Legally Wed: A Lawyers in Love Novella (4 page)

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“I’m beat,” Adam said as I let us into his apartment and hung up our coats. He had given me my own key after our discussion earlier.

“You are?” I asked, feeling disappointed. I still wanted sex. His laughter told me that he wasn’t planning to leave me hanging. He went to go put the leftovers in the refrigerator.

“Hey!” I called out. “Where do you think you’re going with that?” He stopped and turned giving me a questioning look. “You promised to lick cranberry sauce off of me and do me on the dining room table.” I smiled a sexy smile and started taking off my clothes right there in the middle of the living room.

“Why, Lilith, would you like to get stuffed?”

“What do you think?” I was already down to my bra and panties.

“I think I know a fun way to eat cranberry sauce.”

He was using that low, sexy, firm voice again and it was making ache for him. He stripped down himself in record time as he watched me remove the last of my clothing. I loved looking at Adam naked. He had a six pack and that V that was just made for tracing with my tongue. God bless his gym. Then there was that big, beautiful cock that was ready to play. God bless us all, everyone.

I climbed up on the table and leaned back on my hands, my tummy clenching with anticipation. “Wait, before you go any further, we’re throwing out the cranberry sauce when we’re done, right?”

“What do
think?” He laughed and then opened up the container, dipped a finger into the red gel and swirled it around one of my nipples, giving me goose bumps and making me jump.

“I think that’s cold.” I giggled.

“Let me warm you up,” he said, bending down, leaning in, and licking off the sauce. Then he sucked on my nipple in exactly the way he knew that I loved, hard and then gently, rolling his tongue around and around.

“Oh yeah. Oh God. I love that.” I groaned and started breathing heavily. He dipped in again and repeated the process on the other side, driving me insane.

“Lay back,” he said, thickly and he didn’t have to say it twice. He took the cranberry sauce and drew a twisting path from my breasts down to my belly button, which turned into a little cranberry well. “Let me give you something to be thankful for,” he teased and began tracing the path with delightful little licks and flutters of that talented tongue of his.

“Thank you.” I panted. He lapped up the cranberry in my bellybutton so sensually that I started getting lightheaded. Then he leaned back and nudged my legs apart, dipping in again and tracing a cranberry trail up along my inner thighs.

“I love your pussy like this,” he said in a sexy whisper, admiring my wax job.

“My pussy loves you too,” I managed in between harsh little pants.

I buried my fingers in his hair as he licked his way upward. He didn’t actually put any cranberry sauce anywhere more intimate, probably for the best, but his mouth definitely made it there. He parted me with his hot, probing, tongue and began licking me like he was licking chocolate off of his fingers.

“Mmm, so sweet,” he mumbled and I began arching my back and writhing around. I couldn’t stand it anymore. He was just so skilled at going down that I usually couldn’t make it to a happy ending without begging him for it first.

“Adam, please, please. Oh God, please fuck me.”

He started moving back up, trailing little kisses toward my tummy. When he got there he stood up straight and looked down at me lying there on our dining room table – yeah, I know – I heard me say it too,
dining room table. He gently grabbed my feet and braced them up against his shoulders, positioning himself over me, and looking down at me in a way that every woman deserves to have a man look at her at least once.

“I find the thought of getting you pregnant incredibly sexy. Someday, I’m really going to enjoy knocking you up,” he said. Then he slid into me and I gasped.

“Me too.” I moaned happily.

“Lily, oh baby,” he ground out as he began rolling his hips. “There’s nothing that comes close to how good your pussy feels.”

He rode me right there on the dining room table, for who knows how long, while I gradually climbed closer. I could have gotten there faster if I had reached down and touched myself, but sometimes, I just liked taking my time. The sounds of our pleasure echoed through the apartment, gasps and groans, swearing, and begging. Vaguely, I hoped that the table would hold up.

Eventually, we were slick with sweat and sex. Come to think of it, we might want to replace that table anyway. My legs had started to shake and heat, tension and pressure filled my lower belly. I couldn’t handle any more. I needed release.

“Oh God. I want to come.” I moaned, and he changed his angle so that he was even deeper, rubbing my clit with every thrust. Then, he began moving faster and hitting it harder. I started gasping and arching more, writhing under him, grabbing onto the edge of the table. I’m not a screamer in general, but there are exceptions. This was one. I screamed “Don’t stop! Please! Oh God! Oh God! Please don’t stop!” and they probably heard me in the parking garage.

“Close, baby,” he said in a raw voice, but I wasn’t sure if he meant me or him. I looked up at him desperately, teetering right on the edge as he pounded me. He was breathing hard and his eyes were hazy. So beautiful.

“Please make me come, Adam.”

“Anything, Lily,” he said sounding like he was barely holding on. And then I felt it; my muscles started to tighten; my tummy clenched, and I started trembling.

“Adam!” My vision became unfocused for a second and I gasped and felt my inner muscles start to spasm.

“Oh, Lily,” he bit out. “Oh baby.” His rhythm faltered and just a few hard thrusts later he made a strangled sound, swore, groaned and went still. We stayed like that panting for a few seconds.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Adam,” I mumbled in an “I just got sexed really well” voice.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Lilith,” he answered between heavy breaths. And I knew then that the holidays would be much more fun in the future.

Chapter Six

Black Friday


The phone on the nightstand started ringing at nine AM. Now, under normal circumstances, we were up and about well before nine, but it was the day after Thanksgiving and we had been busy the night before having sex three more times after he stuffed me on the dining room table. Go team!

“I don’t want to get up for school.” He muttered and dropped the phone.

“Who was that?” I croaked.

“My Mom.”

“Adam!” I picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Good morning, Lily!” Mrs. Roth said brightly. Too brightly. I held the phone a little further away from my ear.

“Morning,” I mumbled, sounding like I had a mouth full of cotton.

“Abby and I are here and we have a surprise for you!”

“Great.” I tried to make it sound convincing. “Can you give us a few minutes?”

“Sure. We’ll run across the street and grab some coffee and be back in half an hour.”

“Okay, thanks.” I clicked off. “Adam, we have to get up,” I said poking him.

“I got it up half the night. Now I need to sleep.”

“She said they have a surprise for us.”

“I don’t like surprises.”

“I want to make your mother happy.”

“You’re making her happy by marrying me.”

“Are you going to make me poke you again?”

“Poking is what made me so tired.”

“Adam. Come
!” He flipped onto his back in exasperation and threw back the covers. Just for the record, even after four rounds and with a sore cha-cha, the site of Adam naked was stirring. I stared lecherously at his bare ass as he headed for the bathroom.

“See something you like, Adler?” he called out. How did he always know?

I made the bed and realized that I didn’t have any clean panties. This was getting ridiculous. We were spending all of our time together. I needed at least a drawer. He came back in a few minutes with a towel wrapped around his waist and paused to watch me rearrange his things to give myself drawer space. I think the fact that I was still naked made it more interesting for him.

“See something you like, Roth?”

“As a matter of fact … What time are they getting here?”

“In about fifteen minutes, so take down your tent,” I said glancing down it his towel. “I thought you were tired anyway.”

“I’m getting a second wind. Just so you know, after they go, I think I’m going to want to hit that again.”

“I hope that wasn’t foreplay,” I said dryly. “As you can see, I’m giving myself a drawer.”

“Why don’t you just move in?”

That made me pause. He had a point. Why didn’t I just move in? And why did that make me anxious? And why was it that every time I felt anxious lately I got horny? And why was I standing here asking myself all these questions when I could be having sex?

“Okay,” I said resolutely. “I’ll move in. Here. With you.”

“Good idea. I’m glad you suggested it,” he said with a grin.

“Maybe we do have time for a quickie.” I said, openly checking him out.

“I don’t think so.” He looked at me suspiciously. “Are you hormonal or something?”

“You just said you wanted to hit it again.”

“I’m a guy and you’re naked.”

“I’ve been feeling really amorous lately.”

“I’ve noticed.”

“Like I said last night, I think it’s how I react to anxiety about the wedding.”

“Well, at this rate I’m not going to need to hit the gym until after we get married.”

“Speaking of the gym, I had better hit the shower.” As I headed off toward the bathroom, I saw him smile. “What?”

“You’re actually walking a little funny,” he said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and hobbled out.

I took a quick shower and threw on my clothes, going commando rather than putting on yesterday’s panties. I had just left the bathroom when I heard the door buzzer ring and I went over with Adam to greet his mom and sister. He swung the door open and they came in with big smiles. I smiled back, and for that one second, I felt great. And then I looked up.

Standing in the doorway with an eyebrow cocked at a disapproving angle was the woman who gave birth to me – Judith Steinberg – the Ice Queen.

“Oh. My. God,” was all I could manage.

“An e-mail message?! I find out you’re getting married in an e-mail?”

“We don’t like each other,” I reminded her.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m your mother. I was in labor for twenty-three hours with you.”

“Yeah, but you refused to leave the courtroom for twenty-two of them. You said you wouldn’t push until the jury came in.”

“That didn’t make it less painful. And this is the thanks I get. I give you life and pay for a great education and I find out you’re getting married in an e-mail.”

“Nice to see you too.”

“You didn’t even send it!”

“Yeah, who told you?”

“I did dear,” Mrs. Roth smiled benevolently. “Two young Jewish people are getting married. It’s important that the mothers be involved. It’s cultural.”

“I’m just here so my Mom can remind me that my younger brother is getting married and I’m not even dating anyone seriously,” Abby offered.

Finally, Adam, who had been silent up until that point, spoke up. “There’s too much estrogen in this room for me. I’m going to lay down.”

“You do look tired, honey,” Mrs. Roth said, sounding concerned. “Are pre-wedding jitters keeping you awake?” She looked confused when he just cracked up laughing and headed for the bedroom.

“You flew up here last night?” I asked, turning to my mother. “Where are you staying?”

“I’ll stay at your place.”

“I’m moving! Here! Tonight!” Screw the drawer. You want to talk about anxiety, try living with my mother. Adam might die of exhaustion from all the sex I would need to deal with that.

“Fine, more room for me. I’ll take over the rent if necessary.”

“Where’s Dad? Is he coming too?”

“He’s still in Florida. By the way, we’re getting a divorce. So, let’s talk caterers.” She sat down calmly.

“Oh Judith, I’m so sorry,” Deb Roth said, coming to sit next to my mother and obviously prepared to offer comfort. She must not know my mother very well.

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