
Read Leandros Online

Authors: Leandros

Tags: #paranormal, Erotic romance

BOOK: Leandros
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Vicky’s plan was a hiking expedition to Mount Olympus. Ending up in an unearthly villa with a Greek demigod was not on the agenda.

When the Greek demigod flashed his law enforcement badge and accused her of carrying STX, Vicky almost laughed. In reality, she all but swooned as she took in his powerful build and azure eyes. He looked a lot like the men in her erotic fantasies, but he was no ordinary man. He was a fearsome immortal with a dark sexuality. A dangerous m

Her few relationships with conservative men hardly translated into the image of a sexual tigress, so why did this demigod invite her to a private villa on Mount Olympus? She was a rational woman, except for this moment, when her reaction to him frightened her in a way that was too tempting to ignore.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2013 Celia Jade

ISBN: 978-1-77111-441-7

Cover art by Carmen Waters

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Celia Jade

Chapter One

Vicky placed one more summer dress in her suitcase, and satisfied that her vacation wardrobe was complete, pulled the zippers along the seam until they joined. She had been looking forward to this vacation to Greece ever since she booked it with Sky’s the Limit Adventures, a company that specialized in outdoor, active vacations for singles. She didn’t care to meet a man on this trip, but none of her friends shared her desire to tour ancient ruins and hike up rugged mountains. Also, despite her independent nature, Vicky wasn’t comfortable visiting a foreign country alone.

Her flight from JFK International Airport was scheduled to leave at 2:00 pm tomorrow and she wanted a good night’s rest to reduce the impending jet lag. After wheeling the suitcase into the corridor by the living room, she pulled on a cotton camisole and matching shorts and curled into bed with a book. She read a few chapters before the weariness of the work week drew her into a deep sleep.

The annoying buzz of the doorbell pierced the hazy cloud of her dream. She woke with a start, unsure if the sound was real. She blinked in the darkness of the room and heard it again. She frowned. It was real. Swinging her legs off the side of the bed, she padded down the corridor to the front door.
Who the heck is ringing at this time of the night? Whatever time it is.
She rubbed her eyes and peered through the peep hole. A stab of concern went through her. She opened the door and took in the sheepish grin on her twin sister’s face. She gave her the once-over and when she assessed that her sister was fine—at least she looked fine—she stepped aside to let her in.

Despite the scowl tugging on her mouth, she felt the urge to make sure. “Are you okay?”

“Couldn’t be better.” Kay planted a kiss on Vicky’s cheek and brushed past her in a soft cloud of expensive perfume.

Vicky shook her head, not unaccustomed to her sister’s quirkiness. Though twins, they couldn’t be more different. Physically, it was hard to tell them apart. Though they wore their hair differently and had different taste in clothes, the basic features were almost identical, long dark blonde hair, wide hazel eyes, and a delicate nose balanced by a strong chin and plump lips.

Kay had always been a wild-child, a constant source of anxiety and headaches for Mom and Dad. She was bright but erratic and had suffered from impulsiveness and indecision early in her teens and throughout college, until she decided to pursue modelling. A wise choice, because she wouldn’t have been able to hold a conservative job. Her sister had so far managed to land modelling contracts regularly.

Vicky closed the door and heaved a sigh, unwilling to entertain whatever nutty business her sister had been up to. Her body begged her to get back to bed, but she couldn’t ignore Kay. She crossed the floor and flicked on the tall standing lamp in the corner of the living room.

“It’s late…what’s up, Kay?”

Kay had already tossed her leather jacket and her clutch onto the sofa and ran a hand through her silky-straight hair. “Chill out, sis. I was at a party not far from here.”

Vicky’s patience was thinning fast, but now in the light, she noticed the high flush on her sister’s cheeks. Her sister wasn’t the blushing type.

“Have any wine?” Kay asked.

The question registered a few seconds later. “Um, no. Weren’t you just at a party?”

“Any kind of alcohol at all?” Normally, this would have been asked with blunt boredom, yet her sister was the picture of a content cat.

Worry now edged into her wakening mind. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but it was becoming apparent that Kay was not herself. She watched her ease lazily onto the sofa and pull out a packet of cigarettes. Kay knew Vicky didn’t smoke and didn’t allow smoking in her home. Despite this, she lit a cigarette and blew a tendril of smoke into the air.

My God…is she…?
Vicky stepped closer to get a better look. “Are you high?”

The hazel eyes that looked back at her were not glazed but very calm and alert and in that moment, Vicky’s senses picked up an unusual energy from her sister. She swallowed the knot in her throat. “Kay?”

“Sheesh, Vicks. I haven’t done that stuff in years. You know that.” As the glowing butt of her cigarette grew, Kay glanced at the large coffee table nearby. “You really need to get an ashtray.” Reaching out, she pulled the glass that Vicky had left there earlier toward her. It contained a bit of water. She tapped her cigarette over the rim.

Vicky crossed her arms over her chest, accepting her sister’s answer. Still, she pressed on. “Then what’s going on? There’s something strange about you.”

Kay dragged on the cigarette again and regarded her with those calm eyes for a silent moment. Then her mouth curved mischievously. “I met someone tonight. A super-hunky god, Vicks. Damn shame they’re not many of them.”

Vicky let out a soft, embarrassed groan, the obvious slapping her in the face. Her sister had had sex. Amazing sex from the looks of it. Heat pooled in her cheeks. No wonder she hadn’t recognized the signs—she’d barely gone near a man in almost a year. Not since her break up of a two-year relationship.

She was about to ask Kay why she wasn’t spending the night with Mr. Super-Hunky but she couldn’t afford to lose any more sleep. In any case, she was relieved that her sister was well, so she started back toward the bedroom. “You’ll have to tell me about him when I get back from Greece. Take the spare room. Sheets are clean.”

“Shit. I forgot about your trip. Sorry.”

“No prob.”

“Okay, goodnight.”

* * * *

Kay woke up early, feeling fully rested on just five hours of sleep. She tossed back the sheets with enthusiasm, looking forward to the weekend. She rarely made plans—they just happened. The pulse of energy and alertness still flowed through her body. She splashed cool water on her face in the washroom and ran her fingers through her hair.

Her sister had suspected she’d taken typical street drugs. She would be stupid to jeopardize her health and her career. Though what that sexy Belgian demigod had given her was quite illegal, it was no drug. It was a perfectly safe, magical potion that sharpened the senses and increased one’s natural skills five-fold. The effects would last only a week, but she could accomplish so much in that time. Presently, Universal Studios had a casting call for models for an action movie and she was improving her portfolio, determined to get an audition at least. The role was small, but the movie wasn’t. Her life could take an interesting and very successful turn.

Of course, she’d need some more STX, but that was no issue. Heck, she hadn’t even gone looking for it—the unearthly potion was hard to come by. But once she’d purred teasingly in Antoine’s ear last night, he’d surprised her with two samples. Then he’d promised more in exchange for sex. Several hot rolls on the bed with him were fine by her.

She returned to the bedroom where she pulled on her clothes and then located her clutch in the living room. Vicky was still asleep. She felt guilty for waking her up in the middle of the night, but she’d been on a euphoric high and opted to walk home instead of taking a cab. Four blocks later, she ended up in front of Vicky’s condo building. A couple was just going in through the main entrance and she slipped in behind them, hoping her sister was still up reading a book or something.

As she walked to the front door, her gaze fell on the assortment of travel bags on the floor. She smiled, happy that Vicky was finally going on that trip to Greece. She began walking past, but an idea halted her steps. She turned and surveyed the bags again, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

She’d kill me if she knew.
Her sister was ultra-ethical, which was fine, but too conservative for a woman in her mid-twenties, in Kay’s opinion. There were so many exciting pleasures in life. She paused for a few more seconds.
Vicks could definitely chill and have some real fun.
Kay reached into her bag and pulled out the second sample of STX, which came in a vial that resembled a perfume sample, then slipped it into the small handbag that was propped against the suitcase. The vial was unremarkable, its contents even less so to the human eye. With a pleased grin, she fetched the spare key from the vase in the wall alcove and locked the door behind her.

Chapter Two

Vicky’s flight from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Athens had been a little over nine hours. She’d settled in very nicely at the hotel in Athens where the rest of the expedition group were staying. The itinerary included a visit to the National Archaeological Museum and the Parthenon during the first two days. Now, on day three, she and the nine other hikers gazed up at the massive craggy facade of Mount Olympus that loomed above the starting point of the trek, mists of cloud swirling around the tallest peaks. Awe-inspiring. Intimidating. Much like the twelve gods themselves, Vicky mused. The lower slopes of the mountain were covered by dense green flora, which thinned toward the summit, exposing their stark, gray rock. The guide had told them that the mountain had formed over 200 million years ago from the bottom of the Aegean.

There would be a few stops en route to the first destination, refuge A, an ascent of about 6,800 feet. The primary destination was the three highest peaks of Olympus. Those who had the ability to conquer these could continue with the lead guide while the rest would stay the night at the refuge and return to town the next day. Vicky’s hiking skills were good, but the trio of summits required climbing knowledge that she lacked, and so she’d forego this final stretch to the throne of the gods.

“Impressive isn’t it?”

The man standing next to her pulled her attention. His name was Jim, which she recalled from the group introduction back in Athens. He was an attractive man in his early forties, leanly muscled, with warm brown eyes.

“Yes, it is. Though I wish I could make it to the top.”

“Have you done any mountain climbing?”

She shook her head and chuckled. “No, I’m not
daring. I’ll be stopping at the refuge.”

He gave her a sensible smile. “Yeah, the last stretch to the top is tough. The guide won’t let anyone without climbing experience go near it.” There was a fleeting hint of disappointment in his eyes but his smile lingered. “The trek to the refuge is a decent challenge and the view from there is stunning.”

Enthusiasm bubbled inside her. “I know. I can’t wait.”

The start of their hike began with a leisurely visit to a 16
century monastery named after its founder, St. Dionysios. They entered the courtyard through an opening in the original fortress wall surrounding the monastery. Despite the damage inflicted on the building during World War II, the ruins were an architecture of timeless beauty. Vicky felt an instant tranquility as she walked on the cobbled ground and looked around. The wall rose in compact gray stones around parts of the monastery, forming several rows of hollow arches both near the upper and the lower part. Wooden beams supported a balcony for what seemed to be the monk’s quarters. Among the restored sections of the monastery were crumbled, melancholy stones which allowed glimpses of the lush, green slopes of Olympus.

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