Learn to Fly (65 page)

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Authors: Heidi Hutchinson

BOOK: Learn to Fly
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Blake corrected him, shaking his head. “You can’t check
Lenny out anymore.”

not?” Sway was getting overly frustrated.

they’re married now. That would be like checking out your
sister.” Blake answered matter of fact.

Sway sighed heavily
as he thought that one through. “Fine.” He slumped his
shoulders in resignation.


happened with that girl you were seeing?” Mike asked now that
he was off the phone. Sway was always a little tamer and easier to
get along with when he was in a relationship. His attitude indicated
he was single again.

she left me for a stunt man.” Sway mumbled.

I’m sorry man.” Mike meant that, he didn’t like
to see his friends get hurt.

all right. Apparently he can set himself on fire.” Sway tried
to lighten his expression. “How can I really compete with

Mike still found it
amazing that Sway had been in a monogamous relationship for more than
a month. It really showed growth.

Of course, they were
all growing, weren’t they? Luke getting married was just the
first big step. It would only snowball from here. As he looked
around Blake’s loft at his closest friends he felt a peaceful
energy deep inside. He, for one, was looking forward to what the
future would bring. It was time to see what they were capable of in
real life.


I'm not sure this
story would have ever gotten completed if it wasn't for Scott Colby
and the fantastic ladies of FFP. Your strength and encouragement
helped push me through so many obstacles at once. Thank you for all
that you are.

To my lovely group
of beta readers. Those of you who read the first and ugliest draft
and encouraged me to keep going until it was better: Laura, Emily,
Jennifer, Lisa, Tania and Julie. And of course everyone who stuck
with me through every draft after that, pushing through endless
revisions and providing tireless feedback and support: Laura (always
Laura, forever Laura), Amy, Des, Marissa, and Steven. And my loyal
fp fans, vivkifay and chocoyum94, I love you so much!

To my fabulous
editors Hillary and Dan. For putting up with my freakouts and
insecurities and being patient and kind to me despite it all.

Thanks to the Foo
Fighters who provided the soundtrack in my head as I wrote every

To my parents who
instilled a passion for great music and great love in my life. I
love you both more than I can express and am forever thankful for

my husband, Charles.
Because it's
not possible for me to hear 'Everlong' without thinking of you.
Because you've changed my life in amazing and unexpected ways.
Because I'm so incredibly thankful for your presence in my life.
Because you are my very best friend.

Thank you, God, for giving me this life and these people
in it. My cup runneth over.

About the Author

Heidi Hutchinson is an incorrigible idealist with a deep
love for art, coffee and fabulous music in general and rock and roll
in particular. She writes about all of these subjects as often as
life allows.

She lives in the Midwest with her alarmingly handsome
husband and their fearless child where they eat more pizza than God

You can contact her on her Facebook page

or her blog

or her Twitter @ChosenbyFaith

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