Legend of the Sorcerer (18 page)

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Authors: Donna Kauffman

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Legend of the Sorcerer
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“Just answer me this. With all the demands of your craft, do you think there is sufficient downtime that you could devote to me?”


The unhesitating answer made his pulse thrum.

“But I can’t promise—”

He pressed a finger to her lips. “I’ll make the promise. I promise to let you work, but I also promise to make you play. I get lost in my work, too. Maybe we’ll both tend to
surface more often knowing there is something else … 
else, demanding our attention.”

“You could have a point there.” She smiled. “What about Alfred? Has he said anything else to you since we … you know.”

“No. Did he say anything else to you last night?”

She shook her head. “I know he knows exactly what is going on, though.”

“He approves. I’d have heard about it by now if he didn’t.”

“It’s just that I know how determined he can be about things and I don’t want him mistaking our relationship for something …” She trailed off on a light shrug.

“Permanent?” There was that word again.

“Yeah,” she said quietly. “Permanent.”

“I don’t think it matters what we say. He’ll push us together anyway. He likes you and he thinks my sex life is terribly neglected.”

Her eyebrows lifted. “Oh? And is it?”

He pulled her close with a growl. “I can’t seem to remember.”

Her eyes went dark again and he had to work at not backing her up to the nearest wall.

“He’ll push,” he said, “but I don’t want you to feel pushed, okay? I don’t want to hurt him, either, by letting him think this is something it isn’t.”

She shrugged out of his arms. “I’ll be leaving eventually, he knows that.”

Cai knew that, too. Too well. He found a smile, even though what he felt was dread. “He won’t let a little thing like that stop him.”

She didn’t smile back. Instead she walked to the rear window and looked out over the gardens.

He moved behind her, but didn’t touch her. “I’ve never had a woman live here before.” When she didn’t say anything,
he continued. “Partly because I’ve never felt strongly enough about anyone to take that step, but mostly because I’ve never met anyone who understood Alfred. He deserves to live out his days in peace, with a family that understands and accepts his eccentricities.” She turned then and he traced his fingers down the side of her face. “You understand him. You have a connection with him that even I don’t fully comprehend. It’s not about me. It doesn’t exist because of me. Whatever happens with us … or doesn’t, you and Alfred will still have that special relationship.”

She covered his hand with her own. “I lived in a small town most of my life, except for college, which was just another small town, really. But even though I was surrounded by people, I was as much a recluse as you and Alfred are. It suited me, too, even if my reasons were a bit different.” She rested her hand on his chest. “This is as much a new path for me as it is for you. And maybe it’s what we need. My life is in Warburg, and for me to build my business, I’m going to have to learn not to be so reclusive, to deal with people, broaden my horizons, take risks. Your life is here on Crystal Key, where you can work and care for Alfred and Dilys. But they won’t be here forever, and if you don’t want to be alone, you’re going to have to learn to broaden your horizons, too.” She reached up and kissed him. “So let’s view this as a learning experience for all of us.”

“A learning experience, huh?” he said, shoving aside thoughts he shouldn’t even entertain. She smiled and his own came naturally. “Well, I’ll leave you to your measuring while I get some work done myself. Then maybe we can convene for a class later on. Seduction 101?”

“I believe you aced that one earlier.”

“I thought I’d go for my master’s.” Her mouth dropped open and he took full advantage of the opportunity to kiss
her. He left her standing by the window, staring dazedly after him.

His mind was still on her and his disconcerting feelings about their future, so he didn’t see Alfred turn the corner around the hedgerow until he almost ran into him.

It took only a second for Cai to realize that Alfred was not well. He was flushed and his pupils were the size of pinheads.

He shook a bony finger at Cai and demanded, “What have you done?”

Cai was momentarily stunned by the outrage in his grandfather’s voice. He’d honestly thought Alfred applauded the personal turn his relationship with Jordy had taken. Still, this was the man who’d raised him, and thoughts of what he and Jordy had done yesterday on his desk had him flushing despite himself. “I—I can explain.”

“Than I shall hear it, and hear it now.” Alfred was almost shaking with anger.

Cai’s guilt instantly ceded to his immediate concern for Alfred’s well-being. “Grandfather, calm down. It’s not so bad, is it?”

“Calm down? Calm down?”

Cai tried to take his arm and lead him to the closest bench, but he’d have none of it. “We’re consenting adults, Alfred. I thought you understood what was going on and approved. You like Jordy. I won’t do anything to harm your relationship with her.” He put a gentling hand on his shoulder. “I want her here as much as you do.”

“What nonsense are you raving on about?” His gaze had been pinned on some point past Cai’s shoulder and only now did he seem to snap out of it and look directly at him. “I’m not talking about your carnal relationship with Jordalyn. Of that I approve heartily and can only say, don’t screw it up.”

Nonplussed, Cai stepped back. “Then what—”

The rage came back to his crystalline eyes. “This.”

For the first time Cai noticed the paper Alfred held. His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. It was the copy of the symbol.

Alfred suddenly clutched at his chest and stumbled back a step.

“God, no.” Cai rushed to him and carefully helped him to the stone bench. He yelled for Dilys, but it was Jordy who came running.

She skidded to a halt when she saw them. “Oh no! What happened?”

“I need you to run to the house and get Dilys to call Alfred’s doctor immediately.”

“Is he having a heart attack? Shouldn’t we get him over to the Keys? Where is the closest hospital?”

Though his breathing was labored, Alfred said, “My heart is strong and will endure this, too, Jordalyn.” He took another breath. “I don’t need a doctor, I need to speak with my grandson.”

Cai turned to him. “You need the doctor, just to make sure.” He checked his pulse, which, though a bit rapid, was strong and regular. “Then I promise we’ll talk as long as you want.” He looked up. “Run and have Dilys call.”

Alfred didn’t object this time. He leaned his weight forward on his cane, and seemed to stabilize with the help of Cai’s arm around his shoulders.

“You should have told me,” Alfred stated.

“I didn’t want to worry you. You’ve been excited about having Jordy here and I wanted you to concentrate on that.”

Alfred pierced Cai with an electrified look. “The symbol. Do you know what it means?”

“No. No, I don’t. I have some queries out now, but I haven’t received any responses yet.”

“They will not be of help to you.”

His grandfather’s arrogance was usually well earned, but, out of habit, Cai said, “You don’t even know who I asked.”

“It matters not, Malacai. I knew when I read that note on your computer that the time had come. I foolishly thought I had you protected. That she’d be unable to do anything if you ignored her. I should have known that she’d not abandon the campaign once she’d begun it.”

Cai didn’t know what to say. “I never answered her,” he got out.

Alfred wasn’t listening. “One thousand years spent as the stronger one, the worthier one, and in one quarter century I’ve allowed my pride and ego to overcome me. I’ve risked everything.” He leaned closer. “She’s taken someone, hasn’t she?”

Cai couldn’t lie to him, but he didn’t have to tell him there was more than one victim. “Yes, she has.”

Alfred had gone off on delusional rants more times than Cai could recall. But he’d never sounded like this. Fear was like a fist in his throat. “I think we should get you into the house. Let Dr. Fashel look you over and make sure nothing is seriously wrong. Then we can talk.”

“Ah, but there is no time to waste. Had you told me, I could have done something.” He seemed to wilt within himself and Cai’s alarm grew. “Or perhaps not. My magic is not what it once was.”

Cai swallowed hard and silently willed his grandfather not to drift further off into one of his fantasies.

“Let’s get up to the house, okay?” He started to rise, helping Alfred to his feet, but his grandfather clutched at his sleeve and with surprising strength, pulled him to the bench again.

“She has made her mark now,” he said. “She won’t stop until she has the Dark Pearl. And, I fear, she wants you as well.” Then he collapsed into Cai’s arms.


ordy paced outside Alfred’s bedroom door. Dilys had come and gone several times since the doctor’s arrival several hours earlier, but she’d said nothing. Her demeanor had been even more formidable than usual, making Jordy feel every bit the outsider she was. Still, she wouldn’t leave until she heard the doctor’s prognosis.

She couldn’t erase the image of Cai carrying Alfred into the house. He’d looked impossibly frail and thin against Cai’s broad chest.

She turned abruptly at the sound of the door opening. Cai was shaking the doctor’s hand as they left the room.

“It wasn’t a heart attack, Cai, but I still wish we could get him to consent to come in for some testing.”

“I can try, but other than drag him bodily, I don’t think I’ll have much success.”

“I understand. The most important thing is to not upset him, and I don’t want him doing anything strenuous for a day or two. If he’s doing okay, then moderate activity after that. But make sure someone is right there with him, at least for the first week or so.”

“I will. Thank you, Frank, for coming out here so quickly.”

“I’ll come back out at the end of the week. Keep him calm, Cai, and call me immediately if he has any trouble.”

Cai nodded and looked at Jordy. “I’ll be back after I take Dr. Fashel to the dock. Alfred’s asleep, so why don’t we meet in the living room.”

The doctor held out his hand to her. He was older, short, trim, with only wisps of hair on his head. He had a warm smile and serious eyes. “I’m Frank,” he said with a quiet smile that matched his demeanor. “You must be Jordalyn.”

“Yes, I am. I’m just … I was worried about Alfred.”

“He asked after you.”

Cai nodded in agreement. “He wanted to make sure you weren’t upset. I told him you’d come in after he’d had some rest.”

She had been in the room initially, but while Alfred’s room wasn’t small, it was cluttered with furniture and stacks of books and folders and such. Once Dr. Fashel had arrived, she’d thought it best to give them as much room as possible. And she hadn’t wanted to intrude.

“Is he okay?” she asked.

“I think he’ll be fine, once he gets some rest. But it might not hurt if you go in and sit with him a bit. Just don’t disturb him.”

“I won’t. Do you mind?” she asked Cai.

“No, of course not. I know he’ll be happy to see you when he wakes up.”

She wanted to ask more questions, but now wasn’t the time. Cai looked weary and worried and she wondered if there was more going on than they were willing to tell her. She quietly entered the room, and closed the door behind her.

She didn’t notice the interesting clutter this time. All she could see was a fragile old man in the big, feather-stuffed bed. His white hair flowed around his head on the
dark pillowcase, making him look like an otherworldly angel. She smiled at that and wondered what Alfred would think.

She wanted to pick up his hand and warm it in her own. But not wanting to disturb him, she opted to carefully move a brocade chair to his bedside and sit as close as she could.

He’d never seemed a robust man to her, but there had always been an energy about him. Now he looked brittle, and she didn’t feel his energy. It frightened her. She couldn’t imagine what this was doing to Cai.

The door opened silently and Dilys entered, a smaller china tray in her hand. “I thought you’d like some tea.” She set the tray down on the small table next to her chair.

“There is a pitcher of shaved ice there too, and a glass, for himself, if he should waken thirsty.”

Jordy watched Dilys arrange the pitcher and glass just so on Alfred’s nightstand and thought it must be as hard, if not harder, on Alfred’s longtime companion. “How did you come to be with Alfred, Dilys?” she asked softly.

She surprised Jordy by answering. “My family has worked closely with his for many, many years. It is an alignment that has been beneficial to us both.”

Jordy remembered Alfred had told her that Dilys’ name was Welsh for loyal. “I see,” she said, though the explanation created more questions than it answered.

“I thought you might be wantin’ this.” From the deep pocket of her apron, she pulled out one of Jordy’s sketchbooks and her ink pen.

Surprised, but touched, Jordy took them from her. “Thank you, Dilys. Yes, I would like them very much.”

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