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Authors: Shanna Hatfield

Learnin' The Ropes (12 page)

BOOK: Learnin' The Ropes
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“The baby. Beth went into labor this morning. We’ve been here at the hospital for about an hour. The doctor said it could be a while before things get moving along, but I wanted to let you know we are going to have a baby today.”

“Oh, man, this is awesome.” Elation and fear filled him with conflicting feelings. He hoped the delivery would go smoothly and both Beth and the baby would be fine. After his first-hand experience in delivering livestock babies, he had a new appreciation for what women suffered through during the trials of childbirth. “How’s Beth?”

Nate’s grinned carried across the connection. “She’s doing really well. She said she’d talk to you the next go round, assuming we’ll be checking in periodically until the baby arrives.”

“Sounds good,” Ty leaned against the workbench. “Are all systems a go with your phone?”

“Yep. I’ll Skype you as soon as things get exciting. Beth made me promise that neither I nor the phone will have a view of anything south of the equator.”

“Too much info, man,” Ty said with a laugh. He just wanted to be able to hear the baby’s first cry and see the look on Beth’s face when she held it in her arms. Anything beyond that, he had no interest in being a part of and certainly didn’t want to see it live via Nate’s phone.

“I’ll call you in an hour or so. Make sure you’ve got the computer ready to connect.”

“I will. Give Beth a hug for me.” Ty disconnected the call. It was going to be hard to keep his head in his work when he really wanted to be at the hospital in Portland, waiting outside Beth’s door. If he asked, Lexi would more than likely let him have the time off, but they were so busy on the ranch, he hated to consider requesting a few days away.  He’d been at the Rockin’ R a little more than a month and didn’t feel like he’d earned the right to ask.

An hour slipped by without a call from Nate, so Ty continued working for another thirty minutes before he had to know what was happening. Nate answered on the second ring when he called.

“Hey,” Ty said as Nate answered. “Any exciting news?”

“Not yet, but she is progressing right on schedule.” Nate sounded distracted. “The doctor said it will be another hour or so before anything really starts to happen. I won’t give you any details, but just be glad you are there, man. The experience of giving birth seems to make women uncharacteristically cranky.”

Ty chuckled.

“I’ve been witness to several births here on the ranch and I can agree to that statement. Only imagine having a mama who can kick you through a wall and weighs several hundred pounds.”

“No thanks, bro. I’ll stick with my lovely little wife,” Nate said. “I’m putting her on the phone right now.”

“Hello?” Beth sounded out of breath when she spoke.

“Hey, Bethie. How are you?” Ty tried not to fret at the strain he detected in her voice.

“As good as I can be under the circumstances.” Beth sighed. “After this experience, this baby may be an only child, but the doctor assures me everyone says that their first time.”

“I’ll be a proud uncle to however many you decide to have,” Ty teased. “Nate said you’re doing great and it shouldn’t be much longer. I’m anxious to find out if I’m right and it’s a boy.”

“You and Nate just won’t quit, will you? He’s convinced this baby is going to be the next star quarterback at Oregon State.”

“You know it,” Ty agreed. He and Nate had many lengthy discussions about what position the baby might play in football and which college had the best sports program.

“Ty, I want you to know how much I…” Beth stopped and gasped as another contraction ripped through her.

“You okay, sis?” Ty asked, concerned.

“Just a contraction,” Beth said between pants for breath. “Gotta go.”

Ty stared at the phone after Beth hung up, worried about her. He busied himself with repairs on the old truck. Another thirty minutes passed before he abandoned all efforts at concentrated on his work.

He called Nate for an update.

“The doctor doesn’t think it will be much longer before Beth hits the final stages of labor. I’ll call you back as soon as we know anything.” Nate disconnected the call.

Without the ability to focus on his work, Ty mindlessly browsed online, trying to find a baby gift. When that didn’t work as a distraction, he paced back and forth across the shop floor, waiting for Nate to call.

Baby had gone from resting in the corner on her blanket to pacing along with Ty. The more he worried about Nate calling, the more anxious Baby became. She finally let out a howl that made Ty cringe from the noise and stop his pacing. He slapped his leg and the dog ran over, leaning against him with a whine.

“Have I got you all upset, Baby?” Ty scratched behind her ears. “I’m sorry, girl.”

“What’s the ruckus all about?” Swede hurried inside the shop, out of breath. Lexi and Jimmy weren’t far behind, running into the shop. From the dog’s ear-piercing howl, they assumed some tragedy had befallen her.

Ty gave them a chagrined look. “Sorry. I got a little anxious and Baby seemed to pick up on it more than I thought she would.”

Lexi took a step forward and studied Ty. Concern and worry replaced his normally calm and aloof demeanor.

“Is everything okay?” she asked, placing a warm hand on his arm. A burst of heat raced through her hand to her shoulder at the contact.

“Everything is fine. It’s just, um…” Ty hesitated to share too much.  He certainly didn’t want the guys thinking he was mushy and emotional, even though he wasn’t. This was his only sibling, though. With a long sigh, he raked his hand through his hair. “My sister is having a baby today… now… and I’m waiting for my brother-in-law to call. He’s going to try to Skype it, so I can feel like I’m there.”

“Well, don’t thet beat all?” Swede slapped him on the back with a big grin. “What’s Skype?”

“It’s a way of calling someone but instead of just talking on the phone, you can actually see who you’re talking to,” Lexi explained. “It’s basically like a live video feed.”

“Ya tuggin’ my rope?” Swede asked, looking at Lexi doubtfully.

“Nope. That’s the honest truth.” Lexi held up her hand like she made a vow. She turned to Ty, fisted her hands on her hips and gave him a narrowed glare. “Why didn’t you tell me your sister was expecting? I would have given you time off.”

“I figured you would, but there is a lot of work that needs to be done here.” Ty waved  his hand at the dismantled truck engine for emphasis.

“Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more important than family.” Lexi huffed.

She herself didn’t understand that until it was far too late. If she had, she might not have run off to Portland right after high school. At the very least, she would have come home to be with her dad before the cancer took his mind and then his life. She’d give anything to have a few hours to spend visiting with him.

“Yes ma’am, I do.” Ty wondered what he’d done to make Lexi mad. Fiery sparks shot from her eyes as she glowered at him. If he wasn’t so upset about Beth, he might have admired the color her anger added to her cheeks. “Being the new guy on the job, I didn’t feel right about asking for time off.”

“Well, that is just the most as…” Whatever Lexi might have said was cut off by the ringing of Ty’s phone.

Ty answered on the first ring. “Hey, Nate. Yep, I’m ready.” Ty turned to the computer. “Let’s see if it works.”

He held his breath and waited a moment before he stared into Beth’s delivery room, looking Nate in the face

“Hey, bro! Good to see you,” Nate said, noticing a group of people standing behind Ty. “This is turning into a regular party.”

Ty turned to the three people and dog behind him with a broad grin. He motioned them forward and they gathered closer to the computer.

“This is Lexi Ryan, my boss,” Ty said, introducing Lexi first. She waved at the computer and smiled. He introduced Swede next. The older man took off his hat and smiled politely. Jimmy, who was usually full of teasing and jokes, remained oddly quiet, soaking in both the technology and the experience. Not to be left out, Baby barked twice and nuzzled next to Ty. “And this is Baby.”

“Hi Baby and crew,” Nate said with a laugh. Baby barked again and wagged her enormous tail, beating it against Ty’s leg. “The doc says it won’t be long now, so I’m going to stand up here by Beth’s head. Here’s Beth. Wave to your brother, honey.”

“Hey, Ty,” Beth said, forcing herself not to take the phone from her husband and throw it against the wall. The last thing she wanted was to have anyone watch her let alone half of the ranch crew where Ty worked.

Ty forced himself to keep smiling as he looked at Beth’s pale, sweat-glazed face and saw her grimace in pain.

“Are you doing okay, Beth?” Ty asked, alarmed.

“Just great,” she said, panting through another contraction. “I’d be even better if you two could talk on the phone like normal people without involving me up close and personal.”

“Too late for that,” Ty said as Nate took the camera off Beth’s face.

“She’s getting a little testy,” Nate whispered with a wink into the phone. The sound of a resounding slap carried through the air and Nate’s hand jerked. “And violent. She’s also getting violent.”

Ty and Swede chuckled while Lexi smiled. Ty turned to the three people standing behind him. “Are you all staying?”

At their nods, he pulled over two more stools and the rolling mechanics seat, so they could sit down. Baby put her head on his lap and whimpered.

Nate held his phone turned toward the window in one hand and had Beth’s hand in the other. They could hear Beth’s pants, gasps, and muffled cries, along with instructions from the doctor to push, and Nate’s encouraging dialogue as she labored to deliver the baby.

When the doctor said, “here we go,” all four of the adults in the shop leaned forward, anxious to see or hear something.

The cry of a baby filled the space just as Nate turned the phone to show the doctor lifting the baby up and handing him to a nurse.

“It’s a boy! It’s a boy!” Nate said, clearly excited. “Bro, you were right on.”

A sound behind them caused Swede, Ty and Lexi to turn just in time to watch Jimmy pass out and fall to the floor. Swede and Lexi rushed to his aid, while Ty kept one eye on Jimmy and one on the computer screen.

A few moments passed in what seemed like hours then Beth smiled as a nurse placed the baby in her arms.

“He’s beautiful, Beth. Just like you,” Ty said, wishing he could be there in person. Virtually was almost as good. “Congrats, Nate, you’ve got a fine son.”

“Thanks, man.” Nate held the phone so Ty could see the three of them — Nate, Beth and the baby.

Ty’s heart felt like warm syrup. “Did you ever decide on a name?”

“Yes, Ty, we did.” Beth sounded exhausted but happy. “We’re going to name him Jaxton Nathaniel Jarvis. After Nate and you.”

“Aw, Beth.” Ty struggled to speak as his throat closed with emotion. He swallowed twice and drew in a cleansing breath. “That’s a great name. Thank you.”

“Thank you, Ty, for all your help. We couldn’t have made it the last month without you,” Nate said.  As though he suddenly recalled the audience, he held the phone out farther and smiled. “Nice to meet all of you at the Rockin’ R Ranch. Thanks for taking care of Ty for us.”

“Nice to meet you, Nate, and congratulations on your beautiful baby boy,” Lexi said with a wave. Jimmy had come around and turned the shade of an overripe tomato at fainting. Unsteadily, he rose to his feet as Swede patted him on the back and told him not to worry about it.

Nate and Ty said goodbye and then the screen went blank.

“Well, I never in all my born days would have imagined somethin’ like thet,” Swede said, slapping Ty on the shoulder. “Congratulations, uncle.”

Ty grinned from ear to ear, unable to stop. “Thanks. And thanks for making it possible for me to share that with them. It meant a lot to us.”

“Is Beth your only sister?” Jimmy finally asked, as his color returned to normal.

“Yep. She’s the only family I have left in this world, and she’s pretty special to me,” Ty said, opening the door to his heart a little more than he intended.

While it was cracked open, Lexi took advantage of a peek inside and liked what she saw.

“Really, Ty, congratulations. That was just amazing,” Lexi said, giving him an impulsive hug then quickly pulling back. Although brief, that moment confirmed her suspicions that she could spend the rest of her life wrapped up in Ty’s arms.

Ty cleared his throat and ran his hand through his disheveled hair. Lexi wanted to follow his fingers through the thick, tousled locks but instead clasped her hands in front of her.

“Thanks again. After all this excitement, I think I’m ready for some lunch. Anyone want a sandwich?” Ty asked, opening the shop refrigerator door.



Long into the evening, Ty worked in the shop. He rubbed his tired eyes as Lexi strode into the shop. He didn’t need to turn and see her standing inside the door to know she was there. Her scent floated around him, engulfing his senses and yanking his nerve endings to attention.

She smelled fresh and sweet, with just a hint of something floral.  At that particular moment, he found the aroma more enticing than his overloaded senses could process. He took a deep breath and inhaled a good whiff of cleaning solvent to help him focus.

BOOK: Learnin' The Ropes
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