Let It Snow (17 page)

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Authors: Suzan Butler,Emily Ryan-Davis,Cari Quinn,Vivienne Westlake,Sadie Haller,Holley Trent

BOOK: Let It Snow
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Keith gently tapped on the door. “Will you come out?”

“I’m getting sleepy. Nobody’s called to cancel the early classes tomorrow.” She turned and pulled the door open anyway and almost wished she hadn’t. Keith stood with his arms raised, gripping both sides of the door jamb. Eye level and up close with his bare chest, she struggled to drag air into her lungs. “Um. So I was going to go to bed. You don’t have to be quiet. I’ll sleep through whatever.”

“Sleep in the other room. My bed’s better.”

“The futon won’t fit you. I’m fine in here.”

He released the door jamb and touched her cheek, his fingertip tracing her jaw. “I wasn’t volunteering to let you have my bed to yourself.”

A low whisper from her mostly defective sense of self-preservation suggested she should back away from the heat in his eyes. Telly moistened her lips. He touched the bottom curve and nudged, encouraging her to open her mouth and ignore the internal warning.

“I don’t think this is a good idea,” she said.

“Tell me what’s bad about it.”

“Too many things to list. I’m a big girl and I’m not going to let you take care of my tires.
me. My emotions are totally screwed up by hormones. And yeah, they are making me stupid. I’m forgetting things. I’m not putting two and two together fast enough. I’m scared and horny and can’t decide whether I like the way I look or hate it, whether I want this whole experience to be over or want it not to end. I’m just…” She waved her hand in the air. “You and I, we don’t have a relationship. Not this kind of relationship. We shouldn’t do that again.”

“I’m not convinced.” Keith caught her fingers and flattened her palm against his chest. “Hormones aren’t doing anything to my head. I’m thinking very clearly and I don’t see anything bad. Look, just sleep with me if that’s all you want to do.”

His heart thudded beneath her hand. She rubbed her thumb across his nipple, which immediately stood at attention. “The problem with that is it’s really not all I want to do.”

“Thank God,” he muttered. “What else?”

“This to start.” Indulging impulses, she inched forward until her belly wouldn’t let her any closer and licked the flesh she’d coaxed to hardness.

“I love when you do that,” he rasped.

“This?” She lingered, biting gently and focusing her lick on the very tip of his nipple.

“No.” He coasted his free hand down her back and spread his fingers at the base of her spine, applying enough pressure to bring her an impossible fraction of an inch closer. “This. Your belly against me. Except you keep wearing clothes and I’m starting to hate your damn sweater.”

“I’m starting to think you have some kind of pregnancy fetish,” she teased. “I’ve read about guys like you on the internet, all begging preggosunshinemama421 for photos and IM chats.”

Instead of laughing, he said, “Telly, you have no fucking idea. As much time as I spent holed up with your pictures, it’s a damn wonder they weren’t confiscated as porn.”

Okay, that was news. She tipped her head back and met his eyes, perplexed, expecting a teasing smile. Instead, his mouth turned down at the corners and his brows drew together. Completely serious. She blinked. “Really?”

“Hell yes, really.”

Oh thank God. She breathed a relieved sigh. She’d misunderstood his attitude toward her. If Keith only wanted someone to break his celibacy with, everything would still be fine. Besides, it might be nice to have access to a hard, interested man for the remainder of her pregnancy—or however long his fetish took to run its course. Still, those pictures… She studied him curiously. “They weren’t even naked pictures. Not really.”

“I know,” he growled. “Now I’m trying to get you naked and you keep shying away. I want to look at you. Are your breasts sore?”

“I…yes, but not too bad, not anymore.” But they were full and heavy, chaffing at the constraints of her bra, as if they’d swelled to the next size up for his enjoyment. Smiling impishly, she asked, “You want to see them?”

“See them, touch them, suck on them as hard as you’ll let me.” He drew her sweater up to her shoulder blades and felt for the hooks of her bra. “I want to see the other pictures you have of your tits before you got pregnant.”

“They’re on my laptop.” Again with her quick tongue, slow brain. As soon as the words were out, she flushed. She thought about retracting the confession somehow, but realized as his cock grew longer and harder between them, that she enjoyed his interest. Maybe she should create a preggosunshinemama421 username of her own. Cautiously, she asked, “Want to see?”

“I already told you I did. Lift your arms.”

Telly reluctantly broke contact and raised her arms. He stripped her quickly, efficiently, pulling her hair by accident when strands snagged on the hooks of her bra. Keith tossed the bundle of cloth into the room behind her and palmed her breasts, lifting the weight in his hands as her nipples began to tighten and elongate.

“Jesus,” he breathed, rolling the peaks between his thumb and forefinger. “Hard already.”

“Almost all the time. It’s embarrassing.” She gripped his biceps. “They’re really sensitive.”

“Does this hurt?” He squeezed, slow and firm.

“No,” she gasped.

“This?” Harder pressure.

Telly dug her fingernails into his skin. “No.”

He tugged, rasping his fingertips over the peaks from base to tip. She breathed a strangled sound and bit her lip as pleasure-pain snaked from her breasts to her sex.

Keith eased the pressure instantly. “Tell me.”

“Hurts, but not… Gah. Do it again.” She rose on tiptoe, rubbing her belly along his thick length, squirming to align their thighs.

“Again, huh?” He shifted his hold and squeezed her breasts together. “Let me fuck them.”


She blinked. “What?”

“You heard me.”

She inhaled and lowered her gaze. Creamy flesh filled his hands, tight and full, areolas dark, nipples long. Her body’s blatant, unrepentant preparation for giving birth drove him crazy with wanting to claim her. She would only get bigger from this point. Keith inhaled and tried to tamp down some savage urge to latch on to her nipple and suck until he prematurely forced her milk. She wasn’t ready for that physiologically or emotionally.

Emotionally…hell. He hadn’t even considered she would resist him. He’d always been half in love with her but kept away because of their age differences, his career plans, his father’s vow to beat the shit out of him if he ever did more than carry Telly’s backpack. He was well on his way to an early retirement, and even his dad couldn’t deny that Telly wasn’t a kid anymore. The increasingly more vulnerable letters she’d written during his deployment had shoved the scale over from half-in-love to full-on-need.

“I’m not big enough,” she said.

“Maybe not before, but I promise you are now.” Still pressing her breasts together, he shifted his grip until he could nudge his thumbs into the valley. His cock twitched, eager to slide between her warm curves.

Telly stared as if fascinated by the depth of her cleavage and the dark skin of his hands contrasted with her translucent complexion. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. If seducing her physically was his gate to seducing her emotionally, well, he wasn’t opposed to using that door.

“I have massage oil,” she said. “Will it work for lube?”

His breathing grew ragged, his hold on her breasts maybe a little too tight. Keith deliberately relaxed his hands. “It’ll work. And your laptop. I want to see how you’ve changed. I wish I’d been here to watch you the whole way.”

“My nipples are bigger,” she offered. “Darker.”

“I want to see.”

“All right.” She backed away, farther into the bedroom. Light from the hall provided some illumination. She touched a key on her laptop and the screensaver blinked, shedding more light.

Keith stepped inside. “This room smells like you.”

“I should change the sheets.”

She folded one arm across her breasts and accessed her photo folder with her free hand. Keith sat on the futon behind her. He hooked his fingers in the waist of her pants and tugged, baring her ass. From behind, the only indication of her condition was the extra cushion of flesh at her hips. She’d always been coltish and thin, barely anything to her body if she wore anything more than a bikini. He’d had daydreams about peeling her halter from her wet skin and rubbing her small breasts raw with his stubble. Now he had daydreams about standing between her splayed legs and watching the baby crown. Both scenarios made him stiff and hard.

Needing to touch her, he shoved her pants to her ankles and reached between her thighs. Thick, milky wetness sucked his fingers between her folds. He rubbed the slippery fluid back into her flesh, using it as lubrication for an intimate, thorough massage.

“Please,” she whispered, tilting her hips toward him.

“Please what? You want my fingers again? Fucking you deep, finding more of this cream?” He tickled her entrance. The slick muscle spasmed. Keith kissed her left cheek and inhaled, pulling hard on her scent. “Are you wet like this even when you’re not turned-on, Telly?”

She started to turn toward him. Keith stopped her by inserting his index finger and extending his middle finger to pet her clit. She gasped, her spine bowing, and said, “Please…
. More than the last time.”

“You want it more than last time or you want more of them?” He pushed a second finger inside and rotated his wrist, searching for her G-spot. Telly wailed and contracted hard, a vise around his fingers. Her hips moved on their own, rocking and seeking friction.

Keith braced her with his free hand. “Tell me. This satisfy what you want? I had two in you earlier. You want three instead? Or maybe you want four. Maybe you
four. You’re too tight to push out a baby. Should I work on stretching you, Telly?”

He scissored his fingers, demonstrating exactly how good stretching would feel. Her knees wobbled. Keith steadied her and drew her back, his fingers slipping from her body and rising to guide her hips. “Come sit on me, pretty. Put your pictures on slideshow. We’ll watch together and find out what we can do about your tight little pussy.”

Slouching against a pile of pillows, he insinuated his legs between her knees and pulled her down to sit high on his stomach, above the waist of his shorts. Telly squeaked in surprise and grabbed his thighs for balance. Her hand grazed his cock and he hissed a low curse. “Touch me, Tel.”

Too gently, she peeled back his shorts. Not gently enough, she let the elastic snap against his sac. Keith bit back a curse and squeezed her hips.

“You’re huge,” Telly said. “Good Lord. Where do you keep this when you’re not using it?”

“Shut up and stroke it.” He swatted her thigh playfully but meant every word. If she didn’t touch him—

Soft, small hands wrapped around his cock, derailing his scramble for punishments. He groaned. “Shit. Maybe you shouldn’t do that.”

“Too late now. I want to lick you.” She started moving, stronger and more flexible than any half-term woman ought to be.

“Damn it, Telly. Let me help you.” But she’d already repositioned herself, kneeling astride his chest, her ass in his face and her mouth… “Fuck.”

The warm wetness of her mouth enveloped his head. Keith glanced up, shocked to see her lips stretched wide over his cock, up close and a little jerky on her laptop monitor.

“Webcam?” He choked, disbelieving. Telly hummed affirmative and opened her eyes for the camera. Keith squirmed, grateful for the elastic across the base of his balls. “Tell me it’s not broadcasting.”

Her tongue lingered, licking as she freed her mouth to say, “It’s not. It’s not recording either. I might be stupid right now, but I wouldn’t do that to you.”

She wouldn’t. He knew that but had to ask, protective of his plans for the future. Their future. Reassured, he raised his hips, bumping her bottom lip with his cock. A smile tilted her eyes and she swallowed him again.

She gave amazing head, her tongue busy and always wet, her eyes locked on the webcam and looking back at him as if they were locked on his eyes. The tip of her tongue swiped across his head and probed at the slit as if she wanted to be inside him as badly as he wanted to be inside her. He clutched her thighs, fascinated by the deepening color of her mouth, the wet-to-dry rasp of her tongue as she licked a long line from cap to root. She closed her mouth and retraced the damp path with chaste little kisses. What the hell had he been thinking, rejecting her half-serious offer in the car?

Supporting her weight with one hand, she gathered her hair and pulled it over one shoulder, baring her breasts. Heavy and pale, they framed his erection and swayed gently when she moved.

“I still want these wrapped around me,” he said. Releasing her thighs, he angled his shoulders until he could trace the line of her ribs and cup her breasts. “Lean forward a little.”

“You won’t let me fall,” she said.

“No, pretty. I won’t.”

Carefully, she planted her palms on his knees and stretched out over his thighs. Eyes glued to the laptop monitor, he spread her breasts and wrapped the swelling globes around his shaft. She held still while he manipulated her curves, pinching her nipples between his fingers, rubbing his length all over with her pale skin. If she were any taller, he wouldn’t have been able to hold her like this. His shoulders burned with his over-extended reach. Worth every twinge of discomfort. The head of his cock peeped between her breasts, emerging from the valley and vanishing again. Months from now, he’d be able to do this with the aid of her milk, dripping from her nipples and wetting his cock. Her skin would be slick, slippery, her breasts even more full.

“Keith,” she whispered.

He tore his gaze from the laptop screen. In front of his face, her pussy dripped cream. Dipping his chin, he licked one slow-trailing line of wetness, his tongue tracing a line up her inner thigh, flicking into the pouting dip of her entrance. She whimpered, her thighs tensing as she shoved back for more.

“I need more hands,” he muttered before spearing deep, his tongue digging into her sheath. A startled, strangled gasp underscored her surprise. She reared up, breaking free of his hold on her breasts, and swallowed his cock into the back of her throat. Keith swore and clutched her ass. His hips rose up on their own, shoving harder, deeper past her lips. Motion drew him back to the camera output and the sight of his flesh vanishing into her mouth ruined him. With a hoarse groan, he palmed the back of her head and pushed her down while he bucked up. Heat exploded at the base of his spine, barreled through his shaft, and he came in muscle-wrenching bursts. Telly moaned but didn’t struggle. Her fingernails dug into his thighs and her mouth worked around him, sucking and swallowing while he pulsed in the slick warmth.

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