Leota's Garden (56 page)

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Authors: Francine Rivers

Tags: #FICTION / Christian / General, #FICTION / General

BOOK: Leota's Garden
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Annie knew all day something was bothering Corban, but there was no opportunity to sit and talk with him. There was too much to do and too little time to get it all done. When he said he was leaving late that
afternoon, she followed him to the door, thanking him for all his help. He seemed so preoccupied, so depressed. She was deeply concerned about him. “Are you all right, Corban?”

“I’ll survive.” He gave her a self-deprecating smile. “Can I talk with you for a minute?” He glanced at Sam standing in the kitchen doorway, watching them. “Outside.”

She followed him out, closing the front door behind her, and stood on the front porch waiting for him to say whatever it was he needed to get out.

He ran his hand around the back of his neck. “I don’t know how to ask this without sounding like a complete jerk.”

“Just ask, Corban.” She was fairly sure she knew already.

“I’d like to follow this through, Annie. I’d like to know how everything turns out.”

“For your report?”

His mouth flattened out. “Partly.”

She saw the moisture in his eyes. “It’s all right, Corban. You can admit you care about Grandma Leota. I won’t think less of you because you let yourself become personally involved with your test study.” She smiled.

He nodded, saying nothing for a moment. “I hope she makes it back, Annie.” His voice was rough. “I really do. I hope she has a lot of years left. . . .”

“She will. She’s not a quitter.”

“The big guns are going to be against you, and you’re only eighteen.”

Her heart warmed toward him because he was tender. He hadn’t wanted to care, but he couldn’t help it. That said something about the soul of this young man. “Grandma slipped a few cards up my sleeve. And I think I’m doing what the Lord wants me to do. With God on my side, who can be against me?”

“I’ve never met anyone as naive as you, Annie.” He shook his head.

She put her hand on his arm. “I talked with the doctor on Friday, and he said he’ll meet with me and my mother and uncle on Tuesday morning. The social worker and physical therapist will be there, too. Would you like to sit in my corner?”

“I’d be honored.”

“Eleven o’clock. Third-floor conference room. I’ll meet you in the lobby at ten forty-five.”

“I’ll be there.”

She waited to wave as his car pulled away from the curve. Corban Solsek had changed a lot over the past two weeks. Definitely for the better.

Opening the door, she went back inside. Sam was standing in the middle of the living room, his thumbs hooked into his belt loops, looking at her. “He was asking you out, wasn’t he?”

Corban? Ask her out? “No. We were just talking about Grandma. He wants to be at the hospital when we have the family conference with the doctor on Tuesday. Since he’s agreed to keep coming on Wednesdays as my respite care, I thought it would be a good idea to have him there in my corner.”

“Would you have gone out with him if he’d asked you?”

“He has a girlfriend, Sam.”

“They split up.”

“Oh.” Sam was watching her face, assessing her reaction. Jealousy didn’t look good on him. “No wonder he seemed preoccupied today. Did he say whether they might get back together?”

“No, but I doubt it,” he said grimly.

“Corban’s a friend, Sam. And so are you. A very dear friend.”

“I want to be more.”

Oh, dear. Lord, how do I make him understand?

Suzie came out of the kitchen, rescuing her from having to try. “Did I hear Corban’s available? Cool!” She grinned at Annie. “Put in a good word for me, would you?” She nudged her brother. “I don’t have to ask if I have your blessing, do I? Anything to get rid of the competition. Come on, Brother. We’d better go.” She kissed Annie’s cheek. “I put the rest of the sandwiches away. You made enough for an army. We’re staying at Mom and Daddy’s over the weekend, so we can come back tomorrow and help move everything back into the bedroom. Daddy said he’d come over when you’re ready and put up the pole by the bed and the side bars in the bathroom.”

“I’ll call. I think I’ll be ready for the final detailing by Monday.”

Sam took her hand and drew her with him to the door. Suzie was already outside and down the steps. Sam tipped her chin. “Call if you need anything, Annie.” When he lowered his head to kiss her, she turned her face slightly so his lips connected with her cheek. Even so, her heart did a little somersault. Sam stirred her; there was no denying that. But
even physical attraction couldn’t detract her from her calling. And the last thing she wanted to do was give Sam false hope.

Sam drew back and smiled ruefully. He ran a finger down her cheek. “I don’t give up that easily.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, Sam.”

“I’m hurting already, Annie. Maybe it’ll be good for me. A growing experience.”

She closed the door quietly behind him. “Lord, how can we both be so sure of our feelings and yet they’re so divergent?”

Turning her thoughts back to the work at hand, Annie went back into the bedroom. She spent the next few hours painting the windowsills glossy white. When she finished, she pulled up the tape and folded up the plastic from the floor. She worked well into the evening, cleaning and polishing the wood floor. It was beautiful and it was a shame to have to cover it, but it was too slick to be safe for Grandma. Annie had purchased a lovely rose area rug at a garage sale. Dragging it into the room, she unrolled it carefully. It was four by six feet and left a nice space of wood floor showing along all four walls.

Sam had taken down the drapery rods from the front and side windows. Annie put up double curtain rods in their place and hung the sheer lace curtains. The room was high enough that no one could look in without standing on a ladder, and the streetlight was far enough down the street that it didn’t flood the room with harsh light.

Standing in the middle of the room, she looked around, imagining how it would be with the furniture back in place, the few pictures rehung, and the bed made. Annie wished she had the time and money to put up wallpaper. Her grandmother would spend many hours in this room. It should be special; it should bring her pleasure and comfort.

A sudden inspiration came to her and she smiled.

She went out for a ladder and carried it back into the room. Getting her art supplies, she set to work. She wouldn’t be able to finish tonight but could make a good start and add to it as time permitted.

Nora came to the conference room doorway and saw Annie sitting at the table, Corban Solsek beside her. George had just taken his seat and
was loosening his tie. The social worker and the physical therapist were talking quietly together and looking over a file. Nora felt Fred’s hand touch the small of her back, not pushing her forward but reminding her of his presence. Filling her lungs, she squared her shoulders and entered the room.

She noticed Annie didn’t look at her. Corban did, though, coldly. Battle lines were being drawn. Nora wondered if they were intimately involved. There was a protective air about the young man as he gave her a look of challenge, then leaned toward Annie.

“We’re glad you’re here, Mrs. Gaines,” the social worker said. “Mr. Gaines.” She extended her hand to Fred. Nora couldn’t remember the woman’s name. “Please sit down and make yourselves comfortable. Dr. Patterson will be here momentarily.”

Nora wanted to ask why Corban was present. He wasn’t family. What right had he to be here? She clenched her hands together under the edge of the table where no one could see them and kept silent. Fred reached over and put his hand over hers. His touch was warm, gentle, reassuring.

“I looked in on Mother,” George said. “Her color is better.”

The physical therapist nodded. “She has had several good days. We’ve seen marked improvement.”

Nora didn’t know whether that was good news or not. Either way, her mother was certainly in no shape to go home.

Dr. Patterson came into the room, all business, clearly with no time to spare. “Is everyone here?”

Nora glanced at her brother. “Is Jeanne coming?”

“She said it was up to you and me to make the decision about Mother.”

“And me,” Annie said quietly.

Nora cast a look at her daughter, hoping Annie would take the hint and not make trouble with irrational and emotional appeals at this stage. She and George had discussed everything in detail over the telephone. She was surprised Jeanne wasn’t present. Her absence felt like a loud message that she didn’t support their decision.

Dr. Patterson quickly went over Leota’s condition. Stroke. Partial paralysis. Speech affected. Incontinent. Some improvement over the past few days, but a long convalescence ahead with the possibility of another stroke. The physical therapist talked about Leota’s physical con
dition, the atrophy of certain muscles, signs of malnutrition, presence of arthritis. A nurse had joined the meeting by this time and took her turn talking about Leota’s mental and emotional condition. “She seems to understand what’s going on around her most of the time.”

Nora noticed how Annie’s eyes welled with tears, but her daughter didn’t ask any questions. She just sat and listened, soaking it all in.

“We recommend a convalescent hospital,” Dr. Patterson said.

Annie looked at him. “What about home care?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Annie,” Nora said, appalled at the thought. “Haven’t you heard a word the doctor’s said? She’s not going to get much better. There’s a good chance she’ll have another stroke.”

“Much of the expense of a convalescent hospital will be covered by Medicare,” George said.

“I think Grandma would rather be at home.”

“Well, I can’t take care of her.” Nora couldn’t believe Annie was trying to make her feel guilty about putting Leota into a nursing home. “I have my own life to live and so does George. He has a business to run, and I have responsibilities as well.”

“She’s your mother!” Annie’s eyes were wide and cold. “How can you even think of putting her away somewhere and letting strangers take care of her?”

Nora’s lip trembled at the look of accusation on her daughter’s face. “What do you know about anything? I’m doing the best I can. Why should I have to give up my life to take care of her? I have a right to some happiness.”

Corban Solsek’s face went white and tense. She’d never seen such a look on a man’s face. She fixed him with a glare. “Don’t look at me like that. What has this to do with you? What right have you even to be here?”

Annie’s response was swift and confident. “I asked him to come. I have something to say.”

“You have
to say in this matter!” Nora felt as though she were choking on her anger. “George and I are her children, and it’s for
to decide.”

Dr. Patterson raised his hands. “These meetings are always highly emotional. Let’s try to calm down for a minute and discuss this rationally.”

Annie raised her hand. Nora glared at her. “Annie, put your hand down. We’re not in a classroom.”

“May I speak without interruption?” Annie said.

“You needn’t be sarcastic.”

Corban leaned forward. “She wasn’t being sarcastic. She was asking politely for you to shut up and listen.”

“Corban . . .” Annie put her hand on his arm and he sat back, muttering an apology.

“I want him out of here!” Nora said, face hot. “Now!”

“It might be better, Annie,” Fred said gently.

Corban looked at Annie. She nodded and whispered something to him. He rose from his chair and left the room. “Now, may I speak?” she said quietly.

“This is just wasting time.” George looked at his watch. “I have to be back at work by one. I have an important appointment.”

“I’ll make it brief.” Annie’s eyes were dark now. “I’m taking Grandma home.”

Nora felt all the warmth in her body drain away. “You can’t do any such thing. Of all the idiotic notions, Annie.”

“I can, Mother, and I will.”

Nora saw the determination in her daughter’s expression. “You’re just doing this in some kind of twisted effort to make me feel guilty.”

“No, I’m not.”

Everyone started talking at once, all protesting, all focused on Annie, who seemed unmoved by any argument.

“Enough.” Dr. Patterson held up his hand for silence again. “Miss Gardner,” he said with forced patience. “You are what . . . sixteen . . . seventeen?”

“Eighteen and an adult, Dr. Patterson.”

“Eighteen and have no idea what you’re suggesting.”

“I’m not suggesting, sir. I’m informing you of my decision.”

Nora protested, and George joined in. Even the social worker and physical therapist joined forces.

Annie stared at them all, her gaze unwavering. “I have power of attorney.”

“What?” George nearly came out of his chair. “
did you say?” Nora had never seen him look so upset.

“I have power of attorney,” Annie said again. “I’ve already moved into the house.”

Nora stared at her. “What about art school?”

“I quit. The day after Grandma was taken into the hospital. I’ve been living in her house and getting it ready. Cleaning, painting, moving furniture, buying supplies. I’ve had plenty of help. Susan, Sam, Corban. Susan’s mother came over and told me what needed to be done to make the house ready for long-term care. She’s given me some training as well. CPR, that sort of thing. She’s also given me a long list of practical nurses, home-care agencies, and government programs.”

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