Legio XVII: Battle of Zama (21 page)

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Authors: Thomas A. Timmes

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Military, #War, #Historical Fiction, #African

BOOK: Legio XVII: Battle of Zama
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“How long do you think we will have to stay away from Trento?”

“There is no doubt that the King needs to evacuate his people before the mercenaries arrive.  After that, it’s questionable.  Once Manius engages them, survivors could flee back the way they came through Trento and Innsbruck.  I would guess that this matter should be resolved by September at the latest.”

“Do you think they will burn down this beautiful building?”

“I’m sorry to say, but yes, I do.”

“Thank you Tribune.  I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me.  I hope you have a pleasant trip to Innsbruck and that the Queen is cooperative.”

After Andreas departed, Timo gathered his Advisors and Army Commander Lugano.  “Lugano, before you leave Trento with our men to join Manius, I want you to send several mounted couriers to Innsbruck.  They will need to stay close to Queen Bethica.  As soon as she decides whether to fight or simply evacuate, I want to know.  When she knows when the mercenaries arrive and their numbers, I want our couriers to come back here and tell us.  Also, tell your Deputy Sethre that he will serve as the Acting Army Commander when you leave.”

He then addressed his Advisors.  “You heard that the Romans think we should start to evacuate our people beginning on June 5th.  That only leaves us eight days from today to get 150,000 people packed and on the road north to Bauzanum (modern Bolzano).  This will turn their world upside down, and who know what we will face when we return.”

“King Timo, with all due respect,” argued one of the Advisors, “I’m not sure we know enough to make such a momentous decision.  As Andreas said, there are many variables.  Do we know for sure the mercenary army will pass through Trento?  They may change their minds and go elsewhere.  They may never come, and we will all look like fools.  I suggest we wait until we hear from the couriers at Innsbruck.”

Another man countered, “We are playing with fire.  I would rather look the fool than witness the destruction of our people.  I assume, your Majesty that we would evacuate to Bauzanum, then go west to Merano, and turn north to the Reschen Pass.  The Nauders Valley at the summit is large and could safely accommodate us while we wait until it is safe to return.”

“If we plan to evacuate, that is the route we would take,” agreed Timo.  “The entire trip is about 100 miles and mostly uphill.  I would guess that the column would make 10 miles a day and stretch out for 30 miles.  Fortunately, many of our people live in and around Bauzanum and would be the first to head west and away from danger.  I worry more about the people here at Trento.  It will take the lead wagon three days just to reach Bauzanum while the rear of the column would still be here at Trento.”

“I still think that we may be acting prematurely,” said the first Advisors, “but I will go along with the consensus.”

“Thank you,” said Timo. “And is there any more discussion?”  The Advisors shook their heads. “If we wait until the couriers return with more specific information, it may be too late.  They could say the mercenaries are two weeks away, which would not give us enough time.  I believe that we need to act on the assumption that the Roman information is correct and make our plans accordingly.”


Reschen Pass and Nauders Valley is at red marker
(Google Maps)


“Lugano, tell Sethre to send the cavalry throughout our territory to inform the people that a large hostile army will be passing through our lands looking for food, valuables, and slaves.  They are to pack their wagons with only food, cookware, and precious items and go to Bauzanum.  Livestock that can be tied to the wagons are permitted.  Furniture must be left behind.  Wagons will be inspected and large items off-loaded.  We can’t overburden the oxen and slow down the column.  I want to see the wagons on the road going north on June 5th.”

The Advisors departed, and Timo told Rosa the bad news.  She said, “And what will become of our household good.” she demurred.  “We have such beautiful things.”

Timo thought for a minute and said, “Maybe there is something we can do.  Two years ago, the Romans used a fort, well hidden in the wood and off the main road, to store their wagons before crossing the Brenner.  With luck, the fort may go undetected.  I’ll have the household staff move our things there.  I’ll pass the word to some of the others to do the same.  If they burn this place down, at least our belongings may survive.”

“Rosa, my love, use the staff to prepare the children to travel.  You have a week to get necessities into the wagons. You can tell the children we are going to a beautiful valley in the mountains with a stream, flowers, and lots of strange little animals.”



Queen Bethica of the Suevi Tribe


Andreas estimated it would take four or five days to reach Innsbruck.  That would put his arrival date at May 31st.  If he stayed two days there and a day at Trento on his way back, he figured he could return to Lake Benacus by June 10th.

The ascending terrain slowed the horses and Andreas let them walk more frequently.  Periodically they would stop so the animals could graze.  When they reached the far end of the Brenner Pass, Andreas stopped the group so he could look around at the broad vista that opened up before them.  It was beautiful beyond description.  He then noticed something he hadn’t seen before.  He dismounted and handed the reins to a cavalryman.  He paced the width of the Pass.  It was only about 30 feet wide and steep cliffs lined both sides of the road.  He turned around and noted that for the last mile or so, they had been riding in a canyon.  He walked over to Elitovius.

“I never noticed before,” he said, “but this area is a perfect blocking position.  If a palisade, rampart, and ditch were placed here and men were stationed on both sides of the cliffs, they could hold this position indefinitely.”

“Yes, until the enemy figured out a way to get up the cliffs.”

“You’re right, but that would take time and a lot of effort. If another force were attacking them from the Trento end, they could be annihilated.”  Andreas remounted and rode onto Innsbruck.

Suevi guards met them at the south side of the bridge.  They were expected and immediately led to the Council Hall.  Queen Bethica’s husband, Davenhardt, was waiting and appeared genuinely pleased to see the two men.  After exchanging greetings, he led them to a hut where they could clean up and rest before dinner.  “We’ve prepared a banquet for you tonight,” Davenhardt informed them.  The Queen is most anxious to speak with you.  Come back over to the Hall at 7:00 P.M.”

A little later, Sergius, Manius’ Camp Commandant at Bad Tolz, knocked on their door.  He had heard of their arrival and was looking forward to visiting with his old friends.  This was a most pleasant and unexpected surprise for the men.  Seeing their questioning expression, Sergius promptly explained his presence. “Before the Legions deployed last June to Regensburg, Queen Bethica asked me to stay on and build her another camp closer to Innsbruck.  She rejected the first two places I favored and we finally settled on a site she selected. I now agree with her choice.  I miss Rome, but she is paying me and my men very well.  King Timo wants me to go to Trento when my contract is up here, and I’m going to do it.”

“I’m glad this is working out for you,” remarked Andreas.  “And I agree, Bad Tolz is too far away from Innsbruck.  What is she using Bad Tolz for now?”

“It’s loaded with refugees that came to Innsbruck when the Cimbri/Teutons invaded.  The final count is that about 300,000 fled the area north of Munich and are now settled in and around Innsbruck.  Those people who lived south of Munich went back to their old homesteads, the rest are spread out all over the valley.  There are about 40,000 people living at our old camp at Bad Tolz.  Not a bad idea actually.”

“Where is the new camp?”

“She picked a place called Seefeld.  It’s 12 miles west of Innsbruck and sits astride the main all-weather road leading to Munich.  It lies in a valley, so there’s a good water source, and could be used to block any threats coming down from the north.  When you left here last September, her army was 20,000 strong, Queen Bethica now has 30,000, but the extra 10,000 are not full-time soldiers.  They were trained and sent home.  She’ll call them if she needs them. The interesting thing is that she has maintained Roman style fighting techniques, weapons, signals, even titles that we taught her men.  Her army has Centurions, Tribunes and Legates.  Manius must have made quite an impression.”

“Well, I just wanted to say hello to you before you left, since I wasn’t invited to the banquet tonight” Sergius smiled.

“Too bad.  Should I say something to Davenhardt?”

“No, to be honest I’d rather not go, but thanks.”

“I understand that Bethica’s title is now Queen.”

“News spreads fast,” acknowledged Sergius.  “That only happened last month.  The Council decided to promote her for her good work during the Cimbri/Teuton War.  They also wanted to differentiate between Chief and Bethica, so they came up with Queen.  It suits her.  She is damn good!”

Andreas thanked Sergius for coming by and wished him continued success.

At 7:00 P.M. Andreas and Elitovius entered the Hall.  It was already a busy and noisy event. A crowd of nearly 100 people, including the former Chief and Bethica’s father, Ariovistus, were drinking and socializing.  The musicians were playing, dogs ran around freely, and the cool, evening air smelled wonderful.  Andreas was hungry and ready to eat.  Instead, a cup of beer was pressed into his hand.  It smelled good and tasted even better.  He downed it and found another.  Elitovius was watching. “You better not have that second one or I’ll be carrying you out of here.  I drank their beer the last time we were here. It’s potent.  Don’t do it,” he warned.

Andreas set it down reluctantly.  On his empty belly, he could already feel the effects of the first cup and liked it.  Elitovius gave him a piece of bread.  “Here, eat this; it’ll help dampen the effects.  You need to be at your best tonight.  The Queen is no pushover.”

About 15 minutes later, the Queen and Davenhardt entered the room without pomp.  They simply took their seats, and the food was served.  Andreas sat next to Queen Bethica, and she asked about their trip.  He answered by briefly stating that he had visited Segovesus and King Timo before coming to Innsbruck.  She asked how they were doing and was keen to hear about Rosa.  The two had become good friends and often communicated by letter.

Elitovius sat next to Davenhardt.  The two were equals in all respects and had developed a bond of friendship while planning the Cimbri/Teuton campaign.  All four engaged in small talk during the 45 minute dinner.

When they finished eating, the Queen made a few informal remarks and invited Andreas to say something.  He stood and thanked the Queen and Davenhardt for the warm welcome and splendid dinner and commented that it was nice to be back in Innsbruck.

The four of them, plus half a dozen Council members and Nasua, the Army Commander, retired to a separate room off the main Hall to talk.  The party outside continued unabated.

As he had done twice before, Andreas explained the situation and requested 10,000 Suevi warriors.  Queen Bethica never took her eyes off Andreas while he spoke.  She waited until he was finished speaking to voice her thoughts.

“Thirty thousand Boii, Eravisci, and Taurisci will pose a significant threat to us.  They will strip the valley clean and destroy everything in their path.  We’ve dealt with them in the past, but never on such a large scale.  I agree we must evacuate the people northward to Munich.  Two things come to mind.”  She looked at Nasua.  “We need to post a cavalry element as far east as possible to give us early warning of their arrival.  Councilmen, we need to alert the people from one end of the valley to the other of this coming fury and instruct them to come to Innsbruck.  This is a mandatory evacuation.  Everyone goes.  From here we can send them up the valley, past the fort at Seefeld, and on to Munich.  The 40,000 refugees in the old Roman fort at Bad Tolz are probably safe where they are.  I can see only the most desperate foragers going that far north.  Nonetheless, Nasua, recall the 10,000 auxiliaries and have them prepared to travel to Bad Tolz to stiffen the fort’s defenses.”

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