Leticia (12 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romantic, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Leticia
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” I heard Nancy say

I join

” I said motioning for her to sit down

“Are you

“I’m fine

“Not bad, but I’ve been better

“How did you know I was in here?”

“I phoned Jackson to see if he had managed to speak to you, he just muttered something and said you
going for coffee. I guessed it would be here with you being here the other day


“He also said you
parking lot

“I didn’t think he’d seen that, I thought he’d gone

“That’s what he wanted you to think, but trust me he was watching
it had gotten out of hand, he would have been at your side in an instant
” she told me

don’t tell him I told you that

I shrugged
“I doubt I’ll be speaking to him again anyway

“You will
he won’t let you go that easily

“I don’t understand

“Jackson happens to like you, quite a lot, he thinks you
...well, I’m not saying actually he can grow a set of balls and tell you himself. Just believe me when I say, he won’t stay away, he won’t tell you
” she sighed

he will keep bumping into you

“Whatever you say

“Leticia can we be friends again

“I’m not the one that started
you wanted to kill a young
in my house

“I was worried for you, that’s the only reason. I don’t want to lose my friend

“You haven’t known me two minutes
I don’t mean that to sound heartless, but it’s not like we’re lifelong friends is it?”

“But we could be

shape shifters
age at all?” I asked

, and I know you don’t either. How old do you think I am?”

you look about twenty-one

“I haven’t aged since then, but I was actually born in 1872, Christmas Day

“Wow, are you older than Jackson?”

“No, he’s the older one, he was born in 1865,
” she told me


“Yeah, weird isn’t it

“Hmm, how old is Tristan?”

“Oh he’s ancient
” she laughed

was born in 1524, in
he was turned when he was twenty-


you born a wolf

“I was attacked, it killed my mother and left me like this
” I explained
“I have a nice collection of scars from it


“I have four claw marks across my left
, they’ve faded, but you can still see

“Oh god

“Great isn’t it, my
was with me when it happened, we were out taking a walk. She was savagely attacked and died in my arms. I thought I was going to bleed to death, and not long after my
died, I passed out. When I woke up I was in someone’s house. My
on the floor covered up by a white sheet
I was in a vampires house. He cleaned me up and then explained what had happened to us

“That was nice of him

“He’d called a doctor to see to my
and then
spent the rest of the day explaining to me exactly what I now was

“How did you feel?”

“Shocked, in disbelief, upset, furious, but also curious

” she said, not understanding what I meant

“To see what I could do
” I explained

ow it would feel;
I felt different already, stronger, but as soon as I let even the slightest bit of the wolf through, I’m like... superhuman”

“But you’re still stronger when you’re just normal too

“Yeah a little bit

“Cool, we’re strong, me and Jackson I mean. Tristan is very
and lightning fast, we’re not as fast as him sadly, but we can still move quicker than a human being. We like what we are


Both of us turned silent for a moment, I
the window
drinking my coffee.

“So are we friends?” she asked


, good. What are you
plans for today?”

“I’ve got another client to see, I’m making up for ones I cancelled

“Can I come with you?”


“I’m bored, I’m sick of being at the house, Jackson
in a foul mood and
out, and Tristan has gone out somewhere. So I could come with you and then you could come to
my house
for a bit if you want
I doubt Jackson will be in before you make him the excuse not to come


We finished our drinks and went to my
house. When we went to collect the car I noticed Jackson’s was still parked there. I wondered, even though it was none of my business, who he was meeting. Was it a friend? A girl? Why did I even care? Nancy hadn’t driven into town so she rode with me. My client really liked
she was very chatty and had us both in hysterics at times
the end
I was actually
really glad she came


Chapter 10


we’d finished at my client

s we went straight to Nancy’s.
thought about backing out of it but I knew it would really upset her. When we pulled
the driveway my stomach sank a little, Jackson’s car was the
re. His almost brand new, black
Audi RS4 was parked in the same spot it was in when I last came around.

“Don’t worry
” Nancy said to me, noticing that I was starting to feel uncomfortable
“We don’t have to speak to
he’ll probably just shut himself in the study anyway

“I hope so

“He’s not so bad once you get to know him. He blows hot and cold, he never used to, but
well, like I said before,
for him to tell you the reasons why
” she told me as we got out of the car
“I just so wish he would go back to how he used to be, sometimes I tell him he’s not my brother and not to talk to me until he brings my brother back, do you understand what I mean

“You mean he’s like two people?”

, I love the
Jackson not this new one, I can understand why he puts this front on, but he needs to stop
lose everyone if he carries on

“I guess
up to him
” I shrugged

“Don’t act like you don’t care, Tish


“Tristan said
what he
calling you so I thought I would to
. You
don’t mind do you?”

“I guess not

“Great, anyway, like I was saying
” she continued, unlocking the front door and letting us inside
“Don’t act like you don’t care about him, I saw the way you looked at him when you came here
I know you’re attracted to him

“Think what you like

“Listen, just because he’s my brother
doesn’t mean I’m going to run off and tell him what you say. I told you I wanted a girlie friend, and this is one of the reasons why

o set your brother up

“God no
” she laughed

have these girl chats, I love them
I won’t ever tell him what you say, so speak freely
” She led us into the kitchen and closed the door behind us

“So what
” I asked

“Tell me what you think of him

“He’s weird, arrogant, cold, cocky, rude
, and
I don’t like him.” I stopped talking as Jackson walked in the kitchen. He didn’t speak, he just looked at me with a mixed look on his face, half sadness and half ang
. Had he just heard what I’d said about him? Did I really care when all I was saying was the truth?

“I thought you’d be out for the day
” Nancy said to him as she got two cans of Pepsi out of the fridge for us


“Do you want to join us?”


He got himself a can of Carling out of the fridge, glanced at me for a moment, then left the room again.

“Once upon a time
he would have come and sat with us, asked us how our day had been, offered to make us a drink and a snack. He would have
the time to get to know you
” Nancy said sadly
“Tish, please try and see past his bad points,
if you could get through to him
you would see he was a really nice person with a massive heart

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