Lessons From a Younger Lover (26 page)

BOOK: Lessons From a Younger Lover
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Both Ransom and Gwen were floating on clouds. For the first time in eight years, Gwen called in sick, so that she and Ransom could have an extra day in their self-made paradise. They would have taken yet another day, but after finding out the reason for Ransom's delay—that he and Gwen had gotten engaged over the weekend—Brea had demanded that he come and pick up Isis “right now.” And then she'd called Adam.

“Yo, Adam, it's time that we make that little scandal happen so Ransom can see Gwen for the ho she is.” Adam and Brea had concocted what they felt was a foolproof scheme to shame Gwen out of California. Only she and Adam were involved. As Brea had anticipated, women could not be trusted. To back out of any involvement, Carol had used some flimsy excuse about Gwen being Kari's teacher, and Joanna couldn't focus on a damn thing past her growing stomach. Their pulling out suited Brea just fine. Why send two girls in to do a woman's job?

“Hold on, now, Brea. What's the rush? There's still that little rendezvous between me and you that needs to happen.”

“I told you I'm gonna let you have some pussy, boy, damn! Is that all anything is ever about for you? Well, peep this. Your girl ain't at school, right?”

“Right, she's home sick.”

“Wrong, she's with Ransom. They went to Palm Springs over the weekend and got
. The only reason she ain't calling in tomorrow is because I demanded that Ransom come get his child.”

Adam began pacing his office. Not only had Gwen refused his advances, but she was now straight up lying on top of it. And his brother had actually gone and popped the question? Adam was still pissed from when Ransom floored him in front of the very woman he was trying to impress. Brea was right. It was time to put an end to the nonsense and get both Gwen's and Ransom's heads out of the clouds. Adam smiled. He was getting ready to bring both of them down to earth with a thud. He relished the thought.

“Did you get what I asked you to get?” Adam asked.

“I told you last week that I bought the disposable phone. Now, can you do it tonight?”

“Yeah, I'll pay our sick teacher a little visit, you know, show my concern.”

Brea laughed. “That sounds like a very caring thing for a principal to do.”

“Oh, I'm gonna care all right.”

“Just make sure you get what we need to show Ransom, as well as all the other concerned citizens in this lullaby town.”

Now it was Adam's turn to laugh, a sinister, hollow sound. “Make no mistake about it, Brea, I'm going to get it


Ransom dropped Gwen off at her house and called Brea to tell her he was on his way. He knew she was pissed at him for being with Gwen, and didn't want to prolong the visit any longer than it took to knock on her door and have Isis walk out. He was still on a high from Palm Springs. Ransom could hardly believe he'd met someone real and loving and compassionate and fine…and now that someone was going to be his wife.

Ransom tapped a tune on the steering wheel as he disconnected from Brea's house phone and called her cell. He frowned slightly when that too went to voice mail. “Brea, it's me. I'm on my way to get Isis. Hollah when you get this so I know where you're at.” Ransom thought for a second and added, “If I don't hear from you, I'll wait at your house.”


Gwen hummed her new favorite song by Al Jarreau as she put the clothes from the weekend, along with a few others, in the washing machine. She turned it on and waited for the cycle to begin so she could add softener. Because of the noise, she hadn't heard anyone knock on the door. Now they were banging.

“All right, all right,” she said, coming out of the laundry room located off the kitchen, and around the corner into the living room. She stopped when she saw who was at the door. It was the last person she would have expected.

“Adam,” she said through the screen. “What do you want?”

“Well, I can tell you what I don't want,” Adam said with a smile. “To talk to you through this datgum screen.”

Gwen laughed. “I'm sorry, it's just that I'm surprised to see you. Come on in.” She opened the door and stood back while he entered. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see how you're feeling,” Adam said. He stopped in the middle of the living room and looked around. “You know, I think this is the first time I've ever been in your house.”

Gwen crossed her arms and tried to gauge what was really going on. She didn't think for one moment that Adam's visit was one of genuine concern, but rather to be nosy. Because Ransom had talked to Brea, Gwen guessed that Adam knew she hadn't been sick at all, but with his brother.

“You want to tell me why you're really here?” she asked directly.

“Dang, girl. A brothah can't come check on you?”

“Check on me or check
on me?”

“I'm concerned about the health of one of Sienna's best teachers,” Adam said with mock sincerity. “But I must say, you're looking quite healthy, very healthy indeed.” He licked his lips, then walked over and sat on the couch. “Can I maybe get something to drink, some water or something?”

Gwen looked at Adam a moment, shrugged, and walked to the kitchen. “I've also got juice or soda if you want.”

“Cola is fine.”

For once, she didn't feel like fighting with him. After all, like it or not, he was getting ready to be her brother-in-law. Maybe it was a good thing that he'd come over—they could talk away from the workplace. She and Ransom hadn't planned how they'd announce their engagement. Gwen figured that perhaps it was appropriate that Adam be one of the first to know.

Gwen came out of the kitchen with two glasses of cola. She set them down and walked back in the kitchen for a bowl of chips, then sat down in the oversized armchair next to the couch where Adam sat.

“So who told you I wasn't sick today?” Gwen asked casually.

Adam feigned surprise. “What? I heard you weren't feeling well.”

“Cut the bull crap, Adam. Somebody must have told you I was with Ransom this weekend and we just came back today. Was it Brea? Or Carol maybe?”

Adam was surprised at the accuracy of Gwen's assumptions. He hid his sudden discomfort behind a smile. “We never could pull anything over on you,” Adam said. “Me and the fellas used to try and get you out of your drawers. We had bets on who would take your cherry. Did you know that?”

Gwen purposely picked up her cola glass with her left hand, the one that was sparkling with a three-carat, emerald-cut diamond. “Nothing you guys did would surprise me,” she answered.

“Whoa, what have we here?” Adam sat up and leaned over. “Let me see that.”

Gwen couldn't help the smile that spread across her face as she held out her hand. “We're getting ready to be family,” she said.

“I see,” Adam responded. “Congratulations.” He picked up his drink and drained it. “Do you think I could get another one?” he asked Gwen.


Once Gwen was in the kitchen, Adam reached into his pocket. “Hey, Gwen. You got some dip to go with these chips? And some jalapeño peppers?”

“I think I have some French onion. You want jalapeños with that?”

“Yeah, that's cool.”

Moments later, Gwen came back into the living room with Adam's dip and peppers. She put them on the coffee table in front of Adam, grabbed a handful of chips, and sat down.

Adam picked up his glass. “To you and Ransom,” he said in what sounded like a sincere tone.

“Thank you, Adam.” Gwen said. “I really didn't know how you'd take the news. I'm glad it's like this, with no drama. I really do hope we can all get along.”

“Ah, no worries, girl. Cheers!”

Once again, Adam drained his glass. So did Gwen. She reached over for more chips and began to engage Adam in small talk, about Sienna Elementary and the news of Joanna's pregnancy. Suddenly, however, her head began to swim.

“Ooh,” she said, putting a hand to her head. “I feel woozy.”

Adam sprang up from the couch. “Are you okay?”

Gwen frowned and shook her head, trying to clear it of the fuzziness. “No, I'm not. I feel…I feel faint.”

“Here,” Adam said. “Let me help you to the bedroom. Maybe lying down will help you feel better.”

Gwen stood on wobbly legs, frowned at the eerie smile that crossed Adam's face, and tried to remove his clammy hands as they grabbed her bare arms. She thought of Ransom. And then she passed out.


Ransom looked at his watch for the third time in ten minutes.
Where is Brea?
He'd been sitting for thirty minutes, waiting to see her silver Beamer turn into the lot. He didn't see Carol's car either, but he called her anyway.

“Carol, it's Ransom.”

“What? Calling me? Are you sure you've got the right number?”

“Okay, I probably deserve that. But listen, have you talked to Brea by any chance? I'm here at her house to pick up Isis and can't reach her.”

“Brea and I are neighbors, Ransom, not friends.”

“I know, I just thought that maybe you'd seen them. I didn't see your car but thought you might be home. Okay, I'll catch you later.”

“Ransom, wait!” Carol paused before continuing. This was her chance to turn the tide and get back in his good graces. She knew she had to use the moment wisely, and wreck Brea's chances to get back with Ransom.

“I don't know if I should tell you this, but I've heard some things lately.”

“What things?'

“Well, for one…Brea is leaving town.”

“Leaving town?” Ransom immediately thought of Isis and her growing closeness with Brea. How would Isis deal with her mother suddenly disappearing again? “What else?” he asked in the quiet, calm voice that masked his emotions.

“I saw Adam over at her house,” Carol continued, figuring he could have only been there for one reason—to plot against Gwen. “Then Joanna told me they were talking about your girlfriend, how Gwen thinks she's better than everybody and how she deserved to be brought down a peg or two. Brea hates that Gwen's with you.”

“When was Adam at Brea's?”

“I think it was Saturday.”

Two days ago. Before I told Brea about Gwen and my engagement
. The more Ransom heard, the less sense everything made. If Brea was so interested in Isis, why was she leaving town? And with Jake in her life, why would Brea care who he was with?

“Are you sure Adam didn't tell you anything, Carol? I know the two of you messed around for a minute.”

“I'm telling you what I heard, Ransom. Because I care about you and Isis. And because it sounded like Adam was really pissed at you, said you had a payback coming for something that happened at school, a fight or something?”

Ransom had forgotten about taking Adam down in a jujitsu move he'd learned years ago. Adam had gotten off easy. Ransom could use his body as a weapon if need be, with deadly force. He began feeling a sense of foreboding. Something was not right. “Look, Carol, I've got to go.”

“Ransom! I just want you to know that I tried to talk them out of doing anything to her. Told them they should let y'all alone, let y'all be happy. Ransom?” Carol could only hope Ransom heard what she said before he'd hung up the phone. She called his home phone and left the message again, just in case.

Ransom jumped over the door of his Jeep and ran toward Brea's apartment. His heart was beating faster with each step.
Why didn't I feel this earlier?
He got to her door and knocked loudly. He rang the doorbell and then knocked again. “Brea!”

An elderly woman across the hall looked out her window. Then she cracked open her door, but kept the chain in place. “No one's there, young man.”

Ransom turned around. “How long ago did she leave?”

“Well, they've been moving stuff all week. But I saw her earlier this morning, her and that sweet little girl.”

Ransom turned and tried to look through the blinds. They were closed tightly. He turned back to the woman. “When you say move, do you mean furniture and everything?”

The woman nodded and gave him details that only a nosy older neighbor would remember, including the fact that the “big black guy” she dated had helped her move.

“Thanks,” Ransom said before taking the steps two at a time. He dialed Gwen as he sprinted to the car. When he got voice mail on both her home and cell phones, his anxiety increased. He floored the gas pedal and sped to her house.


Adam stared at Gwen a long moment. He'd waited over twenty years to do what he was getting ready to do. He intended to take his time and enjoy himself. He'd raided Gwen's kitchen and finally found a bottle of Tanqueray that looked like it hadn't been opened in years. He'd drunk straight out of the bottle, wanting to get a little buzz on, a little celebration for the fact that he was about to fuck Miss Prim and Perfect.
Hell no, I don't feel guilty,
Adam thought, as the alcohol began to take effect.
I asked the bitch nicely. Now I'm getting ready to take what should have been freely given.

Adam ran his fingers across the buttons on Gwen's jeans before he began unbuttoning them, slowly, one by one. A part of him hated that she was passed out. He loved to watch a woman's eyes when he was hammering her, how they would usually roll to the back of her head as he was sexing her real good. Knowing Gwen, though, she probably wouldn't have screwed him willingly. She would have probably put up a fight.
Then things might have gotten ugly,
Adam sneered. No need to mess up Miss Lorraine's pretty knickknacks by brawling.
No, this way will do just fine. Nice and easy.

Adam took a deep swig of gin before reaching for the bottom of Gwen's pants and slowly pulling them down. He smiled at the lacy thong panties Gwen wore. “Girl, you sure changed from back in the day,” Adam said aloud. “I bet your butt wore bloomers then.” He ran his hand across Gwen's thigh. His manhood began to grow as he looked at her. A part of him wanted to ram her right away, but he'd waited too long, and because of his and Brea's plan, he knew he could take his time. Ransom would be looking for Brea and Isis for hours; Gwen probably wouldn't even cross his mind.

“Time to get the party started,” Adam said to an unconscious Gwen. He sat on the bed beside her and took off his shoes. Then he stood and took off his pants, shirt, and undershirt. With just his boxers on, he walked into the living room and retrieved the cell phone he'd left on the coffee table. He took a couple pictures of Gwen, then tossed the phone beside her and reached for her top. “Man, you've got little titties.”

Adam took a couple pictures of Gwen topless. He spread her legs and positioned her in a way that looked as if she were pleasuring herself with her eyes closed. Then he rolled her over and began taking pictures of her butt, exposed in the pink thong he'd yet to remove. He massaged himself as he stared at her. “Yeah, baby, you're getting ready to meet ‘The Johnson.'” Satisfied that he had the pictures he needed to cause Gwen's downfall, the ones he'd doctor with Photoshop before sending to various school board members as well as the
Sienna Sun
, he crawled onto the bed and placed a clumsy hand between Gwen's legs. He began to massage her through the panties, and kiss her unresponsive mouth. It angered him briefly that she was unconscious. He roughly threw her legs apart and got in between them. That's when he heard the sound of Ransom's Jeep.

“Damn!” Adam scrambled off the bed and ran down the hall.

“Adam!” Ransom yanked at the locked door only once before stepping back and delivering a swift kick that broke the lock. He charged through the door and straight through the house, in pursuit of Adam, who had fled out Gwen's back door in boxers and socks. Ransom started down the alley behind him, and then thought about Gwen.
If he's hurt her
…Ransom doubled back to the house, calling her name.

He stopped short when he saw her, passed out and nearly naked. He hurried to her side. “Gwen, Butterfly, wake up. Gwen!” When she didn't respond, Ransom became fearful.
What did Adam do? What's wrong with her?
He checked for a pulse, and felt one—faint but steady. Obviously Adam had drugged her. But with what? Ransom couldn't take a chance on losing the joy he'd just found. He wrapped Gwen in the bedspread, picked her up in his arms, and ran to his Jeep.

Ransom reached the hospital in minutes. He picked Gwen up and hurried inside. Just as he reached the information desk, Gwen moaned.

“Gwen! Baby…” Ransom kissed her cheek, forehead. “Butterfly, can you hear me?”

Gwen wondered why Ransom sounded so far away when she could tell she was in his arms.
When had he come over?
she wondered. She nestled her head into his chest and went back to sleep.

A doctor rounded the corner. “What's going on here?”

“This is my fiancée. I found her passed out in her house. Somebody gave her something. Please, help her!”

While Ransom explained this to the doctor, two aides appeared with a stretcher. He laid Gwen on it, and then started walking with them back to the examining room.

“Wait right here,” the doctor said sternly.

“Wait? No, you don't understand.”

“You can't come back here. Just wait in the waiting room until we finish examining her. I'll be out as soon as I know something.”

Ransom paced in front of the information desk, drowning in worry. He thought about his daughter, dialed Brea, and again got voice mail.
What do I do?
He was torn between staying with Gwen, looking for Isis, and settling the score with Adam. Ransom stopped in midstride. What were the chances that the day's chain of events was coincidence: that Brea would tell him to come back immediately, knowing she'd moved, and that Adam would show up at Gwen's house at the exact same time Ransom was waiting for his daughter? Ransom ran out of the hospital and jumped in his Jeep. He prayed that Gwen would be all right, but he had to find his little girl.

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