Read Lee and His Men at Gettysburg: The Death of a Nation Online
Authors: Clifford Dowdey
Allan, Col. William, 355, 356, 359
Allen, Col., 319
Anderson, Brig. Gen. G. T., 207, 212, 216, 377
Anderson, Maj. Gen. Richard H., 31, 86-7, 90, 98, 99, 100, 101, 154, 157, 175, 189, 190, 192-3 219, 220, 225-30, 249, 259, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282, 330, 341-2, 348-9, 373, 382
Andrews (artillery commander, Johnson’s division), 232
Annals of the War,
356, 366
Appomattox, 364
Archer, Brig. Gen. James J., 87, 93, 95-7, 145, 273, 278, 304, 312, 315, 319, 354, 356, 361, 380
Armistead, Keith, 271
Armistead, Brig. Gen. Lewis A., 269, 270-4, 291, 295-6, 305, 309, 315, 318-22, 327, 331, 357, 358, 361-2, 370, 373, 375
Armistead, Gen. Walker, 271
Avery, Col. Isaac, 234, 377
Bachelder, John D., 360, 361-2
Baird, Capt. Ed, 310, 316, 326
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 72
Baltimore pike, 111, 251, 260
Baltimore and Potomac Railroad, 129
Barbee, Will, 211-12
Barksdale, Brig. Gen. William, 176, 217-22, 224-5, 375
Barlow, Gen. Francis C, 137, 140-1
Battle, Col. Cullen A., 134, 137-8, 379
Battles and Leaders,
356, 359, 360, 369
Beale, Lieut. G. W., 65, 67, 71, 74, 75, 357, 366
Beale, Col. R. L. T., 65, 68, 71, 75, 366
Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T., 27-8, 283
Beckham, Maj. R. F., 383
Benner’s Hill, 232
Benning, Brig. Gen. H. L., 207, 212-13, 377
Berkeley brothers (Albemarle County), 268, 320
Big Bethel, 135
Birney, Maj. Gen. David Bell, 204, 209, 213, 214, 215, 216, 222-3
Bismarck, Otto von, 170
Blackburn, Sergt. (53rd Virginia), 305, 309
Blackford, Susan Leigh, 366
Blackford, Lieut. Col. William Willis, 42, 71, 74, 243, 366
Bliss house and barn, 275
Blocher house, 143, 144, 146, 151, 368
Bloom, John, 41
Borcke, Heros von, 56, 366
Bowers, Claude, 168
Bradfield, Pvt. (1st Texas), 210
Bragg, Gen. Braxton, 23, 28
Brandy Station, 38, 52, 56
Bright, Capt. Robert A., 310, 313, 316, 325-6, 331, 358
Brockenbrough, Miss Eleanor, 365
Brockenbrough, Col. John M., 87, 93, 97, 278, 304, 311-12, 365, 368, 380
Brown, Col. J. Thompson, 379
Brown, John, 53
Brown, Mrs. Lizinka, 121
Bryan, Lieut. Col. (4th Texas), 211
Buford, Gen. John, 90-1, 94-5, 102, 131, 244, 256
Bull Run, Battles of,
Bull Run Mountains, 62, 65
Burnside, Gen. A. E., 170, 307
Bushong, Millard Kessler, 367
Byrd, Pvt., 308
Cabell, Col. Henry C, 249, 275, 320, 363, 375
Caldwell, Lieut. J. F. F., 41, 367
Carlisle, 7, 12, 46, 48, 67, 75, 76, 92, 101, 119, 125, 126, 127, 129, 142
Carter, Lieut. Col. Thomas H., 211, 379
Cashtown, 7, 13, 48, 50, 73, 77-8, 90, 91, 92, 96, 98-9, 126, 127-8, 130, 154, 177, 346; turnpike, 96, 100, 101, 105, 106-7, 132, 142, 242, 250
Casler, John O., 367
Catton, Bruce, 367
Causbey, Mrs. Lewis, 365
Cemetery Hill, 91, 111, 113, 115, 117, 139, 143, 144, 145, 148-9, 150-1, 156, 160, 163, 182, 188, 202, 226-7, 231-2, 234-6, 237, 238, 277, 303, 317, 318, 334
Cemetery Ridge, 111, 113, 115, 117, 156, 180, 182, 183, 184-8, 202-4, 222-5, 228, 229, 247, 249, 260, 262, 265, 275, 282, 309, 328, 331, 343, 354
Centreville, 62, 66, 67
Chamberlaine, William W., 361, 367
Chamberlayne, C. G., 367
Chamberlayne, Lieut. Ham, 40, 367
Chambersburg, 3-5, 7-12, 41, 45, 46-7, 49-50, 67, 69, 72, 99, 100, 120, 126, 127, 129, 157, 173, 265, 283, 346, 367, 369; pike, 158, 178, 237, 346
Chambliss, Col. John, 64, 73, 383
Chancellorsville, 21-2, 24, 30, 34, 35, 61, 70, 83, 85, 87, 93, 117, 124, 132, 135, 137, 138 154, 163 166, 172, 175, 204, 235, 265, 348, 379
Childers, Dick, 211
Citadel, The, 208
Cobb (Georgia Legion), 375, 383
Coekrell, Monroe F., 364, 367
Codori, N. (barn and house), 294, 314, 316
Coleman, Dr. Walter, 366
Colie, Runyon, 366
Collins, John L., 359
Confederate Museum, 365
Confederate Veteran, The,
Conrad, Bryan, 368
Cooke (Dole’s brigade), 373
Cooke, Flora, 53
Cooke, John Esten, 367
Cooke, Brig. Gen. John R„ 380
Cooke Col Philip St. George, 53
Corbeil, Sallie (Mrs. George Pickett) 264, 265-7 272 280 347 371-2
Corse, Brig. Gen. M. D., 347, 376
Crocker, Judge James F., 358
Crutchfield, Col. Stapleton, 287, 379
Culp, Pvt. Wesley, 159
Culp’s Hill, 111, 113, 115, 139, 145-7, 148, 151, 156, 159-61, 182, 188, 202, 226, 231-3, 250, 257, 260-2, 278, 333-1, 371
Culpeper, 37, 38
Cushing (Federal artillerist), 321, 327
Custer’s Last Stand, 372
Daniel, Frederick S., 368
Daniel, Brig. Gen. Junius, 133-8, 260, 261-3, 334, 373, 379
Davis, Jefferson, 14-19, 20-9, 31, 33, 34-6, 39, 41, 49, 77, 87, 88, 107, 112, 251, 259, 265, 313, 347, 365, 366, 376, 380, 383
Davis, Brig. Gen. Joseph R., 35, 87, 93, 96-7, 278, 304, 311, 312-13, 380
Dawson, Francis W., 368
Dearing, Maj. James, 275-6, 291, 328, 376
Devil’s Den, 202-4, 205, 211-13, 215, 247, 249, 337, 373
Dickert, D. Augustus, 368
Dickinson College, 75, 126
Dictionary of American Biography, 360
Doles, Brig. Gen. George C, 133-5, 137-8, 139, 238-9, 262, 277, 341, 373, 379
Donald, David, 362
Dooley, Capt. Tohn, 273, 360, 368
Doubleday, Maj. Gen. Abner, 86, 95-7, 102, 132, 175, 354, 356-7
Douglas, Henry Kyd, 40-1, 142-3, 368
Douthat, Capt. Robert, 327-8
Dowdey, Clifford, 365
Dunaway, Wayland F., 368
Dundee plantation, 54
Durkin, Joseph T„ S.J., 368
Early, Maj. Gen. Jubal A., 7, 12, 46, 48, 73, 75, 81, 101, 103-4, 113, 117, 122-3, 125, 127-9, 132, 136, 138, 139, 147-52, 156-9, 160, 168, 188, 231-4, 237, 238, 251, 271, 334, 355, 358, 367, 368, 375, 377, 380
East Cemetery Hill, 188, 232, 234-6, 237, 238;
see also
Cemetery Hill
Eckenrode, H. J., 368
Edward’s Ferry, 62, 68
Eggleston, George Carey, 368
Emmitsburg road, 69, 111, 184-5, 195, 198, 202, 203, 205-7, 210, 220-4, 227, 230, 245, 249, 274-5, 281, 309, 314, 337, 361, 367
Emory University, 363
Eschleman, Maj. B. F., 292, 377
Evan, Clement, 360
Evergreen Cemetery, 111
Ewell, Lieut. Gen. Richard Stod-dert, 6-7, 8, 12, 31, 38, 39, 40-1, 46, 47, 48, 49, 59, 67, 69, 73, 75, 92, 99, 101, 103, 104, 108, 109,
Ewell, Lieut. Gen. Richard Stoddert 113-31
139, 141-61, 177, 181, 182, 188-9, 193, 226-7, 230-1, 233, 234, 239, 245, 255, 257, 260-3, 268, 278, 287, 333-4, 336, 338-9, 347, 349, 358, 363, 367, 368, 369, 371, 374, 377
Fairfax, Maj. (Longstreet’s aide), 11
Fairfax Court House, 67
Farley (Stuart’s aide), 56
Farnsworth, Brig. Gen. E. J., 73-4, 336
Field, Brig. Gen. Charles W., 87, 278, 311, 380
First Manassas, 79, 124, 166, 175, 270, 271, 283;
see also
Flaherty house, 200
Fletcher, W. A., 368
Forney farmhouse, 132
Fortress Monroe, 23
Franklin Hotel (Chambersburg), 3
Frederick, 11-12, 59, 69, 72
Fredericksburg, 18, 37, 38, 61, 84, 89, 107, 166, 169, 170, 171, 190, 242, 251, 265, 284, 307, 381
Freeman, Dr. Douglas Southall, 353, 362, 366
Fremantle, Col. Arthur James Lyon, 114, 264, 300, 325, 343, 345, 351, 367, 368-9
Fry, Col. B. D., 97, 273, 304, 312, 315, 319, 356, 361, 380
Gaines’ Mill, 174, 219, 265
Gantt, Col. Henry, 329
Garnett, Lieut. Col. John J., 381
Garnett, Brig. Gen. Richard B., 269-70, 273, 278, 281-3, 291, 295-6, 300, 305, 314-20, 322, 329, 331, 360, 361-2, 369, 370, 374, 375
“Gettysburg Controversy,” 168-9, 209, 356;
see also
Longstreet, James
Gettysburg National Military Park, 366
Gettysburg National Park Commission, 360
Gibbon, Gen. John, 359
Giles, Pvt. (4th Texas), 215
Godwin, Col. Archibald, 234
Gordon, Brig. Gen. John B., 123, 136, 137, 138, 139-43, 147, 150, 159, 209, 233-4, 239, 334, 369, 373, 378