Legacy (13 page)

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Authors: Dana Black

BOOK: Legacy
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'Really? He hadn't told me. But then I suppose he left that up to you.'


Then we were out on the balcony, looking out over a view that made my reply come out almost in a whisper. Far off towards the horizon, the Bald Eagle mountain range and the Susquehanna River shone silvery under the rising moon. Before them, on the near side of the glittering river, were the lights of Grampian: small windows glowing yellow amid the cool moonlight on the trees and the rooftops. And out beyond the mountains were more mountains, and beyond them were the stars.


At that moment I knew, felt with an irreversible sureness, that this mansion and I were bound up with one another. The strange feelings from past years when I had looked up at the forbidden Legacy all came flooding back over m£ now. I understood perfectly how Brad Graybar must feel about selling parts of his mountain, for, if it had been mine, I knew I would gladly have fought long and hard to keep from giving up a single acre. I wanted this mountain, wanted to stand here and look down on this valley any time I chose, to watch the seasons turn from here, to see the trees change from green to golden red and then to white with the winter snows, and then to the fresh yellow-green of spring . . .


Suddenly I realized that Justin was no longer looking at the view, but at me. His skin looked darker somehow in the moonlight, and his eyes more brilliantly cool and penetrating.


'If they all like it as well as you do,' he said, 'your father's going to lose his fight.'


He gestured out to the edge of the lights in Grampian, where Father's Deer Park Hotel, at this distance a small, brilliant rectangle of gas-lit elegance, glowed with quiet rivalry against Graybar, Castle.


'Do you suppose your father can see us from down there?'


'I doubt that he'd be looking,' I said. For some reason I longed terribly for Justin McKay to kiss me just at that moment and then to take me away somewhere that was safe. I drew closer to him and looked up, hoping he would . . . and then there were voices behind us, and two other couples were making their way out on to the balcony to see the view.


We went inside to dance. Justin moved smoothly, as we waltzed at arm's length. I knew he was enjoying himself. I knew that I was, too. Yet, beneath that feeling of quiet happiness was foreboding, for I knew that any minute Steven would be here, would see me, would ask me to dance with him, and then the turbulence would begin. Twice I was on the verge of suggesting that we leave, but both times Justin began to talk of something else, and the moment passed.


Now the musicians had finished playing. We applauded politely, and I turned to Justin for a third time. 'Why don't we say our goodbyes now and go down to Father's for an hour or so? I'm sure he'd appreciate it.'


But Justin's eyes were fixed on something or someone behind me. Then I heard a voice, and with a sinking heart I knew that I had been too late.


'Good evening.' It was Steven, dark and sleek and moving quickly, with that trace of irritability one finds in a person who is long accustomed to getting his own way. 'Dr. McKay, I believe. I'm Steven Graybar. My father's sent me to look after the lady while he talks with you downstairs in the library. Would you mind? Brad hates to be kept waiting.'


Justin looked at him, cool and unmoved. 'I've already told your father I have nothing to say to him until Monday. As a matter of fact, the lady and I were just leaving.'


'Oh, so soon? And I had looked forward to at least a waltz, with her, and perhaps a tour of the gaming rooms upstairs. Are you sure you have to leave?'


He looked directly at me as he spoke, and the dark power in his gaze set me immediately on my guard. I wanted to face this power of Steven Graybar's. Yet I longed not to have to go through with it.


And as I hesitated, a chance encounter made my choice for me. Amanda Scott, her red hair pinned up rather elegantly, I thought, and with a not unattractive gown of forest-green silk, joined our group and began to monopolize 'Dr. M' with talk of his clinic and what she had been doing there. Justin was being polite, and as the musicians began again Amanda practically insinuated herself into his arms and began to pull him out on to the dance floor with her. He acquiesced with a tolerant smile for a step or two. Then he excused himself for a moment and came back to me and took me aside.


'She's worked hard at the clinic,' he said. 'And she came with her father, so she really hasn't danced at all. Why don't you take Graybar up on his offer and see the place? You're interested in the house. I could tell that when we first drove up. I'll meet you back here in a half hour or so, and then we'll drive down to the hotel party. All right?'


I nodded. It all seemed so reasonable. It was foolish of me to be afraid. I smiled at Justin, and then I turned to Steven to say hello for the first time since he had made love to me a week ago.


'We have a half hour,' I said.


'I must talk to you. If it's just a half hour, then let's not waste it dancing.'


And he led me to the door of the tower staircase, a narrow spiral of wrought iron. We walked up one flight, then another. 'Wasn't that the gaming-room floor we just passed?' I asked.


'That's right - green felt tables, a roulette wheel, dice, cards. You can say you've seen it.' Already he was opening the door to the fourth floor and leading me through. The hallway was lit by only one wall lamp, and the dark red carpet seemed somehow harsh. There was wallpaper, a matching striped pattern that I found looked rather tawdry, and said so.


'Brad's taste,' said Steven. 'He decorated this floor like a whorehouse. It's where he keeps his woman. She's just down the hall at the end, the last door on the left. Did you wonder why you didn't see her downstairs? It's Brad's way of being respectable tonight, so he can please all the guests and make land customers out of them.'


He walked as quickly as he spoke, and by the time he had finished he had stopped, taken a key from his pocket, and unlocked a door on the right side of the hall - the only door that I could see. 'Come on in before anyone sees us.'


He closed the door and turned the key before I quite realized what he had done, for I was staring at the room before me. It was lit by moonlight streaming down over a huge bed, several sofas, and a large, cold fireplace from a high ceiling that was made entirely of glass panes. The cascade of cool light transformed everything: the furniture, the bed, Steven, and me. I felt like a statue for a long moment, to see the glow the moonlight made on my dress and the smooth flesh of my arms as Steven gently slid off my glove. Then I felt the warm surge of passion that I knew I had kept hidden for seven days and nights. I had to fight it off, had to contain it with all the strength I had. I pressed my lips together tightly and made my voice hard as I drew away from him.


'So, you intend to see me regularly, once a week without so much as speaking to me the rest of the time? That's rather an unrealistic fantasy on your part, I must say.'


'Let's not waste time with games. I left for Harrisburg early Sunday morning, on Brad's orders. I've seen no one all week but greedy, tedious legislators, each one certain his vote will be more valuable to us than the next. I've been haggling over land grants and rights of way and charters, and doling out petty bribes and favors and jobs until I'm sick of the entire business. All week. All for a pack of votes that will . . . well, never mind that. Just call it something Brad wants, all right?' His voice softened. 'I did think about you.'


He moved closer to me. The little cleft in the centre of his chin, where I had kissed him a week ago, appeared deeper in the moonlight. His eyes had a silvered haze over their dark surface. Suddenly I was frightened again.


He took me gently but firmly by the hand. 'You don't fool me at all, Catherine. I saw you last week and I see you now, and I can tell that you want me. You didn't expect me to send a messenger to your house with a note from Harrisburg last week, did you, now?'


Still I resisted him. 'What was it you wanted to talk about?'


'All in due time,' he said. 'First I want you.'


My eyes widened, in shocked surprise. 'You can't be serious - not here.' I was astonished, but I was doubly shocked when I felt how the idea excited me.


His hands were at my waist, unyielding, and he looked down at my breasts, unabashed, openly admiring them. 'That's a nice dress, Catherine. I wouldn't want to spoil it. Take it off.'


'You're insane,' I said. 'I'm expected downstairs any minute.' I tried to still my hidden desire for him.


'We've been away from your doctor escort not quite five minutes so far. There's plenty of time. Take off the dress.'


'I will not.'


'You will. You belong to me. Even if you won't admit it in public, you're going to show me now that we're alone.'


He drew me to him and covered my mouth with his, and I struggled to break free, desperate to keep back the response he demanded. But he parted my lips and I gave way, and suddenly I could contain myself no longer. He kissed me fully, satisfyingly, knowing well the effect he was having as I clung to him. I wanted to stop myself. But I knew that, really, I did not. And would not.


Time seemed to halt until he finally released me. Holding me at arm's length, he looked deep into my eyes. 'I want you, I said. And you want me. Isn't that right, Catherine?'


I refused to speak. I burned with desire, and I could feel my body trembling.


'You want me,' he said. 'Say it. You want me. You belong to me.'


'I don't belong to you, Steven,' I said. 'I won't say that.'


'You know it's true.'


His hands were at the back of my dress, loosening the clasps. I thought to stop him, but then an idea came to me. Soon the dress lay on the carpet, a silver-pink cloud. Then off came my petticoat. Before I knew it, I stood naked before him.


He could not take his eyes off me. But he still needed somehow to assert control. 'Say it - you want me.'


'We both want each other. An I don't think you can stop yourself, no matter what I say. Can you?'


We were both too far gone to stop, and I knew it. But at least I had the satisfaction of taking back a small bit of control. Steven could wait no longer. He did not wait even to take back the covers of the bed. The touch of his body on mine made me cry out with pleasure.


And every movement seemed to increase a hard, sweet torment of desire that built and built, until at last, as I felt him shudder and moan, I, too, found release.


I did not look at him as I dressed, though I felt his eyes on me all the while. I hated the way he had tried to control me, even as I hated myself for responding. I had made such plans to remain aloof, and where were they now? Yes, came a voice from within me, but I had also taken control for a moment there, and, ultimately I had done what I wanted, had I not? I shook my head. There was no way for me to sort out my feelings just then. I dressed swiftly, a little surprised to find that, though I felt weak all over, my hands still worked with skill and speed.


He was looking at his watch when I finished, an amused half-smile on his face. 'I'm afraid we have used up our time.' Irony was heavy in his voice. 'But I still want to show you the other reason I brought you up here.'


'You're impossible,' I said. 'I never want to see you again.'


'You don't mean that. You can no more stay away from me than I can from you. I've wanted you all week. If I'd had my way, you'd have spent the night here with me. But no, you come up here with another man and you give me a half hour of your time. And I'm supposed to be grateful to waltz you around and then pat the other man on the back and wish the two of you a good night? Don't talk to me about that. Here, look at this. Brad said I should show it to you.'


'I don't want to look at anything. I only want to go downstairs and get away from here.' Suddenly the room, with its strange, cold light, was making me very upset.


He shrugged. 'As you wish. But you really should read it. It explains a number of things.'

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