me what was wrong with him. I jumped off the bed, grabbed one of my new jackets and made my way downstairs. They were in the hallway just about to leave.

“I’ve changed my mind
” I said joining them

good, good
” Nancy smiled

We walked outside
the guys locked up
I thought we
have waited for them but Nancy
took my arm
started walking away.

“I’m so glad you’re coming, poor Jackson, he look
absolutely gutted when I said you w
” she said quietly
“What changed your mind?”

“What do you think?

She didn't answer she just smiled and squeezed my arm slightly. It was quite a long walk to the reservoir
it was a nice night, and
rather warm. When we were half way there we all started walking together, then Nancy and Tristan fell behind. I didn't
I just walked until we got there. It was just like Nancy said, she and Tristan sat on the grass close to the water, cuddled up together giggling over something. Jackson walked a few feet away. I started to feel a little awkward, and decided to go for a little walk myself. I went straight past Jackson, towards the little wooden docks. I
against one of the wood
out at the water.

“It’s a beautiful night isn’t it
” Jackson commented as he appeared beside me


“Perfect for coming here

He was right
a comfortable temperature, clear skies
, the stars were out and
the moon was shining bright and reflecting off the water. It

“Nancy said you
” he said turning to face me

“I wasn’t going to

“What changed your mind?”

“I don’t know, I guess I just fancied a walk
” I lied

bit of exercise and some f
resh air to maybe help clear my mind


don’t have to stay and talk to me
whatever it is you normally do when you come here

“I don’t do
I just stare at the water. It’s peaceful here, Nancy and Tristan do their own thing and so do I. Sometimes I try not to come out with them, but they drag me
” he laughed a little

“Don’t you feel like a bit of a spare part

“Yeah, but they don’t see it like that

“I did a minute ago, that
why I came over here

“Come and walk with me for a little while

“Where? Why?”

“Just around the edge of the water so we can talk
I promise I won

t be off with you

“We’ll see
” I sighed as I started walking with him.

don’t think much of me at all do you, I know
my fault and....”

think a lot of you. I don’t know many people who would stick by their younger sister and her partner just so you know they’re safe. Who would help and fight for a stranger and invite her into
home. Who would put himself in danger to help her

I keep say
we look...”

“After our own, yeah you
keep saying it
” I interrupted

“It’s not just because of that

We were a good distance away from Nancy and Tristan now, far enough away that we could talk without being heard. We sat on the grass in silence for a moment.

“This started about twenty years ago
” he began
. “We were living in Bath at the time
, in a nice cottage just on the outskirts of town. We’d been there about six months when I met her


“How did you know?” he
his eyes wide

“Nancy said she wouldn’t tell me what was wrong with you, but to ask you about

met one day
taking a walk
in the
started to rain quite heavily and we both ran to take cover under some of the trees. The rain lasted a good few minutes and we got talking. She was so pretty, long light brown hair, big brown eyes
had such a lovely and contagious smile. She was only little, and curvy, her personality was fantastic. We instantly clicked

“Love at first sight?” I asked

not love, not then, just an attraction, but a strong one. We met up regularly and got to know each other quite well
had lunch several times and in the end we spent most of our free time together. I remember I used to get butterflies in my stomach when I knew I was going to see her
and when she kissed me, I was the happiest man on earth

“So you loved her

“I was falling for her, but I wasn’t
in love
with her

“Oh, so what was the problem, what....”

“Her father was ill, so sometimes she had to cancel on me, but I understood
was helping her mother nurse him. Or so I was told and was stupid enough to believe
” he stood up and stared out at the water

We’d been seeing each
over six months when I decided to buy her a necklace she’d wanted for weeks, but couldn’t afford. I went into town and was about to walk into the jewellers, when I saw her.
I was just about to make my way over when a man stood beside her, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. I think my jaw nearly hit the floor, my heart and stomach sank. I walked over to her, when she saw me she panicked and I saw her fumbling with something on her finger

“What was

“Her wedding ring

” I gasped


you tell her husband

“He already knew
” he said in disgust

knew I had money and they wanted it. I’d showered her with some of the most expensive gift
you could b
, and what had she done? Either managed to return the items and get the money
them or sell them. That was all she wanted me for, all
wanted me for

“What did you do?”

“I knocked ten bells out of him right there in the middle of town. I called her a number of horrible things
went home. Nancy was fuming, she’d liked and trusted Clara, Tristan just wanted to drain them both

“I don’t blame them

“We couldn’t do anything though, not unless we wanted to risk exposing ourselves, so we moved. In fact over the fifteen years that followed we moved a number of times, until finally settling here about six years ago. I haven’t been involved with anyone since, I just think
what’s the point, it’s not that the girl would love
she would just love my bank account and what I could buy her

, that’s an awful thing to do to someone, I don’t know how people like that sleep at night
” I said shaking my head

really piss me off

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