Lens of Time: Book 06 - Star Rover-Running Out of Time (11 page)

BOOK: Lens of Time: Book 06 - Star Rover-Running Out of Time
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Hardhead smiled, “You’re smarter than I thought. See you in a week.” The two Madators went into the soil and moved toward the construction site.

• • •

Blacky was inside the city where the largest ship building facility was located. He was at the edge of the community staring out at the cleared land between it and the force field over the planet. He was in the soil but had his eyes above ground in a bush next to one of the local’s house. He heard someone approaching and saw three Grillen Warriors moving along the edge of the cleared land. They came up on a local female who was watching her child play in the yard. One of the Grillen stopped and smiled. He drew a weapon from his side holster and turned a dial on the grip. He pointed it at the young child and fired. The stunner beam hit the child as it fell to the ground, screaming its pain. It shook rapidly from the shock to its nervous system.

The mother screamed and ran toward her child but the Grillen Warrior fired a small, intense blaster beam in front of her. She looked at the warrior and he held up a finger and waved it back and forth telling her to stay away. The Warrior hit the child three times and the three laughed at its convulsions. Blacky watched the proceedings and he knew that these three were going to receive very special attention. The noise was deafening from both the mother’s screaming for the warrior to stop and the child’s howls of pain.

Suddenly, the warrior’s head was burned off his shoulders and his body collapsed to the ground. The other two went for their holsters but saw a Grillen Officer pointing his blaster at them; they froze and didn’t move. The officer walked forward with a platoon of warriors and said, “Take these two and put them in confinement. I’ll deal with them later.” The two warriors were disarmed and their hands were restrained. The officer went over to the female who was holding her child, rocking her back and forth as she softly spoke words to calm her down.

“I apologize for what he’s done to your child. If there’s anything I can do to help you, please let me know.” The officer leaned down and rubbed the young female child’s head. He handed the mother a small packet, “Put this on the places where the beams hit; it will help with the healing.” The female stared at the Grillen Officer with hate in her eyes and he stood and shook his head. He looked at his platoon and they moved back to their patrol at the edge of the cleared land.

Blacky saw that the Officer’s subordinates didn’t approve of his actions. They saw nothing wrong with what the three were doing. These were conquered people; they deserved whatever they got. Blacky stared at the Officer and imprinted his face. That one was also going to receive special attention. Blacky saw a vehicle approaching with two flags flying on the front of it. He moved out into the soil and moved quickly to the platoon, who had stopped, waiting for it to arrive. A Grillen Major Officer stepped out of the vehicle, pulled his blaster, and shot the Officer. He then went back to where the female and her child were still on the ground and hit both of them multiple times with his stunner. He turned to the platoon, “Release those two.” The two Grillen that had been shooting at the child were released. He turned and went back into his vehicle and headed back toward the checkpoint. He had watched what happened on his display and decided to stop this soft-hearted nonsense. The locals had to be controlled and this officer was a weakling. He arrived at the checkpoint where the sentry saw the Officer’s expression and waved him through. Blacky was under the vehicle and found his way inside the force field. He dropped off close to the giant assembly line and waited for nightfall; he wasn’t smiling.

The Platoon continued their patrol and, as they walked forward, a Madator under the soil placed a dot on the bottom of their boots. It melded into the boot’s sole and disappeared. Blacky was not the only Madator looking for a way into the giant facility. The Madator who placed the dots worried that, when they went off, the explosion might be much larger than normal; but it didn’t care. It saw what happened to the mother and child and it was not going to allow them to live.

• • •

On all the planets the Grillen invaded in the Red Sector, Madators were moving in on the Grillen forces stationed on the planet. The deadline to complete their mission was thirty days away and they knew most of that time was going to be spent getting into the construction facilities; buildings first; warriors second.

The Grillen King stared at the new Fleet Admiral standing in front of his throne and shook his head. He now regretted killing the first one; the second was so incompetent that he had gone out and managed to get himself and his flagship destroyed. This one was not much better than the last idiot. “You know what I expect of you?”

“I do, Your Majesty.”

“I want you to find out how the Union destroyed our new warships and devise a strategy to stop whatever weapon they’ve developed.”

“I’ve been told by several scientists at the site of the battle that they were destroyed by shards of plastic.”

“Do you honestly believe them?”

“If they aren’t talented enough to be offering valid information, they should be removed and replaced by someone who is. If they are as talented as I believe they are, they’re probably right. It then begs the question of why were we given a warship with such a weakness.”

The King was changing his mind about the new Admiral; he wasn’t intimidated and spoke his mind openly. “Go and find out if that information is accurate and get back to me. I suspect our Union friends aren’t going to remain idle.”

“We may have to make modifications to the ships to make them effective. I’ll send you my findings as soon as I gather them, Sire.”

The King nodded and the Admiral turned and left the chamber. The King turned to his son, “Why has he not been promoted?”

“He is against mistreating the populations on the captured planets.”


“He’s of the opinion that why torture beings that can’t hurt you? He’s not been flexible on that issue so the General Staff have kept him out in space commanding one of our fleets.”

“What changed their minds?”

“He’s been remarkably successful. I think they hope he’ll be killed by the Union.”

“What does he think about our war with the Union?” The Son hesitated and the King said, “Tell me; I won’t hold it against you.”

“One of my spies on his staff heard him say we’re making a huge mistake.”


“He said that if the Grey Ships can be destroyed by toy darts, there was no reason to invade all those planets to build them. We also alienated one of our former allies and have accepted a new ally that we know little or nothing about.”

The Son hesitated and the King saw it. “There’s more?”

“He is of the belief that we were given a defective ship so our new ally would be able to remove us after the Union was defeated.”

“Does he have any evidence?” The Son hesitated again. “Say it!”

“He said he would use the same tactic against an enemy and any idiot should know that you never give your best ship to a stranger who has not earned your trust. He feels we were dumb to accept it.”

The Son expected his father to recall the Admiral and have him executed. Instead the King burst out laughing. After he caught his breath, he said, “I finally have someone who I can count on to be honest. Son, such individuals are very rare. Never waste them.”

“Father, what do you think about what he said?”

“He’s probably right.” The Son’s expression showed fear. The King said, “Let’s see what he finds out. We’ll decide what to do afterwards.”

Chapter Eight

hane sat on board the Saturn, hanging in space looking at the planet his ship was named after. He was above the giant planet looking down on the planet’s rings and moons; it was beautiful. It looked like a jewel hanging in space…or a Gem. He had loved Saturn since elementary school when he first saw all the planets in the solar system. He decided at that early age that he was going to one day go see it up close. Now he had come to see it so many times to think, meditate, or just to escape the pressures of life that it felt like visiting an old friend. He slowly shook his head; even Gem had come to love Saturn. He sighed heavily and was already missing his former navigator. She had left immediately after their return from the Red Sector when Admiral Gibbs offered her a promotion to command a squadron of Jukebox Battleships. With his luck, he would be assigned to her. He prayed that wouldn’t happen. “Cally, what do you think about this view?”

The Ship’s computer responded, “I favor the view of Calypso at Jupiter.”

“Well, Duh, you’re named after it.”

“You’re in a bad mood; you must be missing Gem.”

Shane sighed, “Yes…I guess I am.”

“You know she didn’t really want to go.”

“You’re wrong about that; she’s been pushing her naval career since the first day I met her.”

“I didn’t say she wouldn’t go. She just really didn’t want to leave you.”

Shane leaned back, “Do you think she would be satisfied riding my coattails?”

“No, she wouldn’t. This was bound to eventually happen.”

“I know.”

“I have a shuttle that just emerged into normal space a thousand miles out requesting permission to board. I guess this is her replacement.”

“I’m not ready for this.”

“Well, put on a good face and let’s get it over with.”

Shane pressed his communicator, “Permission to come aboard is granted. The landing bay is open.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Shane looked up at the picture hanging on the wall of Gem and him posturing on a beach in California. He had his arms around her as they faced the camera. He really felt her smile was genuine and he slowly shook his head. He stood up, went to the wall, and removed the picture. He stared at if for a minute and then threw it into the disposal chute. He left the bridge, entered the transport tube, and said, “Landing bay.” The car accelerated toward the middle of the huge warship.

• • •

Shane arrived in the landing bay as the shuttle landed and the side door opened. He immediately went to attention and was shocked to see Admiral Gibbons and his executive officer. Another Union officer followed them out of the shuttle and Shane thought, “Crap, another woman.”

Gibbs returned his salute and said, “As you were, Captain. I want to thank you for saving my life.”

Lydia smiled, “And mine as well.”

“I’m very thankful I was able to do so, Sir.”

“Are you going to continue to refuse every promotion we offer you?”

Shane had a small smile, “Sir, I love flying a ship. Command positions don’t allow that during battles.”

“Are you certain about that? Isn’t there something I could do to get you to reconsider?”

“Thank you, Sir, for your confidence, but I’m content with my current position.”

Gibbs smiled and said, “Well, then I’ll have to use you in the best way I know how.”

Shane stared at Gibbs, “Uhhh, what do you mean, Sir?”

Gibbs turned to Lydia who reached in a folder and handed him a bundle of papers, “Captain Matthews, you are ordered to return to Earth Space Dock to have your ship modified.”


“Yes, we’re going to make some changes.”

“What sort of changes?”

“Why don’t we go to your meeting room and I’ll discuss it with you.”

“Yes Sir.”

• • •

The four Union Officers sat in Shane’s meeting room and, as soon as they sat down, Gibbs asked, “Captain Matthews, do you know what this ship you’re flying was originally designed to accomplish?”

Shane was surprised by the question and wondered why the Admiral had not introduced the young woman who had come with him. “It was the major weapon used at the point of attack against our enemies.”

“That’s a good academy answer; but not the real one. What was it designed to do?”

“Kill enemy ships, Sir.”

Gibbs shook his head and turned to the young woman who had been staring bullets at Shane, “Captain Carpenter, why don’t you tell us the answer to that question.”

The young woman with shoulder length jet black hair and blue eyes continued to stare at Shane as she said, “The Jukebox Battleships have always been the heaviest class of warships since the Union first started fighting for its survival. Its name is derived from Chris and Jillian Connor who named the first major battleship built by Earth, the Jukebox. A song by an ancient artist named Gene Pitney was their favorite and thus the name. In their honor, the heaviest and most modern class of warships are still called the Jukebox class. The current ship is a G series ship.”

“Get to the point Captain.”

The woman looked briefly at Admiral Gibbs, “Yes Sir.” She turned back to staring at Shane and he wondered why she was almost glaring at him. “This particular class of Jukebox was a direct descendent of the ancient aircraft carriers that were used on Earth to exert power against other nations. Its sole purpose was to move into a region and deliver its arsenal of warplanes such that they could be used to attack if needed. Their presence was often enough to make sure that the nation that send them had their way. It was the most deadly ship ever built to sail the oceans on Earth.”

Gibbs smiled, “Very good, Captain; now jump forward to this ship.”

“The Jukebox you’re standing on was originally designed to deliver six hundred and forty attack craft into an enemy fleet. The attack craft were the precursor to the current Rover Class Ships. The Jukebox’s force fields and defenses were designed to get the attack craft through an enemy’s barrage to engage an enemy’s fleet. The attack ships would launch from the tubes in the hull once they were inside an enemy’s formations and they were deadly at close range.”

Shane remembered the history as she said it and was startled at how many ships the Saturn was capable of launching. Most of the launch tubes on the Saturn had been closed and sealed. He wondered what was going on.

Gibbs said, “Why were they discontinued, Captain?”

“Because of the development of the new Rover Ships that used dark matter as a power source. The Rovers were decidedly more powerful than a Jukebox Battleship and, thus, they were relegated to being mothballed. Their time in history had passed.”

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