Lemon Truffles - Love Instantly (3 page)

BOOK: Lemon Truffles - Love Instantly
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Coming back into the present moment, she could feel Cheng’s eyes on her again now, watching her as she put her glass back on the bar’s counter. She barely kept her hands from trembling under his gaze. His stare seemed to be a nearly tangible touch. Everywhere his eyes grazed her seemed to ignite her nerve endings as though he had physically reached out to caress her. He made her feel so desirable with just a glance.

It was incredibly distracting, but oh so unbelievably hot! As Angela absently began to run her fingers over the stem of her martini glass, Cheng cleared his throat and asked her, “So are you staying here at the hotel?” He sounded distracted too she realized as she stilled her hands and finally looked back over at him.

Yes,” she replied, but suddenly the husky way she’d uttered that single word seemed to take on new significance and she wondered if she wasn’t really answering his unspoken question too. The one where he seemed to be pondering whether or not she would invite him back to her hotel room. He nodded his understanding, his eyes aglow as though he realized an entire non-verbal conversation had just taken place between the two of them.

The rest of their time in the bar was filled with eating, drinking another round, telling stories from each of their childhoods, comparing notes on their friends and family and generally getting to know one another. After the initial awkwardness had dissipated, it felt like Angela had known Cheng all her life. He was so easy to talk to. Yet, somewhere in the back of her mind, a vague sense of being ill at ease began to bug her.

What if sleeping with him ruined their newfound camaraderie? Then Angela remembered she’d be leaving by tomorrow afternoon and likely wouldn’t see him again anyway, so what difference did it make? For some reason, that thought suddenly made her feel a twinge of sadness. She’d never felt anything like this with having only known someone for such a short period of time before. At least they had tonight, so she had better make the most of it.


By the time Cheng was walking hand-in-hand with Angela into the elevator, then to her hotel room, he wondered if just this one night would be enough for him. Already he was dreading the time when he would have to leave her and go to the airport in the morning. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he was certain he’d found something special with her.

Mentally flashing back to last year again, he knew that something like this happening so rapidly should concern him. Yet for some reason, he wasn’t worried. He was on autopilot now and following that same gut feeling he did when he had a solid lead about something at work. He knew Angela was trustworthy.

Cheng knew now too that Angela had been painfully shy as a child and that sometimes she still struggled with socializing. So once they got into her room, put all their stuff down and had closed and locked the door, he made it easy on both of them. He kissed her, so no one would have time to think about anything, feel awkward, or have to search for random things to say. Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the only reason he’d kissed her straight away. He’d also been dying to do it since he’d first laid eyes on her. Her lips were so soft, supple, warm and full.

As he pulled her body into his arms, he couldn’t help but notice how perfectly she fit pressed snug up against him. She felt so right there, like she was made just for him and belonged there for now and for always. He deepened their kiss, exploring her mouth with a reckless abandon and intensity, a sheer lusty greed that would have shocked his normally much more reserved self. However, this wasn’t a normal situation. This moment that seemed to freeze outside of time, was so special that Cheng couldn’t begin to imagine what this meant for him and his life forever hereafter.


As Cheng slowly undressed Angela and then himself, she felt like everything was moving in slow motion. Angela was glad for the unhurried pace of it all because she wanted to savor this sumptuous, sensuous experience, especially since she felt like she’d been waiting for it her whole life. She wanted to take it leisurely and remember each detail of this night forever. When at last they stood before one another completely nude, Angela took in her soon-to-be-lover’s magnificent body. He was tall, firm and toned all over. His jet black hair was close cropped around the sides and a bit longer in the top. His well-groomed mustache and goatee had felt both silky and prickly in different places when he’d kissed her.

Angela looked her fill, until Cheng gently embraced her again and kissed her some more. While the urgency still remained lit and increasingly gathering momentum, they took their time with this kiss, thoroughly pleasing each other with lazy, seductive embraces of lips, explorations of tongue and teeth. When they eased apart to get some air, Angela knew she was hopelessly lost as she looked into his mysterious, coffee brown eyes.

Cheng took her hand and led her to the bed. He laid her down on the soft, cool, crisp, white hotel sheets and began a slow, erotic and comprehensive foreplay session that started with him kissing her senseless, yet again. He massaged her scalp with just the tips of his fingers and trailed his magical fingers over various pulse points on her body as he kept kissing her. She’d already been wet; with her pulse racing uncontrollably, but whatever he’d just done to her made her feel even wetter and more ready and willing to give into the desire arcing between the two of them.


Cheng took his time learning Angela’s body and her responses to his pleasurable stimulation as he nibbled, licked and teased his way up, down and all around every nook and cranny of her skin. He knew her erogenous zones, had tapped into some tantric acupuncture pressure points to encourage her circulatory system which increased her blood flow throughout her body, sending it to all the right places. Now for the pi
ce de r
sistance. He trailed small, tender kisses from her lips, down her neck, between her breasts before he detoured to lick and suckle each of her nipples, then he continued down the path still headed south.

He licked her stomach and her bellybutton before lightly licking, kissing, sucking then gently nipping each of her inner thighs. She was so wet; her liquid molten core was calling out to him, begging him to plunge into her innermost depths. So using his tongue, he did just dive right in and she cried out, lifting her hips off the mattress to have her core meet his thrusting tongue. Then Cheng proceeded to lick, suck and simply feast on Angela until she’d already climaxed twice and just couldn’t take any more.

At that point, he found some condoms in the top drawer of the night stand in a kit the hotel kept on hand for the “convenience” of their guests. When he’d sheathed himself, he slowly began his descent to heaven, wrapping one of his hands around her waist and the other clenching his rod as he guided himself into her.

Some moments in life were simply too perfect to be imagined. The sheer bliss that Cheng felt as he intimately joined their two bodies together was definitely one of those moments and was simply indescribable. Angela and Cheng found an easy rhythm together and worked towards pleasing each other as they made love. They switched from missionary, to a side position where one of her legs was over his shoulder, to doggy style, to another side position. From the front, back, side, to the other side, they worked each other inside and out until they finally arrived at a mind blowing crescendo and ocean waves of pleasure like a riptide rang through both of them.


Angela hadn’t been a virgin, but she had never known having sex could be like that with anyone. Their bodies were so in sync with each other’s and she’d even achieved multiple orgasms, which hadn’t happened before. She’d never had a lover so skilled in the fine art of foreplay which she hadn’t realized just how important it was before she’d made love with Cheng. Yet it was more than just the physical aspect of their coupling that astounded her. He seemed to be doing something to her. Touching her on a much more personal level, getting through to her very soul.

Was this the kind of thing people were referring to when they talked about love at first sight? Had she really just thought that? It must be the after plateau sex highs talking in her mind right now, because clearly it was way too soon to even think about that kind of nonsense. There was no way Angela was already feeling this sure about a man who was practically a stranger to her.

Angela and Cheng rested for a while and talked, got water and took bathroom and clean up breaks. So when they went for round two, Angela made sure to give him as good as she’d gotten during their initial interlude. When she was done with him, she didn’t think there was an inch of his skin that she hadn’t explored with her mouth, her lips, tongue and/or her fingers. She was licking the length of his shaft now, before moving up to swirl her tongue around his tip.

When she’d sucked and licked him until he was so hard he was nearly ready to blow his load again, he put on another condom and she rode him. He grabbed her hips, driving into her more forcefully and they gave ecstasy a whole new meaning together again.


Cheng already thought Angela was something special before he’d slept with her, but when they’d gone again and again – a total of four times which was a new personal record for him in a single night, before dawn, he was totally smitten. That was probably why he had been so slow to rise this morning. Normally, he woke up for work every morning by 6:00 am without an alarm clock. Now, it was already 7:30 am and he had a 10:00 am flight. He rushed to take a shower, waking Angela along the way and asking her if she could call a cab for him.

While he got dressed, she’d also ordered room service breakfast for the two of them. He ate with her and was grateful also for the general ease and comfort that their “morning after” together seemed to have in abundance. No awkwardness, no drama. Cheng could definitely appreciate that. “While you were in the shower, I put my business card into your wallet. It has my cell number,” Angela said nonchalantly as she sipped her coffee.

Cheng smiled. “Good, I’ll call you tomorrow morning then once you’re back at home. I’ll be in meetings all day today, but I promise that Saturday I will get in touch with you.”

She smiled too then. “Good. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.” By the look in her eyes, Cheng could see that she meant it. Which was a very good thing indeed, because so did he. Just then, the phone rang and Angela answered it. The front desk was calling to inform them that the cab was there to take Cheng to the airport for his international flight.

With one last lingering, sultry kiss that he knew he had to pull back from sooner rather than later, or else he’d never make his flight or his first meeting today in Tokyo, Cheng bid Angela good bye. “We’ll talk soon
tian shi
,” he told her as he glanced back one last time, and then he stepped out the door. He couldn’t believe their incredible time together was over already. It had been far too short, but he’d make a way to see her again soon.



Chapter Three

Your love is like lemon truffles


A sublime

Treat for the soul

Moving to the beat

A feast of citrus and sweet

Rich, velvety chocolate

A seductive kiss with

Ripples of delicious

Delectable sensuous

Waves sheeting over

My taste buds

Rewarding me with ecstasy

Pleasure for my mind and body

Rocking, twisting, dipping,

Tasting, praising, gazing,

Glazing and satisfying

Mmm… lemon truffles

Do you know what you to me?

Sending me delight

I’m on a high

As you send me bursts of energy

A synergy uniting perfection

And introspection

A resurrection

With delicate balance in selection

A symphony for all of my senses




Angela had been reminiscing again. She knew it was foolish, but that one night that changed her whole life all those years ago, five years ago to be exact, kept replaying again and again in her mind. At first, she really had believed that Cheng would call her. She really thought that they had found something way more special than a quick, superficial physical connection. Yet, as the hours had melted into days, days had turned into months and those months sooner or later had melded into years, she began to believe that maybe she’d been wrong about Cheng.

She had hurt feelings, sure. Maybe even a slightly bruised ego that Cheng had never called her like he’d promised her he would after they’d slept together, especially since she always thought he would. Yet the real reason that his slight chaffed so badly was because above all else, Angela still felt disappointed that they hadn’t seen things through. She always had that feeling that the two of them could be great together, real life partners and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Cheng was the one who’d gotten away.

Pride, hurt feelings and way too many Internet searches that had not yielded Angela the results she wanted left her in despair about ever seeing Cheng again. In fact, that had all only served to make her sadder, thinking how hopeless and impossible it was to keep trying to find the man of her dreams again. Worst of all though was the wondering. Wondering what had ever happened to Cheng and why he had decided not to call her after all.

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