Leaves of Hope (25 page)

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Authors: Catherine Palmer

BOOK: Leaves of Hope
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1. Do you think Beth should have opened the cardboard box with her name on it? Why or why not? Is it ever all right to disobey a parent’s wishes?

2. Why do you think Jan kept the tea set Thomas Wood had given her? Why do you think she put the note inside it? Do you believe she told Beth the truth about her reasons for holding on to the gift from Thomas?

3. What do you think of Jan’s relationship with John Lowell? Was she right to have married him? Do you believe she really loved him? Did he really love her? What kind of man do you think he was—and why did he behave as he did? How does Beth feel toward John before and after the discovery of the teapot?

4. Why is Jan so upset to discover that her hair color has been discontinued? What does the dye symbolize to her? How do Jan’s feelings about her age change through the story? Why?

5. Jan has always painted roses. Why was she so determined to put her daughter into a pink bedroom? Why are the sayings on the walls and paintings of the roses so important to Jan? Why does she suddenly start painting children?

6. What do you think of Beth’s attitude and behavior toward her mother? Should she have confronted Jan about her discovery of the note? When she was dealing with the news about her birth father, did her life give evidence of her faith in Christ? She regularly talks about running a race. What does she mean by that?

7. How are Jan and Beth different? Are they alike in any way? How have they affected and changed each other through the years?

8. What part does Jim Blevins play in Jan’s life? Do you think she treats him well? How does Jim play a role in Beth’s life? What do you suppose will happen to Jim?

9. Miles Wilson describes himself as “boorish.” What sort of man is he when Beth meets him? Why does she have such a powerful impact upon him? Why is Malcolm Wilson important in his brother’s life? What kind of man is Miles at the end of the book?

10. Do you believe Jan and Miles were right when they decided their new faith in Christ should bear physical evidence of change? Did they really need to go all the way to India to prove it? What did Jan and Miles mean when they discussed that Beth seemed to “glow”? Paul said that any person who gives his or her life to Christ becomes a new creation. Do you believe that new life in Christ always brings about a dramatic change? How did Beth, Jan, Miles and Thomas live out their faith?

To ask questions or for further information,
please visit the author’s Web site:


ISBN 978-1-55254-463-1


Copyright © 2006 by Catherine Palmer

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents and places are the products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real. While the author was inspired in part by actual events, none of the characters in the book is based on an actual person. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

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About the Author

Author of over 35 novels with more than one million copies sold, Catherine Palmer is a Christy Award winner for outstanding Christian romance fiction. Her Christian Booksellers Association bestsellers include
Sunrise Song,
A Dangerous Silence
A Victorian Christmas Tea
. Her general fiction title,
The Happy Room,
ranked among the top five books on the CBA&rsquos hardcover bestseller list. Catherine&rsquos numerous awards include Best Historical Romance, Best Contemporary Romance, Best of Romance from Southwest Writers Workshop and Most Exotic Historical Romance Novel from
Romantic Times
magazine. She is also a
Romantic Times
Career Achievement Award nominee.

Catherine grew up in Bangladesh and Kenya. She now lives in Missouri with her husband of over 25 years and their two sons. A graduate of Southwest Baptist University, she also holds a master&rsquos degree from Baylor University.

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