Les Tales

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Authors: Nikki Rashan Skyy

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Les Tales:
Tempted to Touch
Skyy, Nikki Rashan
Fiona Zedde


All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

Number One Fan



Chapter 1

Everybody has one—that one celebrity they grew up idolizing. It could be someone from a television show or a sports figure. Either way, you wanted to be them or be with them. You plastered cutout posters from magazines on your walls. You could sing every lyric to their songs, or you watched every episode of their television show. You dressed as them for Halloween and got angry if someone tried to talk bad about them. You dreamed of the day you could meet the person and just let them know how much they meant to you.

Most grow out of that stage. Some realize that celebrities are just people like you and me. Others play it cool when it comes to the person, but deep down they are still just as excited as the first time they ever saw the person. At some age people are brainwashed to think that they aren't supposed to show love to the people who bring them joy in their life. Fanboys are considered weird, whereas fangirls are labeled groupies.

No matter who you are, there is at least one person who makes you wonder,
What would it be like if I met this person?
You might even dream of more.
What would it be like if I could hang out with them for one day?
Or even better,
What would it be like if I could have just one night with them?

My dream became a reality. This is the story.

I could feel my girlfriend's hands rubbing against my thighs. I frowned as I twisted my body, hoping she would stop. Not only was it four in the morning, but also her hands left much to be desired. I couldn't understand why she thought crusty, callused hands would feel good against my skin. I knew that the state of her hands came from throwing boxes overnight at FedEx, but couldn't she at least wear gloves if she was going to put those paws on me?

“Babe, I do have to be at work in a few hours.”

“I thought you didn't have to be in until eleven.” She paused, giving my skin a much-needed break.

“Overtime. Remember?”

The grunt she let out let me know she remembered and she wasn't happy about it. Nothing about my upcoming trip made her happy, and I knew denying her sex would be an argument I didn't want to have in the morning.

I placed my hands on top of her head, which she had laid on my thigh. I rubbed the waves in her short hair. I knew she loved it when I rubbed her head. I felt her hand making its way back up my leg. I bit my lip as her fingers opened my lips. I closed my eyes, ground my body against her mouth as she worked her tongue on my pussy with an unusual intensity for after-work sex. Before I knew it, I was actually turned on.

“Let me strap up, okay?” She stopped mid-lick to ask the question.

I hesitated. A little early morning head was one thing, but strapping would require actual energy on my behalf.

“Why are you so energetic? You just got off work.” I looked at her big eyes, which were now staring directly at me.

Ciara sat up on her knees. “Can't I just want to please my woman?”

I sighed. It never failed; the studs always had to be dramatic. “Ciara, I have to be up in three hours for work and . . . ” I couldn't finish my statement before she was off of me and heading into the bathroom. “Ciara . . .”

“Don't worry about it, Temple. Go back to bed.”

She slammed the door behind her. I knew I had a day of attitude to look forward to. I made a mental note to pick up a new video game for her after work and went back to sleep.

Hours later my cell phone's alarm clock buzzed, making me jump out of my deep sleep. This was why I hated when Ciara woke me up when she got off from FedEx. It always threw off my sleeping pattern. I silenced my alarm clock. I needed a few more minutes, but I knew if I closed my eyes, they weren't going to open back up soon, not even for an aggravating alarm clock.

I sat on the edge of the bed. I turned around and looked at Ciara, who could always sleep through my alarm clock buzzing. I smiled. This was the way I liked her the most. The sun's rays beaming in through my bamboo shades lit tiny pieces of her honey-brown skin. I studied her toned arms, which still were one of my favorite parts of her body. Since she'd picked up the second job, her arms had become even more defined. If it wasn't for the beeping of my reminder alarm, I would have stared at her all day.

I took a quick hot shower and threw on a pair of jeans and a cute purple button-down shirt. I opted for wedge flip-flops, even though I knew that flip-flops were technically against company policy. I didn't care. If they were going to send me home over my shoes, I would gladly oblige as I still had a lot to do before my trip.

I grabbed a premixed smoothie out of the fridge, which I had prepared the night before. I had been juicing with various fruits and vegetables for a while, hoping to boost my immune system. The last thing I needed was to develop “con crud,” which was the name given to the contagious illnesses that people got while attending large conventions. It was inevitable for many, since being in packed areas meant lots of germs in the air. On a friend's advice, I had started taking a daily dose of Airborne.

I walked back into the bedroom before heading out. Ciara was still sleeping. I thought about waking her up. Maybe a taste of her own medicine would help her to understand why I wasn't a fan of the sex wake-ups. Then I realized an argument would ruin the moment, my chance to watch her sleep. I headed out of the house, closing the door behind me as quietly as possible.




I jumped when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see one of my coworkers, Jasmine, staring at me from the seat next to mine.

“Sorry. What's up?” I turned my chair around toward her.

“Where were you just then?”

I smiled. “Girl, my mind checked out of this place an hour ago.”

Jasmine shook her head. “You and this damn trip. You better check back in before you get fired before your trip.”

I nodded my head. She was right. I had only an hour to go, but my mind was racing. I had so many last-minute things to do before I left town the next day.

“I still don't have the right earrings for an armband.” I picked up my to-do list. I had no idea how I was going to get it all done before I caught the Megabus to Atlanta. “Maybe I should just drive myself to Atlanta. That would give me more time to get everything done.”

“Yeah, I'm probably not the one to ask, since I honestly don't understand anything that you are doing. I do know the whole purpose of you taking the bus was so you could rest and not have to worry about parking and stuff when you get to Atlanta.”

“Atlanta?” Another one of my coworkers, Tina, walked up. “When you going to ATL, girl?”

I never could completely focus on her face, due to the variety of crazy hairstyles she sported on a weekly basis. Today there was some type of giant braid wrapped around her hair with an array of colors braided into it.

“Tina, I have been talking about this trip for months. I'm going tomorrow.”

“Oh, for LudaDay Weekend.” Tina smiled. “Temple, I have so much more respect for you now. I never thought you would attend LudaDay Weekend.” She nodded in approval.

I just stared at her, then said, “I'm not going to LudaDay Weekend. I'm going to something much bigger and better.” I smiled. “I'm going to Dragon Con.”

Now Tina was staring at me.

“It's a weekend filled with amazing cosplay and celebrities and parties unlike any you have ever seen before,” I explained.

Tina's staring continued. Whenever I started talking about the convention, I received the same confused expressions from my coworkers. I was definitely a different type of girl. While my coworkers saw Labor Day weekend as a weekend to barbecue and party, I considered it a weekend to meet with over thirty thousand other geeks who loved everything from comics to alternative history. I had attended the convention only one time before and had had the best time of my life.

“Temple, you are so weird. I love it.” Tina walked back to her desk.

“So, what is Ciara going to do all weekend, while you are at Nerdi Gras?” Jasmine asked as she scrolled through her Facebook app on her phone.

“Hang out with her family and friends, I guess. I'm not really sure. She pissed me off last night.”


“Because she just doesn't support me or this trip, and I get tired of her calling me names all the time and mocking me because of the things I like. My two friends I'm meeting up with there are so glad she's not coming. I think my friend Cree is a badass, and she might have beaten Ciara up if she said anything crazy while we were there.”

“I'm sorry, hon. It probably is just hard for her to understand.” Jasmine finally looked up from her phone. “I mean, it's hard for me to get it, but I can tell you really are into it.”

“Yeah, and I get that. But as my partner, I expect her to act more like you do. You don't have to understand it, but you don't have to mock it, either.” I sighed. “I tried to explain it by saying, ‘What if there was a convention that you could go to and meet Michael Jordan and LeBron James?' I told her I knew she would wear one of their jerseys to show her support. Well, I'm going to get the chance to actually meet the person who was my idol when I was growing up.”

I was already stoked about my trip when they announced that the three main stars from my favorite TV series,
a show about the ancient Greek gods and goddesses, would be there. I knew the second they announced that Les Harrison, who played Zeus, Mason Kyles, who played Hercules, and Kirk Mission, who played Aries, were going to be there, I was going to attend. I started planning my costume and decided on a Greek goddess look until I saw the last-minute addition of Ursula Moore. For a young lesbian, there was no one more heroic than the Amazon goddess Ayela. I remembered running home from school to watch the show about the gorgeous, scantily clad warrior who kicked ass in every episode. As an adult, I watched her every week as she plotted evil schemes and had amazing sex as Athena on
I immediately changed my costume idea: I gave up the goddess look in favor of making a replica of one of her famous gowns from the TV show.

I lost Jasmine during my geek rant when her phone rang. I turned back to my desk. I glanced at the to-do list again, realizing that I had way too much to do. I knew the day was gone. I punched out on sick time and headed out the door.

I made a mental note of all the things I needed to get done before I caught the morning Megabus to Atlanta. I knew that I had one more Skype session with my friends who were heading to Dragon Con. They were also dressing up as characters from the TV show. Ever since I met them, we had talked every day about the upcoming trip. Nia was an Atlanta local I met on a Facebook group about the convention. She was known for amazing cosplay and was also a die-hard
fan. She introduced me to Cree, who was by far the biggest fan of all. They met when Nia bought an outfit from Cree on eBay. Both women made me look like a bad fan. While I got my costume made, they watched eBay auctions daily to win actual costumes from the show. Nia was going as Athena, and Cree was going as Aphrodite.

I decided to drop by my house first to pick up my costume. I wanted to make sure any jewelry I found matched the red I was wearing perfectly. I pulled up to my apartment to see my girlfriend's car in the driveway. She was supposed to be at work. Immediately, my body started to tingle. I had a bad feeling. I thought about turning around and leaving, but something told me I needed to go in the house.

I could hear music blaring from our apartment. It wasn't her usual Lil Wayne and Jay Z. She was blasting Trey Songz. I slowly put my key in the door and turned the knob as quietly as I could. The smell of sweaty vagina and incense hit me the moment I walked in the house. My body started to tremble. My hopes of finding her sitting in front of the living room television, playing her video games, faded. I took off my heels, because I knew I needed to be quiet. I tiptoed to the back of our apartment, and there I could hear the shower going.

I walked into our bedroom. The bed was a mess. The sheets were clinging to the edge of the bed but were mostly on the floor. Clothes were scattered around the floor. I picked up one of the shirts. It was the same uniform that Ciara wore, but much smaller. My heart began to pound as I heard the water stop in the bathroom. I could hear two people laughing. I wasn't prepared for this. All types of ideas flooded through my head. Was I going to play it cool, yell my ass off, or just commence to kick ass in the house?

“Just get yo' ass back in the bed . . .” I heard my woman say as the door to the bathroom opened. Unable to decide what to do, I just sat on the edge of the bed as I watched the two naked women walk out of the bathroom. Their bodies both froze, and then they stared at me as I sat on the edge of my bed.

“Temple.” Ciara's voice cracked. “Temple.”

“I think this belongs to you.” I threw the uniform shirt to Ciara's naked coworker. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Standing in front of me was Kelly, Ciara's funny-shaped, trailer park-trash white coworker.


I stood up, walked to the closet, and grabbed my garment bag with my costume in it. “Be out of my apartment by the time I get back.”

I couldn't breathe. I had to get out of that apartment. I walked as fast as I could to my car. I slammed the car door closed and called Nia.

Her usual happy voice answered on the second ring. “Hey,

I couldn't speak. I just started to cry. Before I knew it, she had called Cree and had us on three-way.

“What the hell is going on, girl?” Cree's voice was much more forceful.

“In my house, in my bed.”

“What?” Nia tried to decipher what I was saying. “What happened in your house?”

I continued to cry. It didn't take long for them to figure out what was going on.

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